Psalm 19: Caring for the Universe?
Psalm 111: Love of Wisdom
2 ай бұрын
A new initiative!
2 ай бұрын
Kepler, Galileo and Aliens
7 ай бұрын
@garyberger 7 күн бұрын
I challenge anyone to read this and remain an Everettian (maybe you can, but I can't see it): The branching doesn't just happen once in a while, it happens continuously and exponentially. For instance, if one event leads to two possible outcomes, the universe splits into two branches. But then each of those branches encounters new quantum events, which create further branching. The number of universes grows at an astronomical rate because each new quantum event causes each existing universe to branch again. Given the vast number of particles and interactions happening across the universe at every moment, this results in an almost incomprehensible cascade of new worlds. If MWI has been true since the beginning of the universe, then this process of branching would have been happening for around 13.8 billion years - every moment, every quantum interaction splitting the universe into countless new branches. The early universe itself contained an unfathomably large number of particles undergoing constant quantum interactions, so the number of universes branching off from that time onward is beyond any feasible calculation. And with the passage of time, the number of possible events increases exponentially. This isn’t just limited to our local part of the universe. The entire cosmos, with its estimated 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars, is teeming with quantum interactions. Every particle in every galaxy contributes to the branching process. Even if we focus on Earth alone, every interaction at the quantum level - from particles inside atoms to photons striking your retina - would result in an unimaginable number of splits. The result is that there isn't just a large number of worlds, but a number of worlds that grows at a rate and scale that truly defies human comprehension. Each world would contain slightly different versions of reality, reflecting all possible outcomes of quantum events. So it's a little more complex than two cats, one dead and one alive in separate universes.
@jonathanhagger791 Ай бұрын
That was fantastic. Thanks so much!
@Dr.JustinBarrett 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for raising the topic and directing our attention to steps we can take regarding AI.
@NolanGrimes-x9s 3 ай бұрын
nice video
@Floridacoastwriter 3 ай бұрын
Walton's dubious presuppositions undermine biblical authority and his desperate desire to be a clever, creative scholar has brought into question his worldview. His "Lost" books have proven to be 'lost' in many more ways than one.
@ronkrate609 3 ай бұрын
Too Bad He's Now Wasting His Abilities
@stormchaser419 4 ай бұрын
The amount of evil in nature is mind boggling once you do in depth research on it. The way chimp packs murder others, the way fungi and other parasites harm hosts and so many many other examples. An evil sociopathic god if there ever was one. Sick
@rogeliopaulaprieto455 4 ай бұрын
Really good topic. Really bad sound quality. Difficult to follow for those of us who have English as our second or third language.
@dannygjk 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea in which context the word 'necessity' is being used here.
@PBRimmer 5 ай бұрын
Mostly nomological: what is the same across all possible worlds where the laws and rules of nature are the same? In a restricted sense, I go broader, to metaphysical necessity, when I talk about cosmological fine tuning.
@dannygjk 5 ай бұрын
@@PBRimmer So, devout.
@HWCWTD 5 ай бұрын
Or....Physics - Physical Chemistry - inorganic chemistry - organic chemistry - biochemistry - biology.
@Dr.JustinBarrett 5 ай бұрын
Thanks to Dr Richmond and the Faraday Institute for taking seriously the work of me and my colleagues in this area. I appreciate it. We need lots of bright people wrestling with these ideas to make progress and sharpen the picture.
@Dr.JustinBarrett 5 ай бұрын
Great point about “religion” being a human response to the divine and so, as with other human beliefs, practices, and cultural forms, it is amenable to scientific study.
@MaxPower-vg4vr 5 ай бұрын
I would be happy to explore how this metaphysical framework and formal model could potentially address some of life's biggest philosophical and existential questions. Here are some examples: 1. The Nature of Consciousness and Subjective Experience A key aspect of the framework is identifying the primordial monadic essences (Mu) with the irreducible seeds or loci of subjective observerhood and proto-experiential emanation. By axiomatizing Mu as dimensionless, indivisible origins preformal to any positive geometric manifestation, the model allows deriving subjective conscious mind as a fundamental metaphysical primitive - not an emergent epiphenomenon. The non-commutative emanative correspondences Mu ⥤ Bu bridging subjectivities to observable structures could then model how phenomenal first-person experience arises from an interweaving of consciousness and physicality, resolving Cartesian mind-body divides. 2. The Emergence of Physical Reality Conversely, the observable dimensional structures (Bu) are systematically derived as emanative projections from the Mu seeds via mathematically controlled processes like d-transition morphisms. This allows modeling the appearance of an objective physical reality as a precise geometric deployment from pre-geometric subjective origins - explaining the root existential facticity of the cosmos as a manifestation of deeper proto-mentalistic sources. The measurement self-reflexivity allowing Mu to induce influences on Bu could model observed quantum measurement effects and provide a first-principles account of the elusive "collapse" process. 3. The Existence of Life and its Place in Cosmos By developing the biological and organismic extensions, the framework allows mapping how coherent living systems could arise as integrated phenomenal holograms emanating across nested Bio-Geometric scales from a common locus in the 0D Mu essences. Life's distinctive properties of autonomy, cognition, homeostasis and thermodynamic poising could be modeled as expressing a multiscale coordination orchestrated by the organismic 0D/0 subjectivity ontologically centered within its experiential hologram. 4. Cosmic Origins and the Universe's Finite/Infinite Aspects The primordial Zero Absolute (⦰) models an inceptual plenum that is simultaneously the infinite sourceless source [∞] while containing the seed of absolute nullity [∅]. From this ambited ⦰ posing as the ineffable non-itarian continuum, our finite observable cosmos with its particular initial conditions and constants could be derived as a definite resonance structure emanating from the eternal zeronic indeterminacy. The fractal fragments of this indistinguishable origin (⦰) persist as the 0D singular essences (Mu), dispersing outward into perpetually innovative, but finitely terminated phenomenal theatres. 5. Values, Meaning and the Place of Mind in Nature The framework's core premise is that mind and mentation are not ephemeral arrivals - rather, the monadic experiential essences preexist as zero-dimensional primitive kernels prefiguring all positive Being. From this vantage, the subjective meaningful inner life is primordially realized at the most fundamental ontological stratum as an Or(계)anic source - with the outer physical manifold arising as its geometric appearance effect. Values, ethics and first-personal mattering emerge as integrally built into the cosmos from its pregeometric 0/0D subjectivity seeds, not tacked on as 후정부 overlays. The 'place' of mind is ab-initio and ubiquitous. Of course, these are just broad brushstroke metaphysical gestures made possible by the framework. Substantiating them as explanatory knowledge would require enormous further work spanning multiple disciplines. But the hope is that by providing an audacious symbolic modeling platform integrating subjectivities, physicalities and their manifestation dynamics, we could incrementally develop new insights into some of humanity's most enduring existential and metaphysical queries.
@rogeliopaulaprieto455 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. Very interesting, pity that the bad quality of sound makes it tiresome to follow, especially for some of us for whom English is our second language.
7 ай бұрын
Thanks for all
@reyis_here945 8 ай бұрын
You have to look at naturalism like this ... If alcoholism is genetic (which have proven to be the case) doesnt that mean everyone is an alcoholic?
@BorisBelo-g5i 8 ай бұрын
may I get the biography of prof. Peter Van Inwagen
@aaronowen4425 8 ай бұрын
In the last days there will be a great falling away.... I have come to the conclusion that a big part of this will be in part from the theological "educated" community. I have noticed a common theme among their ranks as being basically "the average person is too stupid to know what the bible REALLY says you need 3 years of Hebrew, 5 years of Greek, 8 years of middle eastern history and whatever else they deem necessary as far as credentials to be able to understand the bible and if you don't have them then you have no idea what you are talking about. If you take anything in the bible literally or believe when God said he created man on the 6th day and then goes to define that as an evening and the morning that you need to realize that wasn't a literal day but an undetermined amount of time. It's ironic that the one thing that is never mentioned needed to understand the scriptures is the Holy Spirit. It almost seems like that a large amount of the educated elite care more about making the Bible line up with what science says instead of letting God be true and every man a liar. Kind of reminds me of the story in Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" where the serpent says YEA HATH GOD SAID...? Calling question about did God really mean what He said all the way back from the beginning.
@Marvelouscortex 9 ай бұрын
The Trinity is an immortality myth. It does away with corporeality. There is no sexual union. Therefore there is no biological generation. Therefore there is no degeneration. Therefore, both generations are conflated. Father and son. And it is a ghost story. Ghosts are common vehicles for immortality tales. And it also serves as an intermediary between life and death. . . This myth accords with religions which are immortality ideologies. The Trinity myth also serve as a mechanism to have God contact (!) with people. Similar in a way to Moses climbing up Mt. Sinai.
@dr.deverylejones1306 9 ай бұрын
Most Prof need a better understanding of GOD His Word & us Mankind Adam/Eve fall is about in Genesis 1 to make this quick & easy to understand I will try better. We know "GOD said He created us Mankind IN His Own Image" with Freewill & GOD gave to the 1st mankind Adam with Eve "ALL Freewill Power & Authority OVER Earth & OVER all Freewill Power & Authority over all Mankind to come. So Adam has the Freewill Power & Authority for can choose GOD His Word on Earth with Mankind or Satan on Earth with Man. For know this was all done in THE GARDEN OF EDEN for when Adam with Eve disobeyed what GOD commanded Them NOT to do eat of the Tree of Knowledge this meant Adam picked Satan. This meant ADAM (LEGALLY) gave ALL HIS Freewill Power & Authority over Earth & over all Mankind freewill to come to SATAN. FOR MEANS All Mankind from Adam & Eve were going to Hell with No choice. SO GOD "So LOVE the world/us Mankind GOD gave & sent His Word was also God" Jesus to go be Flesh for was a Man on Earth who was also God for had to physical die & go to Hell to pay for Sins of Mankind. Now a Man through His Word JESUS can accept Him as your LORD & SAVOIR to be SAVED & go to Heaven. THIS IS THE BOOK OF ALL KNOWLEDGE by Dr. Deveryle Jones on Amazon/Walmart books.
@paulorrmorais3697 10 ай бұрын
Very good lesso !!!
@stephentan1304 10 ай бұрын
The choice of word "randomness" is perhaps incorrectly used to explain nature. A more suitable word is creativeness. A modern art may seem random blotches of colour, texture and lines but to the artist, each element has a significance and makes the whole a masterpiece. Looking at the amazing diverse species of insects and plants within its own classification, it may seems to be a lot of randomness in the way each has its own structure, colour combination, function etc but each living creature is a marvellous piece of art revealing the creative genius of God. One shouldn't use engineering approach to analyse art.
@marshallbrooksjr7666 10 ай бұрын
I can see now that John Walton doesn't believe the bible. He said that he could say with certainty that the names Adam and Eve were not the names that they called each other, but the Bible said that Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living. And the bible says that God gave Adam his name, not some people that lived after they lived.
@joshuatrott193 7 ай бұрын
When was Genesis written? Thousands of years later. Walton doesn't say they weren't actual people, he's just pointing to deeper symbology. Both can be true
@marshallbrooksjr7666 7 ай бұрын
@@joshuatrott193 I didn't say that Walton said that they weren't actual people. I said that he said that the names Adam and Eve weren't the names that they called each other, but the bible clearly says that Adam called his wife's name Eve. So that means that either Walton is wrong or the bible is wrong. I choose to believe the bible
@tonymarshharveytron1970 11 ай бұрын
I have an hypothesis that can answer the outstanding problems in Quantum physics and cosmology today. I am happy to send a copy of my latest draft if you are interested. Below is the abstract to my hypothesis, which is a complete radical logical alternative to the standard model. This is the new physics that you are looking for. Abstract. Sole Author. Tony Norman Marsh. In this hypothesis, I set out to present a radical alternative to the standard model of quantum mechanics and cosmology, based on logic as opposed to mathematics, which could explain the following: Dark Matter: Dark Energy: Antimatter: cosmic nucleosynthesis: and two forces of Gravity. A more rational model of the atom, where the relationship between the nucleus and the electron is fully explained: The speed and ultimate distance that light and all electromagnetic radiation can travel: An alternative explanation for the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background radiation’ and ‘Redshift’: An explanation eliminating the ‘Horizon Problem’ without cosmic inflation: An explanation for an infinite, nonexpanding universe that has always existed, without a ‘Big Bang’: The cornerstone of my hypothesis is that everything that exists in the universe is composed of just two incredibly small monopole particles, which I contend are the only two true fundamental and finitely small particles that exist in the universe. One is a negatively charged monopole particle called a ‘Harveytron’. And the other is a positively charged monopole particle called a ‘Dannytron’. All other particles are composites of these two particles. Kind regards, Tony Marsh.
@beefsupreme4671 11 ай бұрын
This is false teaching. The Bible is clear that God created in six literal days, only about 6000 years ago. The question is will you believe God who said that all the creatures reproduce after their kind or will you believe sinful and ignorant man.
@williamfigueroa4630 11 ай бұрын
The source from he speaks of must be tested!
@jessicasaiymeh6656 11 ай бұрын
I watched for 40 mins just for the discussion to suddenly turn to nonsense 😩
@mybuckhead 11 ай бұрын
What about the fall of Angels in the Book of Enoch. Also, when was Satan cast down to earth.
@briankregg6329 7 ай бұрын
Angels don't fall from heaven
@wretch1 11 ай бұрын
The Egyptian's and other culture's creation accounts were more likely inspired by the true account as revealed in scripture rather than the other way round. God is perfectly able to preserve the truth over and above godless nations.
@wretch1 11 ай бұрын
The premise that scripture isn't written to us is preposterous. Scripture is for ALL believers through all times. Or is Walton the only person who has been enlightened?.
@wretch1 11 ай бұрын
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19. This verse kinda refutes Walton's premise.
@tinyjim123 6 ай бұрын
He addresses this at around 13:14
@emanuellasker3650 Жыл бұрын
You're not going to talk about Adam and Eve as real people? And nothing of their names came through intact? What do you think were the most likely elements of Adam's original language? If Adam and Eve were archetypes only, how shall we derive specifics? And if we cannot derive specifics, how shall we apprehend detail? And without detail how shall we know the mysteries? What do you think was the approach to interpretation by Moses? Why would he gravitate to this approach? Is there relation between that approach and The Mystery of The Light? Would the God desire to link The First Mystery to the conquest of Canaan? Why? Does the God think like a man groping in darkness, or does He have a plan? Is He logical? Artistic? Sometimes poetic? If He is Lord of all, does He speak to Hebrews only? Or does He speak to Man's Reason? Therefore, the primary wavelength between us is Faith and Rigor, not culture.
@philipbuckley759 Жыл бұрын
this one goes off the charts, on a number of levels, and one is evolution...
@George-ie1si Жыл бұрын
I am what the world would call a simple man, with little in the way of formal education. I have believed in the bible as the preserved word of God, after I trusted in Jesus Christ, after I trusted in Him that He died for my sins, and that I have (by God) His righteousness imputed to me. I believe this because I read it in the the word of God and I can understand this. I have read the bible from cover to cover over 20 times, and I conclude that I know very little about what it teaches. I have been taught by other men (denominations) who also know very little of what it teaches. I am now quite comfortable about this, because our heavenly Father watches us doing our best to love Him, and please Him in all that we do.
@huntrichardson Жыл бұрын
So I need to be an expert in interpreting hieroglyphics and cuneiform to understand what the Hebrew of Bereshit (Genesis) means. And be familiar with Jewish (and possibly Greek) culture when the Septuagint was written, to have complete cultural context. No?
@thebigbus1 7 ай бұрын
Apparently you have to just trust the experts to explain to you what the authors of Scripture meant. Of course, we kinda need a standard against which to measure said “experts’” claims. Hmmm….conundrum
@gail2122 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 2:7 The time came when the Lord God formed a man's body FROM the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person.
@grantgooch5834 8 ай бұрын
You clearly didn't watch the video since Walton demonstrated that "from" doesn't appear in the Hebrew; it is inserted into the English text by the translators in an attempt to clarify the text. Of the 47 times Old Testament authors used עָפָ֣ר (the dust), only in Genesis 2:7 is it translated as "from dust." In every other occurrence it is simply "the dust," "dust," or "earth."
@truthgiver8286 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1 is copied from the earlier Sumerian Epic of Creation like so much of the bible.
@truthgiver8286 Жыл бұрын
Nothing supports theism. If you look back before the Abrahamic religion and see how religions are created and copied from each other it's all superstitious hogwash.
@truthgiver8286 Жыл бұрын
would be better named the Fairy tale Institute it's copied from the Sumerians Epic of Creation it is practically a photo copy. We even have the Sumerian God Ninh Hursag making the first humans from clay.
@stevelenores5637 Жыл бұрын
I've been searching for someone like Dr. Michael Heiser who passed away in February 2023. I think I finally found one with Professor Walton. "Seek and ye shall find." I sought and finally found. Promise made, promise kept.
@garyreid8787 10 ай бұрын
I too have found Dr Walton who seems like a breath of fresh air. I learned a great deal fro Dr Eisner as well about the supernatural. Other individuals who have meant a great deal to me are David Bentley Hart of Notre Dame and Don Preston of Oklahoma. Dr Preston provides a formidable understanding of the Biblical prophecy of the Old Testament and the Gospels.
@tylergray6553 10 ай бұрын
Man, me too. I was just thinking this the other day. Now gotta find the next Chuck Missler
@briankregg6329 7 ай бұрын
Heiser was a pagan polytheist and a false teacher
@geogarces 5 ай бұрын
Walton reject teh supernatural worldview fyi i like Walton tho good stuff
@geogarces 5 ай бұрын
@@stevelenores5637 Good points there. I remember Heiser responding to Walton. MH seemed upset by Walton's approach to the supernatural.
@philipbuckley759 Жыл бұрын
God, with a name variation, created the world, we live in.....beginning out of nothing, and then adapting it , to fit the humans, who came last...
@philipbuckley759 Жыл бұрын
evolution, by definition.....additional information, by
@philipbuckley759 Жыл бұрын
until I get a better understanding, I will call this one another false teacher.....note.....if the plain sense, makes sense, dont seek any other sense...
@blusheep2 Жыл бұрын
This is not good methodology because what is "plain sense" text to you is not necessarily for them. You are importing your own modern "plain sense" into the story. This doesn't mean that they didn't speak plainly most of the time. It means that when we have reason to believe that the text isn't a literal "plain sense" text we shouldn't rely on our modern context to decide but rather the ancient ones. Here is an example. Samuel is grafted into the Levitical genealogy even though he was an Ephraimite. It was an honorary position. This shows that genealogies in the ancient world wouldn't conform to our modern precise understanding of a genealogy. We see this again in Matthew. He leaves out names and makes three sets of 14 generations. Then of course there is the story itself. Japheth(SP?) gives the number of years for the Exodus but he got two things wrong in the correspondence, so why would we expect the third thing to be accurate. He got the name of their god wrong and he got it wrong that they hadn't been trying to take back the land.
@wretch1 Жыл бұрын
This is a hair's breadth away from declaring the bible as mere allegory. Are we to believe that only the original hearers understand the bible? Walton explicitly said that 'you cannot take the simple reading of the bible'!. There goes the Reformation then!
@wretch1 Жыл бұрын
Can anyone point me to just one theologian since the first century that thought this about Genesis?!. That is, that Adam was not literally the first human being created?. If not, are we to believe that everyone has gotten it wrong and we all need to learn ancient Hebrew, ancient cultural thinking and ancient Greek before we can even read the bible? I ask this: if God didn't send down anything that the ancient people could not understand, why has God left us with a book that we cannot understand without rigorous understanding and knowledge. If that's the case, then no; it wasn't written for us. What if, the eternal word of God is understood by all generations, regardless of their scientific knowledge? Too many questions are raised through this way of thinking, and questions ultimately lead to doubt and doubt to loss of faith. Be careful brothers and sisters, less you go down a rabbit hole with this. Trust the Lord, that He has guided the church fathers in truth and has not deceived us all until this man came along.
@blusheep2 Жыл бұрын
Literal readings of Genesis 1 are a rather new phenomenon. Many early church fathers didn't take the story to be literal. It is just a fact that the ancients had their own set of idioms and forms of communication. Shucks, we don't have the same as those in Indonesia. They would look at the Bible slightly different then us. The idea isn't to call eveything allegorical or an idiom. Its only when we have reason to believe it is that we make this claim. There is no room for Sacred Cows with Bible interpretation. The Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit inspired writers that wrote thousands of years ago and they didn't write to our generation. They wrote to their generation. That matters.
@George-ie1si Жыл бұрын
​@@blusheep2But God did speak to us Gentiles through the apostle Paul, who in Eph 1:13 Paul said your gospel.
@blusheep2 Жыл бұрын
@@George-ie1si Paul was still talking to Gentiles in the first century. Not to Gentiles in 2023.
@georgemooyman7155 Жыл бұрын
​@blusheep2 That at that time ye WERE without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: BUT NOW in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off ARE made nigh by the blood of Christ. We were, but now, are, by the blood of Christ. Can you show me a verse that we Gentiles are still without hope?
@blusheep2 Жыл бұрын
@@georgemooyman7155 I never said the Gentiles were without hope. I spoke to the proper interpretation of scripture in light of the ancient context. So what are you really asking?
@philipbuckley759 Жыл бұрын
Adam, according to the text, was created, not
@dcscccc Жыл бұрын
what if we will find a reproducing watch that has DNA?
@mikechambers3920 Жыл бұрын
Their names were Adam and Eve, nothing else. Adam and Eve were created with mortal bodies, they were im-mortal. They became subject to death when they sinned. If they had not sinned, they would have lived forever. Adam and Eve had to partake of the fruit. If they had not, then we would not be here. They did not have knowledge to procreate before they partook. Everything happened according to God's Plan. Adam and Eve realized that to fulfill God's Plan, they had to partake. We did not evolve from apes or soup. Darwin was wrong. Evolution does conflict with Genesis.