Lenten Troparia after Psalm 50
“It is Truly Right” - 2
6 ай бұрын
“It is Truly Right” - 1
6 ай бұрын
@HoraktyHeru 2 күн бұрын
September 11, We will see what the consequences and implications are when mortal and animal man, lacking the true knowledge of God and in his constitution of the higher divine centers, embarks on creating religions, beliefs and cults to mediate with the hidden and unknown supernatural world.🥀
@ReligionTalk-cb7jd 18 күн бұрын
I want because a orthodox christian so how can i contact ?
@theantman2203 Ай бұрын
Glory to God!
@JustGeridan Ай бұрын
Beautiful! St Raphael, pray for us sinners 🙏
@MartyRodriguezOrthodoxMarine Ай бұрын
Saint Raphael of Brooklyn....... Pray For Us and All The Orthodox Faithful. ☦️🕊🕯🙏📿☦️⛪️‼️
@ekklesiagigapanography1854 Ай бұрын
Hawaweeney is NOT a saint. He is an ethnic organizer who is described by yourselves as a guy who "gathered the scattered sheep" where "sheep" refers to ethnic Arabs who fled their Middle Eastern homes for more $ in North America. Not for the purpose of evangelizing the Native Americans as the Church of France has done in the centuries before you ethnic Arabs came here due to purely selfish reasons.
@sambaritone Ай бұрын
Memory Eternal, our beloved Metropolitan PHILIP.
@NightShade671 Ай бұрын
His wisdom? Where's his humility? Orthodox bishops are among the most narcissistic people I have ever come across.
@EvonRomano-ge2og Ай бұрын
Super internestting also I suppose is what I learned about the first two commandments in Sunday School. Like the anonymous Priest who is jokingly alluded to…… my own teacher(s) emphasized the fact that Jesus said, regarding the first two commandments “40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” I was taught that these two commandments were actually all that was needed as long as a softened heart and the Holy Spirit is involved. Because, I was told “ 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. “. Too simple?
@EvonRomano-ge2og Ай бұрын
Ha! I just remembered! An old lady teacher telling us about notes and chords. I forgot her name. She taught something like…..if you have an “ear for music “ you can play or, maybe you need to see and study and learn the notes but, it’s better to have an “ear for music “. That’s how I learned the first two commandments and why that’s enough if you’re not grieving the Holy Spirit and you keep your heart soft. It made sense, I thought.
@EvonRomano-ge2og Ай бұрын
Interesting. I’ve always had a more child like understanding of Isaiah 6 and the encounter that Isaiah has with the Lord. I’d compared it to the two encounters that Peter has. So…. In Luke 5:8 Saint Peter falls down, humbled, confessing his unworthiness. Then at the transfiguration he is awed. I’d always sort of envisioned the reaction of Isaiah to be a sort of, combination of Peter’s two reactions like…..awe and humility. This teaching that Isaiah actually cursed and rent his clothes is quite a contrast and conjured up images of the gnashing of teeth that people in hell might demonstrate when the presence of God is unbearable. Extremely thought provoking.
@shawnbrewer7 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video featuring Fr. Stephen!
@SangAcquiescentFroid Ай бұрын
Thanks for the upload! Didn't realize that Fr. Stephen De Young was the theological advisor to the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, but makes perfect sense!
@paulr5246 2 ай бұрын
Thankyou your eminence, from Alaska.
@MarianaMMA777 2 ай бұрын
Many Years to our Metropolitan Saba Isper
@rev.georgeaburdeineh3107 2 ай бұрын
What distinguishes The Antiochian Orthodox Church as one that follows The Original teaching that Jesus HIMSELF established here on Earth!!! Please take few minutes of your time to listen to my very short recorded KZbin message regarding this issue: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eGGlnohmpNisfs0si=eCNdiMyngr3lRPVC
@AnnaMcG617 2 ай бұрын
What differentiates Metropolitan Saba is his vast knowledge of the canons of the Church and his deep humility and piety. He makes himself accessible through his dedication to visiting all the parishes and yet, avails himself to us through technology and social media. We know the teachings of the church through his accessibility. Sayedna Saba, may God bless you and grant you many, many years of good health. You have restored dignity to the archdiocese. Your ministry is exactly what we needed during this most secular time in our society. Thank God for your wisdom and guidance. Glory be to God in the highest!
@georgebashour4333 2 ай бұрын
Many years sayydna!
@Илья́Впрямь 2 ай бұрын
Blessed Pentecost. This was an illuminating and freeing discussion. Thanks to God for Met. Saba, and for everyone's questions.
@EvonRomano-ge2og 2 ай бұрын
I couldn’t really know what moves other women but, honestly, the feminist agenda seems very accusatory . The words that are used to “critique” the practices of the Orthodox Church resonate like brute accusations.
@lukminto-os5zd 2 ай бұрын
Does st peter to be first patriakh of anthioch church?
@sxemaamexs6427 2 ай бұрын
Sts. Peter and Paul
@Lillokh 2 ай бұрын
May God Grant you many years your Eminence in good Health
@soghadarawsheh3024 2 ай бұрын
إلى سنين عديدة سيدنا سابا .
@cdmonscell3472 2 ай бұрын
0:31 1st Question: What does it mean, or what is the significance, of being an Antiochian Orthodox Christian? 8:42 2nd Question: If the Theotokos had said no to caring the Christ child, what would have happened? 13:22 3rd Question: Do the Theotokos and Christ have the same DNA? 15:20 4th Question: Why do some of our churches promote naming new babies on the 8th day? Isn't that Old Testament? 17:40 5th Question: If we are to pray without ceasing, then does prayer continue in the restroom or in the shower as well? 18:55 6th Question: What advice do you have for young women starting families in today's world? 21:26 7th Question: What can we do to encourage other parishes that are under other jurisdictions in the face of dwindling attendees and lack of clergy? 24:24 8th Question: Will Metropolitan visit our parish in Utah? 25:31 9th Question: Question about Appalachian Chant (person disagrees with the idea of Appalachian chant music) 28:40 10th Question: Indeed He is Risen? OR Truly He is Risen? 30:00 11th Question: Why is women's month focused on liturgical participation and not charity? 34:12 12th, 13th, 14th Question: Should women be tonsured/ordained as Readers? What about the GOA doing this? Will Antioch ordain/tonsure women to orders? Can women still read OT/Epistle in Church? 44:44 15th and 16th Question: Must we clamp down on the spoon? Should the clergy get upset if someone keeps their mouth open for communion? 50:45 17th Question: Should couples married outside the Church or married prior to conversion to Orthodoxy receive a crowning service? 52:29 18th Question: What is the difference between the fall of man and the fall of angels? 55:10 19th Question: How can we women be like the Theotokos while living in the modern world? 56:59 20th & 21st Question: Is there going to be an updated Liturgikon? 58:36 22nd Question: How do I live in this turbulent world? 1:06:55 23rd, 24th, 25th Question: Should a parish priest deliver personal political or vaccine opinions during a homily? What should a homily contain and how long should it be? Can a priest refuse to commune an Orthodox Christian for voting democrat? Should a parish priest discourage parishioners from caring about the death of Palestinians due to their past? 1:14:43 Bonus Question: Why are we seeing such incredible growth? 1:22:51 Chat Question: Do we still follow the 40-day tradition for mothers?
@turtlemom 3 ай бұрын
Memory Eternal! I have always respected Metropolitan Philip.What are the names of the Icons of the Theotokos?
@zakihawa7686 3 ай бұрын
Blessed liturgy Which church?
@antonioguerrero9870 4 ай бұрын
"Peter Peter do you love me???Feed my sheep" The Ant Orth network of churches and Archdioses have plenty of VACANT land to start growing FOOD GARDENS and also to open the church kitchens for feeding the local disadvantaged financially or homeless in the community starting with the seniors at the church why not do like the Greek Orth churches in some plav=ces they feed the Homeless and seniors at their churches or the poor??/We need to look into reality and understand that there are people who have potentials to VOLUNTEER as cooks or gardeners or nurses or what have you to serve at the church programs like for example create a Social Justice fellowship with Lawyers or social workers to help church members who have issues ..or even start classes teaching languages like the Greek church does or even start teacvhing choir members in the Orth Bilingual to reconnect with the mother church in the East like the greek church does for example Greek Festival ...etc why Not a Byzantine Medit.Festival to bring in REVENUE...How about starting a mini school at the churches with Curriculums from Balamand etc..
@antonioguerrero9870 4 ай бұрын
I have a lot of friends from the other Orthodox churches and non denominational churches alike voicing INTEREST in joining the Ant Orth Church especially after watching the You Tube Interviews earlier podcasts etc They rell me they are IMPRESSED with the TRANSPARENCY and INNOVATATIVE approach of Met Saba ..This is a NEW and BRILLIANT way he is OPEN even building bridges and NOT simply ORTH but he is INCLUSIVE and OPEN minded to have DIALOGUES and even learn from othe denominations like Protestant and Catholic and ESPECIALLY to bring the Christian Community Together not just by WORDS but Also with Deeds...Yes for the DECAN and Pastoral new programs ..even go for more like: Seminaries and Orthodox events and invitations to NON ORTH even non Christians to come and LEARN about ORTHODOXY..For example I am interested in being an Orth Priest after checking out the new Orth Model on Hand: Met Saba you are really IMMITATING CHRIST simply because you have descended from the throne and pompous HIGHNESS to be on the ground touching even the most poor and forgotton and vulnerable member of your church..Yes you are a TAL Father because you LOVE all of your children EQUALLY not just looking at how expensive their clothes or cars are or how much money theyu have in the bank..What matters is HOWW MUCH FAITH they have as proven by THEIR DEEDS,,Amen
@antonioguerrero9870 4 ай бұрын
Is there a TWO WAY COMMUNICATION channel or any chance or email or phone # any way to be in TOUCH with His Emminence Met Saba?? I am interested to communicate my feedback after being in a local Antioch Orthodx church for more than 2 years and I have seen and experienced and witnessed so many things that raise the haur not just the eye browses!!For example a deacan chasing women for sex at the same time at the church doing business as usual..can not mention more ..fearing for my life ..having a family managing the church as if it owns it as a business..another Oerg Antiochian mission housed at a Catholic school for more than 12 years and has its own financial difficulties that forced the priest to downsize to live in a one bedroom apt ..Wwe need to clean the mess that THE MET..has inherited who runs the local Orth Antiochian churches>>>Definitely NOT THE PRIEST who is under direct ORDER from special INTEREST grroups who for example raise funds by bringing belly dancers and singers to the church community hall or even worse take political sides by endorsing fundraising for Ukraine events...Or even more worse...Can not talk about politically notivated or family affiliation church councils that have members rarely attending services only to make exceptions for the monthly council meetings...and much more that needs A FORUM..Why not have an ONBLINE FORUM where church members can VOICE opinions and suggestions ..Cover the names and comments but DISCOVER what is being hidden under the carpet so that the episode of sexual scandals and other still hidden scandals do not RESURFACE....YES...Thank you Decan SAMORE for these interviews with Met Saba...You are doing a GREAT JOB...But Met Saba needs to hear FEEDBACKS from his SHEEP...e have lot of challenges at hand and we have a lot of potential NEW members that are quitting beside the traditional members who DO NOT have a voice or chance to speak out ..Only the CLIQUES and well organized po;litically affi;liated or family affiliated who mostly are AFFLUENT and belong to the ELITE ... Reach out to the community do FORUMS..Organize PICicnics..or SAHRA FREE of charge no $100 ticket to meet the Met like what happened once at a local big city church ...what about the smaller cities Orth Ant churches communities why are they forgotten??? Why NOT have a church rapid task force to do surprise visits and do checks and INVENTORIES??? Anyone to start a NEWSLETTER for the laity and heirarchy to communicate ...Yes PERSONAL TOUCH nad flash visits to communities matters..Two wat communication matters especially to clean the house forst as there are old gaurds still in control...Learn from the Schisms of the Russian Orth church and OCA ...Some Orth churches and local church leaders might do a mutihy and goodbye properties..They are after the wallet thats why they are suing for $5,000,000,,,Abort before it is too late do flash inventories and visits before it is too late ...read more down the comments someone is raising the question of masons now in contro;l of some churvjes in the Greek church community..may be more...Listen and investigate..Met Saba you are a PANACHE..Decan Peter ..You are a blessing ..keep it on....Amen
@sadieklotz5198 4 ай бұрын
Glory to your forbearance O Lord Glory to thee 🛐☦️💜
@aidafarah8293 4 ай бұрын
سيدنا ساب اصلي الى الرب يسوع أن يمدّ بعمرك وان يعطيك الصحة والاستنارة والصبر والهمة لتحقق بفكرك وعملك المشاريع الرائعة التي تحلم بتنفيذها ليتحقق هذا الملكوت الذي نشتهيه على هذه الأرض على قدر المستطاع. أتمنّى ان تجد الدعم من الرعية والكهنة والأساقفة والأهم من الروح القدس. ❤والله يوفقك.
@ms9091 4 ай бұрын
Glory to God!!!
@yaredhaile2859 4 ай бұрын
Amen God bless our father and all of as amen
@yaredhaile2859 4 ай бұрын
Amen amen amen
@T_Wozna 4 ай бұрын
What about addressing the pan heresy of ecumenism and the priests that are openly communing heterodox? 🤔
@Calciu_83 2 ай бұрын
Cyprian failed at both of those.
@Calciu_83 2 ай бұрын
You should probably worry first about that convicted felon in NJ that calls himself a bishop
@corneliuschristian6547 4 ай бұрын
Memory eternal.
@Peter-en6bc 4 ай бұрын
Please start a mission in Birmingham, AL 🙏🏻
@sarahyounan2866 4 ай бұрын
Beautiful interviw Sayedna. God garnt your holiness many years full of health and blessings. ✝️✝️✝️
@EltonioVVV 4 ай бұрын
Truly people should have pity on some of our shepherds who are immersed in masonics. As hence they could be worshipping the devil if they are participating with them. In their practices. You easily like to either clapp or like to recite Axios Axios Axios on eventually to be shepherds, who we have seen their way of mis-ministering and who do not care about the flock of Christ. May the Lord change their way and their hearts so they will not end up traitors to the faith. Otherwise may the Lord treat them accordingly.
@dotalexander56 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your wise and thoughtful words, Sayidna. 🙏🏼
@imanqumsieh3711 4 ай бұрын
لسنوات عديده يا سيدنا 🙏🏻🛐❤️☦️
@untoages 4 ай бұрын
Hey, starting monasteries is pretty exciting news! I'm sure Bishop Nicholas is jealous he didn't get to start one first 😂
@susannehaddad8276 4 ай бұрын
Such a blessing this was recorded so many years ago! To watch this and see our family and our church brings me back to my childhood! Grateful & Blessed 🙏🙏🙏☦️☦️☦️
@Michael-qu9ix 4 ай бұрын
Did Met. Saba say the Archdiocese is growing? Couldn't quite hear him. Many years, Master ☦️!
@ericli8413 4 ай бұрын
Is pollá eti, Despota!
@alexpanagiotis4706 4 ай бұрын
How can he be a deacon without beard?
@hz3917 2 ай бұрын
When a bishop ordains a new clergyman, there is no mention of beards.
@alexpanagiotis4706 2 ай бұрын
@@hz3917 It does not matter. HOLY TRADITION. THE THORA. THE HOLY FATHERS.
@hz3917 2 ай бұрын
@@alexpanagiotis4706 a beard does not save
@alexpanagiotis4706 2 ай бұрын
@@hz3917 Holy Tradition does! And keeping the comnandments of God.
@hz3917 2 ай бұрын
@alexpanagiotis4706 you asked how can he be a deacon without a beard. He can, because his bishop said so.
@alexpanagiotis4706 4 ай бұрын
Antiochian Churches are like PROTESTANTS
@probablysmart 4 ай бұрын
I love Metropolitan Saba, and had the blessing of meeting Him. May God protects Him and guides His ministry.
@MartyRodriguezOrthodoxMarine 4 ай бұрын
Your Beloved Eminence Metropolitan Saba of The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America ( AOCANA) : I Thank Almighty God For Your Grace, Mercy and Love For The Tier One and Only, Holy, Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Antiochian Orthodox Church ☦️ ⛪️ And Your Love For God's People. I Pray Someday For The Privilege and The Opportunity To Meet You In Person Here In My Hometown of " The Electric City " Of Anderson ( Anderson County), South Carolina @ Christ The Saviour Antiochian Orthodox Church ☦️ ⛪️. I Look Forward To That Day. AXIOS ☦️ ‼️
@jeremyfirth 4 ай бұрын
It would be nice if the voice audio was in both channels and the music was in both channels, and the music was quieter during the recap. It was very difficult to understand what Met. Saba was saying because of these issues.