@iloveplasticbottles Күн бұрын
We actually have a few that are walkable, like Flagstaff in Arizona.
@cwr8618 2 күн бұрын
40 seconds in, this dude is annoying as f
@jasonsnipveron8188 4 күн бұрын
It’s funny because in all the cartoons you always saw the likes of Bart simpsons and jimmy neutron walking into town with his friends. also makes me wonder how skateboarders get by like from what I’ve seen depicted in the tony hawk video games. as a little boy here in boring old Britain it was cartoons and video games that made me hyped to visit America 😄 little did I know it was all built around the grid system
@user-gc5yg2qp8q 5 күн бұрын
I run for 2 hours daily my feet have blisters 😭🤚
@amybutler2311 5 күн бұрын
Awesome video!! ❤‍🔥❤‍🔥Thanks for all your hard work and research. It really shows. This video should be played in every Intro To City Planning class. Seriously, this gave a better overview than all of my planning classes.❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
@2eeillustration 6 күн бұрын
This video is incredible; and exactly the kind of thing I wish i could explain to my mom who- as a Filipino immigrant , just accepts and embraces the suburban isolation as "part of the American dream" rather than strive for an alternative. Now in 2024, se's effectively "locked in" now for the rest of her life to pay /achieve ownership of of this house we moved out of LA to get-- and while i want to respect her hustle, im also now stuck here in the suburbs with her slaving away @ minimum wage feeling all of my dreams slip away while selling all of my artwork as a "side hustle" just to get by. I want there to be more to this life than just surviving- i wish this isolation was something i could confide in my only family (my mother) in but nowadays i feel like art and creation is the only way to feel like im a person anhmore within this dystopia 🎨💔
@erickelly5395 8 күн бұрын
@MrJmoker 9 күн бұрын
@jtgurney4556 9 күн бұрын
Please stay consistent! You can easily run a sub 5 minute mile if you train for at least 9 more months! Incorporate tempo runs and intervals and you will get there in no time! This is an insane progress in 8 weeks! Seriously!
@loganhawkins2236 11 күн бұрын
good job, now just do it 3 times for a 5k lol
@txhydrajatin4571 12 күн бұрын
average indian army candidate 4:30 timing
@misssheltered1081 12 күн бұрын
Good video
@christinapoirier 12 күн бұрын
this is kind of out of pocket but.. 1) do you like women 2) are you single 3) regardless of the first two, you are an absolutely incredible human
@ericnieves01 13 күн бұрын
dude thats crazy that you went into long runs like that. im starting this same challenge. tested my mile at 6:37 but it was paaaiiin. def easing into that milage. youre a beast tho!
@Ki1aGam3z 18 күн бұрын
Me: ran for a year started at 11:40 smth Me after a year: ran a 8:26 mile
@superdavelane4 21 күн бұрын
I grew up in a Vegas suburb. I missed the bus. Shit took me over an hour to walk to my high school, 80% of that walk was in dirt from a lack of sidewalks.
@Read_once 22 күн бұрын
To my fellow Americans, I am learning and still need to learn more on how to get over differences and accept one another humans as just the same and that i shouldnt judge too hard cuz what if i was in their position. (This could apply to you reading this now or any person who reads this, which is know might be a long one but please just give it a chance to see why you don’t even have the time to read this and actually understand, to see my view point because this is the viewpoint of all regular folk such as you and myself) WHY HAVE WE AS A HUMAN SPECIES JUST LOST EMPATHY AND UNDERSTANDING we dont need to feel ashamed cuz we didnt know better, we just need to start working on fixes and now since only more time will hold back actual change. Aslo i think im starting to learn something new about myself if im not doing something that grows me as a person as in example discussing political viewpoints and reading or just learning views on humans and just humanitarian things in general cuz WE’RE HUMANS AND THAT COULD’VE BEEN US AND ITS NOT BUT IF WE GOT THE MEANS TO HELP THEN LETS HELP , oh wait we cant help cuz (insert stupid fabricated excuse that the governments make cuz they are or might be a failure just because, IF A GOVERNMENT IS ACTUALLY IN HELP OF PEOPLE THEN IT SHOULD GET THINGS DONE AND EVERYONE SHOULD BE LIVING WELL AND I MEAN EVERYONE the only reason we have some people who cant even afford to have the time to read this or to take time to understand). Now i know that sounds unreasonable but THATS ONLY SOUNDS UNREASONABLE CUZ OUR OH WELL LOOKSY DOO ITS THE SAME FUCKING GOVERNMENTS TELLING US ITS NOT We hear the term escaping the matrix or finding the cheat code in life. Well the matrix isnt about escaping reality or people ITS ABOUT ESCAPING THE GRASP OF THE GOVERNMENTS AND BEINGS THAT STOP US HUMANS DOING WHAT WE WANT. And if we humans cant see this then perhaps the time for the human race is over and doomed to fail either from nuclear amerggdon or climate change. Like being a dick and not wanting to help or actually be active and apart of something is what government want from us regular folk us NON ELITE HUMANS the ones who don’t have tens of millions of dollars or just enough money and superficial happiness or anything to not get you thinking about each other and how we all feel. They (as in the people who get to decide our way of life the Government’s WHICH BY THE WAY THEY SHOULD HAVE NO RIGHT) dont want us to see “oh damn they got the power to actually make the change and theyre not making change ?” THEY’LL DO ANYTHING TO JUST NOT GET ASKED MORE QUESTIONS AND GET INTO IN DEPTH (examples like taxes and how we are all to busy thinking about our bills or how anything would get done cuz everyone needs to focus on things that “actually matter” BUT THE THINGS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER OR JUST DISTRACTIONS , like if you read this and think wait i don’t have the time for this LIKE WHY DONT YOU?? Because your to busy with what…? EXACTLY THAT WHAT AND ANSWER TO THE QUESTION IS USALLY WHAT IT IS AND AN EXAMPLE OF A DISTRACTION) You see this isn’t a regular war this is a revolution of the average human such as me and you. Thank you any excuse to be able to move on and thats why i think i haven’t been able to move on these days. Havent been able to connect with things and people in my life Its just such a deadly cycle and loop and no wonder people kill themselves. BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS JUST A DISTRACTION FROM THE TRUTH THAT IM LIVING IN A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO KEEP ME AT THE BOTTOM AND WITH A FALSE DREAM AND HOPE THAT I’LL BE RICH ENOUGH TO NOT CARE OR RICH ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We as in the human population also need to stop questioning the messager and talking about whats up with me as a person and SEE WHAT IM ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF AND WHAT I REFER TO BECAUSE WHAT I REFER TO IS THE DAILY LIFE OF ANYONE OF US. BECAUSE WHAT I SPEAK OF IS THE TRUTH AND HOW WE ALL FEEL. And i will do what i have to do to spread this message and if that means playing by this sick game’s rules and having to force myself into the machine of capitalism and how our society worships money. Then i will just to have a platform to spread the truth. Because I do believe this way full heartedly and found it easy to write this because i know how all us people feel since we are all still human. And now is the time to stick together and be able to help our neighbors and friends, family and even those we don’t even know. Spread the word and lets help each other by getting educated, ask more questions. don’t take everything at face value all the time and don’t just follow and the herd mentality, actually use your brain and think how this relates to you and others in your life and help them out if possible. Thank you for your time just do not be hardheaded and say “nah” actually be the change you wish to see in the world, thats how it starts. These corporations and governments are not our friends, us regular folk only have each other.
@Henryscootz 25 күн бұрын
im in 6th grade and my mile time is 5:40
@colebray9284 27 күн бұрын
I don’t think a lot of people understand how freaking hard it is to run a 5:15 mile, much less a 5:00 minute. This man is insane and talented. Good work
@lucasmachado159 Ай бұрын
Latinix? Come on dude, the romance languages have genres even for nouns (in general). I hate when an english speaker made this shit with my language, sounds like they're impling that the "correct" way of thought is the english way.
@nevergiveup-eg1io Ай бұрын
Bolt is the fastest sprinter alive, not man. get it straight, please. there are different running types and distances. can't say the fastest sprinter alive is faster than the fastest endurance athlete alive. cause the sprinter would not beat them in long distance, and vice versa. different kind of athleticism. got to keep them in their own lanes.
@user-uv8hp4jh7k Ай бұрын
Living in a city must be a nightmare. Constantly surrounded by subhumans.
@Shadooke Ай бұрын
You did a mile in the 4th lane? That means you ran like an extra 80 meters You could get it down you gotta start in the first lane or waterfall in a race
@elliotwilliams7421 Ай бұрын
Walkable cities are the ultimate im gentrification and segregation. Total corporate fantasy land
@jayglenn82 Ай бұрын
F your day one lol
@MaSSiveBalls00 Ай бұрын
if your girl leaves you you'll get there in 3 weeks
@isaacnewton3514 Ай бұрын
Why’d you stop making videos? I know this didn’t get the views it deserved considering the effort you put in but your potential is crazy good
@m0dus Ай бұрын
I’m 16 minutes in and this mfkr spittin
@m0dus Ай бұрын
36 min in. Twin? Is that you?
@mundylunes7755 Ай бұрын
Lost the plot with the constant social commentary, dude.
@stephanos6128 Ай бұрын
the entire video is social commentary you ding dong
@banksy4630 Ай бұрын
That’s quite literally the entire point of the video
@gingeralice3858 Ай бұрын
25:14 I find it interesting Lakewood is on this list having been there multiple times I would say that it is actually one of the few Los Angeles suburbs that has a large upper middle class black population. Guess those plans backfired
@jeshbates2993 Ай бұрын
someone lied to me and said they got a 4 min mile b4
@julianskinner3697 Ай бұрын
Never water or fertilise a lawn. Mow no more often than once in two weeks and it will be a carbon sink, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere into the soil.
@jettbellingrodt8533 Ай бұрын
do it in lane 1
@dotdedo Ай бұрын
My mom was born in 1959 and lived in the suburbs. When she was a kid the city came to each house on the street to tell them a black family was moving in and to make sure everyone was okay with that
@keylinlarson108 Ай бұрын
I ran a 6:07 mile in February my current PR was set last week at 5:27
@tangomango2353 Ай бұрын
This video is great! I appreciative the time and effort you put into making it. Great job. Will definitely have to come back to take some notes on gentrification.
@alb.1911 Ай бұрын
Bro, you are losing 1 min with the weight of the hoodie and pants!
@filthyfrank.5 Ай бұрын
Bro I've done a 5 minute mile with literally no training 💀
@shingshongshamalama Ай бұрын
America built this. It can unbuild it.
@Tonysopranoyafinook Ай бұрын
Sad but true
@theredheadsaidNYC Ай бұрын
also this reminds me of a TikTok I saw where a dude says, "do you know why people say they loved their college years? Because it might have been the only time in their lives they lived in a walkable city." Colleges are built for walking. There are little grocery stores on campus. and bars, and restaurants, and whatever else you need.
@theredheadsaidNYC Ай бұрын
I haven't finished the video yet, but if you don't talk about how Robert Moses created the suburbs and fucked up cities, you haven't done your homework. Everyone should read the book about him, The Power Broker.
@theredheadsaidNYC Ай бұрын
people accept the suburbs in the US, because in most cases, THEY DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. It's the same reason they think Chick-Fil-A is good food. I was raised in a bumblefuck wisconsin town and eventually lived in New York City. I was thinking the other day the reason why I was always so socially active there was because it was EASY to get places (well, not counting the late-night train fuckery). now (now back in the midwest) I will turn down a social invitation if I know the parking there will suck. I' m temporarily in a small wisconsin town again and I'm completely miserable. There is no active downtown, everything is chain restaurants on stroads, no third places for people to gather, and only a sad little bus for partial transportation. You don't get to truly know a city unless you walk it. Just walking/taking transit to a destination can be an adventure, and you never know who you will talk to. So many opportunities to help your fellow person. All ages, all classes, all ethnicities were mingled together. I miss NYC terribly. When I win the lottery someday, I will have a Big City/Small City exchange program so everyone can experience city life.
@elliotwilliams7421 Ай бұрын
You like crime most of us don't. We like peace and quiet and you want to destroy anyone who is happy because you are sad
@theredheadsaidNYC Ай бұрын
@@elliotwilliams7421i had more crime happen to me in the midwest than in NYC
@elliotwilliams7421 Ай бұрын
@@theredheadsaidNYC you've not got a clue, 'people.dont.know better' lol
@wildmano1965 Ай бұрын
Young man, if you could do dat, you could be president of the United States. Keep it up.
@Jxnmiller Ай бұрын
Bro that’s what happened to me I was bad at running and this year I joined track for my first meet I ran a 5:38 which I’m so happy with and I’m only in 8th grade
@XqlWasTaken Ай бұрын
I shaved off 3 minutes off my mile time in heavily brutal training in 4 days
@Noipros Ай бұрын
I want to Gordon Ramsey you so hard... This is soooo misleading... Sprint isn't running...
@JamesVestal-dz5qm Ай бұрын
I ran an 11 minute mile today after lifting for an hour. The police support me for president of the united states of america, so im gonna bodybuild and think about chemical engineering with my phone. Chemical engineering for money, use the money to get buff. I made bad use of the presidential endorsement. I should never vape or drink or do anything unhealthy. I should lose weight. I can play with my phone all day and be super healthy. Time for the bachelor party to end. Just learn with my phone.
@Dondingo4 2 ай бұрын
You lost me at "easy 5 miles."
@retr0incomments 25 күн бұрын
Yeah it should be around 2.5 mile 💀💀
@user-mi3fo7my2q 10 күн бұрын
He means easy pace
@Dondingo4 9 күн бұрын
@@user-mi3fo7my2q I know, I was really just joking, but IDK if I could do 5 miles right now though for real. Haha!
@Davethecheesewizard2 9 күн бұрын
@@retr0incommentsany good distance runner knows 2.5 mile easy runs aren’t going to get you anywhere. 6 mile is baseline running that any decent runner should be doing
@she_like_joey1452 2 ай бұрын
My guy run in lane 1, if your in lane 4 I can guarantee you your probably gonna accidentally run more and hate it more