Cryogeyser - Too Much
2 жыл бұрын
Cryogeyser // Angry
2 жыл бұрын
BOYO //  See you when I die
2 жыл бұрын
Summer Salt // Fire Flower
3 жыл бұрын
Summer Salt // One Last Time
4 жыл бұрын
@victorarcos2039 21 сағат бұрын
Tu sabes ke te pienso
@angieemartinez9939 Күн бұрын
Mi pelicula favorita, la protagonista me representa demasiado. Podemos analizar que Clementine tiene miedo al abandono, tienen nula experiencia en el amor en sí ella pensaba que el amor tenia que se caótico, Clementine pensaba dejo de "amar" a Joel porque todo era paz, lo que ella no sabía que asi es como se supone que se debe sentir. Ella prefirió borrar sus recuerdos por dos razones la monotonia y mi al abandono, pensaba que abandonando primero a Joel haría que todo volviera a la normalidad.
@arturorios3990 2 күн бұрын
@omarhernandez5461 5 күн бұрын
Entre estos miles de comentarios me has de encontrar. Solo para que leas lo mucho que te amo, que te dedico esta canción y esta película, ambos hemos cometido ese mismo error de olvidar los buenos momentos y quererlos reemplazar por otros o quizás con otra persona, pero jamás será lo mismo (“Solo estoy tratando de borrarte de mi mente. Justo como lo hiciste conmigo”), es inigualable lo que hemos vivido tú y yo. “Puedes borrar a alguien de tu mente. Sacarlos de tu corazón es otra historia” Si vivo mil vidas, las mil veces quiero tener esa misma bonita conciencia de encontrarte y amarte, “Te amé en este día. Me encanta este recuerdo”. Solo quiero decirte que jamás te quiero borrar de mi mente y espero tu tampoco lo hagas.
@nestordanorozco6660 6 күн бұрын
Guys, I got what I wanted so much. A daughter. I am so blessed. Lord heard my prayers
@amparitoportilla9905 7 күн бұрын
Vuelvo a escuchar esta canción después de 5 años, a veces siento como si hubiese sido un corto tiempo pero otras veces recuerdo que eternos fueron mis primeros días, mentirme a mi mismo sería decir que no llore largas y oscuras madrugadas solo, después de soñarla, aun vibra una parte de mi al escuchar esta canción, ya no la extraño, pero pequeños fragmentos de ella se pasan por mi mente de vez en cuando, ya no la amo, pero aún no deseo amar a nadie, y ya no la espero pero a veces. Temo ir por los lugares donde transitabamos con aquella sensación tal vez amarga de volverla a ver, pero espero tu felicidad en la eternidad.
@Devilish_Singularity 11 күн бұрын
*The Puzzle of Gendering* "Flowers that Kill" The gendering of male and female aspects into nature and man-made concepts is a big tradition that has seeped right into the languages of mankind. The puzzle of gendering, however, is not as simple as it appears and not always related to social constructs but to Creation or evolution. This is because, regardless of whether one believes in Creation of God or that of a Darwinian report, the aspects of male and female were not split apart evenly in either Creation or cell division or the spirit. This is what imparts the physical attraction of male and female. The major enduring question is to find which aspects were "switched at birth" so to speak that impart this attraction and confuse the simple gendering process. A female is rarely destructive or violent. That is a good place to begin as to which male processes are actually feminine. We'd bring the order, the peace, and simplification back to men! Complexity and violence are really a feminine aspect shared at various portions with the male. This could eliminate religious self-renovation and give the male back his portions, but we would lose sexuality and reproduction. A good way to understand how you are at achieving generation is to scale oneself on the following chart considering your aspects negatively as more potential for generation. A male with more feminine aspects is more generation-based as is a female with more male aspects. A female seeking a man becomes more sexual with order, truth, and peace and a man with violence, lies, and ambiguity. This is because of magnetic shift in the true order of the spirit. Vice-versa a man or woman who seeks more their identity does the opposite. (Not too much! It becomes overkill.) TRUE GENDERING CHART: Feminine 1. Complexity 2. Violence and Destruction 3. Lies and ambiguity Masculine 1. Order 2. Peace 3. Truth and knowledge
@Devilish_Singularity 11 күн бұрын
*The Puzzle of Gendering* "Flowers that Kill" The gendering of male and female aspects into nature and man-made concepts is a big tradition that has seeped right into the languages of mankind. The puzzle of gendering, however, is not as simple as it appears and not always related to social constructs but to Creation or evolution. This is because, regardless of whether one believes in Creation of God or that of a Darwinian report, the aspects of male and female were not split apart evenly in either Creation or cell division or the spirit. This is what imparts the physical attraction of male and female. The major enduring question is to find which aspects were "switched at birth" so to speak that impart this attraction and confuse the simple gendering process. A female is rarely destructive or violent. That is a good place to begin as to which male processes are actually feminine. We'd bring the order, the peace, and simplification back to men! Complexity and violence are really a feminine aspect shared at various portions with the male. This could eliminate religious self-renovation and give the male back his portions, but we would lose sexuality and reproduction. A good way to understand how you are at achieving generation is to scale oneself on the following chart considering your aspects negatively as more potential for generation. A male with more feminine aspects is more generation-based as is a female with more male aspects. A female seeking a man becomes more sexual with order, truth, and peace and a man with violence, lies, and ambiguity. This is because of magnetic shift in the true order of the spirit. Vice-versa a man or woman who seeks more their identity does the opposite. TRUE GENDERING CHART: Feminine 1. Complexity 2. Violence and Destruction 3. Lies and ambiguity Masculine 1. Order 2. Peace 3. Truth and knowledge
@IsisCarvalhoGothic 13 күн бұрын
Estragando as músicas góticas com esses vídeos chatos 😂😂😂
@Devilish_Singularity 13 күн бұрын
Real Christianity was devised as a way to keep the Western Civilization under control by factions during ancient historical antiquity in the Middle East who used it to hide their knowledge. Every once in while, wealthy people try and pick it up to try and use it to keep mindless worker sheep with them at the helm. A good way to understand who the true villains are in society is who is both wealthy and pushes Christianity.
@user-jx8yk4sl8h 14 күн бұрын
Muy buen vídeo dos cosas que amo justas en si si le queda la canción mi vídeo favorita hasta ahora
@pedroetchegaraydiaz8874 16 күн бұрын
He estado bajo tierra mucho tiempo... es hora que realmente deje de respirar... espere mucho tiempo que volvieras por mi....
@juliourquia8064 17 күн бұрын
¿Es coincidencia que dos obras de arte rimen tan bien juntas? No lo creo.
@greenblackswerl 18 күн бұрын
If you like this song you aren’t shallow
@Devilish_Singularity 20 күн бұрын
*The True Good and Evil* "A Moment in Eden" Evil. Evil is, in fact, only a label for any progressive movement or person and Good only a guardian of conservative traditions. If you believe your brand of evil can defeat the vaster traditions, well Good will need consensus on the proof of that. A lesser evil is of no value. It simply gets ripped apart as political carrion. A gathering of evil as a world dominating theme taken by force is ridiculous, especially since evil exists in non-political scientific and engineering aspects. Take a good look at the contributions to society as a whole before you dare consider yourself as an evil force.
@Devilish_Singularity 20 күн бұрын
*The American Dream* "A Trail of Breadcrumbs" The American Dream. The perfect way to get rid of all those unwanted people in your life. Go! Crusaders! Stay busy now, kids. FLVVD. The door swings both ways. Rings and Blades. Forest Hansels and Gretels. The karmic rivers may wash but extend over several lifespans. Be warned. In addition the world contains several security apparatuses like the One Ring and the Delomelonicon. The American Dream is akin to old church and military customs where parents ditch their kids because they can’t afford them or they have learning issues. This actually reaches several other strata of the world’s societies. Marriage, jobs at the patent office, Crusades to the Holy Land, conquests, etc. Society is a dangerous place overall and always has been. Fair warning. The defining challenge in the world has always been people who don't catch on correctly or learn wrong, thereby becoming a burden to society. Luckily the vaster politics was halfway prepared to handle this by creating dreams and visions. It's a social truth, and few people like the truth. -Line of Blake and Flemel
@Devilish_Singularity 20 күн бұрын
*Big Houses* “The Church of TV” The American Dream. The perfect way to get rid of all those unwanted people in your life. Go! Crusaders! Stay busy now, kids. FLVVD. The door swings both ways. Rings and Blades. Forest Hansels and Gretels. The karmic rivers may wash but extend over several lifespans. Be warned. In addition the world contains several security apparatuses like the One Ring and the Delomelonicon. The American Dream is akin to old church and military customs where parents ditch their kids because they can’t afford them or they have learning issues. This actually reaches several other strata of the world’s societies. Marriage, jobs at the patent office, Crusades to the Holy Land, conquests, etc. Society is a dangerous place overall and always has been. Fair warning. The defining challenge in the world has always been people who don't catch on correctly or learn wrong, thereby becoming a burden to society. Luckily the vaster politics was halfway prepared to handle this by creating dreams and visions. It's a social truth, and few people like the truth. -Line of Blake and Flemel
@MarioAdaezus 21 күн бұрын
En esa película hay muchas emociones en solo una
@Devilish_Singularity 21 күн бұрын
Wine is a simple trickery, but a wine chalice is often pure wealth. A wise person soon understands to hide their wealth, so they fill their chalices with wine and pass them around for all to sip from. To hide gold, people often fashion it into unrecognizable objects, like keys, chalices, utensils, dishes, and hearts.
@Devilish_Singularity 24 күн бұрын
Miracle Grow (R). Society is ten billion pound pumpkin and it isn’t done yet. Pray to Satan! Lord of normalcy!
@christiangonzalez793 25 күн бұрын
Ver este vídeo dsp de perderla :(
@fortuneolawale9113 25 күн бұрын
lovely video
@Devilish_Singularity 25 күн бұрын
One day you’ll forget to gather your wits, You’ll forget to collect all your sharps. You’ll wane in darkness and drop all your tips, then reside into some murky old harps. -Francis Aodh
@Devilish_Singularity 26 күн бұрын
A man only strives to become a monster. Therefore, to become a monster is a sort of human evolution.
@ValeriaPinos 29 күн бұрын
Odio pensar en el .
@m_a_r_z_a 29 күн бұрын
Escuche esta joya en cuarentena y ahora me lo vuelve a recomendar, en fin Temazooooo
@cristianbil9726 Ай бұрын
@victorquintero8956 Ай бұрын
Viendo esta canción, nunca pensé que escribiría esto... Recuerdo cada momento tab hermoso que tuvimos, como empezamos a querernos el uno con el otro, recordar lo hermoso que era estar contigo, cada sensación de comodidad que sentia estando contigo, ver lo vacias que estan las calles que alguna vez recorrí contigo, me duele mucho recordar que alguna vez fuinos algo, porque dejaste una gran marca en mí. Me quedé con todo el amor que no pude darte y no se que hacer con el. Cuando te fuiste, solo quedé con un mar de recuerdos hermosos, los cuales me duelen, y me matan en vida cada vez que te recuerdo. ¿Cómo puedo soltarte, como dejarte ir, cómo puedo dejqr de extrañarte?, me dueles... Y extraño tanto esos hermosos momentos...
@tallgamer6949 Ай бұрын
masterpiece 😭😩
@Mwsow Ай бұрын
It takes strength to be gentle and kind... Bro....
@sergiodariocajcac1435 Ай бұрын
@brisadimarco Ай бұрын
Es una obra maestra está película.
@AloneBajoSauce23 Ай бұрын
siempre que llega el invierno estoy un poco más triste siempre que te recuerdo escucho telephone ...
@kkkz3332 Ай бұрын
I'll comeback after 2 months to update you if I get what I want for once I my life
@Natalia-cc3pu Ай бұрын
@jeremiasmonroy4486 Ай бұрын
Me robaste más de una noche... Mas de mil lagrimas... Hiciste presencia en mis plegarias más grandes y mis dolores más fuertes... Si, de ésos inexplicables que te deja una despedida, un silencio, un final.... Me diste consuelo precisando la misma letra una y mil veces (y repito.... Y repito....y repito) Fuiste compañera para lo que yo creía una tristeza interminable... Finalmente las suaves caricias que me ofrecían tus melodías, desataron ése nudo imaginario que tenía en mi garganta.... Quizás por éso te considero mi canción favorita... La que me da fuerzas cuando estoy medio bajón y la que me vuelve a mostrar que un final da lugar a un hermoso comienzo (un poco irónico no?)... Well i Wonder, Lo más bello que pueden escuchar mis oídos Me acompañaste, cuando me estaba separando del "amor de mi vida"... Pero sobre todo, me acompañaste en el proceso de forjar a un nuevo yo ❤...
@bcarroll7317 Ай бұрын
This song reminds me of partying with long lost friends in my bedsit flat days in 1983
@JuanCarlos-xv2tl Ай бұрын
amo mucho a mi novio , sin duda esta canción es suya
@tujefaencuatro1971 Ай бұрын
Cuando escuchas por primera vez. Esta canción y sabes su letra te parece hermosa , cuando estas enamorado te indentificas con la canción y cuando todo ya ha terminado entiendes y vives la canción..
@albermarysalazar6849 Ай бұрын
porfavor,tenme en mente
@jandacosta4472 Ай бұрын
Excelente grupo. Cancion que evoca lo que pudo haber sido pero nunca fue. . . 😊
@taniatacopachao4037 Ай бұрын
Esta canción me hace recordar tanto a un chico que ame y que el ahora sabe que con un simple mensaje de insultos para mi sera como mil cuchillas apuñalando mi corazón, no lo puedo creer que esta canción me traiga tan buenos momentos con el, y no puedo creer tan debil que me volvi desde ese entonces desde ese mensaje que con un simple mensaje hace que mi corazón se detenga y se deprima, esta canción me deprime y ala vez me hace recordar y ver como tan solo para el fui una aventura o tan solo quería pasar el rato conmigo porque estaba aburrido, en cualquier momento en donde estes Jairo, siempre recordare tu voz y tu cálida mirada... Lamento haber hecho mal pensarte yo si quería algo contigo pero tu no... Lamento haberme ilusionado contigo pero fuiste y seras los únicos momentos mas felices de mi vida...te amo
@jemdu948 Ай бұрын
dump her
@mandres-xi8ly Ай бұрын
@FranciscoPerez-np1is Ай бұрын
@mandres-xi8ly Ай бұрын
nooo amigo re linda la cancion y aprte le re queda con la peli de fondo 10/10
@robertonovara1593 Ай бұрын
It s like a message in a bottle....but the bottle It should be readed by the God s eyes....probably everyone, everywhere look the Sky asking the same things to "his" reference of God....lovely meaning ....lovely sense of Life..
@nicooulloa8115 Ай бұрын
@nicooulloa8115 Ай бұрын
@alessandroiglesias7236 2 ай бұрын
Hermosa canción, de las mejores melodías que he escuchado