Dark and Darker Slaps!  I Just Suck.
7 сағат бұрын
How do People Still Play D4???
@justyssgaming 2 күн бұрын
Everyone come start a drum circle in the Goblin Caves with me!
@Cheddariz 2 күн бұрын
Lessss Gooooo
@GoblinGrease 3 күн бұрын
Greasy 💦
@Brandon-tn4zl 3 күн бұрын
do a kickflip!
@Cheddariz 3 күн бұрын
@@Brandon-tn4zl banned
@Cheddariz 3 күн бұрын
Unfortunately my OBS didn't capture the game audio. Definitely fixed for future vids.
@jetlee88 3 күн бұрын
i dont know if stacking altar buffs its a good way to showcase a build
@Cheddariz 3 күн бұрын
I agree! What you are watching is a Interaction showcase. We touch on that very thing in the video.
@Brandon-tn4zl 23 күн бұрын
i'm pretty sure the X button is for making drake cry
@Cheddariz 23 күн бұрын
I'm trying to get you on that casting couch co-op bby gurl!
@darktower74 23 күн бұрын
Have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle? It states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes. The way I interpret that is that 80% of everything is shit and 20% is gold. That is my take on many, many things in life. In the 80s, only about 100 feature films were released in a year. And there were probably about 20 crackers, really good ones. Today, maybe 800 feature films are released each year and there are - from my perspective MANY more bad films... but they still abide by the Pareto Principle. I can't keep track of 800 films and therefore benefit from "10 Horror Films You Probably Never Heard Of" lists. Games are the same for me. The variance occurs with the "bad actors". It is unlikely a dog who bites three people in a row is going to start being a "good boy", but it's not impossible. The Todd Howards of today - those who churn out samey garbage, unfinished, deplorable, and utterly reprehensible MAYYYYYYY squeeze out another homerun (mixed metaphors sorry), but he has probably shat his last gold brick and will spoil Elder Scrolls 6 for the next generation. You're bang on with triple A studios and companies giving us shit, but they have always been there and always will be.... in even greater numbers, too! The silver lining clenched in my tight little fists is that there will always be more GREAT games, and GREAT bands, and GREAT films... On top of that, we become more discriminating (in the smart way) as we get older. We kick abusive relationships to the side, we allow self-truths out of their mental cages, and we get behind, and support, those who bring us joy. The Rockstar Studios, the GG Path of Exile outliers. Make them safe. Show them love, and give them your money, but starve those who betray us with their mealy mouths, shifty eyes, and endless thirst for profits.
@Cheddariz 17 күн бұрын
Man very well said. I saw a take basically predicting the eventual downfall of AAA studios through the rise of indi companies. Kinda like a self cycle of life n death I found interesting. As we start evolving start voting for quality choices with our wallets.
@FlareFluff 24 күн бұрын
Odd as it sounds, if someone is new to ARPG or wants to learn themselves, id recommend torchlight infinite. it explains the offensive defensive and utility layers with "in game pob" tools for ehp and gem linking stuff in a very nice little sandbox without the weird poe currency and crafting system. Its a more railed experience to learn gems links and defenses jsut from playing trough the first act or two
@Cheddariz 23 күн бұрын
Ya I wanted to give that one a try.
@FlareFluff 24 күн бұрын
you try Project diablo 2? its pretty fun
@Cheddariz 23 күн бұрын
Now that one is probably my next binge I've herd nothing but great things
@Slipperyjim8 24 күн бұрын
I clicked cus I thought it was a video shitting on PoE and I like seeing opinions other than my own but then I saw it was a Dervish build. Much respect.
@Cheddariz 24 күн бұрын
Why thank you guud sir, unfortunately not shitting in this video but ive got plenty of poo to spue
@dervakommtvonhinten517 25 күн бұрын
interesting topic, but i dont like my time wasted. if you insist on rambling then at least give us an overview of your points and timestamps :/ 30 minutes is WAAAAAAAAY too much to cover that topic
@Cheddariz 25 күн бұрын
Your absolutely correct guud sir, definitely laziness on my part. TY for the feedback timestamps are now in.
@dervakommtvonhinten517 24 күн бұрын
@@Cheddariz appreciated, thanks. i realize im impatient, but i dont think thats a rarity in the youtube audience :P
@Cheddariz 24 күн бұрын
@@dervakommtvonhinten517 honestly I just kicked this one out lazily, you called me out lol
@rockkiller124 25 күн бұрын
Can't wait for POE2, it will be peak ARPG
@CANomad27 25 күн бұрын
AAA games are made to extract maximum dollars from your wallet for minimal input and minimal quality. This is the the philosophy at the core (along a few others aspects) of capitalism. All that is sacred and cherished crumbles before the profit incentive. You are at worst a slave with extra steps, at best, cherished cattle.
@Cheddariz 25 күн бұрын
@asdkilenc6020 26 күн бұрын
the problem is that yeah u have such a freedom what u can do, but if u're nat playing those axact build that are meta u are gonna be soo weak that u will be locked out a big part of the game, soo that build devrsity and freedom is just a big illusion. also the devs, thay don't give a flying F just like with the oter AAA games.
@pewpin1039 26 күн бұрын
That is absolute BS. 100% redditor bandwagon mentality. Nearly all uber bosses are killable trough skill alone with average builds. And I mean average. I have killed ubers on 4~ mil DPS, and no, not meta builds. The whole "meta" bs in PoE is 100% sour grapes mentality that people disprove over and over and over again every league on SSF leagues. Yet a very vocal community continues to claim that PoE is beatable with meta builds only.
@aljaziification 26 күн бұрын
you being bad at the game isnt gggs fault
@asdkilenc6020 26 күн бұрын
​@@pewpin1039and what's that build if your? i'm 100% sure it's a meta build too, or some off shoot of one and u're just bad at copying so i feels just "normal"
@asdkilenc6020 26 күн бұрын
​@@aljaziificationand u're even worse and is it ggg's fault?
@Cheddariz 25 күн бұрын
Not going to lie I do play meta builds in order to farm for my wonky fun ones, but I never really felt I "had to". I remember playing vaal ice shot when it first came out and everyone else was playing LA. Full MF 12m dps felt great! They where 20m plus I could have pushed but I was fine where I was at. I guess we as players decide what we like and play, but I stand by what I said. No other game offers this kind of experience.
@ulamss5 26 күн бұрын
This is a wildly optimistic representation of present-day POE.
@Cheddariz 25 күн бұрын
I need help
@mediocrity25years68 27 күн бұрын
I only play SSF mode in POE if POE 2 doesn't have SSF mode Ill stick with POE original.
@Cheddariz 27 күн бұрын
Surely it has ssf
@1Fisse 27 күн бұрын
we pay milions for mtx and they can't aford to fix their servers. shame on you GGG
@C0kePlaza 27 күн бұрын
then dont pay millions for MTX :D
@bryansans2564 27 күн бұрын
No game these days keeps my attention like this POE. It continues to blow away competition in ways that still confound me. over 1000+ hrs in and im still learning! now that's an effing game.
@Cheddariz 27 күн бұрын
Preach! Have you seen the latest trailer for PoE2? There really are no developers like GGG.
@bryansans2564 27 күн бұрын
@@Cheddariz I have! its exciting but it keeps pushing back which i get so i will put all my excitement into POE until more concrete dates are set in
@Brandon-tn4zl 28 күн бұрын
@Cheddariz 28 күн бұрын
I member
@Brandon-tn4zl 28 күн бұрын
i think you should stream call of duty, you'd really blow up.... praze white jeebus
@practic4l349 28 күн бұрын
27:56 finally someone who recognizes us in the community instead of going "uhhh standart is dead hurr"
@Cheddariz 28 күн бұрын
I'm honestly a sc league player but I recognize the real 😎
@Horus025 29 күн бұрын
this poe league is ass. done almost every thing t17s are over tuned and not runnin them feels bad this league also has the least amount of players yet. and the mech is clunky the ui looks bad. 20 challages done and i hate this so much.
@Cheddariz 29 күн бұрын
Ya it's been a slog. I must admit I wished I would have quit a Lil sooner I just started BG3. Holy shit. Still PoE's worst are still better than most
@Horus025 29 күн бұрын
@Cheddariz yea I agree it's why I have played since ascendancy patch than played on console in harb league to the last league. Started a new pc account this year and put 2000 hours on the game. But I does seam every 4 leagues there's one that is bad. And I do wish melee got some love and that this current meta would end.
@Horus025 29 күн бұрын
@Cheddariz also what has been your favorite league? Mine was synthesis
@Cheddariz 28 күн бұрын
@@Horus025 poe 2 lol
@Cheddariz 28 күн бұрын
@thorne1905 my favorite was my first. Beyond, it was so different back then but hc was amazing I never made it past 82
@minijag972 29 күн бұрын
Path of Exile has a more than a unique players every month. I understand calling it an indie title. But its a huge game with a lot of players
@Cheddariz 29 күн бұрын
@athraxis 28 күн бұрын
it is no longer an indie title
@lazytopaz Ай бұрын
Console PoE questions : - loot filters ? (kinda tied to the 2nd question) - less loot on the ground aka more useful less clutter? (I think it was the difference between D3 pc and D3 ps3/ps4 where on console it would drop less useless/not for your class and more only for your class/build... at least it felt like it)
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ya, so console has neversink's filter built it. Super nice. And honestly I don't like "smart loot systems" like d3. Like class specific drops. Ide rather the giant rng fest that is PoE
@rot456 Ай бұрын
i hated alt tabbing to the wiki every minute while playing the game but somehow it's worth it
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Bruh I played on console for 4 years cause it's worth it lol.
@lazytopaz Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz PoE on console!? :O I'm having problems sorting out my stash on PC... geez what a nightmare it must be on a controller ... wait where did I put that <insert item> hmmm... <ruffling through 23049 pages of stash tab and/or remove only tabs>. I'm patient but not that patient. PoE suffers from item clutter. It should drop 50%-80% less of stuff because most of it is useless, whilst that fraction of stuff that is actually useful/good for the most part is not useful for your build anyway. But at least you can sell it to someone else to make some currency to actually equip yourself so in the end it's not so bad but still you get my point.
@lazytopaz Ай бұрын
Dude that's second clip that popped up for me from your channel. Keep it up. Dunno why but your right in your face approach to the game like "go effin check it out ! it's good shit!" I like it. Also PoE rulez. You don't hold our hands you are honests about this game being quite complex but that's ok. It's good to challange yourself and go out of your comfort zone and try something different and maybe learn something new. Tho' GGG has loads of space to improve the game to make it more clear how things work/how mechanics adjust stuff against each other. Because some builds are difficult to tell if you're doing smthg wrong/missing smthg or just plain dumb mistake. Also I'm toying around with hollow palm on standard, dex stack on my duellist champion. It's similiar to your tho I'm using different uniques than you. Also post your PoB :) that kinda draws attention from ppl/other channels that talk about PoE/builds do that ;). Hope it helps and keep up the good work. You'll get wherever you want to go with your channel just keep at it !. But back on the topic : whole industry is full of ...well let's not dance around the subject - of SHIT. Heard of AAAA skull and bones? That's just another plain example of the cancer that is tainting the industry. Luckily there are still good games being released... but in most cases done by smaller studios that don't have corporate leash around their necks where shareholders tell developers what to focus their efforts on. Screw that. We want good games, good entertainment that doesn't try to force some fucking agenda down your throat. You just want to sit down after work, relax, kill some monsters, be epic for few hours and get back to regular life afterwards.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Man, I needed to read this this morning. I really appreciate the encouraging words. I've always been my worst critic, and I didn't think people would really find much value out my content. It's especially hard making poe content cause there's so many excellent creators in this space that I get imposter syndrome. But if there's one thing I could say to any person sick of these shitty AAA titles is come play poe. I basically have the opposite problem. I can't play your shitty fucked game!
@genocidegrand2057 Ай бұрын
11:00 unicorn ftw
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
lol what can i say i just play
@FubzyMC Ай бұрын
How good would this be with legacy Atziri's Acuity (insta life/mana leech)?
@Cheddariz 17 күн бұрын
that would be glorious
@FubzyMC 16 күн бұрын
@@Cheddariz I have the gear and funds in standard to make this ultimate leech build? Let's do it 😂
@Cheddariz 16 күн бұрын
@@FubzyMC I'm down as soon as the transfer hell ya
@FubzyMC 16 күн бұрын
@Cheddariz I've been looking to make an immortal leech build with the Acuities I have with 6% Inc Max life corruption I have. But they're cheap enough in standard I can buy another better pair. Would be fun to finally make a build that cannot die if I am attacking 😂
@Cheddariz 16 күн бұрын
@FubzyMC definitely check out the ascendant version I put out it's pob is in my other vid. That's my current version it's almost immortal
@sober667 Ай бұрын
Very cool Nicley put together Easiest upgrade i see is Legion jewel for % dex and Split personality jewels ( thou those would require reworking a bit of a skill tree) Love dex stacking builds (thou Iron commander became my favourite) Best part of Hollow palm is you get jewel and Astramentis and you can clear entire campain and its sooo dam smooooth In mean time you can even start puting points into whatever build you making damage gonna be so good it does not matter XD
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ty. Ya this will most likely be my last project of the league, meaning ima dump some currency lol. I haven't played hollow palm in years its actually pretty sweet. I'm kinda curious if there's a minion version that scales the dervish's.
@sober667 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz it would be realy dificult - only way i can somewhat see it if you take spiritual aid and spiritual comand maby with Speaker's Wreath but pathing gonna be insane (unless you double anoint those on stragnlegrasp) so doupt its gonna be super fuctional to many gear slots and points to make it function at all
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@sober667 ya I figured, or just adorne it and make a suboptimal minion build 😆 I swear all roads lead to adorned. Probably getting nerfed soon.
@sober667 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz you can get realy far with brutal restrain and good 2x split personality skill tree but for best is Adorned
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@@sober667 what devotion for the timeless? the split personality's aren't as good as my setup but i want to try the timeless whole combo.
@GoblinGrease Ай бұрын
greasy 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
ty guud sir..
@tylergraham5146 Ай бұрын
"Shore" up res.... I know a guy....
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
a shoreman???
@genocidegrand2057 Ай бұрын
you can use bringer of rain too for meme. so only use jewelry helmet and shoes. i did this a few years ago before they buff bringer of rain.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Definitely going to try. I need all the dex!
@jeffcarter4500 Ай бұрын
Isn't there a something for empty equipment slots?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@@jeffcarter4500 I'm not sure what you are asking
@quack3891 Ай бұрын
@@jeffcarter4500 you might be thinking of the apostate maybe?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@jeffcarter4500 honestly this would have been perfect last league with the wildwood ascendancy
@CanadaFlo Ай бұрын
the more you get into endgame, the less you can actually enjoy the game, even on lowest PlayStation resolution settings 480p its still bad.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
ya they need to add the ability to change settings on console, it would help at least.
@wesbtrm 21 күн бұрын
Its sad really, I'm on PC and can run Diablo 4 on high settings without any lag but Im only on Act 2 LVL 25 and it keeps freezing to login screen after 20 minutes.
@Sullyvanes Ай бұрын
Hi man, Why u dont use the jewel "The Golden Rule"?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Not really seeing what benefits are there. I'm already 89 chaos res.
@Sullyvanes Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz but the reflect poison will give a ton of life regen for free
@miracleyamaguchi5844 Ай бұрын
try slayer version with endurance frenzy stack
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Not a bad idea but I still think ascendant will come out on top. Either way I can try it out.
@kauedionisio5318 Ай бұрын
Lets go 😂
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
hey, i still feel the champ was holding it down I really just want to see what the skill can do on a high end. we'll see.
@gabrielsmith3993 Ай бұрын
If you can get your leech to last as long as your poison, you should give golden trail a look. Also, multiplicative reductions don't add together like you described.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ya I've been learning that. Makes me wonder about dot sources like lethe shade and dot mastery...
@BlackKhatStudio Ай бұрын
Oh! This video did really well. Congrats! :D
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ty ya I need to make an updated one the build has changed so much.
@Palisade5810 Ай бұрын
I think you can get higher leech uptime with an AOE ability like Cyclone, Sweep or Blade Vortex and Petrified blood for overleech. I'm not sure but Righteous Fire Dot can heal you too while leeching right?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
They kinda cancel each other out, but new setup is on its way with insane leech uptime
@joseluiscuervolopez-mora1814 Ай бұрын
“Less/more” modifiers dont add, they only multiply in sequence
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
ya i did not know that.. have a revised version coming soon after beating my head into the wall for the last 2 sessions. trying out a doppelganger setup before i reroll something that can actually leach energy shield lol
@geosungeosun Ай бұрын
You had a divine shrine on till you swapped amulets
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
true i did get him down to about %80 after i grabbed the regen shrine from him. but trust the fury valve does take single target down quicker it synergizes perfectly with this skill, its in my current setup.
@Osiris261 Ай бұрын
how do you proc your life flask ?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
It's iffy kinda stretched on points and flasks. Just means not as much dmg uptime, I'm stretched very thin.
@Osiris261 Ай бұрын
yeah so basically.. u need higher ele resist than chaos resist.. so that when you get a dot... 50% goes to chaos.. since chaos resist is lower than ele.. you get more heals from the 50% chaos.. then you take from the 50% ele damage. essentially. dot immunity.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Almost. Basically the only thing I don't "heal" from is fire dot it's just neutral. We just try and leach through it. But there's another update on the build coming soon. Even more tanky!
@dungphan8041 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz fire dot taken as half fire half chaos. chaos dmg heals you so it wont get mitigated, fire is mitigated, so net positive I think, jousis got a build of the week episode with tainted pact and mahuxotl a while back, i'd say much more in-depth explanation since it's done by ggg
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@dungphan8041 ya I got to check that one out
@victorsato6074 Ай бұрын
Interesting interaction. But why Victario's Influence? All the auras socketed in your body armour have generosity so they dont have effect on you
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
The new unique gloves hands of phresha override that downside, allowing me to benefit from generosity. That's why I'm using a forbidden shako because my chest is dedicated to my auras. With that and the ascendancy plus some nodes on the tree put me at %96 increased effect of my auras. 😁
@victorsato6074 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz That is also a interesting interaction xd
@BenzilJohn_infinity Ай бұрын
Are you running Arakaali, shakari pantheon?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
I am.
@kauedionisio5318 Ай бұрын
if you get 10% of leech is stant i think you be aways with all max res capped
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ya I don't think it would feel as smooth without it. I definitely have the mastery.
@kauedionisio5318 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz but is recovering very low, you could try to get some energy leech in any place or jewel
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
I'll look into my options. Sustainability in t17s is a real challenge so I think your correct. Either that or lower my es so I can proc the 5max res more often...
@kauedionisio5318 Ай бұрын
@@Cheddariz this build is very good bru, i'm thinking here, you can push it alot, with forbidden flame/flesh brutal fervour you get extra 10% less damage taken and double the amount of life leech
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@kauedionisio5318 See, now we're talking! Ima go live here I'm a few minutes to test out my new internet, we'll have a build tweak session. I don't know about a flesh flame setup quite yet. I need to have a good trade session first.
@SmithingWombat Ай бұрын
Can you heal yourself with Righteous Fire and Tainted Pact?
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
No they would just cancel out each other while leaching %50 of ele taken as chaos
@Dragonslashshark Ай бұрын
There is also Forbidden Taste which gives 7% HP regen with this amulet assuming 75% chaos res. You get less with higher Chaos res.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
Ya I'm at 80, 85 with the buff up
@Dragonslashshark Ай бұрын
The affliction charges aren't bugged. This is intended behaviour. Ralakesh makes you count as having frenzy charges, not actually having frenzy charges. This means that using discharge is impossible since you are unable to consume non-existent charges.
@Dragonslashshark Ай бұрын
Put quality on your Defiance of Destiny. Can get a couple extra %
@Dragonslashshark Ай бұрын
Use % chance to poison tattoos and remove the jewels.
@Cheddariz Ай бұрын
@Dragonslashshark ya for sure. I need to make room for the forbidden flesh flame setup