Gavril Dynamo : BeamNG Drive
Hirochi CCF Remake : BeamNG Drive
@lolalt8407 2 күн бұрын
Bruh, camodo wasn't bullying you. Actually, he was kinda nice. You're more of the bully in multiplayer
@Shad0s 2 күн бұрын
Its just a video title my guy, relax...
@ramsmom9931 2 күн бұрын
Pov: BeamNG becomes GTA 5
@Aerys54 2 күн бұрын
22:46 shame on you and gav. teaming up to take out camodo 😭😂
@DuddleBug5 4 күн бұрын
I can see why camodo and Neil don’t record in the group that the other people are cause there channels are more family friendly type so. Also idk why your camera fov in beam looks weird to me tbh.
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
I have mine more zoomed in, I always have since I first got Beam so I just got used to it.
@DuddleBug5 4 күн бұрын
@@Shad0sah ok
@EpicPico0625 4 күн бұрын
uuu, we got a behind the scenes at the end there. but yeah looking at camodos screen, he just tapped u due to draft, not intentional
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
Eh, to me it looked like he tried to full send me, and seeing as they had been fighting with Spealer beforehand I just thought that he was trying to take me out lol
@Ttvmightymachine123 4 күн бұрын
I watch camodos and neils perspective usually, but this feels like an entirely different video.
@TheAndreas711 4 күн бұрын
What is the name of the “camera on the Roof” mod 🙏
@RobloxGamer17330 4 күн бұрын
nice video!
@DalmationProductions4124 4 күн бұрын
Were Octo and Ash having a meeting or something so they didn't join this time?
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
Octo was working and Ash is on holiday.
@DalmationProductions4124 4 күн бұрын
@@Shad0s oh...
@DalmationProductions4124 4 күн бұрын
I think Camodo and Neil might target you and Gav in the next video as you murdered them.
@HoneyWagon... 4 күн бұрын
This was funny
@eoslives 4 күн бұрын
In the final race, watching you put Camodo in his place again and again was freaking hysterical. You got some nice hits on him. But then watching Gav take him out was sweet, sweet icing on the Chaos Cake. Mmmmmmm… Chaos Cake… now I’m hungry. BTW How much does that camera weigh?
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
A few extra pounds, makes small cars like the pico VERY top heavy lol
@user-rn1kr8xq7m 4 күн бұрын
Watch his video
@user-rn1kr8xq7m 4 күн бұрын
You are too rude to camodo!
@SWZGAMING. 4 күн бұрын
Camodo barely touched you but you rammed him.
@EpicPico0625 4 күн бұрын
Shados in a nutshell
@dynamicstudios011 4 күн бұрын
You need to get like a Xbox controller or something for those races
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
I never plan to race to begin with lol, not my thing, as you can tell in previous videos I default to follow in a helicopter haha.,
@AdaBow10 4 күн бұрын
15:27 I find it funny that on Neil's video, he was questioning why Spealer slowed down while in this perspective, Spealer didn't expect Neil to not put on the brakes. Instructions were unclear regarding the that hill ha ha 😂
@BLKBRDSR71 4 күн бұрын
Love watching your perspective. Now I'm off to watch Neil & Camodo. Nice video Shados.
@Firestarsparkle 4 күн бұрын
Camera man shados
@ChefCurry30GSW 4 күн бұрын
Was camodo swearing?
@MegaR0don 4 күн бұрын
He be swearing but not on video
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
Camodo doesn't really swear at all, and no he wasn't lol.
@MegaR0don 4 күн бұрын
@@Shad0s never? could not be me fr
@ChefCurry30GSW 4 күн бұрын
@@Shad0ssome guy sounded like him and said the s word or something
@Shad0s 4 күн бұрын
Probably Spealer lol
@Shaden0040 5 күн бұрын
Hey Segoya I can hear you just fine but everybody else is really quiet is there any way you can boost their volumes when you're recording? because that would help hear people that are. thanks you have a great day sir
@davidci 5 күн бұрын
"A bit slower but I don't care - I'm not a racist" "Not a big fan of minorities" "I'm a racist and I'm gonna win!"
@Shad0s 5 күн бұрын
Basically our voice chat, I couldn't sum it up better if I tried.
@jacobthomas90 5 күн бұрын
I love seeing y'all cause mass chaos... Keep it up!
@DalmationProductions4124 7 күн бұрын
4:56 Love how you said something simmilar to when Camodo says "Bye Loser!"
@ceilingfansman 3 күн бұрын
@RDC_Gamin 7 күн бұрын
I watched comodo's video but when I watched your video it made sense
@RDC_Gamin 7 күн бұрын
You look so innocent in your video but very bad in comodo's video😅
@BelenPatriarca 7 күн бұрын
Oh no the coroner van again
@Shaden0040 7 күн бұрын
Wiccan 64 Okay I've been watching you the neologic and I don't know what to call you guys you're not the failure's crew but some of you have played in Valerie's are you the logic crew maybe you're the logitex anyway I don't know what to call you guys but this is the first time I've actually heard your voices and I'm trying to figure out who's who you must be Segoya who's Salem on please bear with me because I'm going blind and I cannot read anything on the screen i'm using voice to text to do this message. So punctuation is not going to be great. please bear with me. so I'm assuming I'm on cigarettes you know because I know I subscribe to your channel and this is the first time I'm actually heard like voice chat from the group now who's the Irish scientist sounding guy he sounds like a crane on the failures crew but I don't think he is he's another person and who's the real bassy person that sounds like Glisker and Stevie From the film age crew I have no idea who that is I know what Neil and I know what Komodo sound like anybody else is up for grabs I don't know who they are I don't know what gaffe sounds like I don't know what any of you guys sound like I can't even remember half your names half the time and that's not bad because I can't remember half of the families crew either half the time I mean I know them all I know the names I just can't bring them recall them to my front of my brain when I need them to Doesn't help that I had a stroke two years ago or almost two years ago so that affects my memory let me tell you. anyway I think you guys are hysterical you and the family's crew need to do more stuff together more of you should join in on the survive the hunt it's a fun game I think Segoya's tried it once I know Neil's played on the capture side you know try and catch me if you can side along with Alex every once in a while Alex does a ride along where you guys have to be the hunted and he writes along with you gives you pointers and helps and heisers himself in your car and see what strategies you come up with are the only person that has actually wanted with Alex in the car was Ewan Ewen of all people the least Scottish Scottish guy law anyway This game is from the pucks thing is fun II would love to see Alex join you guys sometime but he's so busy doing his other stuff he just barely has time to do what he does now But you can get lateral you can get Amy you can get Joe Glisker and Pega cream remember crane stinks don't ask me why that's the going catch phrase there's speed beast there's Stevie now for me it's hard to distinguish between Glisker and Steve because they sound almost exactly the same they're both from the east side of London So they have an eastenders accent at least as far as I can tell I don't know I could be wrong there's bumpy bumpy is an interesting accent I think he's from the north of England originally because the only person that there's only two people that can find that have a similar accent to him one is Christopher Eckleson who played the first doctor back in the 2005 remake or John Gator is it John Gator yeah john Gator stuart Ainsworth from time team go figure those the only team English people I know that he sounds like northerners both ladies Lato has distinctive voice you and his instinctive voice I don't know Liam's always very well but one person who I'd like to get to know better is Blakey and he never says anything that I know of other than he goes quack he says quack quack so get him to talk if you can guys if you ever game with him get him to talk go Blakey you know ask him a question and get him to talk please now there's Chris chris is very Scottish he's also very silly too and he says weird weird things sometimes such as if I lost all my bones I wouldn't be any different than I am now No you'd be able to talk you'd be able to move you'd be able to breathe he'd be just a squishy he'd be a jelly squishy you'll probably you probably heard of the Chris quotes those are hysterical get a copy of them and and read them and check out the quiz quotes quiz that they did a couple of months back absolutely hysterical and his answers to some of them he didn't even know that he he said that what he said for some of the stuff And of course who won Alex he doesn't even pay attention to the the Hunter's chat so it's absolutely hysterical that he won out of everybody else that actually heard the original quotes from Chris Chris and Chris said them and he doesn't remember half of them I think he got a 60% or 70% correct he got the most after Alex I think absolutely hysterical quiz So check it out have fun with the the failures crew they're a good bunch of guys and girls do you have any ladies in your group she's just curious Im definitely an Amy and Glisker fan You barely know Amy as leather cap as your gamer name. anyway nice to meet all you guys so go ahead especially since it's your channel give call outs to whoever you're gaming with that way it's and have them respond so I can hear what they sound like and get used to their voices please I would really greatly appreciate that I asked Neil but he I think he's too busy trying to get his game going you know to to run the games and plus he's talking with Komodo. anyway good racing guys the puck chase is absolutely hysterical there's a version of this game that you guys kind of play in sort of the failures crew drive to destruction the descent version where you like start on the top of the hill and you go down there's different obstacles that you have to avoid if you go down like pits bars spikes all different sorts of stuff Bumps in the road jumps that's in fun when the failures crew races and it's not really a race it's just if you can get to the bottom first with your steering and your energy going you win if you don't if you get to the bottom 1st but none of those things work or only one of them works then you get 2nd place if somebody beats you coming down afterwards with everything working it's a tough game and it's a fun one too. anyway I've talked long enough thank you for taking listening to me segoya and OH-1 other thing I wanted to say i've kind of suggested that there be a Segoya accords like the Segovia chords from the Marvel Universe MCU the Segoya accord with this segoya must always start in last place and let everybody with complete a lap before he can start racing. they haven't agreed upon it yet i'm just trying to see if they'll listen to it I don't know if anybody's laughed or not about it but I don't know if you know about it but you do now let me know what you think cause you always win over races like almost always it's like let somebody else win once in a while for the failures. sometimes Alex sometimes not he does win a lot but he's not perfect and he screws up a lot of stuff to depends on what he's driving and who's racing against whether or not ladder is going to be mean to him or not Usually not but sometimes he is Sometimes it's breathing that accidentally hits him. anyway thank you sue for listening to go out you have a great day like you're racing i'm glad you do win sometimes I just want you to let other people get a chance to win now and then. not saying you have to lose on purpose just be fair about it. Take care bye bye
@AdaBow10 7 күн бұрын
I was kinda surprised how well a drag car could do going up the mountain! I felt that having no steering at speed would be a bad idea when it came to dodging pucks, or maybe luck was involved heh heh 😅
@Shad0s 7 күн бұрын
Luck, no skill really lol
@fpsfilms8883 8 күн бұрын
Man this looks very fun but who thought of something this crazy haha
@jacksonstarky8288 8 күн бұрын
So close to success so many times without attaining it on that uphill run.
@HenderikaHijlkema 8 күн бұрын
first i was sick but this video made me a lot better
@bigtoe4520 15 күн бұрын
how do you get the recordings you make ?
@RDC_Gamin 17 күн бұрын
Where are the videos that you do with Camodo and the others 🤔 i would love to see them 😁
@Shad0s 17 күн бұрын
I usually just record what I'm more interested in, and failrace does alot of interesting challenges which are fun to record and be a part of. Not saying I don't have fun with Neil and Camodo, but I'd rather not post the same content over and over again haha
@RDC_Gamin 17 күн бұрын
Least show some highlights of them u fly the helicopter right?😂 You are the funny and the bad guy. im just giving some suggestions. you do you. i still love your content 😁
@Imprial_3d_factory 20 күн бұрын
Why don't you post your infection collabs with camodo and Neil
@leskunk_7798 20 күн бұрын
I wish Ai would copy exact inputs. I feel like that would make this much easier. Maybe make it a separate tool from the normal one.
@i__023one4 20 күн бұрын
so beautiful, so much joy
@A1C6 20 күн бұрын
Hello Shados, I just wanted to let you know that I am a huge fan of your BX pack, and that I think the random parts nature of the mod could be applied successfully to other cars in the game. Perhaps what you could do is make one of them when an interesting car is remastered, like you did for the BX?
@Shad0s 20 күн бұрын
The BX pack was made for the sake of I wanted certain things. Parts packs are painful so the likelihood is it won't happen. I'm happy you like my pack though. :)
@A1C6 19 күн бұрын
@@Shad0s Painful? In what way
@Shad0s 19 күн бұрын
Documenting everything you've made, making sure it's all unique, and a lot of modding goes into it.
@mr.cyborg340 20 күн бұрын
hey shadows can you make a car mod for me please, it is the mitsubishi lancer evo x. im asking you because i know you can make high quality cars in beamng
@WiiError09 22 күн бұрын
This mod is no longer on the repository due to 0.31
@TankTankie 23 күн бұрын
Shados can you do a face review at 50 millions subs
@Shad0s 23 күн бұрын
I'm not going to do a face reveal, I'd like to still have a public life.
@RDC_Gamin 23 күн бұрын
poor guy 😂
@DalmationProductions4124 23 күн бұрын
What if you did a flying car battle with guns next
@bbqchicken8681 23 күн бұрын
how the fridge are you hitting single-digit ping?? I didn't even know that was possible.
@Shad0s 23 күн бұрын
Having the server in the same country as you probably helps
@bouncer6ix 23 күн бұрын
been a lot of fun having you in the failrace filming crew!
@Shad0s 23 күн бұрын
Its been a lot of fun being a part of em lol
@King_2460_king_beast_yt 23 күн бұрын
Oh well it is shados😃
@sharki1234 23 күн бұрын
I love it and everything but how do you turn these files into MP4s?
@eoslives 23 күн бұрын
Poor Kevin…
@AdaBow10 23 күн бұрын
Being tormented by a hover car...while tormenting a Kevin driven by Joe heh heh 😂
@Shad0s 23 күн бұрын
@beatermotorsports 23 күн бұрын
Watching Kevin absolutely yard sale it after losing a wheel in hover mode made my day ngl