Hi there, sooooo I don't actually expect you guys to read this message. Or even if you do, I don't know if you'd be able to provide me with the answer I'm looking for... Nonetheless, I had been running a route in mid Missouri for the past 2 years, I absolutely loved my job... That was until September 2024 when a new piece of sh!t contractor took over and changed every aspect of how our area was ran... And when I say this dude was a joke, that's not an exaggeration at all, I worked for him until December 22nd 2024.. and from the time he took over up until I had quit, he had promised us, extra uniforms, new vehicles to run out of, gas cards, raises, bonuses, insurance, amongst other stuff, in which we literally never got any of that... He would make us wait several hours every morning just to send us gas money for the day, in which he'd send it through PayPal to our BC that was appointed. ... He rented UHaul trucks and at least 4 different occasions, drivers got pulled over because UHaul had reported them stolen because of nonpayment ... He told lie after lie after lie, our paychecks, the first 3 were cashiers checks that he overnighted, then the next 6 were in fact direct deposited although they never hit my bank until that following Monday, and the last few before I quit were money transfers that he had sent to Walmart that we had to go and collect from Walmart on our own time, in which they'd all be sent from different people, which was whatever, I guess we still got paid regardless of how weird it was, nonetheless the ultimate reason I quit was because the last week I had worked, he didn't pay us until an entire 10 days later, in which when he did my check was over 1000$ short of what it was supposed to be. Also I probably would have continued to deal with the shit even after getting ripped off however a couple days before that I had gotten word that his contract was getting terminated on Dec. 27th, and so I just assumed "yeah okay I'll just take off for a week and then go back when the contingency contractor (whom I worked for before) took back over our area" only thing is, they didn't terminate his damn contract, they gave him even more time to try to make it work. And yet here we are 2 weeks later and he's still failing to run all of the routes, nothing has improved, and he's still there.... So I guess my question is, is there absolutely anything I can do, or anything I can tell the terminal manager, or the BC to do, to assure that this guy DOES in fact get terminated so everything can go back to normal and I can run my route again? FYI, this contractor never even comes to Missouri, he lives in Alabama and has only come here for like 3 meetings. ... If you can offer any advice I'd much appreciated it... Thanks.