THE BEST OF NATURE FOR YOU Naturopathy is a natural approach to healing and wellness and holistic alternative to modern medicines, such as drugs, pharmacology and surgery, which focuses on the body to heal itself.
Arogya Kendra is a unique healthcare centre focused to deliver simple, scientific, safe healthcare through Naturopathy and Yoga. It is committed to consistently offer traditional treatment modalities with a scientific temper which are drugless in nature of intervention and provides maximum scope for the vital force of human body to perform its curative function.
Dr. Gulab Rai Tewani, CMO (Chief Medical Officer), Sant HIrdaram Yoga and Nature Cure Hospital popularly Known as Arogya Kendra, One Tree Hill, Sant Hirdaram Nagar, Bhopal -462030.
Phone 0755-2642572, 4244313,
Whatsapp Mobile 6260777789
[email protected]#GulabTewani #ArogyaKendraBhopal #SantHirdaram