Maternal Incubation - Episode 1
@MikeRobertsReptiles 27 күн бұрын
Great info. Keep the videos coming.
@agentlemansoperation3821 28 күн бұрын
"These opportunities are so precious..." I love that perspective, Bob. You really recognize the nuances in your room.
@josephhelyenek9203 Ай бұрын
When will she be boot ready
@LeoThompson-ek6zu Ай бұрын
Just caught this vid, she is stunning.
@agentlemansoperation3821 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Bob! 100% agree with this. You've really helped me understand how much you can control the physiology of a snake to your own purposes. It's a super useful way for me to think about my animals. I'd like to share ways I've observed what you're talking about here making a difference in terms of avoiding and managing regurgitations in true red tails. The biggest thing to avoiding regurges is not allowing the meal to sit in the snake, either due to temps or metabolic idleness. To that end, feeding smaller and more frequent keeps the metabolism up and generally lowers regurge risks. If you are going to offer a large meal, it should be in the middle of one of these high frequency/small prey periods because the already roaring metabolism will gobble up the large item. It's higher risk to break a fast with a large feed, which is what "infrequent" feeders are always doing. I've seen the "feed them skinny" issue on BCC that have regurgitated. I've ran into the issue while trying to feed tiny and often in hopes of simultaneously getting calories on board and also not trigger another regurge. This ramped up their metabolism more and caused more regurges, and was counter-productive both to adding weigh and giving their GI a break. Instead, I would recommend accepting that a regurge is a 6+ month setback and aim to put a BCC into complete metabolic idleness for a period, feeding small and infrequent even after the initial feeding break after the regurge. Thanks again for everything, Bob. I don't know why this information you're sharing is so rare because it is so logical. I think it's just an issue of how your brain wraps around these animals and the fact you look at things as "herd management." Take care. Don't get too hot down there.
@ancientrepro 2 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for commenting and good to hear from you. Great input on BCC, I honestly have not kept up with current BCC thinking, but always scratched my head on feeding so little at times methods from way back. Do you see folks struggling with BCO similar to the BCC input you gave? Thanks for helping me understand how to communicate and relate to the keeper public. I love the second sentence comment, I never frame anything in that way, but that is really what its about in my head. Thanks again.
@letstalkherps4937 2 ай бұрын
Interesting. My concern is the increased metabolic rates will remove the valuable periods of rest, considering the digestive cycle is about two weeks long. But I do think you’re on to something with the snake working harder and growing and losing fat as a result of more meals. Pros and cons.
@ancientrepro 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting. I agree and I don't go full bore all the time whatsoever and I take breaks. I'll be honest, I've never been concerned with "rest" as I think it happens naturally with seasonal fluctuation and the rhythmic rise and fall of temps and when not feeding too hard. That said, great point and something to consider. At my place, I am typically chasing body weight and not concerned about them being too heavy so I've use the thinking for growth usually. I think it's something to ponder as I think the captive conditions are just a new game so to speak and comparisons to the "wild life" are hard to align for me. I think we are still to discover techniques that really are "odd" but that work in captivity. Thanks so much for commenting! And please share at any time.
@williamarchard2037 2 ай бұрын
i think fasting once in a while may be a good thing and in fact over eating now and then might not be bad either..
@ancientrepro 2 ай бұрын
Agreed. The technique likely won't be applied 52 weeks a year unless you had a crazy obese snake, but the thinking applies all the time. You have to be the judge of course. This is a tool, and really a fundamental understanding, that can be used ALL the time depending on what you are doing in the total food plan, breeding, growth or not etc. Reptiles are completely flexible based on temperature, make it work for you. I'm really trying to communicate the concept and how it can be applied as it has a number of applications. I think "rest" comes naturally along the way, but I have a different view of "rest" in reptiles than I think many newer folks. Of course I don't know anything for certain, but I've raised hundreds of individuals from one species X 10 species, trying different methods. I obviously need more explanation on my end so thanks for commenting! I'll share more examples. @@williamarchard2037
@re7alia7or 3 ай бұрын
You sir have absolutely awesome Argentine Boas! I’ll be very much purchasing from you one day when the times right!
@OfficialWorldChampion 6 ай бұрын
so beautiful
@agentlemansoperation3821 6 ай бұрын
I like how you bury keeper tips/knowledge in these videos. It'll be found by those who care, and it'll be missed by those that don't.
@agentlemansoperation3821 6 ай бұрын
What a great critter. Yes, you've laid the groundwork for someone with this female. Thanks for the details on ages for maturity. The maxx white is the best kept.
@agentlemansoperation3821 7 ай бұрын
It's the simple things in life, Bob. I picked up a pair of redlines with the duckbill tips and they're very nice. They just took something that's usually an afterthought and put thought into them.
@agentlemansoperation3821 9 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, Bob. These types of unglamorous videos are so important and unique. As my animals and I have grown, I've seen a lot of your advice play out in my collection. My BCO's in particular seem food driven. I don't feel comfortable servicing their cages with them in it, and I can see how a divider would be safer/faster than transferring them. I recently saw a design for an "Apalachia Snake Box" that is a double doored transport cage used by religious snake handlers. I think I'm going to make one for myself. Thanks again for your knowledge and time.
@ancientrepro 9 ай бұрын
Thanks so much, that is what it's all about for me. Glad you picked up a nugget you can apply. Thanks again, you give me the fuel to continue!
@BonsaiBoasLLC 10 ай бұрын
Great video, there was not enough feeding videos available when I first started keeping.
@agentlemansoperation3821 Жыл бұрын
I think this is called feed conversion in chickens.
@agentlemansoperation3821 Жыл бұрын
This information is gold. I love that you talk about the biodensity of the cage and the room. I think we tend to keep both overly dense. The average ball python producer can have 300 feet of python in a bedroom, easily. I've heard you talk about overly "tight" black cages for a while, and that has born out true for me in my collection. I live farther north than 95% of Americans, and even I've started ordering my black cages with extra ventilation. I also really like the older neodesha cages for ventilation. I think you know that I've looked to you a lot for direction in my collection, and I've found good luck doing so. Please know it's appreciated. Have you ever considered an energy recovery ventilator for fresh room air? You and I both face the problem of extreme outdoor temps. I think the ERV is the direction I need to go in my room at least for the winters. The ozone is an interesting idea. I've got a commercial unit I use in uninhabited rooms. I might look at a residential unit. I think about your advice often and benefit from it. I just hatched out a clutch of children's pythons. I maternally incubated them because I didn't want you to think I was a wimp. LOL. Other than that, thanks again for this video. I always look for your new content. I hope you're doing well and feeling good.
@petewashington1885 Жыл бұрын
Great information.!. And the video was pretty thorough very well explained so thank you for all the useful tips knowledge and experiences ty sir😊
@ancientrepro Жыл бұрын
You are very welcome! More to come.
@aliceaiken3162 Жыл бұрын
She's beautiful.
@Carol-tz4ou Жыл бұрын
Classic case in point it's all how people raise them if you treat them bad they'll raise it to be very aggressive if you treat them with respect and kindness it will come right back to you the way you raise them most likely will affect how they develop and grow
@brakesforsnakes757 4 ай бұрын
Snakes can be defensive but never aggressive.
@ancientrepro 2 ай бұрын
They remember
@agentlemansoperation3821 Жыл бұрын
Good work, Bob! Losing feeders is such a hateful experience. Yes, filling dead space with water bottle is a good idea. This video actually reminded me to order a freezer alarm for my deep freezer. Two other tips: 1. Fill a wide mouth bottle half full of water and freeze it, then put a penny in it, and leave it upright in the freezer. If the penny sinks to the bottle, you. know the food thawed and is suspect. This is better than checking when your power is out. Just keep it closed and check after. 2. There is something called a "supco start pack" which will solve most freezer issues other than a thermostat or a coolant leak. It's a relay and capacitor in one, and it'll get your freezer running again. I keep one in stock. They are like $15. Glad you appear to be dry and intact after the storm. Be well!
@xray5043 Жыл бұрын
Her cage is so sadly bare.
@agentlemansoperation3821 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff, Bob. You are on a roll. The law of probability means a larger scale person will see a lot more. Love the property. It looks like a storms rolling in. I hope that knee isn't bothering you too much. I owe you an email, not trying to ignore it. Just trying to make it worthwhile for you and come with something good. Cheers.
@twentythreees 2 жыл бұрын
Hey tried maternal incubate my only clutch of ball python eggs this year so far a one week in noticed the female was not on eggs sitting in water, been a full day now getting concerned, watcher your video yesterday dropped my temps in the rack from 95 to 89 she is still sitting close to water with just tail touching the clutch, thought it might have been too hot so she felt need let eggs incubate on they own but I have incubator ready to go on stand by. What should i do ? Drop temps even lower? Only had set @95 bc even though says 95 was only hitting 90 on the tub inside
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
There isn't much reason to return to the eggs if you are incubating them from below if I understand you correctly? They will typically, if provided a lower ambient lets say with a heat source to pull from, they will get in water and return to eggs, sit on heat source and return to eggs. I talk about this exact situation in the video, I realize its long. But the snake has nothing to do in your scenario and is likely stressed by your set up. I would lower the heat source so inside tub warm spot is 84ish. If you can move eggs off heat spot, I'd do that, that is really best. If you can do that, warm spot can be warmer, more normal high 80's at most to me. Remember, I have no idea what your room or temps are like around the enclosure. Give her a shot at doing what she can do. Lower the temp, observe and get back. GREAT Question! Thank you for sharing!!!
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
Hello again, I went back and forth on my answer so here is the short version. If possible, get clutch off heat source and in a place mom can have so she can travel to the warm and water and return. I'd remove eggs from heat, turn thermo to 88 or 89 and I'm guessing she'll return. Keep me posted please!
@twentythreees 2 жыл бұрын
I watched full video yesterday great info so after video I lowered temp to 89 so hitting about 86 on hot spot she did lay in back of tub came down this morning and she was still in water with tail touching clutch doesn’t look like she abandoned them yet humidity is good about 75 but not wet just dont want them to perish how long does it take for them to desiccate? And when should i pull them? I will lower temp to 83 and watch what she does
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
@@twentythreees can you give me an idea of the set up. The eggs are on top of heat source?
@twentythreees 2 жыл бұрын
Yes on top of heat source but also on top of thin layer of substrate I just pulled the clutch closer towards the middle of tub, so I should just see if she wraps back around them ? If not should I just pull the clutch?
@snakespirit2651 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing to see those cages are still looking that good and holding up so well! I have fond memories of seeing these cages at Eugene's facility around 1995, and similar to this video he had some huge gorgeous Argentine boas in them. Great example of DIY customization, thanks for sharing!
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah he had some nice ones. Now their descendants live on at my place. LOL! Back in those days I think was about the pinacle of the stained wood OS cage. He got tired of being a carpenter too and started opening up to other options. Hey thanks for commenting!
@wrx2sti409 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Bob, really good message for breeder or just keeper, actually good for life in general. It was good to listen to. A lot of personalities out there in the reptile community. A good positive encouraging viewpoint goes a long way to some. Thanks, AR25 & AR93 owner.
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much. We are in an interesting time, I think in the past as a keeper we were more comfortable in our ignorance. This is HARD and the more you do the more heartache you get. It comes with the "job" of any "farmer type" we just don't talk about it much. For ex. Check out suicide rate for veterinarians. Its so hard when things don't go well and I just want to let folks know its ok, many have years left to learn, and just to let folks know they are not alone out there.
@snakewerks 2 жыл бұрын
Good advice, we are at 86F in Maine today, and while my snake room is in the basement where it tends to stay cooler and not spike with the heat, my quarantine room is upstairs where the heat collects. Had to bust out the AC units this morning or there would have been trouble.
@agentlemansoperation3821 2 жыл бұрын
Good tips. I like the planning for every eventuality. It's interesting how similar your problems are down South compared to the ones I run into up North. I've got cases of water bottles for my collection and myself and dogs. I also keep waterers separated by room for biosecurity. My collection of 30+ snakes takes about 6-8 gallons of drinking water a week to maintain.
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
working on the link to the article.....
@TheTrueLocale 4 жыл бұрын
I’m definitely get one of these from you
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, I know this is a two year old reply but we will be loading up some 2020 snakes into our store in the coming week if you are interested. Thanks so much.
@1320trail 5 жыл бұрын
@ancientrepro 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! We like her too!
@nycwizrd8348 5 жыл бұрын
O just what ive been looking for
@ancientrepro 5 жыл бұрын
We currently have awesome 2018's available at in our store if you want to take a look. Sales have been swift so I'm scheduled to put more up very soon. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Thanks! Bob
@nycwizrd8348 5 жыл бұрын
@@ancientrepro yes i have a question . I own a female hog island .. so crossbreeding that with your boa? Would u recommend or just keepem seperate? Thanks in advance.
@ancientrepro 5 жыл бұрын
That is really a personal choice. I have never hybridized boas as I personally would rather work on enhancing each individually to preserve those characteristics, but maybe bring out things like color and unique pattern elements. Thinking with the end in mind, what would you like to achieve by doing this? No judement here, just curious. Thanks for the question. @@nycwizrd8348
@809002090 5 жыл бұрын
Soon I'll will be in touch with you sir love your work an your animals
@perrywhitledge4005 5 жыл бұрын
Amazing girl right there!!!!
@IronHouseBulliesGuanche 6 жыл бұрын
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
IronHouse Bullies Guanche Hello and She says THANKS😀! That female would be very hard to let go of but if you want to make an offer or communicate directly, here is my email. [email protected] Sincere thanks again.
@IronHouseBulliesGuanche 6 жыл бұрын
HELLO BOB I EMAILED YOU DID IT GO THRU ?IF NOT YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT [email protected] contact atb 786 285-8138.thank you.
@PozitiveBalance 6 жыл бұрын
In my opinion these are the best looking snakes in the world! If only i lived in america :(
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
You are too kind. The snakes and I really appreciate it!
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
Hello, This is a top flight example of our colorful line and this line female would be $1500 US
@user-wo8tt8os8w 6 жыл бұрын
How much for the Argentine
@ancientrepro 2 жыл бұрын
They vary as we can have normals through Maxx Pinks and other select variations and snakes that are of different ages. $900 up in todays market. Please check our site out that has a complete store attached.
@tjbellant6 6 жыл бұрын
Wow she is pretty , how much does she weigh? And do you have a website?
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you! She weighs approximately 45lbs. Please see more at Thanks for watching!
@tjbellant6 6 жыл бұрын
Ancient Reproductions that is awesome I went and checked out your website. Maybe in the future I can afford one. One last question for you what us her feeding schedule ? As to amount and size of pray ?
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
This female weighs about 49lbs and yes, . Thank you!
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
nyguy117 I don’t utilize a feeding schedule but rather target what I want regarding her body weight and how “fat” she is in relation to her breeding. Remember that she loses almost 50% of her body weight when she gives birth so at certain times feeding is heavy to put weight back on her, then at others it’s much lighter to maintain her weight. Hope that helps and thank you for asking.
@tjbellant6 6 жыл бұрын
Thank makes sense ! Thanks for your time I'll be looking forward to one in the future.
@theboagarden 6 жыл бұрын
Wow. Big and beautiful.
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lance, she is a handful.
@theboagarden 6 жыл бұрын
Will you be doing regular videos now?
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Lance, you bet. I'm going to start doing these just for general info on our animals and for particular snakes for sale. Thank you for viewing.
@theboagarden 6 жыл бұрын
PalmBob1 No problem. Thank you for the info. Definitely looking to get into these and the t+ Argentine boas. My boas will be coming from your stock.
@tmshaffer 6 жыл бұрын
Stunning. What age does you start breeding
@ancientrepro 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Todd, Historically breeding at 4.5 years has been the historical benchmark with BCO for me. Thanks for the question.