As Tall As Lions Tribute
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Emerald Haze
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Waltz #2 (XO) Cover
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Broken Toy
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Off to Mars, Back in 20.
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Smile Upon Your Face
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The Young Man From North Ontario
Hear You Me, My Friend
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Cracked Walls
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Stagnant Sea
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Heart Felt Moment
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Trump the Librarian
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In A Dream
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@sezergozutok9546 3 ай бұрын
@mustafae934 6 ай бұрын
I will respond to your video point by point, and firstly want to say that I don't want to start a fight I genuinely just want a informational debate. Firstly to answer your question on how Israel should have responded to the Oct 7th attack, I believe they should have done exactly as they did. But that is because it is what they wanted to do, and what the plan has always been. To eliminate as many Palestinian's as possible, and to use Hamas as a catalyst for it. Hamas hasn't been around all of this war, yet the death count has always been quite one sided with Palestinian's suffering majority of the losses. I agree that both the IDF and Hamas bare responsibility in this conflict, however, for peace to work both need to be gone. As before Hamas was founded the IDF was still around and there wasn't peace at that time, so simply getting rid of Hamas now wouldn't fix the problem. Part of the issue is how both sides are brought up, Hamas leaders are corrupt and the soldiers are raised only knowing war, seeing there own family members die to the IDF so of course they aren't going to grow up to be morally sound. However, the IDF soldiers are raised told that they are the victims and that they own all of the land, including Gaza and the West Bank, and that Palestinians are nothing more than trash. Isreal could have killed more people, absolutely but they aim to do so with the worlds support. (which they currently don't have) There are countless individual reports from IDF soldiers bragging about killing civilians, but bringing individual examples doesn't help much. So instead looking at the death count in Gaza, majority of which are citizens, over 10000 of which children. They have killed more children than Hamas soldiers, and for a military that boasts there securness and how advanced they are, there precision in who there killing is quite unproptional. Genocide is a geo ethnic cleansing, and many Isreali officials have outwardly stated that they have no plan for a two-state solution (including Netanyahu) and want to flatten Gaza. I agree that both sides have inflated points, but the issue is that Palestine doesn't have the support of the largest military in the world. Of course both sides are going to keep spreading misinformation to keep the public on there side, for example Israel lying about the 40 decapitated babies. The reason Hamas built tunnels and are spending money on deconstruction rather than construction is simple, they are a terrorist organization and aren't defensible. But comparing Hamas's actions to Israel's is liking saying because the monster killed 1 person you have to kill the monster and everyone around it. The unemployment rate is not due to Israel? Over the past 18 years Hamas has been in control, I don't think a terror organization cares about the employment of its citizens more than what they were created to do in the first place, destroy Israel. And that's why they spend there resources on it. I'd like to see evidence of Hamas threatening Palestinians who don't agree with there methods/actions, I do believe that you may be right in this but I just want some sort of evidence. The IDF has been publicly seen on video arresting there own citizens for not wanting to be drafted to war. Last thing I'd like to bring up is a question to you, do you believe Israel truly has the best interests of Palestinian citizens? And how can you justify what is being done in the West Bank since Hamas isn't in control in that area, as in the settling, checkpoints, killings?
@joshuafrank4643 6 ай бұрын
Hi, thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it. This video is meant to expose the dangers of a man like Norman Finkelstein, who has one single agenda and that is to spread hatred. No more, no less. That's of course my personal view. I think you raise some very important points here. Let me start with your last point about whether Israel has Palestinians best interests in mind. Israelis do not and probably have never had Palestinians' interests in mind or in their hearts. Neither has any Palestinian leader, either, beginning with Haj Amin al-Husseini, going to Arafat, to Ismael Haniyeh, and so on. Palestinian "leaders" dedicate themselves to fighting Israel, not protecting their people. When it comes to the "settlements," my personal view is one you would probably consider to be extreme, but I'll share it anyway. I personally believe that the "West Bank" is and has always been Israeli land, and therefore the people who are "settling" in the land, the Jewish-Israelis, are not violating any sort of law by building homes. Where this does become illegal but more importantly unethical is when you have someone bulldoze a Palestinian home in order to build a new Israeli one. I am 100% against this process, but I don't know what the solution is other than folks finally deciding to stop fighting each other and to get along. By the way, if you think that ending the 400,000 settlements in the West Bank would end the conflict, that is a very naive thought. When the Israelis pulled out of Gaza nearly 20 years ago, they thought the same thing would happen. Instead, Hamas took over, built over 350 miles of tunnels to import weaponry to use against Israelis, bled its economy dry causing a 50% unemployment rate, and enriched their top leaders who are billionaires chilling in Doha, Qatar. People like to use the word "justify" a lot these days. Are your actions "justified"? I don't know, maybe? My actions are justified by me, while they pose a threat to you, so I don't think "justified" serves us well on this subject. So, are Israeli settlements in the West Bank Yes, of course they are justified. But they also pose a threat. Depends on who you are asking. Israelis are fulfilling a Biblical Prophecy by settling in Judea and Samaria, but for Palestinians already living there, they are simply land-thieves. Both groups are correct, which is what makes the situation intractable. You are correct about the many lies surrounding the war in Gaza and also the October 7th attack. Lies have always surrounded media reporting on Israel/Palestine for over 76 years now, and so this is nothing new. Propaganda is difficult to avoid these days. I would personally be careful when you make comparisons between Hamas and the IDF. I don't think you understand the gravity of what took place on October 7th. Let me put things into perspective for you as far as understanding the threat of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran at large. I live in Colorado. If this morning I woke up to sirens and the news that 1,200 Coloradans had been murdered and 30 women had been raped and houses were burned down and 250 innocent people were kidnapped and taken hostage into New Mexico by the New Mexican Resistance Group, Colorado would declare war on New Mexico and we wouldn't be questioning whether Colorado was a terrorist army, we would be focused on preventing such an attack from ever happening again. I disagree with you on the numbers and the intent to commit Genocide. Israelis could have flattened Gaza and killed 2.1 million people in less than 10 minutes on October 9th if they had really wanted to. They have been capable of eliminating every single Gazan individual for years. Commonly-cited numbers state there are about 33,000 dead Gazans, but the honest truth is that you and I do not know the truth about these numbers because Hamas and the IDF controls the flow of information. The reason I quote the numbers on October the 7th is because Israelis spent a lot of time and energy counting and at one point the count was 1,400 dead civilians, then it was between 1,200-1,300, and now most people agree on the number 1,200 individuals murdered by Hamas. I don't believe for one second that 22,000 dead Gazans were killed as a of Israeli military action. You know how Hamas gets those numbers? The same way we got such high numbers of Covid-19 deaths. They have the Hospital staff lump deaths together so the number becomes inflated and inaccurate. However, let us give Hamas the benefit of the doubt for a moment and believe their words. Even if Israelis did kill 33,000 Gazans, how does that qualify as Genocide? That is less than 2% of the population killed. In the 1940s following World War II, 66% of Europe's Jews had been either gassed, starved, or shot to death. That is 6 out of 9 million, and the Nazis accomplished this in less than 1 decade. Hamas has been in power for 18 years, nearly 2 decades, and Israelis have eliminated 2% of the Gazan population. That's a Genocide? If that's Genocide, then the Israelis are really awful at committing Genocide. I'm not sure you understand what ethnic cleansing is if you think Israelis have been committing it. This is what the British did to the Aboriginees of Australia, it's what they did to the native peoples of the Americas. They would do things like force them to have new haircuts (boys weren't allowed to have long hair anymore), and they would cut their tongues if they attempted to speak in their native language. If you have ever traveled to Israel, you know that most of the street signs are in 3 languages: Hebrew, Arabic, and English. 20% of Israel's population is Arab-Palestinian and most Jews in Israel can say the basics of Hello/Goodbye in Arabic. Palestinians don't get their tongues cut off for speaking in their native language. You should really take time to understand what ethnic cleansing is instead of repeating a talking point that you likely heard from someone else. Lastly, you say that Hamas and the IDF needs to go. I want to encourage you to do some reflecting and individual research. Making such a statement assumes you think that the IDF are as bad if not worse than Hamas because the IDF has existed for decades and there hasn't been peace. Do you know what IDF stands for? Israeli Defense Forces. Do you really think the Israelis want to be engaged in warfare every single year in their short modern history? If you do think that, then you are mistaken. On the other hand, the people of Hamas and those who support them want to be engaged in warfare every single day until the end of time because they are Jihadists who believe religion justifies their war efforts. They believe Israel is the Oppressor, the Occupying Power, and they will not stop until they eliminate Israel. Problem is, they can't do it with military strength, so they go to the next best arena for warfare which is through Information. Hamas is winning the PR campaign against Israel because they have convinced young Americans to go out onto the streets and wave Palestinian flags in support of their "Cause." But because their "Cause" is to annihilate Israel, this just adds fuel to the fire and will never lead to peace. Therefore, I fully support Israel's efforts to eradicate Hamas fighters and demilitarize Gaza. You'll have to do your own research in finding the evidence you were requesting in terms of Hamas threatening Palestinians who denounce them. I can promise you, though, that Palestinians are sick of Hamas and want them dead. Israelis are doing 2.1 million Gazans a huge favor right now, even though half the world thinks they are committing Genocide.
@joshuafrank4643 6 ай бұрын
@zakialsadeq3832 6 ай бұрын
There is nothing supports you claim. This is an Israeli rhetoric built to lure those who don’t use their brains. Israel is a Zionist entity and has nothing to do with Judaism. Zionism is the opposite of Judaism. A true Jew will object to the creation of such entity on someone else’s land. Israel has no right to exist on the Palestinian land. If anyone wants them love them, they can take them into their country and provide them with a bigger land. Stop screwing with people’s mind. Dr. Norman represents the true Jews.
@joshuafrank4643 5 ай бұрын
Go to your public library. Have you ever traveled to the Zionist entity called Israel? By the way, Palestine comes from "Palestina," which is a Roman-given name just about 2,000 years ago, so if you're against Israeli Colonization, why at the same time would you want the "Palestinians" to have the name that other Colonizers gave to them? Yasser Arafat invented the term "Palestinian" in the context of being an indigenous and victimized people in the 1960s. He, like all other corrupt Palestinian leaders, exploited his own people in order to become a wealthy man. Do you know where Arafat is from? Egypt. I am not screwing with people's minds. People are free to make up their own minds and express their opinions freely.....unless, of course, they live under Hamas in Gaza.
@imquantum8009 6 ай бұрын
Nobody cares
@KN-cool 7 ай бұрын
Necessary for them profits and that sweet, sweet oil 😅😢😢