Gaffers Salon EP#29 "Nice Stuff"
@Holtenstein Күн бұрын
Have you had a chance to check out the Godox system?
@GaffersSalon 14 сағат бұрын
@@Holtenstein no I think it’s too blatant an IP rip off so I won’t touch it… plus it’s nowhere as well engineered or supported… I prefer to support Christian Berger, Jakob and the team at Light Bridge who spent a decade+ prototyping and refining these tools… I own other godox product but won’t touch these.
@Holtenstein 14 сағат бұрын
@@GaffersSalon Fair enough. I thought Dedo Light came up with this technology first though? I just picked up the 40"x 40" Godox set @ $2200 cause I couldn't beat the price. I really love using the CRLS system.
@GaffersSalon 13 сағат бұрын
@@Holtenstein awhile back I asked Jakob to respond to these questions and the history of crls. Dedo did not come up with it, he invented optics to work with crls… “After all the questions on the web about the history of CRLS and Godox I thought if there is a right place to share my thoughts, then it is here with all of you. CRLS has been a long time coming. Cinematographer Christian Berger came up with the idea one day as he was visiting the Lichtlabor (Lightlab) Bartenbach in Tyrol. He was looking for ways to create very natural looking light, keep gear close, but the set as free as possible. He toyed around with different surfaces (at that time with DP Judith Benedikt, she was still an electrician and helping him out in 2001) but the idea and the name was already clear. He was looking for partners to help him make the sheets of aluminum usable on set and tried working with Kflect and later Pani. It didn't work out for multiple reasons and he quit the relationships. Kflect is still on the market, Pani disappeared. When I became his main gaffer in 2010/11 I was confronted with a DP with a very clear vision but very poor tools to survive big productions that had no interest in prototypes and fumbling on set. So I started to make better grip and tools for his reflectors with my crew (Laszlo, co-founder, now works full time in Lightbridge as a technical designer and Manuel is still on set, you can find him on social media under the name Lightlink). I must admit, I also got obsessed with the quality of light, the intuitive ways to use aluminum reflectors - and I always had built my own fixtures and grip for shows, so the concept of building something unique for jobs was not new to me. But it was clear - if we wanted to share my DP's vision with the world, there was a lot of work to do. Christian at this point was so fed up with the manufacturers he had found he wanted to quit CRLS altogether. I took it as my gaffer's promise to keep his vision alive. Lightbridge was born and I made sure that should we ever make any money, my DP would get his share. I take pride in that I don't see our CRLS Precision Reflectors as just a new product - but as an intuitive tool that we had optimized over years on set before sharing it with my colleagues. The product is not the Precision Reflector - it is the light it produces. But as much as I knew about lighting and manufacturing I had no clue about sales and distribution! Dedo, (was) an old friend of Christians and we met and really liked each other. Dedo told me he would help with sales. You live and learn! Didn't take a year before I got the email where he told me that he was doing his own version and I should go back to being a gaffer. (I had taken out a mortgage on my house, quit my apartment in the city and was sleeping on the couch in the small office to make ends meet at the time!) I thought I was dead in the water until I noticed more and more people were purchasing our gear in cities that Dedo was touring! That was a big learning experience: You can copy us - but that doesn't mean you understand why we were doing things a certain way. You just can't copy 15 years of testing on set - it shows in every detail. And it's exactly that knowledge and drive to innovate that sets us so apart from Dedo and Godox. Yes - there are of course IP and patent infringements with Godox and we are following up on this. Kfelct specialized on indoor effect reflectors - that’s great, as is Dedos Eflect. But we believe in fast intuitive, high quality Key-light tools for professionals. It needs to work from tabletop to mounting on cranes. Because it all comes down to creating moods with light, upholding the artistry and craft of lighting - putting visionary people in the limelight - supporting our teams, customers and productions. It all boils down to: supporting, innovating and sharing. Just what a good gaffer does - no matter the job, no matter the weather. That's Lightbridge - bridging art and technology - so we can continue to push the boundaries of light to tell your stories with light together. I hope this gives some personal, first hand insight and if you have any thoughts - do share! We love hearing from you. All the Best and have a great shooting day! Jakob”
@JeffGrahamPhotography 10 күн бұрын
I’m really glad to hear they are working to address customer service. They have the worst customer service in the industry by a country mile in my experience with them. Right now I just pray my lights don’t go down, because I have zero confidence in their ability to even get back to me.
@KittyGuerrillaFilms 10 күн бұрын
this is absolutely fascinating John and Tim
@diogoatadini 11 күн бұрын
Great explanation from Tim, thanks for this. One of my questions would be around the increase on the other end of the spectrum. With the addition of the red emitters. Is that mainly affected when the light is in Black Body mode? So, the perception humans have (as the daylight explanation with the white t-shirt) when it comes to tungsten, also affected by the BLAIR colour science? Would love to hear more on the tungsten side.
@parkerfilm2114 11 күн бұрын
I will say, not sure how many people from Prolycht survived the merger and are over at Aputure now, but I have had zero luck in even getting a single response, period, from the repair team about my problematic Orion 675. Email Mitch and the business line, seems like he always responds quick, but absolutely zilch from the repair guys. It has been extremely frustrating. So I'd say, buy at your own risk and don't expect good communication or repairability. My anecdotal two cents.
@recardosands9948 11 күн бұрын
I own and operate a G&E rental shop down in the Caribbean, and I'm scared to death of Aputure customer service and repair service. I have 0ver 60 plus Aputure fixtures along with their modifiers and I'm afraid of one of my fixtures going down because the shipping back to the states, plus the down time of the repair will cost much more than a new fixture.
@atriux7 10 күн бұрын
They've stated (if I'm not mistaken) that the storm-series fixtures are more modular in design and will allow for streamlined servicing from Aputure. Time will tell.
@recardosands9948 10 күн бұрын
@@atriux7 Thank you sir.
@mitchgross592 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the update and the supportive words. Our service time has dropped dramatically and we’re continuing to improve.
@RobertJohnPhotography 11 күн бұрын
I've been reading about Aputure repair turn around taking a long time. That is not my experience at all. I had one of my Nova's have a fan problem and Aputure sent me out a shipping box. They fixed it in less than a week and shipped it back at no cost to me. They also threw in a B7c bulb for free. Maybe things have changed.
@Cinegavo 11 күн бұрын
Aye I recognize you from the Inflatable light video
@Cinegavo 11 күн бұрын
aye, from the Light Bank video earlier today!
@GaffersSalon 11 күн бұрын
yeah the nova's were generally , much easier to repair, some of the issues in the 1200X and others were much of the internal components were sealed in a resin to maintain IP rating which had the unintended effect of making them very difficult - if not impossible - to replace any specific failed part... the newer lights are much more modular and easy to repair, from what i've been told.
@RobertJohnPhotography 11 күн бұрын
@@GaffersSalon Thanks John, I didn't realize that. Good to know. Hey, do you know when Andrew will be doing his super detailed review on this light?
@RobertJohnPhotography 11 күн бұрын
@@Cinegavo Just subscribed to you.
@philpritchard5173 11 күн бұрын
Agreed. It's a real no brainer.
@free-radicalmedia4699 11 күн бұрын
Good follow-up. Thanks, John.
@12yfilms 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for clarifying. I'm even more excited to get mine later this month!!!
@gregkubitschek6575 11 күн бұрын
What a great video, so informative. Love your videos! In depth and the sharing of knowledge is always refreshing
@GaffersSalon 11 күн бұрын
@@gregkubitschek6575 thanks, appreciated.
@TheCinematographyPodcast 14 күн бұрын
42:18, not exactly true- daylight not always +g, and definitely not by the same amount. Factors affecting daylight color bias- 1) Time of day, 2) Longitude/Latitude, raking angle of sun, environmental contaminants in the air. Been taking spectral readings for decades, you are welcome to fight me on this one.
@GaffersSalon 13 күн бұрын
I'll ask Tim, but my feeling here is here is referring generally to CIE Daylight, generally speaking to what we refer to as daylight say 5600K (vs when we say tungsten @ 3200K) so looking spectrally at say mid day sun in various parts of the world, we are somewhere around 5000-6000K with a touch of plus green. Sure extreme times of day or certain atmospheric conditions can shift these readings, but under similar mid day sun, in similar weather conditions etc, i think this holds true. @Aputure-Tim_S_Kang
@raynaudier8622 14 күн бұрын
This was *incredible!* - Thank you👏🏾.
@raynaudier8622 14 күн бұрын
This is great for Aputure as a company also - can go from having 3 lines - daylight/bicolor/color - to 2 lines - tunable BLAIR bicolor (which also provide quite a few colors🤩🥳)/tunable color.
@GaffersSalon 14 күн бұрын
@creativegreatsvisuals 13 күн бұрын
So this new Blair -1200x is not going to match perfect with the recent aputure 600cii that is coming out ? Do you think They are going to come out with a new Blair engine 600c type light since they are going a whole new color spectrum?
@GaffersSalon 12 күн бұрын
@@creativegreatsvisuals the 600c is full color… vs bicolor but I think it will match close enough at 2500-10,000k both will have g/m for fine tuning - the spectrum at 5600k will be a tad better on the storm I suspect but I doubt it will prove an issue on set 99% of the time
@carlwarrenphoto 15 күн бұрын
Nice science lesson !
@_FrontFootFilms_ 16 күн бұрын
This was incredibly informative. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I learned a lot.
@_FrontFootFilms_ 17 күн бұрын
I'm going to ask the dumbest question on here. But since I ordered one and would like to also label my reflectors, you think P-Touch labels on the reflectors will stay on and not melt?
@GaffersSalon 17 күн бұрын
I have them on my evokes and they don’t melt, but I’m going to change placement on these… wasn’t thinking 😂 on the evoke near front of reflector not near Bowen mount side
@ricksiegel4224 18 күн бұрын
Thank you John and Tim! Your presentation was fantastic. I look forward to working with the 1200X soon.
@akasasinator 20 күн бұрын
I really like the effort you put into the deep dive and nerding out for us!
@HakonBroderLund 20 күн бұрын
Great chat. Hope they also comes out with a 600w fixture for smaller scaler projects
@thegranitegaffer 20 күн бұрын
Appreciate the interview with Tim for this release! What a major leap forward for LED technology they've concocted over at Aputure!!
@barrygoyette 20 күн бұрын
Great interview. It's rare I learn a lot on these types of things. Today I did. Thank you.
@scottsparrow4982 20 күн бұрын
Thanks, John!
@floripilsl2671 20 күн бұрын
Thanks, I wonder how these compare to the Prolychts, curious on improvements from that Also where do we find that powerpoint/pdf he was showing?
@GaffersSalon 19 күн бұрын
@PDMokry 20 күн бұрын
I'm ready for the rest of the series! I need all my lights to get updated! Great video!
@TylerEdwards 20 күн бұрын
This look incredible. Great video
@h4328 20 күн бұрын
On the keynote they mentioned the blair engine being introduced into the new storm units - will that compete with the current 600CII or is it specifically for the smaller units? Any Aputure Reps here?
@Aputure-Tim_S_Kang 20 күн бұрын
There aren't plans to compete with the 600Cmk2.
@Cinegavo 20 күн бұрын
damn this is crazy, super exciting for the future
@Aputure-Tim_S_Kang 20 күн бұрын
thanks john! anyone that has further tech questions, feel free to ask me here as well.
@natecarrollfilms 20 күн бұрын
Is your masterclass deck preso posted or soon to be available? Looking to deep dive! Great chat BTW.
@Aputure-Tim_S_Kang 20 күн бұрын
@@natecarrollfilms not anywhere, but if john wants, i can put it on GS. It was what I presented at BIRTV. Thanks for sitting through my tired drawl!
@MrVrob8 12 күн бұрын
@@Aputure-Tim_S_KangRandomly tuned in for a product review and ended up glued for an hour to the presentation on UV/Missing End of the Spectrum! At some point, you mention being unsure about how to market these but, honestly, a condensed 2-min version of your talk should be it.
@carlitoshuanes 9 күн бұрын
I always find your talks incredibly fascinating Tim! Can you tell me what the consequence of having two blue spikes or blue and indigo spikes is as it relates to what the observer or in our case the camera sees? Put another way, do spikes in the light spectrum emitted impact the way that we or the camera interpret the color of an object?
@carlitoshuanes 9 күн бұрын
So, if we’re using bicolor LED lights, what is going to be the difference between setting the camera and lights to 3200K or setting the camera and lights to 5600K? When we were using tungstens, apart form the quality of light, was there a difference between using tungstens and setting our camera’s to 3200K or using daylight and setting the camera to 5600K?
@12yfilms 20 күн бұрын
Do you know if we can use our existing 1200D reflectors with this light? Or is it worth buying the extra $210 reflector kit?
@GaffersSalon 20 күн бұрын
@@12yfilms I would assume not, but will have to ask Aputure… my guess is they will work but maybe not as optically aligned or efficient ?
@shadowshapers 20 күн бұрын
[Aputure] The existing 1200d reflectors on this 1200x will result in color fringing on the edges of the beam. I would recommend against trying to use the 1200d reflectors and instead strongly suggest getting the 1200x reflectors designed to be used with this light.
@12yfilms 20 күн бұрын
@@shadowshapers Sounds great thank you!
@12yfilms 20 күн бұрын
@@GaffersSalon Will do! Thank you again!
@mitchgross592 20 күн бұрын
The 1200d reflectors are not optimized for the 1200x.
@12yfilms 20 күн бұрын
This is soooo awesome! I just purchased mine from B&H! Can't wait to get it!!!! Thank you John for sharing!
@redumbrella4218 28 күн бұрын
Please let me know when you will do another class in LA! Great work! Congrats!
@weztastudio6170 Ай бұрын
thank you great review
@criticalwokeracisttheory4645 Ай бұрын
would you consider this over the FlexKIt for headshots?
@GaffersSalon Ай бұрын
I don't know what a FlexKit is.... but with any soft light it's all about size and proximity to talent, shape of source and of course the look you're after....
@zachcaldwell4456 Ай бұрын
Super helpful video. Where do you get your 2x2 muz / magic cloth / other diffusion rags for these? Do you buy scrap and build w velcro you mentioned? Any shops you recommend for this ?
@GaffersSalon 29 күн бұрын
lots of places... The Rag Place,, etc - If you are using the Lite Gear brand you can buy the poly skirt and standard diff 1/4, 1/2 and full from Lite Gear... then all you need is the velcro to attach to F21/22
@MrAndrewClaycomb Ай бұрын
How are the batteries holding up over time with all of these? I know several people with Aputure MC kits that have had to replace units earlier than expected because of the internal batteries.
@GaffersSalon Ай бұрын
I can only speak to all of mine… I’ve had no issues - battery life still good on all of them (just got the Kelvin so too soon to know on those)
@theBEHRENS Ай бұрын
This was great. Thanks for taking the time. Love all you guys do. New Yorker coming from the stills/strobe world.
@Dfproductions865foryou Ай бұрын
You can really see a difference in the highlights. I'm pretty impressed with the Dash after this test.
@_FrontFootFilms_ Ай бұрын
so so so helpful and informative. Not even just about these lights but about LED lights in general. Thank you for taking the time to make and post this.
@leoquesto9183 Ай бұрын
Thank you for putting time into these vids. Getting your angle in each review is invaluable. Plus, you completed the triangle with Andrew Locke and Luke Seerveld. Between you three, we’re all getting serious immersion in these fixtures before ever bringing them on set. Thanks!
@jonstuyvesant Ай бұрын
Great interview. Love the discussion about how the team worked together
@12yfilms Ай бұрын
The yellow and red look beautiful on the Play Pro. I like how neat the 3-light kit packs up. As always, thank you for sharing!
@from-another Ай бұрын
Great review with such well laid out information
@Cinegavo Ай бұрын
@Cinegavo Ай бұрын
but great vid haha
@GaffersSalon Ай бұрын
@@Cinegavo pretty sure those are fancy jeans
@Dan-fi8xt Ай бұрын
When Justin is talking about using Unreal on the camera for matching motion at 9:57 do you know what tracking / hardware solution is typical for that type of set up? Thanks for the video.
@GaffersSalon Ай бұрын
@@Dan-fi8xt Justin said “It was a mars vive camtrack”
@robinprobyn1971 2 ай бұрын
Could I be so bold as to advise the addition of a new adaptor , that could be connected to directors that are full of hot air ? They will be deflated and saves work for crew , whats not to love ?
@recardosands9948 2 ай бұрын
To me its an LED Zip light....looks like the old fashion Mole 2K zip light...
@GaffersSalon 2 ай бұрын
no question, and Martin mentions the 1st gen prototype was in a scoop shape, even more like a zip. I think the significant difference here is the hard light option & with the multiple possibilities on the inlay surface in combo with front diff etc.
@GarrettBM 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, very use-full review.
@ricksiegel4224 2 ай бұрын
Love the interview & reveal of the inflatable wedge/book light. Thank you for the video too-much appreciated.