DJI 0015 Water Valley MS Ice Storm
Local Drone Flight 116
4 жыл бұрын
5 жыл бұрын
@johnsmith-ro4kh 3 күн бұрын
It can get a little toasty Re-fueling around them stars as a tip, always carry a Heat sink and use them when your ship if getting on the warm side.
@Dr_Tripper 7 күн бұрын
Aren't you supposed to go back to the panel after it starts and initiate it?
@mr4kids.866 8 күн бұрын
Just got off the PC after trying the explorer. Engineered the FSD to 62ly jumps. Went down south from Deciat to which head nebular and got 4 first footfalls and lots of biological. Got back to Garay Station and made a cool +123,000.000 cr all in. Now to trade some materials and do some missions.
@darth_bolt72 12 күн бұрын
I assume your talking about inara trade routes? If you go onto the additional setting you can choose how much of the resource you want them to have at the station, i usually do around 2k and change if need be, if its popular other people might be doing it with you so you could struggle to get all of it, but you should definitely be able to get a few full loads worth before having to change station, however sometimes popular ones get filled up between sells
@DUEL.FATALIS 17 күн бұрын
Yeah this particular bug is quite frustrating. Thankfully most of the missions work most of the time. But still wish they weren’t bugged at all lol.
@MrAterr 16 күн бұрын
So I am not the only one having this particular problem ehh? I didn't see anything in the forums about this particular one or how it was going about. I guess that's the reason it let me create a new ticket.
@mr4kids.866 17 күн бұрын
What space suit do you have? One of the mission requirements is a Maverick space suit. That’s still highlighted in orange where the other two tasks have been checked off.
@MrAterr 17 күн бұрын
Maverick, Hint, it's the only one with an Arc Cutter
@mr4kids.866 17 күн бұрын
@@MrAterr knowledge is power. 👍🏼
@MrAterr 17 күн бұрын
@@mr4kids.866 That's good to know! In that particular case, however, I am incredibly clueless. The last seven weeks of playing, I have barely accrued a little over 100 million credits. But I am having fun doing it.
@mr4kids.866 17 күн бұрын
That’s what I meant, you know more than me. So much of this game I’ve never played but checking my Steam account I have over 166 hours in Elite Dangerous. 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️
@MrAterr 17 күн бұрын
@@mr4kids.866 I just checked, and I have 442 hours currently.. Most of them have been over the past week and a half, as I have been off work.
@mr4kids.866 18 күн бұрын
Also have a look at the build in GeForce experience app (beta) the built in game recoding feature are good. Even when you aren’t filming if something happens you can set a shortcut to record the previous 5mins etc I think the youth refer to it as clipping. 😂
@mr4kids.866 18 күн бұрын
If you feel like treating yourself and like combat do you have a joystick set up? As well as getting back into Elite I’m a big flight sim fan so it was worth it. I went with the VKB space combat pair of sticks.
@MrAterr 18 күн бұрын
Because I mostly play this game from inside my sleeper while I am on the road, a joystick just won't cut it.. When I am home I could use one, I have one, but it is just collecting dust. I have remapped all of my controls to stuff that I can relate to and still have a long way to go. Someday, I might just break down and program the joystick that I do have. But I'm kind of lazy and I have this very large gamer's chair and I constantly change positions and in order to use the joystick, it really does need to be mounted to something.
@MrAterr 18 күн бұрын
As I was re-watching the video., I found that I was placed on the Wanted list for blocking the landing pad. I was 200 meters away or more, maybe, from the landing pad. I was not on the landing pad. So, if you're doing this, land far away from said landing pad(s). on top of that, make sure you set all your pips to system, so that way your shields will stay up longer in case something weird happens like that.
@andrewmcdonald7286 20 күн бұрын
I played the original game, and it was fun. Learning how to dock was very hard lol- thank you for your video. I am thinking of playing this new elite game. Just getting back into games. Have a great day!!!!🙂
@MrAterr 20 күн бұрын
Very cool I’ve been playing I believe six maybe seven weeks now on and off. Had to take some time off for surgery on one of my eyes and I’ll be doing another surgery next Monday, but playing with one eye is kind of like playing with one hand tied behind your back, especially when you’re used to having both of them. I’m enjoying it. I like the in-depth part of it. It’s a level of immersion that I’ve been missing in many games. Like watching the Terminator between day and night while you’re trying to land, I was not expecting that I have been getting better at everything except for the SRV, that thing needs to go back to the factory and be completely redesigned. They need to take a hint from the movie, Armageddon, and look at the armadillo. That thing could stay on the ground as long as those jet thruster worked.
@andrewmcdonald7286 19 күн бұрын
@MrAterr Thank you for your reply. As soon as I have the money I will play. This new version of elite. I also. Play eve online just as a space miner very tough I have lost a lot of when you have any more tips on playing elite, I look forward to it. Catch you on the in bound....
@MrAterr 22 күн бұрын
I would probably post daily except for my anger issues. I tend to go into profanity laced rants so unless you were actually looking for content, that is nothing but a series of long beeps , It’ll have to be that on and off stuff. My biggest issue is my work schedule, computer says drive, I drive computer says sleep, I try to get about five hours, so I’m required to be off duty for for 10 hours, that leaves me an hour for showers and eating and another four for playing the game. This change is so often that I don’t actually have a schedule. Can’t really post from my truck because of my limited bandwidth. Hope that answers the questions.
@yanhanna 22 күн бұрын
How often are you posting? If you need any help just let me know.
@AlphaAlex1 23 күн бұрын
Have to press and hold the trigger/button then release when you want the flak shell to explode. Your shots were detonating far too short.
@MrAterr 23 күн бұрын
Those things really need to have proximity fuse. But you actually let off the button, and they detonate.
@mr4kids.866 23 күн бұрын
looks like you may oif been detonating the flak cannon to soon? The shells were still to high up? I think you press to shoot then press again to detonate? Can you Try letting them get a bit closer, see if you have more luck.
@Frostwulf1313 24 күн бұрын
D rated core internals have the lowest weight. Your Life Support is E rated. A D rating would save you a tiny bit of weight and increase your jump range.
@Shadixs 25 күн бұрын
This game is probably still the best space sim game, but, excessive grinding made me stop playing years ago. too bad..
@MrAterr 26 күн бұрын
Thank you, the surgery went well, I just have to have it done on the other eye in two weeks. I’m glad to see that my video has helped somebody, that in itself encouraging me to keep it up! I’m actually loving the game and there’s a lot of content creators that have stuff out there, but so much of it is out of date. So, I’ll keep bumbling along and see where I end up.
@mr4kids.866 26 күн бұрын
That’s great news on the surgery. The bumbling and figuring it out on the go, then making a video about what you learned. I find other creators are being helpful but in a way that is, do this, click that, go here, buy this. I’m like YEH BUT WHY!! If find I learn things not by being showing how, but why. If it’s step by step it just doesn’t go in. That’s how you do your videos, just having a chat talking through what you’re doing and most importantly why. Not dumbing down just chatting. Again thanks for taking the time.
@mr4kids.866 26 күн бұрын
I’m getting back into Elite. I’ve not played since 2018. Thanks for posting your videos, I enjoy watching you go about it. Helps me get up to date on game play and all the new features. Back then I was combat focused with 3 friends in a wing. Never used the FSS or went exploring etc. I’m getting good tips on mining ships and resource gathering etc. Thanks. 👍🏼 I don’t want to give help or advice, didn’t really know much except combat, unless you ask something on the video. Part of the fun is finding things out yourself. Wishing you the best form the UK for your upcoming surgery.
@torquaymouse2236 27 күн бұрын
Mobius is a good player group to join, play with other players but there is no PvP in Mobius.
@torquaymouse2236 27 күн бұрын
core internals, your best of with A's obviously but you shouldn't use E's D's would be a better choice becouse they are lite wieght and give better jump range than E modules, little tip for you.
@AlphaAlex1 28 күн бұрын
Turn off flight assist when in SRV, it makes driving the thing much easier. Also use the handbrake when you need to stop. Plus it's also easier if you have a joystick and throttle.
@MrAterr 27 күн бұрын
Thank you! I have already done that and it did help a lot. It still is not doing well... sometimes for no reason it will suddenly accelerate to max throttle. I thought earlier that I was having some Bluetooth issues with my wireless gear so I swapped to my wired gear. No, that didn't help either. I am open to other suggestions though.
@AlphaAlex1 27 күн бұрын
@MrAterr it's always been a nightmare to drive. Must be trying to simulate low gravity. I find it likes to spin around any chance it gets. One small pebble is all it takes sometimes haha. Just keep at it and you'll get used to it. Also in your keybindings, under SRV, there is a throttle increment setting. I find having it set to 10% and 'full range' throttle axis helps me but you could try playing around with that.
@PsychoRonos 29 күн бұрын
yo i was there at Todd! Just engineered my MC to stage 5 Overcharged (but not maxed yet. not enough materials). Just wondering why did you engineer it for an efficient MC?
@MrAterr 27 күн бұрын
It is the one with the least negative effects. I want to get the experimental effects stuff though!
@prisonerofthehighway1059 Ай бұрын
I would recommend the Asp Explorer for your next ship. It’s a great exploration ship and it can mine well enough to get you into a Python. With a Chieftain, an AspX and a Python you can play the whole game.
@MrAterr Ай бұрын
Thanks! I'm really aiming for a personal Corvette at some point. I haven't even looked at the Asp, will do so when I log in later today.
@prisonerofthehighway1059 Ай бұрын
Your chieftain is gonna be great for anything not cargo related. I’d recommend a channel named Hawkes Gaming. He makes a “best start in Elite Dangerous” video every year. You don’t have to follow it if you want to go at your own pace but it’s a great showcase of the various systems for earning credits. I was kinda struggling back when I first started trying to figure out how everything ties into everything else. o7 commander. See you in the black.
@MrAterr Ай бұрын
That thing is a beast... I went head to head with a Pirate Corvette and survived... he got away though. I wish that I had the video. but my laptop doesn't do vids very well.
@GenX80sKid Ай бұрын
It's never too late to start, glad you're in the community, o7 CMDR.
@daddyg88 Ай бұрын
If you ever get a chance to play it in vr....... Its mind blowing!!!!
@Gecko_88 Ай бұрын
Tip that helped me, on approach to a target in supercruise, get the time to around 07 secs to arrival, then keep your throttle in the blue, if it starts to decrease to 06, then reduce throttle but keep it in the blue, this helped massively in reducing the number of time I needed to loop around
@MrAterr Ай бұрын
I think some of my problem is Internet connection.. because sometimes when I'm trying to slow down I speed up instead. and I have not been able to figure that out yet. That is painfully apparent in some of my other videos., especially the ones I have not posted., because of the level of profanity coming out of my mouth!
@Yonathanmoure Ай бұрын
if you can hold the timer between 6 and 10 you'll bee at the perfect speed to avoid overshooting
@aguidamonster Ай бұрын
I hooked up an Xbox controller to my PC wireless and that works great as a controller for this game
@VilkarinSalvokath Ай бұрын
If you ever wanna fly together add Vilkarin Salvokath in game, I would be happy to run with ya sometime
@GroveStreetHustla Ай бұрын
Go on a roads to riches journey, in a couple days you'll have a billion creds to play with
@kushcloud420 Ай бұрын
I love this game im not exactly new dont exactly know what im doing but the community is the best when you need help and info no1s ever rude so thats also a good thing 😊
@hammz28icon Ай бұрын
When you are flying to your destination, that bottom number is time to arrival, You can fly full speed, but watch that number, once you get close to .12, slow way down, adjust speed to keep it close to .12, you can go a little faster as you get used to it, but that's a good place to get there quick and not overshoot. Took a few months off of Elite and now I can't stop playing again, just wish consoles got updates but oh well, still worth it! o7
@MrAterr Ай бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@TaylorGTA Ай бұрын
Hope everything got sorted after that house fire, that’s just awful. Good to see you’re doing alright!
@D4rkM4773r Ай бұрын
You need to try this with a decent hotas or hosas setup
@n00bfest32 Ай бұрын
this. it changes the entire feel of the game. i've got hotas but i think hosas is probably the way to go tbh
@D4rkM4773r Ай бұрын
I love that new players are coming to elite. It is a great game and we are getting engineering grind reworks soon
@WildBillMojo Ай бұрын not shoot the cops. That can put you in a world of pain. Tip....your ship is more maneuverable if you're on 50% thrust; being stationary isn't the best. Also put some pips on the Systems as your shields won't recharge without it. For this type of work I use 4 pips Weapons and 2 pips Systems. o7 CMDR
@JRo250 Ай бұрын
Nicely done! As the proud owner of a Python Mk II Stellar, I highly recommend it as a starter ship. It's expensive but if you've earned enough Arx though playing, it's totally worth it. The two lasers are good against shields but then open up those 4 multi-cannons and watch hulls melt away. This is before you've engineered any components. Take it to a High RES and tag along with System Security (cops) ships to mow down perps.
@PsychoRonos Ай бұрын
I'm fairly new to the game and bought the Python Mk II. Yes it is a good ship (for me the best I have for combat right now). But I'll say the best thing with it is the zero/lower rebuy costs. It made me felt fearless to go play in the Open server and I believe more people in the Open will brings more lively gameplay to veteran players instead of NPCs. (you can kill us and we don't really get mad about it. Losing stuff still sucks though but I don't really mind.) Plus, the low power plant that comes with the ship kinda forced me to learn engineering (which is a good thing). Currently I am short 7 Modular Terminals to unlock Marco Qwent. Will complete it by today! Can't wait to put those beam lasers on my baby.
@MrAterr Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips!
@DjTasteless Ай бұрын
hey you can identify ,materials much quicker using the contacts (navigation-transaction-contacts)- Greeez!
@northernvicfarmermat 2 ай бұрын
Did you watch Jimk72 video on how to setup it?
@MrAterr 2 ай бұрын
Yes, I did (This Video is actually in my reply on that video) and I also used it moment by moment watching the way he installed it. But apparently his install is on his C Drive and my files are pretty much spread across 5 drives. Depends on which steam game I’m playing. For instance I have Starfield and Fallout on one Drive and several other Steam games on my F Drive. I have no idea why I keep getting the errors that I do. But since I’m on the road this week, I’ll have to wait until this weekend to try again.
@northernvicfarmermat 2 ай бұрын
@@MrAterr I installed the Icarus_Mod_Manager_2_1_4 and apart from my anti-virus software flagging it i had no issues. Also for not being able to read the mod manager your going to have to edit the IcarusModManager Configuration settings file. where it says 4kUI change it to true and save close and reopen the mod manger.
@MrAterr 2 ай бұрын
Oh, OK. Much appreciated. When I get home this weekend I’ll try that. Did not think about the 4K limitation. As for the antivirus that could be causing a problem. Even though it did not flag it as a problem.
@mrdub5214 4 ай бұрын
Hi quick tip remove the Wells and place your work bench forge etc and then replace your wells just a work around that's what i did p.s crazy place to build your bass lol
@MrAterr 4 ай бұрын
I'll try that, thanks.
@red-merlin Жыл бұрын
I know I'm super late to the show (playing on ps4 🤷) but good video man. Currently looking for more info on how to make my ship offload lighting fast...or at least so it's not grounded for hours. My first ship had stuff tucked away in different containers where the sorters weren't draining everything but instead would casually suck stuff out when the refinery was good and ready. did the same as you, learned a bit in creative and then jumped into survival lol. Currently working in creative to make a "perfect" miner and then just bring the blueprint into my survival save
@MrAterr Жыл бұрын
Since I made this video a lot of things have changed. As far as I know, the best way to offload ships rapidly is to create a large area with collector blocks, where you can fly over them. I haven't played in a while so my information may be outdated. In any case, I use 2 docking connectors on the bottom of my ship, set them to collect all and eject all when I fly over the Collection Grid at my base. Hope this is of some assistance.
@donteljones1382 4 жыл бұрын
Thx this helped so much
@dub3r5 4 жыл бұрын
@Konstantin_KK 4 жыл бұрын
@zombie676 5 жыл бұрын
i have exactly the same issue today in 2019 with minimum settings and the game is on Beta version
@adrinilinjunky 5 жыл бұрын
Paul, do you have to have a internet plan on your phone or tablet to use the DJI 4 go app to fly the Mavic 2 Pro drone? Can all of the apps features be utilized when flying without the net or wi-fi?
@MrAterr 5 жыл бұрын
ADRENALINEJUNKY No, you do not need an Internet connection in order to fly. I do recommend that you periodically connect to the Internet in order to download the latest update from DJI. You can use either android or iOS devices. You should have the latest DJ I Go 4 app, it’s free.
@adrinilinjunky 5 жыл бұрын
@@MrAterr Thank you my friend.
@DJlancelotlinc 6 жыл бұрын
Missing new vids from you on SE. Hope to see more from you soon.
@MrAterr 6 жыл бұрын
I recently went back to work driving and have yet to get my new laptop up to speed with the new updates!! Wish me luck!!
@DJlancelotlinc 6 жыл бұрын
@@MrAterr ok, good luck. Let me know if I can help.
@Garrettsharpbob 6 жыл бұрын
I have 2 connectors on a station. I have ships docked to both of them. Whenever I get into one of the ships and undock it, it undocks the other ship at the same time. Is there a way to make this not happen?
@MrAterr 6 жыл бұрын
Garret, it sounds as though you are using the Universal Dock command... DON'T! That's ok for the first few days learning the basics of the game. In each ship, name the Connector for that ship, then Make a Docking Hot Bar (Like CTRL+5) on that bar put Connector On/Off Switch, Lock On/Off Switch... you can also put throw out commands and anything else you'd like there. Make sure that your Station Connectors do not have the same name as well. IF you are already doing this, then this is something pretty new and most likely a bug in the game.
@Garrettsharpbob 6 жыл бұрын
@@MrAterr I've tried to use docking commands for individual docking but it still does the same thing
@MrAterr 6 жыл бұрын
Try removing the Connectors and replacing them, if that does not work, report it as a bug.
@Garrettsharpbob 6 жыл бұрын
@@MrAterr Ok, I'll try that, thanks