Christmas Eve: The Humility of God
VI. Of Justification
3 жыл бұрын
V. Of the Way of Salvation
4 жыл бұрын
IV. Of the Fall of Man
4 жыл бұрын
III. Of the Image of God
4 жыл бұрын
II. Of The Triune God
4 жыл бұрын
I. The Scriptures
4 жыл бұрын
Tradition and the Bible (Mark 7:1-13)
Yahweh in the Flesh (Mark 6:45-52)
@kardew973 16 күн бұрын
Allah calls to die for him, but Christ calls to live for him ! Allah wants submission from all, but Christ offers his love to all ! Allah says he is the best deceiver, but Christ proclaims he is the Truth ! Allah curses those who dont believe him, but Christ wants to save all !✝
@kelanitweir4994 17 күн бұрын
Instead of just arguing, why not trying to debate a Muslim to see how robust your "arguments " are. And Nabeel qureshi was refuted zillions of time online by various Muslims, so his books are just a waste of time.
@crisinabeltran830 23 күн бұрын
At least jehovha witness follow the bible closelly take the bible seriously and have high moral standards then all the mainstream christains
@crisinabeltran830 23 күн бұрын
If jesus is god then who was he praying too to himself the trinty is not in the bible
@jwjim Ай бұрын
Lies about the 144,000. Lies about quotas in preaching. Lies about God’s name.
@jamesritter5078 Ай бұрын
Your post is nothing but mere assertion, jwjim.
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
I served a Church mission for two years in Southern Russia. I was never in the drivers seat. All I could do was invite people, answer their questions and help them understand. Once they caught a glimpse of what I was sharing, I tried to help them find out for themselves and not solely rely on what I was saying. God bless
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
21:45 Loved one died and your pastor says they are damned to hell and you wonder if that is really true? Child died in infancy and you have been told they are damned to hell? Our answers are different from their answers. Tired of going church to church, each claiming they interpret the Bible correctly? Our answers are different from their answers. Myself and any other "false teachers" would be willing to explain the Hope for salvation and truth of Jesus Christ we have. By their fruits, you shall know them. I do it without purse or script, not paid by your offerings
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
18:40 I love the questions the sister brings up. Notice what the Pastor says "That kind of frame of mind, that is what leads people to be susceptible to false teaching" What he is saying is "Don't think for yourself, my interpretation of the Bible is the only correct interpretation" To that sister I would say, I treasure and value the Bible the word of God. I dont believe the interpretations of scriptures this pastor has. I would want to have a discussion with you, invite you to understand why we believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father, why we call the Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ. If after that you say , " no thanks", great, i hope we can still be friends. But if you see value in what you learn you would nurture that seed and see the fruits it will bring. We invite all to hear a message. You can find out for yourself, you dont have to rely on a paid minister.
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A couple of thoughts here. I agree, there are key tenants of the Christian faith. After warning people about false teachers, he goes into the Trinity. We dont believe in the Trinity as you do. At the end of the video he says the Trinity didn't come from the council of Nicea. Where did it come from then? I know you try to explain it from the Bible, but it is not there. I am sure when you say you and your spouse are one, you dont mean you are the same being. If your standard for true doctrine is Protestantism and their beliefs, we dont believe in those teachings Sola Scriptura, Trinity, etc came from the Reformation, councils of men. Reformers that did the best they could with the light they had, bound by philosophy and human traditions. We dont believe in those things. We will never be 4th century Christians
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
I would like to respond to a couple more things later. I welcome respectful conversations and questions. You are in Kennewick Lol
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
The Bible is replete with references that we are the Children of God, we are the offspring of God and too many churches try to explain it away.. Why does the Bible say that? Once we know that God is our Father we begin to realize how much he loves us, a fatherly deep love. We do not worship Jospeh Smith. Only Jesus Christ the Son of God lived a sinless life. No one else ever lived a sinless perfect life. Jospeh Smith did not kill anyone, that is not true To the sister that asked "Why do they need Jesus to die on the cross?" Absolutely I need Jesus Christ, he is the Son of God. He was born of Mary, lived a perfect life, healed the sick raised the dead, taught the Gospel to all who would listen. He performed miracles, he was betrayed, beaten suffered and died for my sins. His grace, divinity, and love opens the doors of heaven for sinners like me. He conquered death and sin. The name of our church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is my Redeemer and my Savior. There is no other way to heaven except in and through Jesus Christ We offer all the invitation to read the Book of Mormon. We love and cherish the Bible and we believe that God has given us additional scripture. Jesus said there were other sheep that were not part of that fold, they too must hear his voice and be one flock and one Shepherd The Book of Mormon is a record of God's dealings with people here in the Americas. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ visited those people. You can read that witness in the Book of Mormon. And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. Page 100 in the Book of Mormon I do not believe in a works based salvation. It is a gross mischaracterization of my faith to say differently.
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
The things we do in the Temple are sacred, not secret. I draw closer to my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, when i set aside my worldy cares and worship and pray at the Temple. It would be a mockery of my faith if all my worship was thrown out for everyone to see. There aren't a lot of sacred things these days. I am grateful for the time I can spend in the Temple. Paul worshipped at the Temple, so did Jesus Christ. There are a lot of temples being built, before they are dedicated they are open to the public. I am waiting for the temples in Cincinnati and Houston (still several years) so i can invite my friends to get a little glimpse of the sacredness of the Temple
@chrisdennis1449 Ай бұрын
Wow - So much to unpack here. I love it when people tell me what I believe. You should really talk to an actual member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not sure how and why you call my faith a cult, a Satanic perversion, without a shred of humility, that perhaps you don't have the full story and perhaps you are ignorant about my faith. Do better We dont have to agree, but let me outline a couple of points. We are not 4th century Christians. Your whole explanation about the Trinity, that comes from 4th century councils of man. Original Sin comes from the philosophy of men. Ideas from man, not God We don't baptize infants. We believe that we have agency, and baptism is a covenant between us and God. A person must understand and accept Baptism, infants cannot. We believe in Baptism for the dead. It is mentioned in the Bible, why don't others believe in it? Jesus taught that Baptism is necessary. But what about all those that never heard of Jesus or were never baptized? Are they damned to hell?. That sounds incredibly unfair for a perfectly fair and loving God. So we can stand as proxies for them, then they can choose in the next life to accept it or not. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was a proxy for us. No I cannot stand as a proxy for someone living they have to make that choice and do that for themselves
@freeimagz Ай бұрын
amazing teaching. Alleluiah
@jones9159 2 ай бұрын
Hello brothers and sisters. I have an open question. Anybody's opinion is welcome. Matt: 15:21-28, A very familiar passage describing an interaction between our Lord and a Syrophoenician woman, AKA, a gentile. At first her request is met by silence, while the disciples urged him to send her away. Kindly, (v 24) the Lord explains to her that He has only been sent to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel", in other words, not gentiles. Upon her second request the Lord answered "It is not meet to take the children's (Israel's) bread and cast it to dogs. (gentiles) Undaunted, she answers again 'And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.' Here she acknowledged her position outside of "God's People". and cry's only, 'mercy Lord', (paraphrased). Here's the question In light of these facts: The Lord himself states clearly that His ministry on earth was to Israel alone, Israel under the Law, And, we are not under the Law but under Grace, Saved by Grace through Faith apart from the Law, In light of these facts, would it be considered false teaching to say that we must follow the words of Jesus spoken to Israel under the Law?
@joshcarter343 2 ай бұрын
Pastor Marc, I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am that one of your videos popped up on my KZbin feed about a year ago. I've been listening from Central Illinois ever since. Your humble faithfulness to the Word of God and the way you bring it into the daily lives of ordinary people has greatly impacted my walk with Christ. And I have shared your messages with others in my life. Thank you so much and may God continue to use your teaching for His glory.
@QuinaultBaptistChurch 2 ай бұрын
Josh, that is such an encouragement to hear! So grateful that the preaching of God's Word is a blessing to you and has been a means of grace to help you grow. The Lord bless you and keep you, brother.
@emilymaemorris 5 ай бұрын
Wow! I can’t tell you how much this blessed me. I cried and I NEVER cry. I felt like the ending was especially for me, like you were literally speaking to me. What a blessing you are to your Church. Praise the Lord! God bless you all at Quinault and I pray for increased courage for you all. I also wanted to say (I’m not sure if you remember) but I mentioned months ago how I struggled finding a Church (and wish I could join Quinault except I’m in the UK haha) … well, God willing this Sunday I’ll be attending one. I finally found a reformed Baptist Church and have been listening to their online streamings, they are only 30 minute drive away from me. God bless you all ❤
@QuinaultBaptistChurch 5 ай бұрын
That's so encouraging, Emily! We will be praying for you this Sunday!
@usa2tube 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this series of teachings. These doctrines of grace are so important and empowering for our personal and corporate spiritual growth. I was so pumped when you mentioned Luther's "Bondage of the Will", which was an excellent resource for me. Also, your citing Deuteronomy 29:29 several times... that's where I rest, and encourage others to rest, when we discuss these deep truths that are hard to ultimately understand fully. He's given us what we He wants us to know, or perhaps what He knows we can handle. There is a point beyond which we must humble say, "You are God, and I am not." God saved me over 30 years ago while I was working on my PhD (biology). I am so blessed that He placed me in a church that laid out a strong Biblical foundation of God's sovereignty in salvation, and man's totally inability to respond to the Gospel in his natural state before regeneration. It was also one of the most, of not the most, actively evangelizing churches in the area, shooting down the idea that "Calvinism" supresses evangelism. I am now in a good Bible believing, verse-by-verse expository teaching church that sadly leans Armenian, based on what I see as a misinterpretation of several of the verses you have pointed out over several videos, and specifically the "God wills that none should perish" verse. There are a few of us in the congregation that others would consider "Calvinistic", and there is always a lot of (generally loving) discussion when the "election" and "predestination" verses come up during Bible studies. I was even asked to give a special teaching on God's sovereignty vs. man's free will a few years ago that was generally well accepted. But these ideas about how "free" man will really is die hard. I have seen an uptick on attacks on Calvinism online recently, so I again applaud you for your Biblical and reasonable defense of these doctrines. Many blessings.
@PatrickSteil 9 ай бұрын
Why follow the doctrine of one man when you can follow the doctrines of the Church that Jesus started, gave authority to determine doctrine for us, protects it with the Holy Spirit and that makes more sense in every way? Not to mention that it worships Jesus and not the Bible or our own salvation. And has Jesus present at every Mass. Catholicism will lead you to a deeper relationship with your LORD than you ever thought possible! :)
@HubCityMan 10 ай бұрын
@paulring86 10 ай бұрын
Perfect example of forcing ones desired philosophy into the Bible where it has already been explicitly defined as false. One would be better off just admitting that the Bible is not ones central authority.
@mrgrossism 10 ай бұрын
This is a clear illustration of why critics call limited atonement "a doctrine in search of a text". It can only be seen by using the "logic" of the rest of the systematic theology of Calvinism.
@_stxry8705 10 ай бұрын
what do you believe?
@mrgrossism 10 ай бұрын
@@_stxry8705 I believe the life, death, and resurrection of Christ demonstrates the love and forgiveness of God toward fallen humanity. Whoever places his full confidence in Jesus and His righteousness has access to the reconciliation God desires. Without Calvinism in general and penal substitutionary atonement in particular as fundamental assumptions, I have no need for the concept of limited atonement.
@_stxry8705 10 ай бұрын
@@mrgrossism Do you believe that someone can chose to do that apart from the grace of god, as you say "place full confidence", without divine intervention? If so I encourage you to read john 6: 44-51. If you believe that it only gives access then the access should be universal and without discrimination. Moreover Jesus in the same chapter calls our belief a "work of God" and we know that not everyone believes. For me, there seems to be a real stigma towards Calvinism because the implications seem unethical, but the non-calvinist articulations of places like Romans 8 and 9, John 6 and others just aren't exegetically coherent in my opinion. I've just tried to submit to what the bible says, even if I find it hard to reconcile.
@mrgrossism 10 ай бұрын
@_stxry8705 It doesn't make sense to read that little snippet of John 6 in isolation. And it certainly isn't valid to build a doctrine on the back of a few verses isolated from their context. Go back and read all of chapter 5 and then all of 6 and it should be clear that Jesus is trying to reach these religious leaders who claim to know God but are rejecting Jesus. He's not introducing them to Calvinism! And read all of Romans- from start to finish - a couple of times and chapters 8 and 9 become clear in the context of the whole letter. Proof texting can be a persuasive way to build a doctrine, but it ignores context and it conveniently ignores texts which contradict the doctrine. What if that unease you have over the ethical implications of Calvinism is given by the Holy Spirit? Maybe the human teachers you have been sitting under are wrong.
@_stxry8705 10 ай бұрын
@@mrgrossism saying "read the whole thing for context" respectfully, isn't an answer. The context in john 5 is about how the leaders react to Jesus healing the blind man and then moves onto feeding of the five thousand. Jesus has people following him and turns them away with his words. He clearly notes the reason for their unbelief being that they dont belong to him. I'm not going to super impose something unrelated into the text that isn't there. My position isn't the product of blind following of teachers, and it certainly isn't just "a few verses". I think you are being kinda intellectually disingenuous when you imply that calvinists are taking a couple verses and running with them. I wasn't intending on going back and forth, you have already made multiple assumptions about me. I was genuinely just curious about how you handle certain verses that *to me* seem very clear.
@alphablitz1024 10 ай бұрын
I really appreciate this. It takes tremendous fortitude to understand Romans 9 for what it says--and then to also allow KZbin comments XD
@mrgrossism 11 ай бұрын
Ironic. The Jews couldn't imagine God reaching out to the whole world because *they* were the Elect and the Gentiles were obviously hated by God. Calvinism resurrects all the prejudices and blindness of "We are God's special elect." I appreciate your efforts to steelman the non-Calvinist position, but your refutation was made of straw - a lot of "what Scripture *really* means here is ..."
@Madcow7777 Жыл бұрын
Well god definitely not unjust in Roman’s 9. But calvinists definitely are. They’re divorced on what Romans 9 means.
@d3700 Жыл бұрын
The Holy Spirit will not teach anyone Calvinism (Tulip). Calvinism is learned from man. Once a person starts learning/learns Calvinism a very bewitching, persuasive, and persistent spirit will come up on them. This spirit will try to convince them Calvinism is found all through the bible and is biblical. I fought it and eventually rebuked it in the name of Jesus and it left me for a season. The simple fact that it left after being rebuked tells me Calvinism it is not of God nor is it biblical. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.
@mrgrossism Жыл бұрын
Pastor Marc is very thoughtful and sincere and well-prepared, but this is where the wheels fall off. You are really not wrestling with the enormity of saying God creates all these unregenerates and sets them loose to murder, rape, and abuse - in order to increase his own glory! Then to dismiss God's culpability in this system he created and say there is "mystery" as to how man is still responsible. There IS mystery in Scripture, but that is a simple logical incoherence. But this is exactly why you need several weeks of class time to explain Calvinism: there is so much that needs to be obscured with carefully worded philosophical arguments.
@christopherneedham9584 Жыл бұрын
The issue with this is that God is culpable in any system where he is sovereign (in the same sense he is culpable under Calvinism) under anything except extreme arminianism, he still creates all these unregenerates and sets them loose to murer, rape, and abuse -- in order to increase his own glory.
@mrgrossism Жыл бұрын
@@christopherneedham9584 I think you are operating with a couple of Calvinistic presuppositions already in place. For one - what do you mean by "sovereign"? And do you see Arminianism as the only option outside of Calvinism? And a focus on God's "glory" is certainly a hallmark of Calvinism.
@joshcarter343 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing hard truth! Listened to this with my wife. We have a good marriage, but need constant reminders like this to keep our focus on Jesus and giving to one another the love we have received from Him. Appreciate your ministry! I'm sharing this with friends and family.
@QuinaultBaptistChurch Жыл бұрын
Praise God! Thanks for the encouraging word, Josh.
@travissharon1536 Жыл бұрын
6:45 is pretty heavy on the neo-platonist isegesis.
@travissharon1536 Жыл бұрын
Calvinists simply read romans 9 incorrectly. I respect that this church is open about being Calvinist though. Ive met too many Calvinist pastors that lie about what they are. Your opening prayer did imply that disagreeing with Calvinism comes from a lack of humility. I get it though, there wouldnt be more than a handful of Calvinists if questioning "the giants of the faith" was allowed.
@emilymaemorris Жыл бұрын
I sooooo wish I could join this Church in person and I’ll certainly continue to listen to the videos but 58:25 wow!! I need to find a local Church. I never thought of it like that - the responsibility and care that comes with being part of a Church in person. Please pray that I can find one locally as a lot of the “Churches” in my area are mixed with new age practices and beliefs :(🙏🏻
@QuinaultBaptistChurch Жыл бұрын
We are praying! This might be a helpful resource for you in finding a church:
@emilymaemorris Жыл бұрын
These “Calvinism” videos along with the Sunday Service ones almost always preach on what it is I’m pondering at that moment in time, such a shame I can’t join in person! I was wondering if you could explain that point about babies and infants and whether or not they go to Heaven when they die? God bless ✝️
@QuinaultBaptistChurch Жыл бұрын
Hey Emily! We wish you could join us in person as well. We will attempt to answer that next week, and if not, Marc will write up something about it and post it to his substack, (
@emilymaemorris Жыл бұрын
Joined as it was live all the way from the UK :) watched and sang from my living room with my 8 week old baby. Will be joining every Sunday. Found the Churches channel via Calvinism video. God bless ❤
@kathywomack2683 Жыл бұрын
Second for 6/11/2023
@velkyn1 Жыл бұрын
Why don't chrisitans agree on what morals their god wants? And why can't they show that theirs are the approved ones? Why does your god approve of slavery and tell slaves to never seek their freedom? why do christians have no problem with their god doing things like genocide, killing people for other people's action, etc, things they would be horrified if a human did the same?
@StevenWilliams-hc7dk Жыл бұрын
qekjrnkllypu😮 I’m so happy you
@kettlysaillant3683 Жыл бұрын
amen 🙏
@JudeOne3Four 4 жыл бұрын
In Trinity world, the Triune God is a big secret to be found hiding among the pages of Scripture. Trinitarians approach the Bible in the same manner as the Gnostics. The Gnostics thought the Bible contained all kinds of hidden secret things which only enlightened minds would find and see. This is exactly what Trinitarians are doing concerning their doctrine of the Trinity. Since no three person God is ever mentioned in the entire Bible, they try to get you to think it is a hidden secret to be discovered and only the informed have this gnosis
@ddrse 4 жыл бұрын
You can be LGBT and Christian
@edcassinelli9968 4 жыл бұрын
It's easy to listen to Pastor Joe and know GOD sends His messages to us through Pastor Joe's sermons. How thankful I am for the church body of Christ.
@AbnerSolano 4 жыл бұрын
I had to learn that I will not always be the giver. Getting is humbling but it also comes with a sense of love from others. We have been loved by so many of you. I often want to do things on my own but when I let others come alongside me. Things are often better. We sometimes need to receive.