The Case for God? (Part 2 of 2)
13 жыл бұрын
The Case for God? (Part 1 of 2)
13 жыл бұрын
@Ali_o.O 4 күн бұрын
Muslims don't even know the meaning of names. Gabriel, Adam, Noah, Jacob. Lol
@paulos1466 6 күн бұрын
The German professor's documentary presents some evidence that the Quran is derived from the Bible and posits that its origins are in Aramaic, not Arabic. This challenges the traditional belief and the lie about the divine revelation of the Quran.
@Phyziacom 7 күн бұрын
I hope that Professor Luxenberg writes scientific papers and submits them for scientific peer review, just as any researcher, when he writes a scientific paper, must submit it to a group of professors who decide whether to accept or reject it. I highly doubt any paper will be accepted because most credible science on this subject does not take Syro-Aramaic reading seriously because of massive flaws.
@MrMaggieroberts52 11 күн бұрын
I dont understand why people are so critical. If people want to use it, let them. Conventional medicine....follow the money!
@bilincinsan 14 күн бұрын
MUTLAK BİLGİDE KAYNAK METODOLOJİSİ İnsanın varlık iddiasında bulunması geçici ve mecazidir. Akıl, zorunlu ve imkansızın (mevcudun-şimdiki zamanın-geçmiş zamanın) bilgisine vakıf olsa da, mümkünün (imkanın-gelecek zamanın) bilgisine vakıf olamaz. Çünkü zaman, imkanı kuşatmıştır. Allah vardı. Zaman yoktu. Allah önce zamanı sonra evreni varetti. Zaman kavramı bütün soruların cevabıdır. Bilinmeyi isteyerek; zamanı, evreni, içinde tüm canlıları (melek-insan-bitki-hayvan) akıllı olarak, sadece melek ve insanı da akıllı ve ayrıca bilinçli olarak yaratan, güzelliği, sevgiyi, bilgiyi ve bilmeyi öğreten Allah’ın şanı yücedir. Allah’a ulaşmayı dilemek meleklere ve insanlara kalmıştır, ancak dilemeyi dileyen kimdir sorusunun cevabı da yine bizatihi Allah’ın kendisidir. Çünkü Allah zamanı ve tüm varlığı kuşatmıştır… In God We Trust-Aklın ve Düşüncenin İmkanı In God We Trust-Aklın ve Düşüncenin İmkanı!AseGX-bijAE9n8ohE4lMGAjjpKjkwg?e=sjx29B İSLAM MUHAMMED PEYGAMBER İLE BAŞLAMADI İslam özel bir isim olmayıp Allah’a teslimiyet anlamına gelir. Tüm elçiler ve inananlar islam ve müslüman kelimelerinin kendi dillerindeki karşılıklarını, kendi inançlarını tanımlamak için kullanmışlardır. İlk melek ve insandan itibaren sürekli “yinelenerek” gönderilmiş olan bu Kuran metninde temel olarak emirler (ibadetler) ve yasaklar (kötülükler) belirtilmiştir. Bu emirler ve yasaklar hiç değişmemiştir. Kuran’da yer alan; namaz kılma, oruç tutma, zekat verme, sarhoşluk verenlerden sakınma, faizden sakınma, kumardan sakınma, zinadan sakınma vb. tüm emir ve yasaklar kutsal metinlerde hep vardı. Kuran metni de geçmişten bugüne doğruluk ve uygunluk sağlamasının ve teyidinin yapılabilmesi için matematiksel kodlama sistemi ile eklemelere ve çıkarmalara karşı korunmuştur. İslam, Muhammed Aleyhisselam ile başlamadı. İlk zamandan itibaren tek din (İslam/Emirler/Yasaklar) hep vardı, zaman içinde tahrif edilmişti; güncellenmedi, yenilenmedi; mevcut mutlak bilgi, Kuran ile son kez yinelendi. Salt düşünce metinleri zannedilen ve felsefe olarak bilinen bilgi külliyatının kaynağı da temel hatlarıyla meleklere ve insanlığa ilk gönderilen bu Kuran metnidir. Bilinen felsefecilerin birçoğu da aynı zamanda Allah’ın elçileridir. Allah, Elçi ve Peygamber olan Muhammed Aleyhisselam ile Kuran mesajını (Kuran Metni olan mutlak bilgiyi) son kez “yinelemiştir”. İlk gönderilen Tevrat ve İncil gibi tüm kutsal kitaplar da ilk hali itibariyle Kuran’dır. Tüm bilginin ilk kaynağı Allah’ın bizzat kendisidir. Bu bilgiyi doğrudan elçilerine Kuran olarak beyan etmiş ve açığa çıkarmıştır. KURAN SOY BİR KİTAPTIR MUTLAK BİLGİNİN YİNELENMİŞ TEK KAYNAĞIDIR Bugün kaynaklarda bulunan hadisler peygamberin söylediği söylenen sözlerdir. Peygamber Kuran’a aykırı söz söyleyemeyeceğine göre hadis kaynaklarındaki Kuran’a aykırı sözleri Peygamber söyledi demek öncelikle Peygambere büyük iftiradır. Hadisler Kuran’a göre din için kaynak değildir. Peygamberle ilgili gerekli tüm bilgi de Kuran’da mevcuttur. Ancak bugün islam diye, aslında hadis, sünnet adı altında oluşturulmuş, örf, adet, gelenek, tarihsel söylentiler, anlatılar, vehimler, uydurulmuş rivayetler, tarihsel varsayımlar, atasözleri, menkibe hikayeleri, kasıtlı yalanlardan oluşturulmuş bir din külliyatı var islam bu zannedilen. Kuran metnini mutlak ve tek kaynak olarak esas alarak tüm kitaplardan, bilgilerden, yazılı, sözlü kaynaklardan, hadis diye söylenen sözlerden de yararlanılabilir Kuran metninin önüne geçirmemek kaydıyla ve mutlak olmayan, yanlışlanabilir bilgi anlamında. Ancak dinde (hayatta) tek kaynak (ölçü, miyar) sadece Kuran metnidir. “Bu Kuran senden önce gönderdiğimiz elçilerimizin de yasasıdır. Sen bizim yasamızda bir değişiklik bulamazsın." (Kuran : 17:77) “Kuran, kendinden öncekileri tasdik eden, her şeyi açıklayan bir kitaptır; iman eden toplum için bir rahmet ve bir hidayettir. (Kuran : 12:111) “Oku, insana yazmayı ve bilgiyi öğreten Rabbin sonsuz iyilik ve ikram sahibidir.” (Kuran : 96:3,4,5) KÖTÜLÜK (CEHENNEM) BİTER SONLUDUR Kuran iki ölüm, iki dirilmeyi melek ve insan için açıklar. Buradaki vurgu tüm inanmayanlaradır. 40:11 Diyecekler ki, "Rabbimiz, bizi iki kez öldürdün ve iki kez dirilttin. Şimdi günahlarımızı itiraf ettik. Buradan bir çıkış yolu var mı?" 1. Tüm canlılar varolurlar (yaratılış-birinci diriliş). 2. Tüm canlılar hayattayken ölüp dirilirler (uyku-birinci ölüm). 3. Tüm canlılar ölürler (fiziki ölüm-ikinci ölüm). 4. Tüm canlılar dirilirler (ahiretteki diriliş-ikinci diriliş). 5. İnananlar bir daha ölmezler (cennet). 6. Yaşamları boyunca şahit oldukları bunca gerçeğe rağmen inanmadan ölen gerçeği örtenler (kafirler) bu dirilişten sonra tekrar ölmek (yokolmak) istemedikleri ve ahiretteki diriliş sonrası gerçeği anlayınca da bağışlanıp yaşamaya devam etmek istedikleri halde; hayatları boyunca yapmadıkları iyiliklerin ve yaptıkları kötülüklerin bir sonucu olarak Allah’ın takdir ettiği bir süre azapla yaşadıktan sonra (cehennem) ölmeyi/yokolmayı istemedikleri halde Allah onları ahirette tekrar ölümle/yokoluşla cezalandıracaktır. Bu ayetlerde; inanmayanların ahirette dirildikten sonra duydukları pişmanlık duygusuna vurgu vardır. Elbette pişmanlık ve azap esnasında bu vicdan azabının sonlanmasını isteyeceklerdir, ancak bu istek, tekrar ölümle, yok oluşla sonlanmak değil, azabın bitmesi içindir. Yoksa tabiki sürekli vicdan azabı ile yaşamaya devam etmek anlamında değildir. Ancak cehennem sonlanacağı için inanmayanlarda ahirette tekrar ölecektir/yokolacaktır. GÜZELLİK (CENNET) SÜREKLİDİR SONSUZDUR Kuran ölümsüzlüğü arayan melek ve insan için ölümsüzlüğün sırrını açıklar. Buradaki vurgu tüm inananlaradır… 02:28 Nasıl oluyor da Allah´ı inkar ediyorsunuz. Oysa ölü iken sizi O diriltti; sonra sizi yine öldürecek, yine diriltecektir ve sonra O´na döndürüleceksiniz. 28:88 Her şey fani olacak, ancak Celâl ve İkram sahibi Rabbinin zatı (cennet) Bâki kalacaktır. 51:56 Melekleri ve insanları ancak, beni bilmeleri, sevmeleri, tanımaları, ibadet etmeleri ve bana ulaşmaları, mutlu olmaları için yarattım. (Küntü Kenzen Mahfiyyen Fehalaktü'l Halka Liya'rifûnî) Ben bir gizli hazine idim, görülmek, bilinmek, sevilmek istedim, bu yüzden âlemi (evreni, kainatı, tüm varlığı) yarattım. 2:277 İnanıp erdemli bir hayat sürerek namazı gözetenlerin ve zekatı verenlerin ödülleri Rab'leri katındadır. Onlar için korku yoktur ve onlar mahzun da olmayacaklardır. (Hüzün duymayacaklardır, üzülmeyeceklerdir). Aslolan sevgidir (şefkat). Dünyada iken Allah’a ulaşan melek ve insan böylece ölümsüz hale gelebilecektir. Hakikat ancak bireysel olarak teyit edilebilir ve hakikat bilgisi bilince dönüşür. Allah ile doğrudan irtibat kurmadan bilginin bir anlamı yoktur. Dünyada Allah’a ulaşanlar için ölmeden önce ölüm gerçekleşmiş olup fiziki ölüm bir geçişten ibarettir. Dünyada Allah’a ulaşan melek ve insan ahiretteki dirilişten sonra ise bir daha ölmeyecektir… Varolmuş ve yaşamış bütün canlılardan, (melek/cin, insan, bitki, hayvan) bitki ve hayvanların tamamı ile melek ve insanların inananları, bir daha ölmemek üzere cennette, dünyadaki bedenlerinin en mükemmel hali ile yeniden diriltilerek Allah ile birlikte sonsuz yaşayacaktır.
@Osman-mj5rf 15 күн бұрын
Lots Muslim folk if there are disagreements they sort it them selves they go by what the koran says.
@orpheus1662 Ай бұрын
If there’s one group of people that humanity should never trust 🇩🇪
@el_chico1313 Ай бұрын
a wonder the german embassy hasnt been burnt down yet due to this professors interpetation
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
haha very funny
@christopherscallio2539 Ай бұрын
DID MUHAMMAD EXIST? "Nope", here's why! (#1)
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
one banana born every minute
@christopherscallio2539 Ай бұрын
Al Fadi interviews Jay on NEW DISTURBING RESEARCH on the Qur'an's Qira'ats (pt-1)
@christopherscallio2539 Ай бұрын
The "Proto" Qur'an was ARAMAIC, & all about JESUS!
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
thats what you would like to think
@noahvanbergen99 Ай бұрын
Quran has 7 different dialects and it's preserved verbally. So this professor can jump on his head
@Alltrippy 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha, Deal with it muslims. Christians had to go through critical study of our belief and Bible for the last 100 years, now it's your turn. Facts are facts and no word play struggle will change that. Everyone, sit back and enjoy as the facts ever so slowly chip away at the complete man-made construct of islam which will become apparent as we learn how much the koran has been changed by muslim scholars, to hide the origin and massive inconsistency of the multiple different earliest korans compared to what we have now. Not to mention that there is no Mecca before 670 in the year of our Lord. None, zero.
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
If there was something of real substance to deal then i could agree with you. But all we hear is a pile horse dung not worth the paper its printed on. half baked stories with no susbstance dont cut it as "facts".
@hdy2681 2 ай бұрын
I wish Aramaic language and community didn't die soon. They know Islam more than Muslim know Islam.
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
you are in laa laa land
@mikehopkins7254 4 ай бұрын
Religious scriptures significantly Quran castrates its followers brains and petrifying its adherent it doesn’t matter whether you live in the UK, Pakistan, Somalia or Saudi Arabia. 😮
@ClearLight369 4 ай бұрын
Modern Aramaic can also be heard in remote areas like the Chicago suburbs.......
@ClearLight369 4 ай бұрын
Luxenberg is simply trying to find the meanings of words in the Quran that puzzled the Arab Muslim commentators themselves. wake up! 95% of the people writing comments here are missing the basic point. If the Arabic speaking pious Muslim scholars were puzzled and disagreed about what certain words meant, that demands an explanation. Dont you think? Or dont you ever think?
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
you reasoning is poor.
@ClearLight369 24 күн бұрын
@@sidprice6214 how so? Please clarify.
@ClearLight369 24 күн бұрын
@@sidprice6214 you English not too good either.
@sidprice6214 23 күн бұрын
@@ClearLight369 just because i left 1 letter out of a word does not mean my English isn't good
@sidprice6214 23 күн бұрын
@@ClearLight369 you need to ask a proper more detailed question. I'm not here to second guess you. How is that for English?
@ranro7371 4 ай бұрын
The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar? Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization. The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua. infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name." jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah ) Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language: "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen. He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown. "protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22) 𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼 ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic: ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word. As a matter of fact, all of the knowledge needed for deciphering ancient texts and their complexity was derived from the Qur'an. It was by analyzing the syntactic structure of the Qur'an that the Arabic root system was developed. This system was first attested to in Kitab Al-Ayin, the first intralanguage dictionary of its kind, which preceded the Oxford English dictionary by 800 years. It was through this development that the concept of Arabic roots was established and later co-opted into the term 'semitic root,' allowing the decipherment of ancient scripts. In essence, they quite literally copied and pasted the entirety of the Arabic root. Hebrew had been dead, as well as all the other dialects of Arabic, until being 'revived' in a Frankensteinian fashion in the 18th and 19th centuries. The entire region spoke basically the same language, with mumbled dialect continuums spread about, and Arabic is the oldest form from which all these dialects branched off. As time passed, the language gradually became more degenerate, Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE). And then the Qur'an appeared with the oldest possible form of the language thousands of years later. This is why the Arabs of that time were challenged to produce 10 similar verses, and they couldn't. People think it's a miracle because they couldn't do it, but I think the miracle is the language itself. They had never spoken Arabic, nor has any other language before or since had this mathematical precision. And when I say mathematical, I quite literally mean mathematical. Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken? The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study. God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@mznxbcv12345 4 ай бұрын
Very enlightening detailed work
@ranro7371 4 ай бұрын
Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language: "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical for anyone with a somewhat functioning mass between their ears. hebrew, aramaic, rest of madeup dialect continua only have 22 letters of the 29 protosemitic letters Arabic has all 29. The difference betweeen Arabic and the other creoles and Pidgin is the same as that between Latin and pig latin or italian. |Classical Arabic | 28 consonants, 29 with Hamza and 6 vowels; some consonants are emphatic or pharyngealized; some vowels are marked with diacritics | Complex system of word formation based on roots and patterns; roots are sequences of consonants that carry the basic meaning of a word; patterns are sequences of vowels and affixes that modify the meaning and function of a word | Flexible word order, but VSO is most common; SVO is also possible; subject and object are marked by case endings (-u for nominative, -a for accusative, -i for genitive); verb agrees with subject in person, number, and gender; verb has different forms for different moods and aspects | | Akkadian | 22 consonants and 3 vowels; some consonants are glottalized or palatalized; vowels are not marked | Similar system, but with different roots and patterns; some roots have more than three consonants; some patterns have infixes or reduplication | Fixed word order of SVO; subject and object are not marked by case endings, but by prepositions or word order; verb agrees with subject in person, number, and gender; verb has different forms for different tenses and aspects | | Aramaic | 22 consonants and 3 vowels (later variants have more); no emphatic or pharyngealized consonants (except in some dialects); vowels are not marked (except in later variants such as Syriac) | Simple system of word formation based on prefixes and suffixes; some roots or patterns exist, but are less productive than in Arabic or Akkadian | The reason why 'salam' is reduced to 'shalam' or 'shalom' in Aramaic and Hebrew is because they lost the distinction between S and SH (س , ش) "Semitic" is just mumbled Arabic, really. Imagine English with a third of its letters removed and simplified grammar. That's Aramaic, Hebrew, etc. For example, combine T and D into just T; there's no need to have 2 letters. The same goes for i, e, y - they should all be just y from now on, etc., etc. Arabic is the only corollary to proto-Semitic. In fact, the whole classification of Semitic languages is nonsensical for anyone with a somewhat functioning brain. Hebrew, Aramaic, and the rest of these made-up dialect continua only have 22 letters out of the 29 proto-Semitic letters. Arabic has all 29. The difference between Arabic and the other creoles and Pidgin is the same as the difference between Latin and pig Latin or Italian. "Phoenician" is an Arabic dialect continuum, and not only that, it is pidgin. It is simplified to the point of stupidity. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Arabic would see this clearly. What happened was that Arabic handicapped "scholars" saw the equivalent of Scottish Twitter spelling, with added mumbling due to phonemic mergers (22 letters, not 29), and mistakenly thought they were seeing a different language." Let's start with a simple sentence: ## The house is big Arabic: البيتُ كبيرٌ al-bayt-u kabīr-un Proto-Semitic: *ʔal-bayt-u kabīr-u Hebrew: הבית גדול ha-bayit gadol Akkadian: bītum rabûm Amharic: ቤቱ ገደሉ betu gedelu As can be seen, Arabic and Proto-Semitic have the same word order (noun-adjective), the same definite article (al-), and the same case endings (-u for nominative). Hebrew and Akkadian have lost the case endings and changed the definite article (ha- and -um respectively). Amharic has changed the word order (adjective-noun) and the definite article (u-). But Arabic is not only similar to Proto-Semitic, it is also pre-Semitic, meaning that it is the original form of Semitic before it split into different branches. This is because Arabic preserves many features that are not found in any other Semitic language, but are found in other Afro-Asiatic languages, such as Egyptian and Berber. These features include: - The definite article al-, which is derived from the demonstrative pronoun *ʔal- 'that'. This article is unique to Arabic among Semitic languages, but it is similar to the article n- in Berber and the article p-, t-, n- in Egyptian. - The dual number for nouns and verbs, which is marked by the suffix -ān or -ayn. This number is rare in other Semitic languages, but it is common in other Afro-Asiatic languages, such as Egyptian and Berber. - The imperfective prefix t- for verbs, which indicates the second person singular feminine or third person plural feminine. This prefix is unique to Arabic among Semitic languages, but it is similar to the prefix t- in Berber and Egyptian. - The passive voice for verbs, which is marked by the infix t between the first and second root consonants. This voice is unique to Arabic among Semitic languages, but it is similar to the passive voice in Egyptian and Berber. Finally, a more complex sentence: The letter was written with a pen. Arabic: كُتِبَتِ الرِّسَالَةُ بِالقَلَمِ kutiba-t al-risāla-t-u bi-l-qalam-i Proto-Semitic: *kutiba-t ʔal-risāla-t-u bi-l-qalam-i Hebrew: המכתב נכתב בעט ha-michtav niktav ba-et Akkadian: šipram šapāru bēlum Egyptian: sḏm.n.f p-ẖry m rnp.t Berber: tturra-t tibratin s uccen Here, Arabic and Proto-Semitic have the same word order (verb-subject-object), the same passive voice marker (-t-), the same definite article (al-), and the same preposition (bi-). Hebrew has changed the word order (subject-verb-object), lost the passive voice marker, changed the definite article (ha-) and the preposition (ba-). Akkadian has changed the word order (object-subject-verb), lost the passive voice marker, changed the definite article (-um) and the preposition (bēlum). Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing? Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken? God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@ARRusulOneMessage 2 ай бұрын
@basithali 4 ай бұрын
@Rockercaruthonyoutube 4 ай бұрын
I don,t find it "odd"or strange.
@YourAashique 4 ай бұрын
Qur'an has never changed.
@Thor-Orion 5 ай бұрын
Everyone seems to overlook the Manichaean influences in the 7th century Syriac speaking world. I firmly believe this is the missing link in the chain, Mani was born into a Jewish-Christian Gnostic sect and then traveled east and learned about Buddhism, which along with the Zoroastrian influences all around him as he grew up in the Sassanid empire and was born in Ctesiphon, laid the foundations for the theology that would come to be called Manichaeism, he wrote 6/7 works in Syriac, and he called himself the seal of the prophets and the next in line after Zarathustra, Buddha and Jesus. The coins from the time period are very telling, some feature the blended imagery of Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Buddhism, and when I see that I immediately think of Mani.
@Decision_Justice 3 ай бұрын
That's fascinating. You might want to go over to the channel "Thomas Alexander" and inform him of this information. He is providing updates on current scholarship in Germany on the Syro-Aramaic early documents and versions of the Quran.
@TexterEX 6 ай бұрын
This is disghusting having a muslim school in England there should only be christian schools teaching christian morals. Why are muslim coming to christian countries? Because their countries have failed because the religion, Islam is evil. If we look back on English history you will see that the decline of the English country coincides with immigration of non christian immigrants. If you want England back expel all non christians that don't want to become Christians.
@attila0073 6 ай бұрын
🤣🤣 Luxborg turned onto expert wt a deep shit
@yroy4457 6 ай бұрын
Now think of those muslim who thought they would get 72 hoor instead they get 72 raisin
@Poetrychannel474 6 ай бұрын
2:21 bruh. That is arabic
@kangleipak_pride 6 ай бұрын
Syriac Christian from India here.. Peace to our persecuted brothers and sisters in middle east..
@Phyziacom 3 ай бұрын
@kangleipak_pride 3 ай бұрын
​@@PhyziacomWhats that pontification?
@Wise__guy 6 ай бұрын
Ah yes I love sitting under white crystal clear grapes
@almazchati4178 6 ай бұрын
You should try other languages as well. French is quite sonorous language. A French monk may have traveled to Arabia in search of Jesus and Moses, and may have met with Mohammad. How ebout a french reading?
@ssifr3331 7 ай бұрын
If you add/change dots of course it's gonna be different letter and result different meanings. Kha, ha', and jim, the only difference is 1 dot. And ba, ta, tsa, ya, and nun, they are very similar in writing and the difference is in the dot.
@Wise__guy 6 ай бұрын
Arabic used to be written with no dots. Dots and markings have been added during the time of compiling the Quran, in order to remove ambiguity and preserve the way people orally recite the Quran.
@TwiztedHumor 7 ай бұрын
Yes, so controversial that this muslim scholar doesnt dare to give his name as he explains his theory of the Bible originally being in Arabic!...or wait......
@sidprice6214 24 күн бұрын
actually ...we cannot find a New Testament in Aramaic so we will just say that the Christians wrote the Quran in Arabic as the Christians were more familiar with Arabic than Aramaic
@NickVenture1 7 ай бұрын
This guy wants virgins. Not grapes. Animal
@comentedonakeyboard 7 ай бұрын
Modern German has the word "Tohuwabohu" meaning Chaos. However if i read the Luther Bible i would have to read the Hebrew meaning of void and empty. The reason is that Luther introduced the word in his Bible Translation (having problems like beeing in hiding and the most wanted) and then Germans read an entire new meaning into it. So perhaps something similar happened with early Arabic.
@leedza 7 ай бұрын
I got psoriasis and gave up on the steroids i was using. In the end a bit research on the internet and found myself a natural remedy that does the job. Medicine come from compounds in nature and nature could also be a great pharmacy with the right knowledge of what works and why, also how to use natural treatments safely. My issue is that the pharmaceutical companies have a monopoly on the knowledge of medicinal plants and compounds. The knowledge is treated as homeopathy until they isolate a compound they can patent after that its modern medicine. The funding for clinical trials which demonstrate efficacy is also driven from the same pharma companies. Therefore, it easy for pharma companies to lobby against non patented treatments that could compete with their patents.
@leedza 7 ай бұрын
Saying that something that was written by men is eternal and a miracle is very bold claim. However, when you find folklore, pagan stories and Jewish/Christian Apocrypha dotted all over Quran that claim seems to fall apart. Also the claim of the Arabic preservation seems to be unfounded when the evidence points to Aramaic being the mother language of the Quranic texts.
@leedza 7 ай бұрын
The Imam at 7:15 cracks me up. When it's inconvenient the Bible and Qur'an are not the same. When it suits them My God is your God. Given the amount of borrowed theology from the bible and apocrypha. It's fair that the Qur'an is measured against the bible. Also given how much of the Qur'an relies on Hadith to understand the context, scholars need to understand the Qur'an without a Islamic lens.
@alfonsocantu9992 7 ай бұрын
If you take away God,Jesus and the Prophet from the would be a book not worth reading...yours very truly Alfonso Cantu
@aryeh3701 7 ай бұрын
When the Aramaic language of Yeshua was translated to English in the 1600s in England it was deliberately corrupted to worship Augustus Caesar as King and Lord of Lords, etc Arabic word for God :Allah, Aramaic: Alaha. Christian Pastors teach that it's Jehovah.smh
@zerinsahman7589 7 ай бұрын
what is the name of the full documentary?
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@moroccanthinker-li8my 2 ай бұрын
you cant prove that quran wasnt humans word using the same quran as a prove, are u an idiot ? lol if it was really protected by god why the shia have a different quran and even in the sunna community the quran in some countries are not the same like egypt and morocco etc...
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
إِنّا نَحنُ نَزَّلنَا الذِّكرَ وَإِنّا لَهُ لَحافِظونَ
@FreeFalasteen4ever 7 ай бұрын
This theory is foolish and nonsensical- Syriac is a language that developed much later than Arabic under the influence of the Church, and so applying this framework is illogical. This Professor is trying to make himself seem as brilliant when, in fact, he has run into the dead end of disbelief. The Qur’an is the true unadultered word of God Almighty, Allah سبحانه وتعالى.
@reallifehack4790 2 ай бұрын
Quran is a collection of plagiarism
@Kielimies 7 ай бұрын
_Aslama/muslim_ ( verbal noun _islaam_ ) is the Arabic cognate of the Aramaic verb _ašlem/mašlem_ "hand over, betray" (the verb in Luke 22 verse 48 in the Syro-Aramaic NT). #themoreyouknow
@nickmansfield1 7 ай бұрын
Last time I checked Luke wrote in highly proficient Greek. Moreover the Tanakh clearly defines muslim in Hebrew and this is confirmed in the Evangel.
@Kielimies 7 ай бұрын
@@nickmansfield1 Nothing comes from bringing the Greek translation into this, as I was talking about the Syro-Aramaic translation of the New Testament (NT) a.k.a. the Peshitta. I was unaware that the Tanakh contains "Hebrew definitions" of Arabic active participles like _muslim_ . You are going to have to tell us what kind of a "definition" you are talking about here and what you are trying to prove.
@nickmansfield1 7 ай бұрын
@@Kielimies What then is the relevance of the Peshitta to the NT Gospel? Others who have examined a case for Pesh. primacy have concluded, there is none, so that is your fallacy given their case is strong. My case was succinctly made insomuch as Luke was Greek and highly proficient in Greek so his Gospel was written in Greek. If you are making your case from somebody else's claim, how do you know they are correct? Even if they are correct then the Aramaic would be totally contrary to the Hebrew and Arabic. Yeshua ben Miriam was an expert in Hebrew so I cannot see any case for him having spoken Aramaic words which clearly contradict the Biblical message of the Tanakh. Another issue is that you seem to be identifying Arabic grammar with Hebrew grammar. I am no expert on grammar but I believe that they are quite different languages in terms of grammar although they share many common words, taghut for instance. The prophets of the Tanakh and Yeshua ben Miriam himself certainly wrote/spoke about Mohammad and Islam. You require a case to prove that the definition from former prophets matches that of the modern adherents to Islam, or otherwise. If you are prepared to criticise me then you need to examine the usage of the word muslim in the Tanakh in the first instance. Moreover this video is all about examining ancient scripture from a technical perspective rather than traditions. Thank you.