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Yale Russian Chorus - Topic
The Yale Russian Chorus is a tenor-bass choral ensemble at Yale University, established in 1953 by Denis Mickiewicz, a student at the Yale Music School, and George Litton, president of the Yale Russian Club. The group sings a variety of secular and sacred Slavic choral pieces, from the 12th century onward, including folk songs of Russia and Eastern Europe. The current musical director is Daniel Fried.
The YRC was the first American group to visit the Soviet Union as a private initiative, touring the country in 1958 following the signing of the Lacy-Zarubin Agreement on cultural exchange. The YRC made 16 tours to the USSR before the union dissolved in 1991. The ensemble tours domestically every spring.
The chorus rehearses for two and a half hours every week, holds concerts in and around New Haven throughout the academic year, and goes on an annual spring tour. Although the majority of its members are Yale undergraduate students, auditions are open to the entire New Haven community. As a tenor-bass chorus, membership is primarily male, but the chorus has also admitted women to sing in the tenor section.
Калинка (Arr. by Denis Micziewicz) (Live)
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Kas Tie Tādi, Kas Djiedāja (Arr. by Denis Mickiewicz) (Live)
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Ох ты, сердце (Arr. by Denis Mickiewicz) (Live)
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Два трехголосных женских хора, соч. 13: No. 2, ночевала...
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Лезгинка (Arr. by Serge Jaroff) (Live)
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Пойду ль я, выйду ль я (Arr. by Alexander Tikhonovich Gretchaninov) (Live)
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Ах ты, степь широкая (Akh Ty, Step’ Shirokaya) (Live)
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Во Кузнице (Vo Kuznitse) (Live)
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Бородино (Borodino) (Live)
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Солдатушки, бравы ребятушки (Soldatushki, Bravy Rebyatushki) (Live)
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Декабристы, 2 Действие: «за Дунаем» (“za Dunayem”) (Live)
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Тебе, бога, хвалим (Tebe, Boga, Khvalim) (Live)
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Вьётся сизый дым (Vyotsa Sizyy Dym) (Live)
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Свете тихий (Svete Tikhii) (Live)
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