@tabby_powl 2 ай бұрын
Can you imagine if something was bigger than a titan?
@adamschultz7127 3 ай бұрын
What an amazing moment. With the size and scale of this game in mind, the odds are literally astronomical that you were able to witness that. (Unless it’s a repeating event, I’m not sure, I don’t play). It’s a bit funny too because I know that I wouldn’t have had the attention span to actually watch that all the way through if I was playing. I would’ve assumed it was a dust cloud and moved on.
@kyleapton4396 2 ай бұрын
This is one/was of the 8 titans that have appeared near Human systems. If you were on near time you’d of known when it was weak, just waiting after that. Still very cool and I appreciate the footage and a different look from outside the caustic cloud.
@elcy6631 3 ай бұрын
This is my first attempt at recording the game, so the quality is awful. I'll make sure to set up my software properly next time.
@BlackWhite-vm1sj 11 ай бұрын
@elcy6631 11 ай бұрын
Если коротко, то серьёзное исследование в Элитке выходит за рамки геймплея типа "лечу по маршруту и сканирую все, что вижу" и на деле требует как определенных знаний, так и стороннего (написанного игроками) софта для обработки и анализа поступающих данных. Да и в целом после овладевания им цели и приоритеты в исследованиях резко меняются. Игра в этом плане куда более комплексная, нежели думает в том числе большинство ее игроков.