@bennybateman9942 9 сағат бұрын
Your video made me realize that my very first OC as a ‘cis’ girl was an AFAB individual who remembered her past life as a guy and their character arc’s about coming to terms with both aspects of their lives. Which is to say the signs have always been there, I was just too dense to make connections. Anyway, thank you so much for this video. Your character design rocks! I particularly adore their skull mask!!
@Dunkinarts 14 сағат бұрын
Man being able to see yourself through your characters feels relieving and almost like you are not alone with whatever you are going through
@LykusArt 12 сағат бұрын
Yeah exactly! It's very comforting 🥰
@ameilajones7766 17 сағат бұрын
Honestly I think this awakened smthn in me- like it makes sense why I love making male characters so much especially as a transmasc-agender-idek-what-I-am like, I feel more like them than I feel like , myself in my body and its so nice to know Im just not crazy for that.
@LykusArt 12 сағат бұрын
Exactly how I feel! I'm glad this helps you feel less alone ❤️
@ggasos2376 Күн бұрын
*ahem* gender? i hardly know her! thank you, thank you, no need to clap
@androart1817 Күн бұрын
I hope someday you can transition in real life and create a character that you feel comfortable with! I’m doing that and I’m half way there (I am a binary trans man) I know what its like to feel like a dainty girl and hate it. But change is possible no matter your age.
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
Awh thanks so much! I've just been learning to love myself as I am, but recently I have been looking into ways to be more comfortable as well! I'm glad to hear you are well on your way to being happy with your body, too!
@WhiteSilverDemon 2 күн бұрын
I'm a writer (and D&D player) and the way I create my characters is literally thinking what part of myself I wish to explore, then giving it a twist that makes the character unique. Sometimes it'll make them more similar to me, other times completely different, but it still helps me to figure myself out and that feels wonderful. P.S. LykusArt your persona kinda looks like the "real me"! xD
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
Yes, I love doing that as well~ Exploring things about yourself that you otherwise wouldn't is such a great outlet! Also yayy! Twinsies! ♥
@ootdega 2 күн бұрын
Interesting how you have to invent characters to reinforce your nonbinary identity. Almost like nonbinary isn't a real thing.
@LykusArt 2 күн бұрын
Thanks! Yeah I know, gender is a super interesting topic, isn't it? :)
@ootdega Күн бұрын
@@LykusArt For people who think a gender is a personality, it sure is. Not so much for people who don't have to make up new, completely unquantifiable magic words to be remotely interesting. But hey, we can just call those people bigots and our profoundly violent hivemind will take care of the rest.
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
@@ootdega I'm very happy for those who are so sure of themselves and their identity, actually! It's not bigoted at all, to not understand or be able to relate! But it's funny you say that, because you are the one coming here and being aggressive towards me, aren't you?
@StrawberryQuestions 2 күн бұрын
As a teen girl, I absolutely love videos like these. I am growing up in a very conservative environment, and despite this, I have known I was bi for almost 4 years now. I briefly identified as genderfluid, but I found it didn’t fit me. I think I’m a girl, who is open to expressing myself through things that are not always typically feminine. For example, I have a LOT of Ocs and stories I create, most of whom the main characters are men. I have always felt a little guilty about this, almost like I HAVE to create girls just…because they are girls, and if I don’t I will be…I’m not sure. Betraying myself as a girl who loves girls? It’s not exactly a healthy mindset, I know, but videos like these make me remember I’m allowed to express the way I feel, make the characters I like, dress how I want, and be who I am! (Also from one artist to another you have SUCH a pretty artstyle) I know I have a lot of life yet to live, but just know you seem awesome. Sorry about the semi rant lol, I just got excited because this helped me kinda overcome an insecurity about my art and habits and….yeah! Have a wonderful day :D
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
Ahh! I am so happy to hear this helped you! ;0; and thank you for the kind words, as well! Yes, you are super young and still have forever to find yourself! And don't feel like the labels are necessary, it's okay to just be figuring things out or simply yourself. Be kind to yourself and know it's okay for your feelings to change! I know mine sure did throughout my teen years, but now I feel like my identity is pretty solidified as an adult! It can be hard but I know you will get through it~ I wish you luck and hope you have a wonderful day too!! ♥
@EjiroEloy73 2 күн бұрын
My journey to discovering I was non binary took years, I studied in catholic schools up to high school , looking back they were surprisingly accepting of the idea of a student being LGBTQ+, but there was a time in a class where they were teaching about gender roles, and I was *struggling* because I felt about girls the same way I felt about boys, "If I can do this thing anyone can, regardless of gender" to me gender was just what you had between your legs because I didn't see difference otherwise. Passing to high school, I start noticing that girls do act differently than boys, but somehow I still don't feel a strong connection to either gender, then it dawned on me, I've tried to look androgynous for a good chunk of my life, and when people missgendered me I embraced it, whenever I saw a character who was n-b in a video game I was like "omg I want to look just like them" even before I knew they were n-b. Despite all of this, it still took me like a year and a half to come to the idea because well, all my life others have built the idea of me as a male and coming out sounded scary (and partially because the n-b pronouns in my language kinda sound stupid) but I was in the prime time to start a new chapter in my life so I said "f*ck it" and the rest is history TL;DR: I felt equally alienated by men and women so I must have been a third thing
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
Ah! I totally get that. Of course there are definitely differences between men and women, physically and mentally, but not everyone fits perfectly into those boxes! I'm glad you found something that you feel defines you, and that you can now find others to relate to~ It's such a nice feeling!
@KatSitssAndFood 2 күн бұрын
Did anyone else when watching this like 40 seconds in feel like crying as theyre reminded that.... They don't know what the fuck their gender or is that just me?
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
You aren't alone, and I assure you that you will find comfort soon! You'll figure it out eventually, whatever it may be - but in the meantime, make sure to do your best to be kind and patient with yourself. ♥
@KatSitssAndFood Күн бұрын
@@LykusArt Thank you for the advice :D I'll try my best
@KatSitssAndFood 2 күн бұрын
Did anyone else when watching this like 40 seconds in feel like crying as theyre reminded that.... They don't know what the fuck their gender or is that just me?
@TheBlackHatOutlaw 2 күн бұрын
I absolutely relate to this considering I'm trans. Any icon I use, character I play as, all of that will always be the gender I am on the inside, the one Identify with. It is incredibly freeing considering I can do next to nothing for my outward appearance other than dress how I want to and cut my hair. Despite this, I am fortunate enough to have a spouse who sees me as I am on the inside.
@LykusArt Күн бұрын
I'm so glad you have someone in your life that you can express your true self to! And that you have also found this little way to escape. I wish you the best of luck <3 Just remember that it doesn't matter if you transition physically - your feelings about who you are, are super valid!
@mysryuza 2 күн бұрын
Idk how it happened but I made one of my OC’s greyromantic, then I ended up finding out that I was actually greyromantic later on (not because of my OC). “I’m small and look feminine, so people lump me with the she/her, it’s fine, but it doesn’t feel like me” omg someone understands.
@LykusArt 2 күн бұрын
@mysryuza Interesting how that works out haha! Thankful to hear someone relates 💜
@grimrose999 3 күн бұрын
My online persona was nonbinary long before I came out as nonbinary. It's interesting to look back and see how much I've changed since those days and how I'm even more masculine presenting compared to my old persona which was neutral/fem.
@LykusArt 3 күн бұрын
For sure!! Always interesting to look back and see the signs that you missed haha
@Blanche_255 4 күн бұрын
This is now one of my fav videos,, exploring yourself through character creation is my favorite part about making ocs tbh
@LykusArt 4 күн бұрын
🥹 awh, thanks so much! ♡
@leozkiii 4 күн бұрын
I have never played D&D, would you recommend something? Love the new design!
@LykusArt 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! I would definitely recommend looking into 5th Edition, and maybe watch some videos on getting started with it and seeing if you would want to be a Dungeon Master (person who runs the game) or a player! It's so much fun with a group of friends or people online!!
@Danmarinja 5 күн бұрын
When I was younger, I was so uncomfortable whenever someone told me they played games like Pokémon as the opposite gender. I’d tell myself ‘Well if you can’t choose your gender in real life then what right do you have to choose in a game?’ So anyway it turns out I’m trans.
@LykusArt 5 күн бұрын
Lolll, don't worry, when I met someone who went by they/them for the first time, I was so annoyed. Like you can't do that, you are a she/her! >:( Maybe it is an underlying jealousy thing? 😅
@cakecannibal160 5 күн бұрын
I used to feel this way early on when I first started questioning my gender and thinking I could be Trans. I thought there was no way I could ever convincingly look or sound like a man because I didn't understand how Hormones or testosterone actually worked. It wasn't until a year and a half later that I realized that testosterone could make me look and sound the way I wanted to, with a lot of work but still. I also still enjoying making fictional characters/personas to express myself tho until I can transition.
@LykusArt 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you realized that you can indeed be your ideal self~ I wish you the best of luck in your transition!!
@DeletedCharacter 5 күн бұрын
I'm also Nonbinary, but look very feminine irl. I'm super skinny, my face still looks babyish despite me being well through puberty, and I'm 5,4, the average female height. Yet, just from a few changes to my physical appearance, like a haircut and a wardrobe change, has boosted my self-esteem regarding my appearance greatly. I used to never represent myself how I actually looked. I'd always make an oc that looked vaguely like me, however I never saw it as an "oc" and just saw them as me despite me giving them their own name and clear differences in appearance. I never understood people who made their sonas with such different traits like having a separate backstory or not being human, as I always just tried to make who I felt I really was, so I thought that's what everyone else was doing. But now, I don't really struggle with that anymore. Although I still see myself in my current sona, I don't see them as me, I see them as their own character I created who happens to be based off me. I feel comfortable drawing myself as me now, not as my oc. They're not one in the same anymore. When I look in the mirror, I see someone who actually represents me, not just a human that happens to have me as their owner.
@LykusArt 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I'm so glad to hear you've found ways to be more confident in your body A good haircut and clothing style that you love makes a huge difference! It did for me, as well!
@YaBoiTheDecentGuy 5 күн бұрын
Damn I need to make myself an oc
@LykusArt 5 күн бұрын
Heck yeah! Go for it!!
@princessyokaidoll8357 5 күн бұрын
This is like super relatable I always kinda felt like Monstrous in my body but like loving super Girly things so when I was younger I would kinda this like Duality in my characters making these monster woman with like Hyperfeminine bodies in like betty boop type dresses with super weird/freaky heads Like a mixture of a Blue Bell and a corpse Being all like long and toobe like with petals or like a pug's head with half like sloping I would make like these larger than life female characters high femme strange and maybe a little evil they'd do what they want Being Chaotic silly and beautiful And may or may not have eaten anyone who disagreed Bake then I thought I was just Making the type of characters I wanted to see in the world witch I like totally was ~ But it was also me trying to figure out how these 2 sides of me could Exist together Pretty pink and monstrous 💋🌸🌺
@LykusArt 5 күн бұрын
Haha thank you for sharing! That is another thing I can totally relate to and express through my characters. The idea of not being human is so much more fun!
@Hrotriks 6 күн бұрын
TBH althought I dont mind people refering me as male /man , nor feel dysmorphia (I think), nor bein cis male; but I always liked playing more as female characters and many a times I pass on games because it doesnt have the mc as a female or a character creator that alows females. I dont know what to make out of it tho. Although I always been the type of person who doesnt need a surrogate character and dont mind playing as a specific charcater (for example Geralt of Rivia in the witcher , but it needs to be a good character or I will skip the game as previously mentioned) , so yeah I do the suspension of disbelief quite good.
@LykusArt 6 күн бұрын
For sure! Thank you for sharing. It doesn't have to mean something more, of course. It could just be a preference, and that's okay, too!
@Hrotriks 6 күн бұрын
@@LykusArt Thanks... although do I often wonder how it would feel to be the other gender , I dunno is it simple human curiosity or something else. As weird as this osunds I wish I had Ranma 1/2 "situation" on me.
@The1313cool1313 7 күн бұрын
Irl im mostly identifying myself as a cis male, simply because it makes a lot of things simpler when others think about me in this way. There are some select few people that i have given insight into my real thoughts, but that's about how far I dare to go questioning my identity irl. On the flipside in MMOs especially I've always enjoyed playing as female characters. I never really understood why, went through the whole "just like to look at it phase" and all that, but truth be told I get really uncomfortable when I'm (that is my character is) wearing skimpy or even just revealing clothes. The character I play is an alternative me, that I just can't be irl. Not just is she strongwilled and competent in a capacity I might never be, but also does she look beautiful and comfortable. Which I do sometimes feel in my real body, too. But when I see this one character I've had for 2 or more years now, that's who I feel comfortable being. I don't think this ultimately contradicts learning to be more comfortable with my born body. It just goes to illustrate to me just how much more than my body I am. And that it's actually alright to not be comfortable sometimes. Or at least that's how I perceive it at this time. We'll see what the roads yet untravelled hold in store for me still.
@LykusArt 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! You've put it so wonderfully in your last paragraph. It's important to love yourself as you are, too! To accept your body, but know that you are so much more than it, too. 💕 I wish you the best of luck!
@misxa6344 7 күн бұрын
Your art is really nice and so is your voice. Good video! ❤
@LykusArt 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! 🥰
@evanredacted651 7 күн бұрын
I personally have not completed my journey on figuring out who I am. But for the most part I play female characters in games due to my own self hatred. I constantly fantasize what it would be like if I were born a girl, what my life would be like, what kind of person I would be. The body I was given does not suit me and it hasn't for at least 3 years yet I have no idea how to make it form a more perfect "me".
@LykusArt 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. If you have the means, and haven't done so already, I would definitely reach out to a therapist about your feelings of self-hatred. You will understand yourself a lot better if you start to unravel that first. ❤️ I've been there, too. It takes time, but I hope you get where you want to be!
@evanredacted651 6 күн бұрын
@@LykusArt thank you
@ZeyisNox 7 күн бұрын
Glad your video popped up on my feed today, I love your art style! I personally didn’t even realize that I could possibly be anything other than what I was born as for years, and while I didn’t mind being female in games so much it never felt right irl, especially after puberty hit. Of course I didn’t know what the heck I was feeling at the time since I grew up in a pretty religious space, but two of the biggest games that helped me figure it out were Zelda and dnd. Being Link in any Zelda game always just felt… right. And once I hit adult and finally made a male character in dnd I started to realize oh okay, maybe I’m not so attached to this whole gender thing like I thought I was. It’s nice to see someone else talking about what a huge impact characters and games like that can have, even for situations like mine when you don’t even realize what the feeling is for a long, long time.
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
Hey, thank you for sharing!! and for the kind words, too! I'm glad the video found you~ It's nice to hear that someone can relate so closely about figuring things out through gaming ^^ You worded it perfectly, something about playing male / androgynous characters just feels right to me! And I totally understand taking a long time to figure out these feelings, let alone solidify them into your identity. I went through a lot before I felt happy with myself!
@glossedi 7 күн бұрын
oc redesign videos gotta be my favorite
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
Heck yeah!! Thank you ~
@purpleb0i 7 күн бұрын
I love your art!!! Was not expecting to spot a familiar miku binder-
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! LOL I am glad someone spotted that!! 😂
@VerminlordRE2 7 күн бұрын
Hmm, over the years I’ve oddly preferred to play the opposite gender to what i am in DnD. Most story protagonist I’ve imagined on the front cover of novels I’m working on (like first drafts where I let my mind flow) ends up being a gender I am not. Any game that allows for choosing either gender I end up going for the opposite gender. I’ve personally not questioned my identity for some time because I figured the environment I grew up in greatly affected my view of the opposite gender to be something better than my current gender. Over time I’ve gotten a mix of hobbies that are mainly nerdy in nature, making it even harder to really grasp the potential gender I actually am. I think I’ll settle for unknown gender if I involve my feels. Biologically and on official documents I’ll stick to what I was born with. Thanks for bringing up the topic, I hope your KZbin career really takes off 👌 Loving the art style as well, has a calming nature to it
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing! That's totally valid. No need to put a label on it if you don't want to! It's okay to just be yourself, mentally and physically! Also, thank you so much!! <3
@kawaiikiwi.1820 7 күн бұрын
This video was so good! And I agree with a lot of these points haha ❤❤ :)
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! ^^ ♡
@kawaiikiwi.1820 7 күн бұрын
HOLY SHIT THIS WAS SO COOL!! I’m not big into fantasy but man your art is awesome!! I for sure thought you had at least 25k… 😭🙏
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
WAHHH Thank you so muchhh! 😭💕
@kawaiikiwi.1820 7 күн бұрын
@@LykusArt FORREAL I find it so cool you made these characters cause of rp that’s like one of my favorite things to do and and I love fangirling over other peoples characters shshshsh
@LykusArt 7 күн бұрын
@@kawaiikiwi.1820 Me too me too!! Feel free to drop some links if you have any social media / character profiles you'd like to share, I would love to see :)
@MintYukariFactory 8 күн бұрын
I rarely comment on youtube (never feel like joking tbh), I don't draw, but nothing can take away my desire to create anything at all, so I used to create a lot of mashup albums (yeah, very specific), each time I felt like I did my best and nowadays upon looking at the first works, it wasn't that good, but I used to be proud of it and I eventually got better, it got to a peak of inspiration eventually, and while the ideas kept flowing, all I did was, as you said, as if I saw no progression, and the burden kept growing and I felt like I should even give up because I was starting to have meltdowns about it as of lately. It's not much, but your video did speak some truth to me, maybe I'll get back to work whenever I can, thanks
@lennoxwilliamsart7387 8 күн бұрын
When I was a kid I often was mistaken for the opposite gender. At first I corrected them, because it was the "correct" thing to do, but when I realised I actually enjoyed it, I just let it be. Didn't last long cause puberty hit early and I kinda hated it. Still wouldn't feel comfortable transitioning even if I could, because I'd like some things to stay as they are. Anyways, when I got online I took one of my characters name (renamed twice them since, because I didn't want them to get the "mary sue self insert" stamp just because I borrowed them) and I also chose it to let the people make their assumptions about my gender themselves based on my behavior so I never had to openly "lie". Most of the times they are surprised when they realise they were completely wrong about who I'm technically am. And a while ago, but more recent, but the first time in years, someone again mistook me for the opposite gender (in person) and I was really happy about it for some reason. The "normal" version of your avatar is just badass and the chibi version is sooooo cuuuute 😍 Love it!
@LykusArt 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing! 💕and for the kind words, as well!! I can relate with the online assumptions - since I always made male characters in video games, in MMO's, people would just always just assumed I was a guy (then again, they assume female characters are guys as well LOL - to be fair they often are!) ... I never corrected them, either. Something about the anonymity online is just so refreshing !!
@Luna-IF397 8 күн бұрын
I think I really needed to hear this today. Thank you.
@LykusArt 8 күн бұрын
I'm so glad it got to you then Sending love!
@giraffealamode 8 күн бұрын
I love this, thank you 🥺
@LykusArt 8 күн бұрын
Awh!! Thank YOU!!
@PhantomKnight7776 8 күн бұрын
Nonbiney gang rise up!
@LykusArt 8 күн бұрын
Heck yeah let's gooo!
@axletheartist 3 күн бұрын
Masc Non-binary here ‼️
@Oblivitana 8 күн бұрын
@LykusArt 8 күн бұрын
@Broadside72 9 күн бұрын
First! Ding Dong Try again, Pope!
@LykusArt 9 күн бұрын
Damn, even beating him in the early access 😶
@Oblivitana 8 күн бұрын
👁️I will eat your skin, but cutely of course
@friedfishdonuts 11 күн бұрын
@LykusArt 11 күн бұрын
@victoriapauls7430 11 күн бұрын
Man I remember being in this group and remembered Corvo just from that thumbnail! It's so nice to see what he's become and that you've kept revamping him as the years have gone on!
@LykusArt 11 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh ❤️ Thank you!! I remember Morden and your lovely moon character as well!! They were so cute! Super happy to see your art again - your animations are just gorgeous and your style is perfect for it!!
@embe_r 11 күн бұрын
would love to hear more about the other characters and the worldbuilding!! ❤
@LykusArt 11 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! Will definitely be coming out with some more characters soon!
@keio7269 12 күн бұрын
1. LOVE him and I love seeing the journey of redesigning ocs they’re fun 2. We pray that he gets the hot single mom. I wish him long lasting luck in it (I’d love to see the kid too)
@LykusArt 12 күн бұрын
AShfdjskf thank you!! Hehe and thanks for the luck, I think they are already a bit smitten I will have to draw him, her and the kiddo sometime!
@shadowbrine114 14 күн бұрын
2:53 so he's Hawkeye. Green Hawkeye. I love Hawkeye btw, its not a bad thing, I just thought it was funny 😂
@LykusArt 13 күн бұрын
Hehe, that's a good comparison! We stan Hawkeye. ❤️
@JoLuna999 14 күн бұрын
I think I just found my new favorite art/story writing KZbinr!!!🤩
@LykusArt 14 күн бұрын
😭💕 I'm honored! Thanks so much!
@megamikmini 15 күн бұрын
I'd love to hear about your other characters!
@LykusArt 15 күн бұрын
Thank you!! I have another character video in the works!
@uraki1019 16 күн бұрын
On this day, I became your 324th sub 😁🎉
@LykusArt 16 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!! 💕