The game mode problem
12 сағат бұрын
The fall of Overwatch...
19 сағат бұрын
How I would SAVE Overwatch 2
BastionMain threw my game
21 күн бұрын
The ONLY Season 12 Tier List YOU NEED
Mercy NEEDS to be deleted...
So... Season 12 is pretty bad
Overwatch has lost its magic...
The Cheat Police is back
Ай бұрын
Getting diffed + HUGE EGO = ...
2 ай бұрын
The 5-stack problem
2 ай бұрын
Something needs to change...
Blizzard has officially LOST IT
r/Overwatch is full of idiots
Why I hate Quick Play
2 ай бұрын
Overwatch has lost its complexity
@GoibniuNihiliste 5 минут бұрын
I actually do not also like women because women like penis, and thats pretty gay.
@jug-eun 14 минут бұрын
Your aim seems to be getting better, is the hand healing?
@GREED_EU 13 минут бұрын
Hand is all good. Back on 8cm. Maybe gonna make a returning to Kovaaks vid because it's been well over 6 months since I've trained even in the slightest, likely longer
@jug-eun 10 минут бұрын
@@GREED_EU Crazy how you can straight up tell that you went back to your old sens. a hand cam would be a nice touch up to the kovaaks return
@devilstriangle1104 15 минут бұрын
Greed got that rizztraining order.
@amcc4418 17 минут бұрын
my journey to a top 10 misogynist
@74pp 21 минут бұрын
How I almost got cancelled
@tomorrow_mountain 15 минут бұрын
holy shit fluffy you watch greedcs too, crazy.
@wm8401 26 минут бұрын
Title is fire. Have you considered running a hustlers university type operation for shit elo shitters?
@Deathhorse 32 минут бұрын
What is this title man 😭
@GREED_EU 31 минут бұрын
It's about sending a message
@deadspace4755 34 минут бұрын
Also you never yawned, how is that possible?!
@deadspace4755 37 минут бұрын
He changed the title!
@GREED_EU 35 минут бұрын
Not about to become the new Dr. Disrespect. I did ask and they did both say 18 but better safe than sorry lmao
@genkidamavideos99 41 минут бұрын
Omg wow I wish had cute e girl kittens like you I’m so lonely fuuuuck
@beastlyword0690 43 минут бұрын
MY MAN, you lucky bugger 💯
@bichitomax 48 минут бұрын
She sounds underage, though.
@Supermaneuverable_Sukhoi_Su-35 27 минут бұрын
"If her age is on the clock"
@ecoaimer 50 минут бұрын
egirl fiend
@akumapads 52 минут бұрын
the bills cant be this high unc 😭
@hamzasaidi7510 52 минут бұрын
buddy change the title , u know and I know that u are 500kg u aint getting girlfriends
@hamzasaidi7510 51 минут бұрын
nvm but atleast u are not complaining about the game now
@someporter 49 минут бұрын
he getting with your mom though
@GREED_EU 45 минут бұрын
Stop projecting in my comments you lil meanie pants.
@hamzasaidi7510 15 минут бұрын
@@GREED_EU why are u nice maan , stop making me feel guilty I was joking
@intellect_junction69 13 сағат бұрын
I feel like Genji's katana should be a separate ability, kinda like how Rammatra alternates to Nemesis Mode. That katana ability should do weaker slashes than his slashes now (maybe 90 damage per slash). And his ultimate could be just a nano blade, but Ana's nano blade shouldn't effect Genji's ultimate.
@Doppelganger649 16 сағат бұрын
About good sleep. Ironically, but i play better, when have a bad sleep, lol.
@affenaffgaffel8330 19 сағат бұрын
U put a heart on my comment without even playing bad business😢
@devilstriangle1104 Күн бұрын
Blizzard: this is fine.
@viljar55 Күн бұрын
Every third Tank game play is like 7 rank tiers wide. Seen M5-GM, M5-Plat way too many times, when I was diamond earlier in the season I saw Diamond 2-Gold something. All soloqueue btw.
@brunoandrea4846 Күн бұрын
u sound like videogamedunkey
@southern1999 Күн бұрын
After push stopped being in everygame I saw people like Flats saying that it's fine now and I was like "no???? This gamemode still fucking sucks nothings changed about that."
@someporter Күн бұрын
so many comments no one will know im gay
@StrafeY Күн бұрын
I’m a Gold 2 DPS (probably idk) all my games stretch to Diamond, I have NO chance of ranking up, I blame the “forced 50% win rate”
@cere-s Күн бұрын
oil up
@eddieryan7246 Күн бұрын
If you're okay with high ranked players going to low ranks to smurf you can't be mad that low ranks get into high ranks. It's all okay or none of it is.
@GREED_EU Күн бұрын
That is not even remotely the same thing
@willtheconqueror6148 Күн бұрын
Where is coach ballsack that talked about coaching people from silver to GM? Before season 9 that was possible but they reward brainless play. The game wants you to carry pieces of trash
@PlatinumAltaria Күн бұрын
The fact that the game matches plats with masters suggests that there is essentially no difference in skill between these players. The game has eroded player expression to the point that you can be two ranks above your enemy and still lose because your team isn’t doing the right thing.
@at1s47 Күн бұрын
go play deadlock bro this game is dogshit
@footur3179 Күн бұрын
I'm so glad I don't play comp anymore. I would get so annoyed going against top 500s in my diamond games
@xX_SIR_WENUS_Xx Күн бұрын
Masters five being top 500 is disgusting
@Splashbang_OW Күн бұрын
Had a comp game last night. Silver 5//Plat 1... Idiots telling us that the matchmaker isn't rigged and working as intended.. The silver on my team, other dps and pulled the entire match down by feeding non-stop, out of position etc. The enemy 'silver' was a smurf who completely obliterated my team.
@gregorymud1477 Күн бұрын
That's so true. I'm very tired of getting games p1-m5 in solo q while searching game for 17 mins. 5v5 has better queue times. I doubt that queue times on support in ow1 in diamond was 10-17 mins
@ezradboa1681 Күн бұрын
juno saw her life flash before her eyes
@dillonbooker7222 Күн бұрын
we dont have a bell curve anymore we have a single column of plat-gold
@absolute-xero7502 Күн бұрын
Is it just me, or does this "Masters" icon look like another Plat division icon.
@iSuckAtGamesGG Күн бұрын
I hate the change they did with the icons
@saucyfrank6816 Күн бұрын
Average "gold support" moment
@scumknight6074 Күн бұрын
I’ve had games where it goes from Silver 1 to Plat 1, I destroy those lobbies. I’ve had games where it does from Plat 5 to Diamond 2, I lose those matches. It’s absolutely absurd, that I’m forced to bully bronze players then suddenly fight former GM players. (I’m Diamond 5)
@dacr8928 Күн бұрын
"Brig down guy's, Well, maybe not down but, I certainly annoyed her" Might be the most honest Cloudy impersonation com I've ever heard xD Solo que experience = Play against a stack two ranks higher than everyone on your team, Play against every top 500 on their alt account, Get mass reported by said stacks and end up in cheater que, get your dick slammed in a door, que into servers on the other side of the fucking planet for no reason at peak hours on a Saturday, DDOS, Pissed off mercy main that has been un-able to spread his wings like a peacock and fly for awhile, that former GM tank player that's now in piss low and shouts constantly in comms while jumping in as winston on their bastion zen torb queen and flaming dps for not "using the space", Leaver, thrower, leaver.............joins back-instantly drops again, duo that onle heals eachother in the backline while skipping back to spawn, ddos, 7 game win streak against the biggest bots you've seen in 8 years. BUT FEAR NOT LADS ands FAIR LADIES for the OberWatcH InFluenCers told me that the game is in my hands it's up to me to decide the outcome.------ smile------ Side note I would love to see you do a reaction video to Maevyn belle's, Mourning Overwatch: a final farewell. I hadn't really seen the perspective from the diehard casual and she did an amazing job that if the devs or blizzard staff ever watch the video they are guaranteed to walk up to the roof and test gravity for their failures.
Seems fine to me :) perfectly balanced
@M.O.A.N. Күн бұрын
It took me 300+ matches to hit Plat support & took even fewer to lose it all again. I'm playing open queue for the rest of the season so I can just "Do it myself" & finish my jade weapons
@kitnoCC Күн бұрын
That cringe-ass simp moment tho
@smalom339 Күн бұрын
I remember matchmaking matching me (m4 tank) with GM4 people like???
@fettbub92 Күн бұрын
Its getting to the point that i might be in your games now. With matchmaking like this, who needs smurf accounts.
@Karthig1987 Күн бұрын
Was expecting another rant style video so slightly disappointed
@lt.turtle3268 Күн бұрын
i’ve had a diamond 1 to gm2 game which wasn’t wide queue
@donrl Күн бұрын
I play rocket league at the highest level. Switched over to Overwatch and my god is it bad. I know how it feels to suck at the game when starting out. However Overwatch is different. And it really sucks because one player on your team truly does make the difference. For example I played a dps match. Our tank kept diving and went 1-8 as Doomfist. I was 15-3 and lost the match. Why the hell am I getting paired with people like that. No way should you be getting paired with people that bad as they should be in bronze? I get punished and lose ok cool. Next match get someone complaining in chat who goes afk. I lose get punished the same. Next two matches I drop 40 kills a game and pop off just so I can get my elo back. I also got placed plat when I don't even play support? But got placed in silver for tank. My god is it a shitfest. I've literally lost with a GM smurf on my team due to our tank being god awful while he drops 60+ kills. It's very sad to see. I even win as tank in plat lobbies with my friends, but when it comes to silver solo queue it legit is so bad. I understand carrying, but I've barely won matches where I had 30K damage and my DPS both had a combined 11k. Or another case is you have a lobby where we didn't even let the team get out of spawn the whole match. I literally sat on the point and went afk and we won. I mean damn my friend queued a gold 3 lobby and the rank range was gold 3 - masters 5???
@Karthig1987 Күн бұрын
So push in terms of bad to worse it's flashpoint, clash and then push?
@GREED_EU Күн бұрын
Clash is the worst
@wm8401 Күн бұрын
1:40 - LOL!!!! This just sums up my shit elo games perfectly. I random 6 year old trying to frag on Juno, hard yoloing into a full charge zarya for no reason and getting vaporized.
@Karthig1987 Күн бұрын
The thumbnail is confusing lol. O thought flashpoint was the worse lolz.