Rewriting The Menopause Playbook
Rewriting The Menopause Playbook
Why Healthcare is Failing Us
Why Healthcare is Failing Us
@arleenrobertson7050 47 минут бұрын
An ultrasound on my thyroid showed it is 'like swiss cheese ' according to the PA. She said my body has desecrated it. 😢
@SilentRunningRedux 5 сағат бұрын
Great title for a YT channel… we get a reference to your credentials without your being “precious” about it. I make no comment “on” Dr. Jill Biden, wife of President Joe Biden, other than this: when she insisted on being addressed with her PhD always being referenced, it affected how I related to her immediately. YOUR credentials are directly relevant to your persona here-, as is your sense of humor, which makes you appear immediately accessible and fun. I apologize for usin* your comments section as if I sought a therapy session with MYSELF….Your channel will GROW. At least YT uses the “READ MORE” bar. Nobody needs to be bothered by my typos (partly my present device, which makes me 😥(sad) but in theor that’s fixable. As I consume some diced seaweed after not eating anything except an orange and a glass of red wine, for “potassium” with nothing else in the last 5 days, bc somehow these feel safe (esp the seaweed), and just spit out (gross) alleged 100% chocolate. I need a swim, to remind me I wish to get the muscles BACK that were lost to a medical “error” (for which my health insurer clawed back hundreds of thousands of dollars, a price that stunned me for any hospital to DARE to charge for non-ICU bills). I’m not getting the money. I lost so much more than muscles, after being “rendered unable to eat” - the way I agreed to refer to the error…. EVERY TIME I EXERCISE, I’m reminded how damaged I am. I’ve subbed bc I hope your content will help me both have citations to refer others to, AND encouragement to heal. I have just cut a paragraph, ltr me know if you want more cleanup. I’m in a place without proper infrastructure so making corrections is harder. While traveling I was unhorsed without legal process, and nobody actually believed it including me… just that it was some sort of bizarreness. Being starved at the wrong time in one’s life, with everyone ya know thinking your rights are gonna be respected, is or can be a piece of a disastrous jigsaw puzzle. If I don’t live that’ll be AOK. But it should not have ended THIS way, reaaly not fair. I’m not alone except what happened to me recently almost never happens to anyone (regardless of social class, education, etc). Again, trauma to which. O one I’ll meet will ever relate, so I should either guve voice to it elsewhere in my OWN small “platform” or just “shut up.” Life is unfair to literally billions of people. 🐣
@augustcadiz4774 5 сағат бұрын
Love your hair. 😊
@SilentRunningRedux 6 сағат бұрын
I was force fed as a teen, and knew about trans fats, corn syrup etc when a hospital dietitian’s notes in my records showed me (later) she had looked up (checked) what I reported, and found I was correct … I wasn’t harming my own health, I was strong, though thin and lean. They didn’t really care except about getting my “BMI to normal” in a fight one doctor claimed on day one was for him and his team to “break your will” in a “battle you will lose abs we will win.” Crazy stuff when the literature in eating disorders (never mind nutrition!) was surprisingly limited. I was punished with use of a very aversive requirement to drink a small, bottle of ipecac, after which I vomited whether I had anything in my stomach or not. I all they considered was “hmmm.… what do we have ready to hand that will be a punishment (aka an aversive, aka “a punishment” to try to “break her will”). … Back then ipecac could be bought in US pharmacies, but now is BANNED due to heart damage risks if abused. I was not interested in a war about what I put into my body, and much of what you are saying here was known, fir a long time, BUT IT HAS BEEN A VERY HARD SLOG TO GET THIS INFORMATION DISTRUBUTED PUBLICLY AND WIDELY, WITH MANUFACTURERS OF “FOOD PRODUCTS” increasing,y writing in packaging that the product(s) are FREE (or aim to be free) of the substances you discuss in this video. I’d no idea that added preservatives, colorings dusbt just “pass through “ but I’ve seen how astonishingly overweight British people have become in cities in which I lived growing g up, where the sole “processed foood (products)” were potato chips … and a very few other items. NOW the markets in the UK even on fancier streets contain with very few exceptions mainly packaged processed foods designed to last months to years on shelves. There are not only more potato chips there are more sweets. While I like myself gladly consume avd keep on my shelves a selection of “good” prepared cookies, and other high-carb/high fat treats, *part of a “modern balanced diet*” I often joke. IN BRITAIN, where I grew up abd now obesity avd Alzheimers are suddenly leading causes I’d death directly avd indurectly when never before… ONE CANNOT FIND WHAT MY FARMER-GRANDFATHER TERMED “FOOD.” Just what I murmur in shops searching the packages fir fewer additives…. HE, A FARMER for a while (total lifestyle choice by him, harder fur young pppk not inheriting land these days)…. HIS TEST FIR WHAT QUALIFIES AS “FOOD” was this simple: “*FOOD ROTS*.” When I’d beeen that slightly orthorexic but then-still healthy teenager forced to cinsume things you identify and there’s now wider understanding among dietitians these are not safe…. I “had to” stuff myself with meat, trans-fat laden crackers, and “ding dongs”- the last of these examples being a delicious chocolately confection - made to last on shelves for years thanks to additives abd of course plenty if trans fats. My mother had NEVER allowed me to eat such things … her age-old knowledge mirrors this nutritional advice thoigh the science around “non-naturally occurring” and “non-processed” foods /v highly processed “food PRODUCTS” was not documented in studies yet (abd in the few there were, the food industry sidelined these in all sorts of ways). “DING DONGS” abd modest-calorie high sugar/then-Hugh trabsfsdv which I’d never consumed before (which I now do occasionally, by choice, respectung vegetarians and vegans; their bodies, their choices, their particular considerations are their business, and mine are mine thoigh I respect being informed of ethics arguments and new proof of factual claims I hav3 heard abs other claims I haven’t yet heard). As to the CRAZINESS I’d my being forced to eat a diet the dietitian hired to help choose items to “break my will” to fatten me up quickly but also to upset my “personal rules” based on factual evidence even then reported widely that the dietitians to their only credit wrote down they’d check what I’d claim… and “this patient knows more than I do.” Going back to wishing that as a kid, and also even later in life, I’d not seen “doctors” except for urgent or basic care (eg setting a broken bone)…. When being *mislabeled* as “an anorexic” I was given ipecac (which I learned could relieve pain of being forced to fill up), at a time when the research in it being MORE like,t to cause death than save a life, to administer nutrients to a thin person via TPN (total parental nutrition, with its substantial risk if life-threatwnung sepsis). not only hae equally dangerous TPN threatened). TPN may have its place for persons in longterm comas etc… I do t know, but I do know it’s cintraindtcafed as a “muscled” method to put weight in a thin child not immediately at risk of death or unable to i rain any nutrients at all by mouth or IV (in the arm), or NG tube durect to the stomach. To give me ipecac as a way of inflicting pain us to waterboarding a child, but it is a firm if punishment that has NO PLACE in administering nutrition to children (and it’s role in causing complete *emptying* 9f the stomach makes its use as ounushmen5 for an alleged eating disordered behavior truly bizarre). But, it happened to me, repeatedly. My “dietary tray” was not something I had any role in choosing… it was chosen for me by staff. I had been “declining to eat meat”- when I was then a vegetarian; even indeed declining to eat saltines unless free of pork fat (as a vegetarian) AND IF CONTAINING “TRANS FATS.” etc….ONE punishment fir my refusing to eat junk I didn’t want (NB I was willing if I chose to eat sweets in moderation; ice cream was abd Re abba my favorite “food”). Anyhow, I probably seem disorganized, making duplicative statements, things a few years ago I’d never have even dared towrite AT ALL much less dash then off.. RN, I continue to suffer the Knick-on effects (domino effects) of unfortunate medical problems then lofe oriblems that were medicalized (but needed to be addressed just as they were, not with money mainly being spent by my chatting about how I “felt” about prublems if real life such as certain family issues, civil legal claims I coy,d sue or counter-sue about- often width doing but a large commitment if time/money/emotion, AND FOLLOWUP on CRIMES against myself, abd often others too, which present the requirement to do so to satisfy eg banks (so you do it, unless like a few folks I know you view money as so abundant that while Warren Buffett, richer than the richest people I know, would t do as some of my acquaintances abd family have… they just “ can’t be bothered” complaining about financial/property claims (stolen/misused property, data misuse etc), much less bothering ever using mortgages to buy properties, when it’s “just easier to buy it all cash”… never mind they’re, if Americans, leaving tax deductions siting Siri g unused.. real money they could gift to a food bank of soup kitchen if they don’t want or need it!)…
@SilentRunningRedux 6 сағат бұрын
This is a well researched, accurate - based on who’s known in the evolving science and has been suorresed fur decades in a few cases she’s covering here, despite GOOD SCIENCE on food/food-substitutes having been done). Then I migh5 not be any more “heard” but I’d sy what I wnt until Google abs it’s subwbtities, plus other sites delete my data or make it hard to find…most likely the latter avd not even singling me out… I was one if those people who once had proximity to persons in “power” so I had powerful wits of being heard avd agaping policies etc with the blessings if those in charge if this world. Most of them are replaceable - and I was raised to understand all of us are equally morally valuable or perhaps none of us us (yes, “is,” at least my Gunnar Renault s generally intact despite other limitations on my communicating “crisply and clearly” or being told “your so sparkly avd capable you can take 5 years away fjr fanily or health reasons then return to your career with it inly becoming lore that if mentioned will be touched on to stare “isn’t {SSR} strong… did you know she’s lived through XYZ, abd now just look at her go as if that never happened or ‘made her STRONGER than ever before?, yes it’s true, sinew e tossed her from a 5th floor before she has any memories, but ibvuiis,y age lived abs age has recall of horrible life events all through life… which she doesn’t complain about, just puts wheee,s in the baggage avd creies it forward as a resource, knowing she lived through it….” Which IS a source of personal resilience abd strength. My own life is NOT the worst in the world, I have had not inly stunningly bad luck (and crimes that stick ppl so I keep them to myself mainly)… but added to bad things happening in my own life *I have had immensely unfair GOOD LUCK* too (by luck, I mean to denote any event or opportunity falling under the umbrella concept of *“random results favoring me, and having little to do with my own extreme efforts*). I am a hard worker, but so are millions of others who are never rewarded for their effort. Work itself and living with one’s own coancience essentially clear was, I was told when young, “priceless.” I suppose but feel it’d be interesting thoimpossib,e to compare my having lived a life if instead, cheating, cutting corners, lying, stealing, etc with the opportunity I had…. Rather than being a good kid. I’m so old I realize that I was correctly raised to know I dot matter more than anyone else, no matter what my good luck in life or my own efforts expended on others’ behalf once I had fought fjr a life “rekatyveky safe” which like freedom is always “relative.” So is eating a good diet (having access to NUTRITIONALLY ADEQUATE FOOD, as opposed to only “food *products*… altered and preserved food, ultra -“processed”)… FROM THERE TO OPPORTUNITIES for EXERCISE, ideally many of those in nature, out of doors. My mother who later would, in violation of legal rights she didn’t know I had but doctors had just gotten a Re I def letter from tne US state health dept war I g them all young ppl “14 and over” have the RIGHT to decline medical care from diagnostics to drugs to hospitalization… unless someone us will g to go to a judge after the kid is privided at least two attorneys from which to choose for their own representation to challenge…).
@SilentRunningRedux 6 сағат бұрын
One can easily see why I chose to become both a lawyer and physician, later realizing for my purposes I only needed the law degree or BEST OF ALL THE SPECIAL ABILITIES PLUS LUCK (timing, people one meets with power whi re,are to or share one’s interests and/or agenda)… I m reduced dramatically by a combination of accidents (many physically damaging one’s plus psychologically scarring incidents)…. Wondering “why me?,” incessantly … a form of grandiosity, or narcissism as one tends to feel better by using negative emotions (eg the energy one can obtain from anger, an emotion it can get harder to feel, though not, with age, ever any harder to use by sublimating for constructive purposes, ie “for good”). I thought I’d work to the end of my life with occasional breaks spent with tne friends & family my father used ro openly marvel “{SSR} has so many!”… but most have been fair weather friends and even “fair weather family”… I have to report to pl who seem discriminatory against people living (or traveling) alone that “I lost my family… do you want more details,?, glad you realize it’s a oersonal qyestion… when did I lose them, and why didn’t I have more kids….?, should I go there, do you actually care or need to have me address that with a total stranger?” THAT USUALLY SHUTS UP TJE WUESTIONS BD REMI DS THE BIASED QUESTIONER THAT SCENARIOS THEY MIGHT FUND “excuse” me from not having my children, my partner in lofe avd others in tow, in touch, or sharing a hone I’m looking at (“why Robt when you clearly can buy… I can show you properties…”). YEAH. WHAT IF I MARRY THE NEXT YEAR, WHAT IF I ADOPT TWO KIDS IN TWO YEARS TIME, WHAT I DEVOTE MYSELF SOLEY TO MY WORK. What if? Whocares? Only I cared…abd if beer have hit a “li,e” button on KZbin from concern to get proofed idd,y by their rather surprising AI (hey, Google it’s impressive if at times amusing,y “off” but usually I can tell why, and am impressed at what YT/Google algorithms can do about a now-nobody such as myself… of you e got it may as well deploy or, though NSA when Snowden disclosed what he did about Data collection not only on foreign leaders avd in known criminals who’ve faked also on ALL or nearly ALL people worldwide or at least communicating with US individuals or corporate entities). Back then, they did intimate they had THEN collected *so much* Big DATA that sifting g through it could be difficult…. Whether they *intentionally* (or accurately) disclosed what they could find (connecting dots) abd how fast, I do hope ny now that if they do it as ie ie t they likely do, BY NOW TNRY I HOPE CAN ISOLATE INCORRECT DATA OR QUESTIONABLE DATA. And evidence of any “database corrupting” (intended or devyce/software failures), including, eg p, court database corruption, “identity” stealing, and so forth. One male sibling of mine, cut off communication with me in a long call telling me the reason he made the decision to cut me out forever- was that *“you’ll never be a (US) Senator… your life is now ruined*.” That I’m not sure I es life is ever entirely ruined… mine wasn’t. I replied to his bizarre summary he then e pounded on for two HOURS (as to how politicians with power do as they please, help family out of scrapes, abd get very rich if using as he thoight all do, the “revolving door to the private sector” …). I’d later learn that the average cost of a Senate run when my brother spoke to me was $11 million. Win or lose. I dudnt gave that much mo ey then…, whether he knew that my “generosity” with others was greater than he knew or not. LATER MAYBE IF I HAD OUT MONEY FIRST BUT I HAD “RUINED MY LIFE” by doing “public service” that like HIS job jad no clear entry point into an immediate multimillion $ pay package in the private sector… just the ability TO KEEP SUCH DINAN IAL REWARDS STILL AVAILABLE TO ME VIA CHOICES. BUT WHY CUT MY OUT IF HIS LIFE BC MAYBE I WOI,S NOT BE ABLE TO HELP HIM OUT OF “SCRAPES, “ in a way not available to most people or their networks, AND of complex ethical considerations (whether to use power or call in favors when you could do, but you stop to consider “should I?” I thi k this sibling feels I e failed him as a “third) parent, which I apologized dur in that funds phi e call (there have been two more plus a few texts, with my mom asking me not to implicate my sibling in anything messy, afyer she did so herself, bc data available to law endured emebt caused a detective to respond to this sibling claiming “your father is dead” that “there is NO evidence of any car accident anywheee (he a,kebedkt had new. In one, per the sibling obsessed with Senators abilities to do all manner if things he dreamed up), no death certificate just a claim tnat my fathers body was “in the possession of” my sibling per a funeral home hired to cremate a body nobody ever was present to see, not me, not my mother who needs to see the dead to accept they e died).. ANYHOW IT GETS VEEY DARK BUT THESE HORRORS ONE NEVER EXPE TS (“not in *my* family”*”) … THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY, I AM NOW CLOSE TO CONVINCED. ALL THE MORE REASON - to FO SOMETHIMG LEADI G TO JUSTUCE…,not avenging am unnecessary ear,y death, if it is indeed a death of my own father (not someone else, guven my mother’s CT scans were swapped likely by accident (?) with someone else’s. That person is dying of brain tumors… my mom has NONE, just a “healing” blood blot that caused dizziness etc but has mot affected her lucidity one bit (except when sleepy… all age needs us rest, so GOOD doctors say “well make medical decisions with HER”. not as directed by the sibling who has told me (in a call pushed in him by police officers whom he’s tried to make friends with that he should tell me after I was in a car accident that my dad was fine after a fall, tjen two days later was dead though there was no death c , then and continuing, not completed as required by its own terms). It’s haunts me but I can I supppse hope one my dad died somewhere long ago, possibly as my mom reported she “heard” in her own home, never seeing her husnpbabd alive again after a loud argument t over continued financial support etc to tne sibling I must have been hated by fur failo,g him when I was FIVE, perhaps, tjoigh he never has saud any way I failed him…. Nor considered I was a little child and we are 18 months in age apart…. Matters when under age twn, matters very little when one is in o es > 40 year old phase of life. If I HAD maximized my income and used powerful people with whom I got along lifelong by simp.y treating them refreshing,y (to then) as if they were just people, as they ARE. I however am not “TRANSACTIONAL.” If anyone has slogged theoigh all tne typos etc here (not like me, to allow rhem, or to be slapdash)…. I supppsed my life is likely NOW “over” (my sibling 15 years ago opined my life was this: “ruined,” as “you’ll never be a Senator now” (?!?!?)… Even he has refrained from blaming me for, eg, crimes against me that hurt, etc. I wasn’t at fault or foolish… that’s not perfectly true of course as I’m mere,y a human being and so I make the non-calculated error of trusting people from time to time.
@SilentRunningRedux 6 сағат бұрын
THERE ARE (rekatedlt) NO VICTIMLESS CRIMES. I cou,s use help jist “sorting” the 2 of 4 critycal UK actions I ho E do not have ti be legal actions with all the costs abd expense entailed, PLYS ido ha ge litugation (2-3 cases in US fedeal court), AND CRIMINAL LAW COMPLAINTS I ALWATS HATE TO MAKE BUR HERE I AM BOT THE OBLY PERSON HARMED IN A SIMILAR TECHNIQUE ABD READILY A CRIME (1 of the several) that could be STOPPED. POLOCE IN UK just need to close the market fir stolen goods abd Sara. Tney CAN as rneur US counterparts have done…. 25-26 years ago. AND * “unrelatedly” I need to attend to ordinary business while I’m officially taking time off from work (hard to tell… except I’m far more present fessiinal in my work, and recent,y in negotiations with c ni Al’s here in UK who are upset I taped them. Infesting…, would US peisecurirs want to extradite them… perhaps.. THAT is a scary thoight bc US prison sentences are long tney have plenty if feels available, abd the prisons are decidedly unplesnt… I used to protect the rights of in,ages in such places to be free of “unconstitutional conditions of confinement.” h e LOT TO DO… SO MCH I CASMOT DO IT ALL, WGUCH A CLOSE FRIEND DECIDEELY NOTED ABD URGED ME TO “HIRE” SEVERL LAW FIRMS TO DO WHAT I COULD E DONE, STEP BY STEP, HAD IT NOT ALL PULED UP AT ONCE AFTER MAJOR CRIME AGAINST ME DISRUPTIMG TNE ENTIRE SVHEDULE. BUT MY FRIENS, a US lawyer, doesn’t have front of mind tnat the fees she’s speaking abiotic are in tne low to higher millions of US dollars… a lot for most people fir legal fees… I’ll leave it at that. (I need to finish by restart of one of two quite complex legal actions, o e if which is arguably separbke thoigh a lower federal court US judge oddly linked the cases as “the same” inatascf “rwkared” which latter harcterizationnis DEFINITELY ACCURATE).
@SilentRunningRedux 7 сағат бұрын
I wouks hire someone who’d be “pleased as punch” to send out retention requests/meeeung requests… for professionals to be hired by me. I have such a long list marked “URGENT” BD “due/“overdue” (overdue things have arguments that need to be made as to why extended time is “legally required.”) It is sad indeed that one needs a law degree plus years of experience ( including working for a well-kniw. experienced judge *who delegates wirk*…that’s the most power one may have as a lawyer, for years, and the judge is a near-perfect check against getting it wrong at tne appeals level… to trial, bc trial court is too busy to ensure such care to every individual decusion man6 of which will shape how years of litigation go). *Earlier I intended to write that one has FAR MORE POWERR TO IMPROVE THE WORLD VIA DUALOGUE AND PRESENTATION OF THE ACTUAL HUMAN CONSEQUENCES of “just intellectual logical” or “just business” or “bureaucratic needs for operational capacity …” ND OTHER WORD SALAD RIVALLING WHAT I WRITE HERE, BESUDE MYSELF WITH GRIEF AND OVERWHELMED…. WHILE SERIAL WRONGDOERS TEND TO BE ABLE TO REMAIN COLD. THEIR SECRET: they conceive if those they harm as “deserving it” OR tnat you are not human…. The latter are psychopaths, tne former can be almost anyone seeking to rationalize theur iwn avts without knowing what it’s like to walk in truer victim’s shoes. *: I am not a British citizen or British-qualified lawyer, but no one needs to be to understand that PERSONAL TESTIMONIES ABD DOCUMENTARIES, PODCASTS ETC MAKE MORE OF A DIFFERENCE (than long trials in court, or short plea deals, eg the quick dispatch of someone treated more lightly than others without power for urging online that others buy bd throw EGGS at police at protests, seeking to express dismay at government and police failure to prosecute actual setiooys crime, of sorts I’ve reported entirely “factually” only to get replies from “former officers” (were they?) saying awful things about “incompetence” and even worse, ““complicity”). Last week in the UK a BBC news anchor was sentenced to, well, real in effect “NOTHING” (just public acceptance of a gui,ry plea). That was Huw (no typo there) Edwards’ quick “walk free” disposition so he goes home, comfortably off, retiring a few years early, having assisted others in knowingly supporting an industry that destroys childrens lives. AS BAD - DIFFERWNTLY AWFUL, HRD TO EQUATE BUT EACH ASTONISHINGLY AWFUL, RUVALLING THE WORST CRIMES SEEN IN THE UNITED STATES (from whence I returned to the UK for a bit seeking the “safety” (ha!) of a nation in which I have experienced 4 crimes since arriving a few months ago, now trapped due to costly errors by govt that thry don’t correct they’ve on,y made worse… that’s why I couldn’t,d use the “teuated personal assistant to just reach out and help me hire e pet after expert, deal with matters I normally do myself, and no m crashing..I’m not eating AT ALL bc not hungry… why bother? It’s legal AND crimes aren’t punished nor markets FOR crime closed off (that being the main way law enforcement could stop property crimes widely accepted in tne UK as a fact of life when they need not be…not at all. The USA has cut off those crimes which police in UK claim I ability to do anything about, then admit they could… I’m so done with their pathologizi g “crime causing distress”: of course crime causes distress. One if the UK’s most whickong miscarriages of Justice e fur which NO ONE RESPOBSIBLE EVER HAS BEEN ASJED TO PAY ANY PRICE, NO E WHATEVER WHEN MANY WATCHED ORDINARY PEOPLE GO TO PRISON OR END THEIR LVES. I close referring to the horrendous “UK *ROYAL MAIL POST OFFICE SCANDAL”*”, which led to long prison terms for innocent, baffled small business owners, plus many comprehensible suicides (who otherwise might have served time but were innocent… their reputations in tatters, NOT ever the sole reason one ends one’s own lofe)…. YEARS LATER IT EMERGED THAT HIGH LEVEL GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL (politicians as powerful as “Senators” I guess to use my siblings analogy… and he’d be right that anyone those government power holders soight to protect including themselves HAVE BEEN (protected)). Not sure what happened… text wa# lost here but this is “out if bounds” long abs it has to do with NORW AUBJECTS THAN FOOD ADDIRUVES ETC… THE IMPORTANT TOPOC OF THIS VIDEO, which given i M AHICJED. Y English food just now, Re all my mother dud the cooking here in UK them I dud… my apartment disappeared the day I arrived, so replacing it while traveling during “Re feeding syndrome” continuing… if I’d just let those who “caused me to be unable to eat” (they prefer I put it this way). I’d ha exude n exhausted yet not me ssarklt unpleasant t death (unknown but likely given how my body was dealing with wi g deoruved if all I cou,d cinsume except wayer) … I’d never starved that long before even on a dare, spiritual tey, etc. *A MONTH OR LONGER WITH NO FOOD IS MORE THAN MY SMALL, LEAN BODY COULD TAKE MUCH MORE OF. That much was quite clear. I resumed eating which suggests I did want or have reasons to live. (Many persons with eating disorders need a reason to cinsume find; once they find a RESSON uniquely meaingful to tjem(s lives) such persons typoucally can find a WAY to eat, on their own or in collaboration with (knowlesgeb and sensitive) dietitians and doctors)… Nyhoq this comment ended as drafted with some TYPS, INDEED (sorry about that, fixable later I hope)… I wanted to do TWO HINGS TODAY AFYER GIVING UP ON TODAY. I CANNOT DIGJT POLITELY IN TNE PHO E OR WRITE EMAILS THAT FAIL TO GET “SENT”… infrastructures sues in bUK truly are a real problem, bit I am also dealing with criminals who h e a small fear that when I’ve brought my prifessiinl self (not this writer yammering ine, I Atascadero well dressed, crisply spiken person with a low and non-emotional voice whi says what proof I have had at them abd what sort of federal cybercrime sentences tney could face if extradited to the USA. O E RN PAAST ME DIWN THE STRRET AFTER TE,,IMF ME IT WAS ILLEGAL RO KEEP PEOIF OF GIS A D HIS COLLEAGUES CRIMES. I WAS UNFAZED. INVITED HIM TO CALL TNE POLICE. THE POAT IFFICE SANDAL IS WHERE MY COMMENT HAD EMDED…,NOW IR S MISSIMG. I DO THINK I AM JIAT BEING LIMITED BY YOURUBE ABD KCL INFRASTRUCTURE FROM TYING A “crazily long” connebt…. My criminals … li,w my pet piranhas, do t re,ize I won’t let this go., qhattney dud to me. If it creates a small xunvrraatuon OR YK pay okice ageeeing ti av5 to END THE MARKET FIR THE STOLEN GOODS HERE, THEN IT WILL BW WORTH IT. BOT WHAT I I AGINED FIR THE LAST HING ID EVER DO IN TJIS EAETH. BUT we ofte or typically do t choose what kills us, do we. No. I get a “retuned error” message so I’ll split this into two. The etiquette us to inter t but not to say too much.., I supppse I should say it in my own channel… but my cameras got stolen (a good Vlog camwra).
@freecat1278 14 сағат бұрын
There is no real functional medicine in the VA healthcare system. I have never been examined & they have never ordered any tests. Every appointment is on the phone. My appointments consist of me explaining that I have already tried the medication they are offering & it is obvious that they are not trying to formulate a treatment plan at any other time than when we are on the phone.
@NobodyNobody-ko6dl 23 сағат бұрын
From my experience this desise is YOU are not welcome on this place with those people...we don't care how do you feel...and you feel bad
@NobodyNobody-ko6dl 23 сағат бұрын
That has something with social life and mental health
@kevinschilt133 Күн бұрын
Is Hashimoto’s genetic? My mom’s side of the family had it every female. I am male. Also, they developed cancer. My mom had thyroid cancer as well and then developed into leukemia. I have Hashimoto’s but the doctors don’t seem concerned. Should I be concerned?
@DrEfratLaMandre 6 сағат бұрын
@@kevinschilt133 Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ Hashimoto's can have a genetic component, but everyone's experience can be different. Given your family history, it's understandable to be concerned. It’s always a good idea to keep an open dialogue with your doctor and monitor your health closely.
@lcrimal Күн бұрын
I love this Podcast!!
@DrEfratLaMandre 6 сағат бұрын
@@lcrimal Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Thank you for your support! 🙌🙌
@bluebutterflywellness2273 Күн бұрын
Wow!! Thanks! How do we measure our inflammation?
@DrEfratLaMandre 6 сағат бұрын
@@bluebutterflywellness2273 Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ You can measure inflammation through specific blood tests. It’s a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider to determine which tests are appropriate for you!
@bluebutterflywellness2273 6 сағат бұрын
@@DrEfratLaMandre Thx, Dr. E! How do I know which ones to ask for in this situation?
@GigiGilliard Күн бұрын
This!!! 😳😳😳🤯 So helpful. Thank you 🙌🏾
@DrEfratLaMandre Күн бұрын
@@GigiGilliard Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here🧑‍⚕️ we’re happy this information is helpful🙌
@diannalocke997 Күн бұрын
You got that right!!!
@DrEfratLaMandre Күн бұрын
@@diannalocke997 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Thank you for your support🙌🙌
@mikomiko762 Күн бұрын
Finaly someone says how it is. My doctor put me on antidepresants. No blood test or spinal mra. Nothing. I am reading comments and just wanna have courege to end this life because there are no hope for me. I lost my job, friends have no family. Soon i will be on a street because i cannot work. Just looking a way how to end up life with no pain.
@DrEfratLaMandre Күн бұрын
@@mikomiko762 hi, this is Dr. E’s team here we’re sorry to know about your situation. Dr. e has a free course you might find helpful. You can find it at:
@phoebeeeliz 2 күн бұрын
Fibromyalgia is not a diagnosis of exclusion anymore. Look up the 2016 fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria. (Though a lot of doctors probably still use the older criteria). My pian management doctor used the 2016 criteria to diagnose me, and he said that "fibromyalgia is something that contributes to your pain, but is not the only thing that does". Fibro is an actual legit condition. It's an issue with how your brain and nervous system process pain. But if you feel like there's something else going on too, then yeah don't stop at just fibro. I also have hypermobility and injuries that turned into chronic pain contrubuting to my overall pain.
@rachelflores6383 2 күн бұрын
Hi there, Dr. E I’m new here. I found this video as I have been searching for help ever since I got some lab work done. I believe my account was 835 TPO antibodies. I appreciate your informative video can I ask you what is the best type of probiotics to purchase what brand there’s like a gazillion out there. Thank you in advance.❤
@augustcadiz4774 2 күн бұрын
@DrEfratLaMandre Күн бұрын
@@augustcadiz4774 🙌🙌
@augustcadiz4774 2 күн бұрын
What's the best probiotic to take Dr?
@dh1147 2 күн бұрын
Um the liver is the main site of where most of the T4 is converted to T3 through deiodinase enzyme, the kidneys are the next site and then muscles and brain… the gut can back up into the liver (from leaky gut or other enzymes like beta-glucaronidase) so I guess that is how it can be attributed to poor gut function. But for the most part the liver converts it. You can look and blood labs if you have all the markers and pretty much figure out why you are having thyroid issues. But you need the whole picture. And most doctors just order T4 and TSH. You usually have to beg for TPO and definitely have to beg for it once you have had it run and it is elevated and you try to do lifestyle intervention and want to check in on it (like avoiding gluten and checking to see if it is working). Most doctors say elevated TPOs told us you have Hashi and we don’t need to check it anymore. But keep asking for it and insisting if you are trying to lower it!
@shannonwilliams9886 3 күн бұрын
I am so screwed! Been taking Levothyroxin for about 20 years & not only did I not know a lot of this was so connected but NO Dr of any kind (there have Bern several of alk types including endo!) had ever made this connection or said anything like this to me. I also had PCOS before it was a named disease. Now I'm just a terrible mess & have practically given up on medical care. I literally have been laying in my bed, in constant sickness & pain for years just waiting to die. Yet, I have not died. So now what? I'm so overwhelmed I just wish God would just take me. I'm so tired. It hurts to think & I get so overwhelmed that I just give up. I don't have a goid support system either. A very stressful situation at home. I just feel like I'm not going to be able to do anything about any of this & I have no idea where to turn. Why does it seem that all of the awesome, smart, CARING, docs are on YT? Why are there so few in our community practices? I'm so screwed.
@pammahlenhoff5550 3 күн бұрын
Great interview, any idea how I can find someone like you lol in Australia
@DrEfratLaMandre 3 күн бұрын
@@pammahlenhoff5550 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ Dr. E works with international patients🤗 if you are interested you can book an appointment at:
@pammahlenhoff5550 3 күн бұрын
Wow thanks 🙏 I had my thyroid out nearly 30 years ago and I never felt great since my doctor always tells me my thyroid is good , 😮 if I’m taking the same amount of medication all the time could my thyroid still be fluctuating because that’s what it feels like and I’m always cold
@heathermanthey9175 3 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and eventually, MS. I have neither. I recently found out that I have Lyme disease.
@DrEfratLaMandre 3 күн бұрын
@@heathermanthey9175 Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ It sounds like you've been through quite a journey with your health. Take care🙌
@sushiegirl 3 күн бұрын
That video was awesome, thank you so much! I’ve never heard of a functional doctor before
@DrEfratLaMandre 3 күн бұрын
@@sushiegirl Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ We’re so glad you found the information helpful!
@barbaralevay-g6t 4 күн бұрын
get to the POINT!i do not give a DAMN about your sweater
@tabathaorgill4923 4 күн бұрын
Just listening to a few of your shorts and I realized how much I hate Doctors. For years I complained about my Symptoms.
@DrEfratLaMandre 4 күн бұрын
@@tabathaorgill4923 Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ We’re sorry to know about your frustration. It can be really challenging when you feel like your symptoms aren’t being fully addressed
@KOOP1978 4 күн бұрын
Too much extra run-on talk
@tabathaorgill4923 4 күн бұрын
I have had Brian fog for a very long time. Was was told welcome to aging. I wish I could fine a Dr in Portland Or like you. Dr dont like me don t understand why but they dont likw to help me.
@DrEfratLaMandre 4 күн бұрын
@@tabathaorgill4923 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Dr.E provides virtual consultation🙌 you can book a session with her at:
@tabathaorgill4923 4 күн бұрын
How do I get test to see if I have gluten intolerance. I have had Gi problems my whole life l. Dr do nothing.
@BaepsaeGen 4 күн бұрын
@elizabethgill4977 4 күн бұрын
This gives me hope in my GP. He's ordered tests for me today that include thyroid, coeliac, b12 levels, hormone levels so at least i know he is looking beyond the inflammatory markers.
@DrEfratLaMandre 4 күн бұрын
@@elizabethgill4977 Hi, this is Dr. E’s team here! 🧑‍⚕️ That’s great to hear! It’s awesome that your GP is being thorough with your tests. Wishing you the best with your results!🙌
@jadacaniford7300 4 күн бұрын
How do we fix it with food?
@nancywynn9982 4 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 40 years ago.found out I have the mthfr gene I have been diagnosed with vestibular migraines.I also have low t3 and elevated cortisol at night
@danielhusain7570 4 күн бұрын
I love your perspective here to take the fibro diagnosis and keep working from there to find the actual root cause
@DrEfratLaMandre 4 күн бұрын
@@danielhusain7570 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Thank you for your words🙌🙌
@sherriberkley188 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the INFORMATION!
@DrEfratLaMandre 4 күн бұрын
@@sherriberkley188 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! You’re welcome and happy this information is helpful🙌
@anafernandes225 5 күн бұрын
? 🤦
@tatiana_7767 5 күн бұрын
Whith all factors that may destroy thyroid system, how to know which one is affecting yours?
@gingeraiyle 5 күн бұрын
I appreciate your explanation so I can bring up some of these things to my PCP. I have every single symptom I've heard mentioned about Hashimoto's (and IBS) except for infertility, which I wouldn't really know if I have or not since I'm not trying for that. My TSH has been testing high for years and I've switched PCPs, this PCP tested for free T4 for the first time yesterday and now my TSH is of course showing high but my free T4 was within normal limits. So now I have a list of tests to ask for. Thank you ❤
@DrEfratLaMandre 5 күн бұрын
@@gingeraiyle Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! We are happy this information is helpful 🙌❤️
@minniethomas6206 5 күн бұрын
I love ya
@DrEfratLaMandre 5 күн бұрын
@@minniethomas6206 🙌❤️
@minniekibore1446 5 күн бұрын
I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's and on Levo plus Selenium. I also tested for gluten sensitivity and my labs were negative (Gliadin IgA, tissue transglutaminase IgA and IgG). Do I still need to go on a gluten free diet? I've never had issues with gluten but have other intolerances like lactose and believe it or not - garlic.
@pammahlenhoff5550 5 күн бұрын
As a patient where can I find one of those physician’s 😮 mine just wants to stick me on medication 😢
@gooodies4u1 5 күн бұрын
I’ve spend last few years in my bed in pain 24/7 and I’m so tired. I’m going insane and want pain to stoo
@DrEfratLaMandre 5 күн бұрын
@@gooodies4u1 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! We’re sorry to know about your situation. How are you managing your symptoms?
@HammyGirl999 5 күн бұрын
Finding a root cause would be great. I think one cause is oxalate overload (storage of oxalate crystals), their shifting location, and oxalate dumping symptoms.
@bjidk 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so so much for this video and the information! Dr E, you have a gift for teaching. So grateful to have found your video.
@DrEfratLaMandre 5 күн бұрын
@@bjidk Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Thank you for your words and happy this information is helpful🙌
@jadesanjose2520 5 күн бұрын
What about gut healing supplements and herbs like L-glutamine, marshmallow, licorice?
@roxanavelarde899 5 күн бұрын
Please your contact number or website
@chopin9684 5 күн бұрын
I don't know what to do anymore because everyone is saying don't eat bread when dealing with RA. 😢 but I love bread and pastry.
@DrEfratLaMandre 5 күн бұрын
@@chopin9684 Hi, this is Dr.E’s team here! Dr.E has a free course where you can learn more. You can find it at: