What’s the point of a protest?
Bennett Public Policy Prize 2024
What is the future of religion?
@sallyrobertson1687 24 күн бұрын
This looks like a massive summit
@tobiasgreen3576 2 ай бұрын
49 mins in - wealth extraction rather than creation
@FutureUnit 5 ай бұрын
The gov’t is not acting on behalf of the population and so it’s inherently illegitimate. Younger voters are learning this, that’s why they’re losing faith. The intel committee and congress are both scared of the intel agencies. That’s not compatible with democracy. Don’t even get me started on the Rothschilds and how the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ruined the country. Also let’s not forget that Epstein didn’t kill himself. The problem is so far beyond what programs like CNN are even allowed to say on national TV.
@DataLa 7 ай бұрын
well defined from Laos
@rogerm1205 7 ай бұрын
🌟 *promosm*
@i.m.gurney Жыл бұрын
Interesting & constructive, so much undiscussed though. For example, how does the future of religion relate to the polytheism, monotheism transition & an evolutionary direction of travel. Is religion keeping pace with academic enlightenment, or is a credibility gap increasing?
@ritainko-tariah7633 Жыл бұрын
Rita Solari Inko-Tariah from Nigeria.
@LordWalsallian Жыл бұрын
England has been left behind, the English flag is very rarely flown, you never see UK Government Ministers with an English flag in the background, it’s always the union Flag. An English Parliament on a par with Scotland, Wales and NI would be a good starting point.
@johnnicolson467 2 жыл бұрын
The SNP beat everybody by a mile as Independence supporters show they still want to leave the UK and Westminster knows this, there are independence marches all over Scotland and they are not reported on TV or in the papers but people in Scotland see them.
@HavendaleBlvd80 2 жыл бұрын
Sure. I think it can be seen as a cycle.
@carlottaoviedo3349 2 жыл бұрын
@johnnicolson467 2 жыл бұрын
It's not if Scotland leaves the UK it's when, and the Torys cant stop it and they know it.
@marienorris4878 2 жыл бұрын
@gustavoguzmanrios 2 жыл бұрын
Can anyone transcribe what the lady is saying at 01:47? "How do we measure the economy now with GDP? There are all kinds of assets that we are using that aren't properly accounted for and therefore we don’t know if they’ll be there future generations???"
@florentp9734 2 жыл бұрын
It means : if the driver is only GDP, which does not account for natural and social assets, then you can drive your economy by using the GDP as a compass, but you don't know where you are in terms of social and natural capitals, they can be depleted, while you maximised your GDP...Obviously this is what happens globally...This video claims for the defnition of a new number (or several numbers) which account for all the capital flows : natural + social + income/product
@2msvalkyrie529 2 жыл бұрын
Vast majority of voters in England support Scottish independence . If only The Scots wouldn't vote against it ! Personally I'd skip the Referendum - just GIVE them their Independence . Anything to put a stop to the incessant whingeing....
@geomac650 2 жыл бұрын
Cheerybye fudface
@AntonyCarpen 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting discussion - would be good to have a future event exploring the relationship between central and local government in light of the pandemic. Given that the structures and systems have not been radically overhauled since the early 1970s (I still think the metro mayors model keeps power and finances in Whitehall as the former have to apply for funding pots from ministers), what needs to be changed given the massive changes in population demographics, social attitudes, and the revolution in communications technologies and data processing power?
@doncrabtree2728 3 жыл бұрын
There is a limit to the value of democracy. Emotionally Scottish people may want to feel they are self governing but the economic and practical reality stemming from adopting Sturgeon as leader rather than a Johnson has not been explored.
@eworknow1889 3 жыл бұрын
Can't know how I stopmed onto this. Anyway Damn good video 🥇. I also have been watching those similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys create these clips. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had amazing info about similiar money making things on his channel.
@david-rl2xx 3 жыл бұрын
The problem with working from home in nice towns is the price of property rises and the locals get pushed out and the two-lane road into Manchester becomes a one way journey
@johnkelly3886 3 жыл бұрын
Many people who voted for unionist parties, are not against independence, they are afraid of it. Independence cannot be banished by administrative fixes, or even federalism. The problem is a deep, even fundamental, ideological divergence. For this, the only remedy is independence. It is inevitable.
@whatsinanamescotland2471 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the talk it was informative to hear what could have been done to help the union. As a Scot I would prefer to be a small part of the EU rather than of the UK. I will receive all of the benefits of being part of a larger polity without the condescension I receive at the moment. I love my English family but for me the Union has run its course.
@jdmortega9121 3 жыл бұрын
You are right sure
@vade137 3 жыл бұрын
There is no climate change happening that has not gone on since the dawn of time. People are not moving around due to climate change, there is no climate crisis. The UN has started a narrative to try and scare the crap out of people so they will walk into and accept a totalitarian govt. Its been politicized, therefor the purpose of changes are now purely politcal and power based having nothing to do with mitigating climate change in certain areas of the world that have people.
@KennethMacArthur 3 жыл бұрын
Good discussion. It might have been interesting to compare with the structure of the Scottish and Welsh administrations, which operate much more as single, joined-up entities than the UK and NI departments do.
@thecommonsensediet8619 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, thank you for sharing! Have a calm and relaxed day! Stay healthy and safe! 👍😊🍓
@artemirrlazaris7406 3 жыл бұрын
So what is TRUTH, what is human interaction, what is policy, what is CULTURE? These things manifest as ideals, actions, and result in many varrying outcomes. Let's look at nations and raw resource extract and product creation. For most of it the NA has ot refer to previous decades since most goods are foreign made or owned by foreigners; IE extension of simply asia. So Japan, Korea, Vietnam, a history of lies, decpetion errors in relaity and cruelty. Bascially all humans are dog food in a dog fight. Clans, gangs form to protect against this in the displaced emotion that comes from a civil collapse of order, of ill intent and engaged hostility. Like shooting at x tribe and griefign x tribe for the sake of griefing them. WOuld anyone want to be a part of any of these cultures; of cruelty? China also teh same boat of the puppet produciton plant of japan, or North Korean nonsense, but it looksl ieka coo is goign ot happen in North Korea. (rolls eyes) What is teh modern age adn where did it go? China, we never wanted to trade with them, they exploti underminign and destroy human lives of their own kidn meaning that they have ot move those ideals to where they govern or control. England, did the same thing verse peopel just leaving for freedom under a banner of words adn truth and natural skill. What we have are commerce empires, that claim to be nations. Its a bit strange and its a violent system of dogs that kills ,attack adn destroy to be top dog, thus a system that encourages such nonsense, truly doesn't know anyhting but certianly devours any other rational groups that live in freedom between other peopel that just htink they are human to an exent of environement changes. Canada or america is comprised of traditionally english french and many native groups that had sex and chidlren and devleoped a weird governign system al lin which is conencted to antoher system. Much of the systems are greed ladened in that they use lies, as there is no money, or draft for a conflict ot kill people, or forcing of nonsense, but true freedom and works, is then ignored... and so then we get , the Oppression of women whihc weakens the rational state of idiots of society, or the opression of peopel that have a darker tonal range, all of which is lies.that have permeated against truth.. AS OPPRESSIOn is where it is, in teh time it is.... nothign else can change what that is to be.. So we should be ENguard against cruelty. but we cna see empires of china that buy out businesses in land on earth of americas that they exploit, and clal them all this adn that. So the power of a nation has the means to create money, not a private institute. Keep that in mind. Its the rule of hte poeple that ultiamtely control teh finances. The public systme then is constnatly udner attack with private interests, where the public interests are of all peopel udner its manifold. Private interests are typically selfish and confuse their workers they pay nothing, for there ideals are expanism and exploitation. When commerce takes over govenrign systme we get problems. Then we have work and product all caught up in money, ie the actions. Its why china a high place of fraud and crime has adnvacned and built so much, because ultimately they thsoe invested in teh bullshit, know that gold, silver, paper moeny is worthless, its simpyl a meansot get peoep lto build thigns in whcih their actiosn shoudl be doing anyway with communication ,but instead peopel ahve to be commanded by osmethign illgoical. SO in order ot expand and build a system, use the good will of other nations and then print money to value to move the resoruces ot build a system. Which has worked pretty well for 90 years for structures and lifted peopel out of poverty. It's not freedom and its not realyl out of poverty but stability is a process of movement. Peopel ahve vilent pasts of what a nation is. There ideals are obtuse when the exploti or challenge or state nonsense against other nations. When the truth is apparent to all. Money is causing severe problems in society from all aspects. Maybe we should just commit crimes with money to get actions made and hope it all works out. its why we see poor leadership adn real investmetn thoguh and loss of modernisaiton ,because crime isn't about data colelction in teh same sense as to stealign and replicating adn thus is limits the advancement of osicety, but offers possible stabiltiy. So is anyone really a Trillionaire? or billionaire? No.. it can al lbe confscated ot whatever tehy flag under. A private bank is a threat to earth and any nations. I mean think of it logically. The bnak that offers this nosnense has ot offer that you can be like them.. Whereas a nation is about the structural needs and works, most of state goods is liek a tidy house, its healthy and important to do and raises the standard of life for all and quality and engagemetn of people.... Without certain works... you get tarnish or rust developing on the society. however ocmmerce and other priovate gorups ahve decidede to pick and hcoose what humans can breed by controllign the money suppyl and writing outlandish nosnense, that onyl exists in their reality, stating they are a prophet or something ,but in reality simpyl moving the masses iwth thoguths or money. WHich is what an ation does anyway... The same nonsense 1930.. 1950... 1900.. the same peope lare still doing it, they are setting up the market fleecing system.... So rather than advacnement .. or whatever.. it makes you wonder if they are simply.. lazy humans psyholgocially attackign them.. I mean we all learn from what is done unto us... Meaning... peopel will smash your face if their " handlers" tell them to; IE. you don't drink alcohal.. you can't work with al lthe males udner the ocmmadners spell, the list goes on... These poeple are like, are you relgious .. are you this and that, they go like mental case fuckery at you.. The best respnse is I read thigns.. and somethigns expand my mind. but i don't join groups for the sake of protection, peopel should be able to communicate and operate appropraitly. What we find is a very heartless inhuman system that has been created. anyone that accepts a lie... is dead, because they wield it for ma corrupt heart. IE. females state men are oppressive; is a self belief(without evidence), religion(unity) not based on truth... since its not based on individual, environment analysis, region, and is their offspring. So withotu taking in information... about relaity one has to operate in assumption of plausible error.. If 90% of the women of a culture decided to not have kids beccasue of the oppression of men, what ended up happenig is not the mens fault. what you have is WOMEN attacking Men based on a natural programmign by a higher power. that higher power we then force higher viriltiy in those males, adn thus will result in rape. If a coutner system is in place by a human injection of women further attackign their programming, then they will be made stupified by males by destroying their inhibitions, but hey... nature works beyond the concept of humans imagination to get what it ineeds ot get done. So the problem ehre is truth.. and not men or women... Are men opressive. some coudl be.. Are women opressive... some coudl be.. So we have the phrase some humans can be oppressivve. Which is a plausible assumption sincei ts nto based on evidence. but we have past evidence, but currently nad presently maybe no one is oppressive, but we knwo that ot be a lie, unless poepe lare jsut inputing lies into our sensory perceptions, so in most cases its why people get spys to KNOW what goes on from what is said, since peopel don't know... Truth is, most humans have the same goals... those goals can be impeded or perverted by exterior forces or forces simply against them. IE; peoepl hating other peopel for having a home, is the same nonsense of peopel hating someone for have a seashell for an earing in a age long forgotten... The question then is to teh sanity of humans ot how we rid this nonsense beahviour... or women simpyl targeting males to make babies t oget money for themselves... its very destructive to teh civil structural devleopment of the soicety, and oftne males give up their intelect as they age and seek young fertile things at occasion to procreate even more, but with nasty things and future reprecussions, becase they are at that point makign their state insolvent to unsound humans, that jsut happen to be female. Which is an attack... just liek the territorial wars in toronto between various groups. very destructive to the city ,the original inhabitants are devoured, asomething liek 3-4% of the populace, from when they were 80% of the city. LMAO..... Policy.... shaping... hmmm I think most people... have no idea in the impacts of what they do to the future....
@ouaissialkharchi115 3 жыл бұрын
Can i obtain a certificate attendence ? I'm a PhD student from Morocco
@marcelmauer5980 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent, clear, thought provoking. The question is how do we make this sort of conversations rank higher than mass distraction? How do we scale up awareness and critical mass?
@dimitrizenghelis8430 4 жыл бұрын
Important story masterfully directed by Cereinyn Ord.