Crowdstrike you can do better!
Lion Diet - 150 Days Progress
WARNING! New Phishing Tactics!
From Canon to Nikon!
2 ай бұрын
My Channel and Perks
2 ай бұрын
100 Days Lion Diet
3 ай бұрын
Lion Diet has changed my life!
@Steelmouth-83rd 4 күн бұрын
Just now came across you and welcome back, you sound so positive and inspiring. I will look up your back story to get what exactly happened
@ChandrasekaranRajamani 23 күн бұрын
Your video is very informative. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
@obipixel 22 күн бұрын
Glad it was helpful! Thank you for watching. Please tell your friends and let me know if there is something specific you would like to know? I may have it in a future video? :-)
@obipixel Ай бұрын
For more information on my journey and for really cool tips and things to know when/if you decide to take on this change in your life, check out my website:
@obipixel Ай бұрын
My next set coming soon will be the set from the Cat woman: Issues 17-26 from DC. I hope they are good. I have been told they are. I mean that are from Dixon Bzllent Smith, so they must be great!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
For the rest of the comics collection from Rippaverse check this out:
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Get your copy of Goodying the Polymath here from Rippaverse:
@HeyChantal Ай бұрын
So awesome … well done … very inspiring 🥰 I’m also in same spot … slight weight plateau but still losing centimeters and also added in more exercise now so also chalking it up to body composition changing which I am super happy about … also seeing cellulite improving and skin firming / shrinking so I’m not upset about the temporary weight stall. I have 10kgs to go but I feel fantastic 💥
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Awesome! Yes it seems that muscle is returning and replacing the fat. Seem to weigh more, almost 5Kgs more however like you said, the body compsition is far more improved. Body is so strange right? I now hate the scale. Not using it as much! Maybe once a month now. Glad you are having progress too Chantal! Good for you!
@dizzywillow451 Ай бұрын
Good for you, keep it up! Sometimes you can cycle your dietary fat to metabolize your own faster. I’m 6’2, I eat 4 soft boiled eggs in the morning. Then for lunch and dinner I eat a 600g chuck steak. Keeps me feeling full and satisfied. I’ve always been lean so I’m trying to build. And from time to time I have some feta and full fat plain Greek yogurt. As a Greek I can’t fully say good bye to them.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for watching and for your update and pointers. I will do! Always learning here hahaha! Take care!
@rhiconic Ай бұрын
@obipixel Ай бұрын
I dont understand what you mean? :-) Please explain?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Link to the complete self-paced self-study audio/visual course online:
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Link to the presentation for FREE:
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi. When shooting weddings I mostly use my Nikon Z8 and Godox Ad200’s two of them. However when I pull out the LeicaQ3 for specific moments and I need a flash for the Leica Q3 I have a Leica SF60.
@sarcese52 Ай бұрын
Did you use a flash on the wedding shoot? If so, which one.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
When using flash for weddings, first I usually use the Nikon Z8 with my Godox AD200's flashes. Now in this case, for the Leica Q3 I have a Leica SF 60 flash I use for this camera. However Godox is making a very small trigger for Leica Q soon, so I will more than likely get that and use my off camera Godox AD200's with the Leica Q3.
@grokitall Ай бұрын
i'm a bit disappointed with the superficial coverage and claims of extreme difficulty in handling this sort of update, which is a solved problem since the 1990s. you keep going on about how tricky this is due to the magic work cybersecurity, but we do the correct solution every day with every mobile phone app and every software package for every operating system. here is what went wrong, and who's fault it is: 1, someone at croudstrike created a new signature file for a new threat. 2, the new file was not signed 3, they ran a badly written validator against it, which failed to spot it was problematical 4, the deployment file was created, and as far as we can guess, some file system corruption caused it to become all zeros. 5 this was then shipped to the world with no further testing, causing issues. 6, the update program did no checks of the content before putting it where the driver could use it. 7, the driver did no tests before using it, causing the driver to crash the kernel, needing a reboot. 8, the driver had nothing in place to determine if it crashed after the update, so it crashed the kernel again. this is all down to crowdstrike. 9, crowdstrike had set the driver as boot critical. 10, microsoft failed during whql testing to determine if the driver could be disabled after a reboot if the driver was bad. this is trivial to do. 11, microsoft allowed the setting of the boot start flag to block the existing measures in windows from disabling the driver. if either company had done anything different anywhere along the way, the solution would just be to turn the device of, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on, and once they shipped the corrected update 90 minutes later, it would automatically fix itself, and this would not be bad news for days. as to how to do it properly, that is just as simple. 1, create the file. 2, create a cryptographic hash of the file, and store the filename and the hash in a bill of materials file (this then creates a way to check if any file is damaged), which stops the release. 3, create your validator program to fail, unless it find the file to be good. they get this one wrong by having it work the other way around. 4, when you finish with the file creation, run the validator against it, using the same library code which gets built into the updator program, and the kernel module. if it fails, don't ship it. 5, put it through your normal continuous integration process. if it is not a documentation file, it can kill the driver. 6, build the deployment file, and create another cryptographic hash which you put in a separate file. 7, use your continuous delivery pipeline to run further tests, using the file that was about to be deployed. if it fails, don't ship it. 8, as part of your canary release process, install it within the company. if it crashes the kernel, don't ship it. 9, when doing the initial install of the software, as if it will be easy to boot into safe mode. this lets you split the machines into 2 categories. 10, as part of your canary release process roll it out to those where the fix is easy. if it fails, stop the release. 11, finally, roll it out to the locked down machines. then on the client end: 12, have the update program check the hashes. if they don't match, block the update. 13, have the kernel code check the file format, using a key at the start of the file. if it is not there, don't use it. 14, have something in your kernel code which flags up it it did not boot properly, and prevent you from crashing the kernel next time. then microsoft could do this: 15, when the driver starts, write something to say which driver started, or if you completed the boot process. 16, if it is listed as boot critical, but can be disabled, downgrade it next reboot to give it the chance to recover. this also lets it be disabled on the second reboot. 17, if it is the second reboot, disable it, and it can boot and get the next update. this makes the live patching issue irrelevant, problem solved going forward.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi there Well actually you are already wrong coming out the gate with points 1-4. This is the research so far from an insider collegue at Crowstrike. 1. The signature file was not new. The signature file was corrupt prior to uploading it into their system for compilation already. 2. The update and files were signed. They go through the WHQL certification fine, therefore there is a missing step in the WHQL system at Microsoft for verifying updates and their dependent files. The actual update was signed, the dependent files NEVER get signed. This is the issue. 3. Validation did take place, however it is wrong in the way it usualy validates and does not take into account zero space files. 4. A file system cannot zero out files like that. That is human error not the system. From the rest of your points I agree with you, however most of all, testing was not done on Crowdstrike's end and on Microsoft's validation end. This is a two sided issue not just Crowdstrikes. However thanks for your input. It is important to hear all sides. BTW: I make simplistic explanations because people on youtube do not need or want technical issues explained, unless they ask for that in their comments. People get bored of complex issues. So breaking down a topic makes sense. BTW: I have been an IT and Security Professional since 1989. They have never solved this issue and Patching is always done badly, because it ALWAYS breaks something in the OS or applications. Always. I've worked for both Microsoft and for a number of years. This problem is not going away and it will happen again. BTW: I noticed, you don't seem to have any videos on your channel. That is a shame. I like to follow people who have great insights like yourself. Your points from 5 downwards to the other points are all great points, and yes I wish companies would figure out how to solve the issue, however companies like Crowdstrike and Microsoft and all other companies, rely on software and hardware failing. It is called Business! :-) Take care!
@grokitall Ай бұрын
@@obipixel 1, statements from cloudstrike stated that it was an untested template file that the validator had not been updated to check. to me that makes it a new file, and the validatormshould fail it as unrecognised. as regards the corruption, some data was supposed to be added prior to shipping, and cloudstrike has said that their binary files are supposed to have headers, which could be checked. in either case, the shipped file should not have been able to pass testing containing only zeros, as the header should be non zero. the validator should also fail it for not having a known header. certainly the person that submitted it did not expect it to be zeros. at the point of submission, a non zero file with a cryptographic hash in a separate file would guard against later corruption. 2, if the individual files are signed, bundled together into an update file, and that is also signed, and then you ship the update and signature, then the updater program can check all those signatures, and block any update that was corrupted after signing the initial files. every file which can affect execution should be signed, thereby guarding against later corruption. by this point, the person committing the files for distribution has said it is non zero, and the automatic process has immediately started signing everything, and guarded against corruption from that point to the point where the updater on the customers machine can test those signatures, and at every point, the installation can be prevented, and the outage does not occur. as to the signing by microsoft, again statements from croudstrike said that the live update files do not go through signing at microsoft, as it would take too long, which is the entire reason for shipping them as live update files. that is no reason to avoid doing testing prior to release, which again according to cloudstrike is what happened. they said that basically the guy created the file, ran it against the validator, and then immediately shipped it to all the customers without going through the testing that a driver update would go through. this should be impossible, as all code and configuration should not be shippabele without the automated process running the full suite of tests. 3, validation did not take place, they just ran a broken validator program against it, and when it wrongly passed, shipped it with no further testing, or so cloudstrike said. this should be impossible, the validator should be designed to fail files that are of a new type and which cloudstrike said had not been added to the validator. instead it was passed, and the only way to write a validator to do that is to assume it will pass, and fail,it on known bad input. the actual way to write a validator is to make it fail, and override it with known good input, which would have caught the corrupted file if it was corrupted prior to testing, but cloudstrike said it failed after the validator was run. 4, you are just wrong on this point. how a file system returns zeros in a file is easy. you put the file on the file system. the metadata with name etc goes into the directory, and the binary blob goes elsewhere. then the sectors with the blob go bad, and when reading from a file system the buffer is initialised to zeros, and if there is nothing in place to catch it, that zeroed buffer is what gets written out during the copy. it should abort the copy instead, unless being asked to recover the data. i have been bitten by this more than once, but that is what backups and raid are for. on the lack of videos, i have only just started the channel, and due to life issues it is taking longer than expected to get the video and editing setup configured. i will not start by putting out technically shoddy videos. we all start at some point, and videos will be incoming, the setup is just not ready yet.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
@@grokitall Good analysis. Hey make a video on this and explain it better. I like your approach. Strangely what Crowstrike says to the public makes no sense compared to people that actually work there, my collegues. But hey, you seem to have it down to a T. You have faced this more than I have, so make a video. Explain it in your way. It is important. Thanks for your input.
@parmeshwar9422 Ай бұрын
Gosh I did not know about Google alerts. Nice!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hey, thank you for watching. Yes Google does a good job. Bing and Yahoo also have this feature.
@omffpro Ай бұрын
Cool. Did not know we could do this!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching. My pleasure :-)
@M.S.R-be9yv Ай бұрын
Wow I love this video and the process. Thanks.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
You are so welcome! Thanks for watching.
@sajidmansuri6009 Ай бұрын
Great video. Thanks.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@AjitBoss718 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. Any idea on how to use a webscraper with this?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Working on an automation for that. Soon :-)
@MallikarjunK-mp4fs Ай бұрын
Thanks for the explanation and video. Good training style.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
You bet. thank you for watching. take care.
@mithunmalika Ай бұрын
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Cheers for that!
@crushmriti3875 Ай бұрын
Will you make more like this?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Oh yes. Many more coming out soon!
@mehanihasan9695 Ай бұрын
Nice video. Well explained. Will you make more examples like this?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Yes, definitely. Coming soon!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
As in my description, here is the link to the tool explained in this video:
@obipixel Ай бұрын
As in the description, here is the tool 🙂 and
@Zekrom569 Ай бұрын
So what happened about WHQL is that crowdstrike had skirted intentionally around the certification process by creating a stable driver that is staying more or less the same but it dynamically reads a file which seems to be executable, thus errors can be introduced to the kernel space. In short, they created a system that can get rapid updates without the need for recertification but can introduce errors to the kernel space.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi. Thanks for watching. From what I can fathom, I am still finding it difficult to understand how they managed to add additional executable code with instructions in a blank (zero's) file, and bypassed the usual WHQL processes and certification updates. This is either a MAJOR oversight, deliberate or something else more nefarious. Time will tell and a full audit and investigation has to take place!
@Zekrom569 Ай бұрын
​@@obipixel Think like a cloud client library that fetches a file from the filesystem that has the credentials to authorize a connection to your account, in a similar manner the trusted driver reads from a file/directory to load the malware definitions, this doesnt need to be certified because the driver is already trusted so whatever instruction is included in these file(s) is gonna be read/executed in kernel model. I think this is something like that hasnt happened before, like using a file to execute additional code in order to bypass the certification process to deliver updates, usually drivers dont need to be updated in a matter of hours, so Microsoft didnt think that someone might go that way. and to be honest it is a case that no one could have thought that it could happen before this.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Interesting. If so, then this means there is an architecture design issue and Microsoft should know better. I get what you say, however rigorous testing picks things up like this, especially staged rollouts. Also it is very interesting that the public has a short attention span and memory. George Kurtz and MacAfee did this same thing and had MAJOR systems outages globally in the past. So this is not a new case, it is just that people forget. You would think that the CEO of CrowdStrike would have learnt from his past mistakes? Right? This is a NOT a unique case. It has happened many times in the past and this time it is: the second time under the watch of the CEO George Kurtz. MacAfee and now CrowdStrike. Very strange no?
@grokitall Ай бұрын
​@@obipixelactually this is he third time for him, as he did this to linux a few months ago, but it has a better recovery model. apple is irrelevant here, as they don't do enterprise systems, so it is not comparable.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
@@grokitall Gosh, you are so right. I remember this too,. Damn there is something wrong with this George Kurtz. Not sure why he cannot learn from his mistakes. Thanks for pointing it out!
@Racsophoto Ай бұрын
I love Leica Q3 and I will get one when I can but I would not trust any system with single card slot now allowing redundancy for professional jobs.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi there. Thanks for watching. Yes the 1x slot for the SD cards bothers me. I would think for the price of the camera they would have given us a built-in SSD drive, in addition to the SD slot. Not sure why they got cheap on that. BTW: I have a second LeicaQ3 brand new. Let me know if you wish to purchase from me rather than having to wait?
@gletschertroll Ай бұрын
Hi! Very interesting to have stumbled over this YT-clip. Why? I'll be getting my first Leica, the Q3, next week. It will wait for me at the shop as soon as I'll be back from holidays. As for experience so far: I have about 40 years of experience as a photographer, mainly Nikon. I have owned couple of Nikon film cameras, a lot of DSLR (the D850 is still with me) and now a Nikon Z8 and a Nikon Zf. An I have a 13 Z-lenses, 10 of them primes. And despite being very, very happy with my Nikon gear I fully understand your desire for an excellent but small every day carry camera. I camera, which enables mine to create and a camera which inspires me to create because it is a piece of art itself. I'm very much looking forward to the experience..
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi there. Thanks for watching. That is awesome! Good for you getting the Leica Q3. It is a great little powerhouse for sure. Gosh you have many Z lenses! Wow! That is great. Which is your favourite so far? Also I don;t have the Zf. How is that camera?
@scc1681 Ай бұрын
Well said and totally understand your anger
@obipixel Ай бұрын
:-) Thanks for watching. Well it is more frustration than anger really. I am sure all the IT Professionals and company CEOs are currently angry though. Thanks for wathcing.
@tabby1412 Ай бұрын
If by "russian actors", they mean Seth Rich, then yeah.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
@interstellarhaggis Ай бұрын
Been a good few years since I last seen you in person but your looking good my friend. Didnt know about the hand, but glad things have turned out for the best. One of the main things i noticed, when i cut out carbs as my primary source. Skin conditions cleared up in a matter of weeks, things that i thought was just "dry skin" etc, healed in a few weeks, after a few months, no sign it was even there. So many other changes I could go on for hours, only one thats not been for the better is sleep, sleeping even less but dont feel bad for it. Just feels, wrong even know i know im waking up feeling fine. I think the problem we have right now is people are brought up from childhood on highly processed foods, they dont know any better. Any insinutation that is wrong becomes almost a personal attack rather than a response of curiosity to learn more. But then in todays world, attack is the default response for most things so....
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hey! :-) Glad to hear from you! Yeah it has been a roller-coaster however I feel fantastic and it is soooo funny to see people be negative about it because they dont know any better. Keep it up! :-) Keep in touch!
@arjenchristianhelder1027 Ай бұрын
Euh, Linux anyone? NixOS?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
:-) hahahaha I am both a Linux/Unix and Mac user and thankful during this period!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
One more thing? What will companies do if they have removed the Windows Safe Boot and Windows Recovery as a security measure and now won’t be able to boot up and repair this issue because they won’t be able to boot up in safe mode to fix the issue? This is something millions of systems will have as an issue.
@dizzywillow451 Ай бұрын
I believe they are a partner of WEF
@obipixel Ай бұрын
💯 CrowdStrike is a WEF partner, largest shareholder is Vanguard. So when all the companies around the world do not proceed with requests for an audit it will all be, because of Vangaurd.
@dizzywillow451 Ай бұрын
Great news, keep it up!
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Thank you! Thanks for watching. Keep well.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Anyone interested in purchasing a Leica Q3 camera, please let me know? This is the current bundle available, which is the second bundle I have and longer need. I will keep my first LeicaQ3 but don’t need the second one. Leica Q3 Leica Q3 Thumb Support Aluminium Leica Q3 Wireless Charging Handgrip HG-DC1 Leica QI-compatible Wireless Charging Pad Spare BP-SCL6 battery Leica SF 60 Flash * mint condition and with all original boxes, manuals and cables etc.
@emmanuelbolade Ай бұрын
this is the best lesson that I have watched on photography basics. thanks
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Wow, thanks! I am flattered. It is a basic video and for beginners. I am sure I will make better ones, however I am glad it helped. Let me know if there is anything else you are interested and I will let you know if its coming up in next topics! Thanks for watching! :-)
@emmanuelbolade Ай бұрын
@@obipixel thank you, it was a good one as it was able to connect the triangle together and was explained very well. cheers. Topics that are hopefully in the plan are - how to take good portraits as amateurs, budget cameras to achieve sharp youtube videos and how to master poses
@obipixel Ай бұрын
@@emmanuelbolade Thank you! Cool. I will add those to my list of videos to make. I like the ideas. You take care!
@emmanuelbolade Ай бұрын
WHOA. Awesome video, thanks for sharing Radiant with us. Please can I ask for a review of Radiant vs Luminar Neo, though I believe from watching this video that Radiant is more effective and has professional quality photo output
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Hi there. Thanks for watching. Hmm Luminar Neo. Ok I will see what I can do. I have used Luminar for Denoising and it has great options for that, but the full suite of Neo, I havent. So I will get it and let you know in a future video. :-)
@emmanuelbolade Ай бұрын
@@obipixel thanks
@bhovis Ай бұрын
I finally dropped Adobe after over 20 years of use. I have had Affinity Photo for a few years but kept my Adobe subscription for Lightroom (I now use Capture One). It took some time and work to get fully dis-entangled and develop a new way of working. The additional benefit of freeing up over 20gb on my hard drive and deleting the several Adobe “support” apps (doing who knows what) is frosting on the cake.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Excellent. Yeah Capture One is also in my toolkit. Especially when I tether shoot photos. good for you! Thanks for watching.
@lifebidesign Ай бұрын
So how about a PROMO CODE for us?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
I don't have the promo code for the Radiant Photo app. I am sure there are online somewhere. Don't forget the FREE 6 months trial for Affinity Photo 2 link in the description.
@sunset7951 Ай бұрын
Do you have any discount codes?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
For Radiant Photo not yet. I am working on it! :-)
@ashtynbogan2112 Ай бұрын
How much does Radiant cost and does Radiant exist for video?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
I paid $99 once off fee 2 years ago now. I have also had countless updates from FREE. Truly awesome. I know they are working on a version for Video and for Mobile :-)
@user-yp3lq9oz2q Ай бұрын
For sure. I use Radiant. Love it.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Awesome! Good for you!
@Mimi-zl7sm Ай бұрын
Great video thanks. Radiant Photo looks cool.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Sure thing. Thanks for watching. Yes Radiant is cool!
@Pipsologie Ай бұрын
I canceled my adobe subscription last week. I am done with them too.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Yeah they went off the rails. A long time coming for Adobe, however now that we have alterantives we can shift!
@HiteswarHiteswar-uf3vt Ай бұрын
Excellent. Now I have alternatives to Adobe.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Best alternatives and they completely outperform compared to Adobe products. I am very happy! Thanks for watching!
@skhasibul9241 Ай бұрын
Cool. Have you used Radiant Photo on product photography?
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Oh yes, it works really well for multi-bracketted and multi-exposure files. I love the ability if Radiant Photo.
@abhigamer_999 Ай бұрын
Yup Radiant Photo and Affinity Photo 2 both smash Adobe products.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Oh yes. They certainly do. My move to them has allowed me to move away from Adobe and now I have better tools and I save money too!
@user-el2uf9ip7q Ай бұрын
Awesome. Thanks for the video.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
You bet! Thanks for watching!
@AkshayKumar-rm8mz Ай бұрын
Great. I’m moving to Radiant and Affinity. Save money too. Hahaha.
@obipixel Ай бұрын
Good for you! You will love it for sure! It saves soooo much time!