@ukasolaj1181 3 күн бұрын
Zot = lord , perendi = god. you should compare albanian wir PROTO-indogermic-language and old homers speech. you ought get more matches!! albanian is an old language.
@RSSI1000 3 күн бұрын
For most Turkish loanwords there are own Albanian words. It depends on where you live. Some use Turkish words some use Albanian words.
@ukasolaj1181 6 күн бұрын
you have to consider that lot of this common words are lean from turkish: carshaf, kapak, mysafir,coban...!!, I'm not shore (as Albanian) your analysis is correct.
@carteunu467 7 күн бұрын
No romance language is Latinised but independently formed from a Proto-Romance language
@boredmillionaire9914 9 күн бұрын
So question then: do the terms that were imported from French and Latin (the ones that replaced the Hungarian and Slavic terms) sound artificial to Romanian & Moldovan speakers? For example, how does the Constitution sound? Artificial?
@CesaristChannel 7 күн бұрын
To me, it doesn't sound artificial at all. If you use exclusively imported French terms, then yes, you get a more "strained" language which doesn't wholly resemble day to day speech. However, if you look at the Slavisms that permeated religious literature in the Late Middle Ages, that also sounds extremely artificial and non-Romanian. Additionally, French is closer to the core of the Romanian language, which makes it a far better candidate to import terms from (doesn't happen nowadays, this occurred in the 19th century).
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
not anymore mostly, it's been a while since these terms entered common usage. some words sound fancy. i would say the constitution sounds too formal (which it should be), not artificial
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
there's one filed where it sounds somewhat artificial and unnecessarily complicated to me - medical literature and medical-related language in general. maybe it's just me being ignorant :)
@AndyT-np8mm 11 күн бұрын
I love Albanian men!!!
@ovidiuswatart 12 күн бұрын
@octavianracu 13 күн бұрын
We have to take into consideration that many slavonic words are bookish and were not part of the spoken language. They appeared in the 16th-18th centuries with the translations of church books into Romanian.
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
true. and often overlooked when someone speaks about re-latinisation
@octavianracu 13 күн бұрын
There are also old Latin words that have disappeared with modernisation. For example the medieval verb "a cumpli" - to finish, destroy. Also, "muiere" is not used as it is considered offensive to women.
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
it mostly means "married woman", "housewife" and it's considered offensive for educated, urbanized women. it is still used in rural areas in this meaning
@octavianracu 3 күн бұрын
@@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 Now is meaning more peasant, dumb. Now it's offensive in rural areas too. Urbanisation has reached there too.
@octavianracu 13 күн бұрын
In Romanian the proportion of Slavic, Slavonic, Old Latin and Neolatin words depends on the style of the text and literary genre. For these reasons it is quite complicated to estimate the proportion of words by origin. In the lyric genre, for example, Slavicisms are more often used. First of all, we need to determine what the basic vocabulary of the language is, separate from philosophical, scientific-academic, legal, political-administrative language, etc.
@YuriYuri-ys4xe 14 күн бұрын
Romania este limba #tracica care era si limba regilor #traci #burebista #DROMIHETE ##ALEXANDERMACEDON si multi alti albanezi erau iliri nu traci dar neamuri, cuvinte asemanatoare romanesti si albaneze se mai gasesc si in limba burushaski din valea hunza din nord pachistan ,soldati lui Alexandru Macedon de origine Traca sau casatorit cu femei persane acolo si au ramas acolo. ❤
@patriotalbanian3205 15 күн бұрын
mut in German mean no fear in Albanian mean 💩 😂
@Miauzerz 25 күн бұрын
voicces of the void but in space.
@ciprianpopa1503 25 күн бұрын
What the hell is with that stupid example in the beginning ? Who talks like that?
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
that's a perfectly correct sentence in romanian
@ciprianpopa1503 3 күн бұрын
@@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 It is a sentence, but it's not a sentence that a normal person would put together. That's a stupid soviet communist slogan. I mean the "the brave worker telltales the story of the empty town" is a kindergarten style sentence. Brave - viteaz is not used to describe the quality of a worker, but rather for fighters in a war. In fact, many of the Slavonic words were introduced during the communist times. viteaz, tovaras, etc. etc.
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
​@@ciprianpopa1503 it's not a sentence you would usually hear (which the author explicitly said in the video), but it is a perfectly correct sentence in romanian. the adjective "viteaz" can be used with "muncitor " (as with any other substatintive describing a person). your indignation has to do with your subjective perception of the sentence (maybe aggravated by your stance on the topic), rather than with romanian language itself. "viteaz", "tovaras" introduced by communists? - "... sfântul mucenicu Dimitrie, călare și într-armatu ca un _viteazu_ , fiindu-i întru ajutoriu..." - letopisetul tarii moldovei - "...si pe alti boieri de Tara Munteneasca, _tovarasi_ cu Cuparestii ..." - Ion Neculce
@ciprianpopa1503 3 күн бұрын
@@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 ..."(which the ".... should be ... (that the .... Your citation of the text from those old text is a Romanized one. Show me the original Slavonic text, to prove that indeed those words were used.... Moreover, the original wording is lost. There are no original texts left. Furthermore, the guys who wrote those texts had education either in Russia or in Poland, so they borrowed heavily from those languages.
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 3 күн бұрын
@@ciprianpopa1503 those were just some examples, there are tons of "original" texts from before communists that are available online. instead of recognizing your mistake and study a little bit, you continue to show lack of knowledge on basic things about romanian history. "viteaz" and "tovaras" are commonly used words and you can easily find in modern romanian(with latin alphabet) and with small effort in old romanian texts (both in transliteration and cyrillic). also, the copies of "letopisetul tarii moldovei" are from 17-18 cent, that is, are themselves quite old (long before communists).
@a.n.6374 26 күн бұрын
4:39 - I'm Bulgarian, that looks pretty much how I wrote when I was learning English in 4th grade and was still having difficulties remembering which letter is "bulgarian" and which is "english". Mind you, my spelling in Bulgarian was still bad at the time they were already forcing us to learn a second language in a different alphabet. I imagine there were lot's of inconsistencies in these transition texts and mixed alphabets themselves were probably not just one but took several phases to get to latin only.
@fallenstate5933 27 күн бұрын
Interesting video. Where exactly does one find this Illyric-Thracian kind of vocabularies for further study?
@mpsv2020 29 күн бұрын
A - am vorbit cu un arheolog grec care mia spus ca greaca antica , semana 50 la % cu latina antica , HERODOT SI cronicarii romani au zis ca Decebal si Traian imparatul nu au avut nevoie de translator intre ei , asta ma duce cu gandul la faptul ca limba DACILOR era tot un 50% asemanatoare cu Latina , imperiul roman nu a cucerit Moldova si totusi moldovenii vorbesc lb romana sau valaha . B - limba bulgara are aceiasi gramatica ca a limbii valahe (romana ) nu respecta gramatica slava nordica , cel mai probabil din timpul imperiului VLAHO BULGAR din anii 1000 . C - biserica ortodoxa greaca a impus cuvinte liturgice crestine DIN SLAVONA SI GRACA in limbajul poporului ( kirie eleison adica doamne miluieste la noi se striga kiraleisa ) , in timpul domniilor fanariote ,patrund alte cuvinte grecesti din cancelarie in popor , in timpul lui CUZA odata cu scolarizarea in masa se face LATINIZAREA LIMBII ROMANE pe modelul lui napoleon bonaparte , in franta se vorbeau peste 20 de limbi , franceza se vorbea doar in regiunea paris si nobilimea de la curte . Odatta cu schimbarea alfabetului in latin ,in 1860 ,renuntand la cel chirilic slavon sau eliminat si cuvinte turcice si slave ( pentru ca se scriau mai greu cu litere latine spre exemplu ). D in Sardinia o insula mica sunt 4 limbi latine , in Italia care nu e mult mai mare decat Romania sunt multe dialecte si chiar limbi , in peninsula iberica catalana, portugeza ,castellana .limba basca are 8 dialecte si 1 milion de vorbitori , UNICITATEA si UNITATEA limbii romane isi poate gasi explicatia in conceptul de - PATRIA MAMA adanc inradacinata in limba geto dacilor din spatiul carpato danubiano pontic , DIALECTUL DACO ROMAN , iar Traco dacice , dialectele balcanice aroman serbia ,istroroman croatia , maglenoroman macedonia , plus migratiile de populatii din dacia in tot imperiul roman , au fost legiuni de soldati daci
@Moeno614 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for this video, it is really interesting, I'm a romanian learner and I am discovering thing every single day! The ancien(16-17centry) romanian writting system was indeed using cyrilc and some how they still preserve a bunch of latin vocabularies, this is really impressive.
@dazzlingandbrash Ай бұрын
I always wondered where "portocală" came from. Interesting video!
@GholaTleilaxu Ай бұрын
Cine pomenește pe cine!? Pomeniți fie cei săraci cu duhul, căci a lor e Împărăția Cerurilor! În loc cu verdeaţă, în loc de odihnă, de unde a fugit toată durerea, întristarea şi suspinarea. Hai, frate, să lăsăm vrăjeala păgână și să aplicăm o țâră de logică. Ăsta e un exemplu de limbă română. Sau acesta: limba daco-română e atât de latină pe cât trebuie să fie, nici mai mult, nici mai puțin. BTW! We worked quite hard, for more than 1000 years, to make all those Hunnish, Magyar, Slavic, Turkish, what have you, words pronounceable in your Western European languages, so give us a cookie or ten! :)
@b33b1m0v3 Ай бұрын
Most social events and administrative fields use modern french loan words. Because of the higher education that the youth of the 1800 s received in mainly France. Most economical (new industrialization) loan words were used from german language. In the early 1900s a lot of german run factories were built in cities. You're comparing things in a very peculiar way to drive a point. Its like using today's IT vocabulary in practically every country in the world and calling them English derived languages. But at home every romanian family uses words that are not even latin. They belong to the unknown origin vocabulary which i think is dacian.
@CesaristChannel 7 күн бұрын
"But at home every romanian family uses words that are not even latin. They belong to the unknown origin vocabulary which i think is dacian." ENTIRELY INCORRECT. As far as common sense and linguistic investigation goes, what we talk at home is called "Vulgar Latin", or the core Romanian vocabulary inherited from Vulgar Latin. You are mostly likely a Dacopath.
@mihaiilie8808 Ай бұрын
Romanian is the oldest vulgar latin, older than latin itself. Its a celtic language and the oldest celts are in Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey( they got out from under the Black Sea when it was flooded). The south romanians getae dacians are the visigoths that destroyed the Roman Empire. We dont say who we are because we like the Trojans column more than the visigoths. Visigoths are celtic like the gauls, wearing wings on their helmets and they spoke vulgar latin( romanian) wich is why they settled in Occitania and before they got to Rome. They knew the language.
@albertiulianharasemiuc3386 Ай бұрын
How about Mongolian and Hungarian conections
@besnikillyrian8520 Ай бұрын
At the begin , you used the wrong word , musafiri , its a tutkish word . In albanian is mik for the guest
@Terry-pz1op Ай бұрын
I know the word comes from Turkish, but both RO and AL adopted it.
@geluurs8235 Ай бұрын
Documents 4-5 centuries old show that the Romanian is almost the same. For ex ,,Neacsu Letter '' from the 1500's is 90% in latin related words! If you are really interested in the origin of Romanian language, search for Micheál Ledwith (former councilor at Pope John Paul II) about Romanian ;
@ginaibisi777 Ай бұрын
When we lived in Thracia before we moved to Dardania and Greek Macedonia that is why we have similarities because we lived near each other and had a good relationship with Romania 😊
@JP-bj2sb Ай бұрын
There is a typical R in some Persian dialects and the Armenian language of Iran that resembles the American R, but is different from the Indian R. Indian typical R sounds like a dental D or T. similar to American water. I think it is the influence of American English on Persian in recent times (a large Iranian entertainment community is based in California. However there are arguments also against it: The Iranic R stands for L in other Indo-European languages, and in the Middle Persian alphabets both phones are written by the same letter. I think that the the typical Persian/ Armenian is a recent American introduction because it is usually pronounced this way in richer neighborhoods by people, younger than 60 years old. More puzzling about the Iranic R/L is that Sorani Kurdish has two different Ls, and there are Iranic words that have a cognate with R in other Indo-European languages. Therefore we can assume that the proto-Iranic had both phones R and L (although the European linguists tend to transcribe everything to R in the Avestan language.
@southepirote7676 Ай бұрын
However the Romanians are slavs and only wannabe Albanian that are completely different and unique.... The Pelasgians were proto Albanians and were considered barbaric by Greeks. Pelasgian family lists languages in four groups, of which only Albanian is well-attested» Oxford University Linguistics “The speakers of the Indo-European language that would become Albanian and the speakers of the Indo-European language (Hellenic Albanian) that would become Modern Greek were the first to enter the Illyrian Peninsula whose languages are of relevance for modern Albanian linguistics.”: «Nonetheless, most historians have decided that the evidence linking Albanian to Messapic, which in turn has been linked to Illyrian, is sufficient to see Albanian as a descendant of a language to Illyrian, if not a descendant of Illyrian itself» It is argued that Albanian's affinities to the Messapic language proved that, at the very least, it was part of the same brandy as illyrian John Van Antwerp (1991). University of Michigan, Press. Book: (the illyrians were able to rettest into the mountains at the time of slavic migrations and thereby to retain their identities as albanians» Also «traditionally scholars have seen the illyrians as the proto - albanians». By Budapest university in hungary: «The albanians are one of the most ancient people of southeast Europe; their ancestors were illyrians... From Linköping university: «order to understand the Albanian language, one must first understand this country’s history. Being one of the oldest peoples in the southeast Europe, Albanians have a formidable history dating back to the time of Alexander the Great but even further back via the history of their ancestors, the Illyrians. Published by H. M. Stationary office in university of California «the albanians, skipetars, epirotes, dardanians are descendants of the ancient illyrians. This book is by university of california as you can see with the «univ calif» ok the Bottom of every page in the book. «While the strong men of Albania, like their ancestors Who lived before agamemnon» page 179 Also «the illyrian tribes, now represented by shkypetar or albanians» page 181. «by constantine A. Chekrezi, A. B. (Harv)» aka by Harvard university (best university in the world), also published in Columbia university as it also says. «It is generally recognized to-day that the albanians are the most ancient race in southeastern europe. All indications point to the fact that They are the descendants of the earliest pelasgians were represented in historical times by the kindred illyrians, macedonians.» in page 3. also «this (albanian) language is particularly interesting as the only surviving representative of the so called illyrian group of languages» in page 5. By University of NORTH Dakota: «the albanians are Among the oldest people of europe. Anciently their country formed a part of the roman provinces of illyria epirus». In page 1 By Colorado state university: «Archaeological excavations in central and northwest Greece have brought to light the cultural and skeletal remains of the ancient Illyrians» also: «the physical activity of the illyrians, ancient albanians...» both of these sentences is in page 1.
@erical7604 Ай бұрын
To have a clue about why some languages are like they are, I would recommend the video of RobWords on why English is still a germanic language despite having in its vocabulary not many anglo-saxon worlds left. Maybe it would be more comprehensible for some why Romanian is still a Latin language.
@cleitondecarvalho431 Ай бұрын
no need to be 100% latin, it is unique anyway, and still sounds beautiful.
@ccotor9 Ай бұрын
Wow , i recently heard language speak from Timoc Valey and is 100% romanian language ,but to hear such a similarities betwen Albanian language and Romaninan language just blow my socs .In the end they are our brothers too . Se pare ca albanezii sunt de ai nostri fratilor ! Gratings from Romania !
@InAeternumRomaMater Ай бұрын
When are you going to make another video?😫
@southepirote7676 Ай бұрын
Historically and genetically, Albanians are Mediterranean. Whereas Romanians are inland people and slavic.
@southepirote7676 Ай бұрын
Another example of what anti Albanian sentiment teaches most of the Balkans 😂
@yamnitsky Ай бұрын
Actually the definite article as a postfix is more of a feature of a Balkan sprachbund than the Latin heritage. Latin didn't have articles (either definite or indefinite), they developed in late Vulgar Latin when the Roman empire has effectively already collapsed.
@Terry-pz1op Ай бұрын
True, but the nouns do inflect it ways similar to Latin.
@dontlettouseyou Ай бұрын
Yeah is possible cause before Dacia, România from old time was more biger than now if you watch or search old Maps many Country's from Slave wasn't
@cosmincasuta486 Ай бұрын
Just a coment...ALL THE "SLAVIC" WORDS from above were used by the ortodox church....ALL.... The alpahabet also was used BY THE ORTODOX CHURCH..... Do not confound the church/clerc language with the vulgar speaking language.... It is like you confound the literal latin with the vulgar latin!!!! Also you have to take in the consideration the romance languages spoken to the South of Danube, languages separated for centuries from the northern one.... they also have words from latin and some greek words....
@ruben4447 Ай бұрын
Its kinda hard to talk about this topic because everything still isnt 100% proven to be true. There still is an ungoing study about this topic. From this study there are a few debates for example its said that when lingvists tried to discover what influences each romanian word has they categorized all words that didnt come from latin as slavic evem though they couldnt enecsarily prove they were slavic words. Many of the "slavic" words might not even be from slavic but they just looked similar and they asumed they come from slavic even though they had totally different meanings.
@octavianc3360 Ай бұрын
Too many stupidities! Go to find British-Albanian connection. Leave Balkans! Confusion between Aromanians and Romanians. Aromanians live together with Albanians!!!
@xxx_rotfd_xiii_xii3619 Ай бұрын
@Terry-pz1op Ай бұрын
You mean like you just did?
@southepirote7676 Ай бұрын
​@@Terry-pz1op Why are you so obsessed with Albanians? Go learn your own slavic settler history 😬
@enis-OnePiece Ай бұрын
Rumania not Romania 😂 You are 90 % Slavic your Genom dont have nothing Latin just watch the DNA test of Rumanians
@Bianca-gz9uv Ай бұрын
Da (yes) isn't slavic, it's from latin Ita. In old slavic word for Yes is Tak like in polish, ukranian, belarussian. Slavic words in romanian are from old slavic not from russian as ones might think. Da (yes) is used mostly by southern slavs who were part of the roman empire and also got exposed to latin influence (see Jirinek line)...bulgarian, serbian, croatian.
@Terry-pz1op Ай бұрын
That's just a theory and I don't buy it.
@cornerro Ай бұрын
@@Terry-pz1op buy some logic, then: there are two basic words in any language: those that mean affirmation and negation.so we have to presume that until the arrival of the Slavs in the area (that is, for hundreds of years), the native populations did not have a word for affirmation (of Latin parentage, possibly), or they did, but they preferred to replace it with "Slavic" DA. then, let's admit that the Slavs are only the Russians, practically, and by no means their small nations from the west, who do not use, we do not try to understand for what reasons, the "ancestral" DA (but, for example, the equivalent of the ide Latin, the "tak" in Polish.)
@Terry-pz1op Ай бұрын
@@cornerro Words get replaced and change meanings all the time, as I discussed in the video. I'm not saying proto-Romanian didn't have an affirmative. It is a fact that the Latin derived affirmative 'sic' is the basis for 'și'. So it probably replaced an older word for 'and' (like 'et') and was itself replaced as an affirmative by Slavic 'da'. I am also not disputing that 'tak' is likely the original Slavic 'yes', but it makes no sense that both Russian and South Slavic languages all adopted 'da' from Latin, while adopting so few other words. Also, why did Albanian, which does have a large Latin influence, not adopt 'da' if it's from Latin 'ide'? One final point, Slovenian is the only South Slavic language that doesn't use 'da' (at least not in every speech) but 'ja' from German, which is a another example of the same phenomenon.
@zarzavattzarzavatt9309 Ай бұрын
@@cornerro Unfortunately your "logic" doesn't compensate for the lack of knowledge. Not all languages have/had an affirmation particle ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_and_no ). The exact origin of the word "da" is unknown, but: - there was no "affirmaton word" in cassical latin ( kzbin.info/www/bejne/rl68Y3l-gaybe7s ) - there are no romanian texts older than 300 years that use the word "da" - other closely related to romanian languages don't use "da" - for example aromanian - romanian borrowed a lot of slavic words during middle ages (not much vice-versa) - the general trend for latin->romanian sound changes is consonant devoicing, i don't know if there are any words that changed "t"->"d"
@mariadespina80 2 ай бұрын
There is . Romania =the ancient Dacia. Albania = Illyrians. Both from the great European Thracian family. Primordial race in Europe. 7000 years ago .
@edmondrusso2831 2 ай бұрын
True. Portokall in Geg is Protogal.
@mendjelire8392 2 ай бұрын
Albanian is 5000 years older than Latin and comes to our time largely unchanged. Even though the Romans had a hold on the region for centuries that does not mean that the words came in use from Latin, it very well might be the other way around. Can't apply the same criteria of comparison of Latin with other much younger languages when it comes to Albanian, Greek and Armenian, unless it is a word re: technology or concept that was first invented, and historically attested, by the Romans. Not to be ignored is also the fact that the whole region of the Italic peninsula's hill all the way up to Rome was settled by Illyrians from today's Devoll region of Albania, the Messapians, who have left written records on stones. So for example: Kemishe in Albanian is an woolen undergarment that is worn on the skin (ka ne mish-on the meat). There are other factors that should be taken into account as well. Usually when a word is borrowed from another language and it means something that has existed before the other language's exposure there should be another synonym present but in some of your examples there are no other synonyms in Albanian. Or for example the word Mbret, Illyrians had kings long before the Romans appeared and they also had cities long before them as well. Flutur can't possibly come from Latin as it comes from fluturo which means fly and there is no synonym for it in Albanian. We can not even say that the Albanian word for fly fell out of use in favor of the "Latin" word as it is a word that has to do with something that has existed before the Latins and Albanians. The same for Slavic and Greek. The word crisis for example could very well have come in Greek from Albanian because the word means: a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger and in Albanian KRISI means CRACK, it also used to indicate that something unpleasant is about to start. Like: krisi sherri = the quarrel started/broke out.
@doruvlahu3365 2 ай бұрын
I think that before talking about the Romanian language , you should have found out the true history of the Romanians . Thus you can find out that during the great Wurm glaciation , when all the populations in the area called Europe , with one exception , died because of the climatic conditions . This space where people continued to live and procreate . was the Carpathian and peri-Carpathian . While vegetation took the place of ice and snow , the population of the area began to swarm , repopulating Europe . When you leave home , don t you leave with the language ? Or lose it on the way !? The Cimbris leave the mouths of the Danube several thousand years ago , and finally arrive in the peninsula called Italica today . The Etruscans leave a thousand years later from the same area and arrive in the same place ... The great civilizations are formed at the mouths of the great rivers ,for objective reasons . At fall , the Parthians (Persians) leave also from the mouths of the Danube and arrive in what today is called Iran , etc . To think that a nation waits for hundreds or thousands of years for migrations to appear from whom it can learn to speak , is of the night of the mind... Maybe i can make you curious . The term Indo-European is totally wrong . Many Romanian words considered to come from Slavic languages , by the lying "dictionaries" , are similar to Sanskrit words ...
@valley6824 2 ай бұрын
4:55 fellow slavs don’t like that bro. You hurt their feelings.
@garyyakamoto2648 2 ай бұрын
Also the word: (Alb.) Boge = (Ger/Eng) Bog -- for water body) (Alb.) Sfork = (Ger/Eng) Fork (Alb) Cun = (Eng) Son (Alb.) Gezuar= (Ger) gesundheit (the meaning has changed but is linked to being happy and healthy OMG you beat me to it with the last one :)
@lucianflorianbrandus1406 2 ай бұрын
Boia nu este istoric ! Este un propagandist !
@andrei-mn2nc 2 ай бұрын
Claro,el ultimo Carpicus Maximus,ha sido Constantino el grande,de donde sacas tanta confusión,el substrato que nos une es la idioma pelasga,nada mas