@truthbetold9597 6 ай бұрын
I have watched the video "Understanding Our History of Patriarchy...a number of times. The mother of all says something towards the end of the video that I can't get off of my mind. She said that the patriarchal system is invisible. And I completely resonated with the invisibility of this organization that is on all levels in society from the poorest to the elite. It's in all levels of government local, state, and federal. I don't like saying this truth but men are running this world. And many of them see women as slaves. Yet most of the masses is blinded to what's really going on in this world today concerning the misogynistic attitude towards women. This is going on all over the world more wrost in other countries. Because there is good experience with men and women the evil is constantly being swept under the rug. Because I go against the grain of this system dew to my independence and avoidance of sex, I'm covertly catching hell. The poorer a woman is the worst she is being treated. This system has been going on for a number of centuries. So the question is how can women fight this monster that keeps growing with each passing day ? At times I feel so hopeless. 🥺😥Peace and good health always 😊
@TruthingMMA 10 ай бұрын
Humans were Always Patriarchal If not, Proove me wrong
@badgalyaya2303 Жыл бұрын
This is amazing. I’ve had a similar struggle Thank u for making this!
@mse5739 2 жыл бұрын
I do not want anyone to turn atheist but at least just be brave enough to think LOGICALLY and think through certain things which are in the Bible. Firstly please note that it is only certain branches of Christianity which demands believing everything which was written even if things are totally in contradiction with each other in two separate parts im the Bible. There are more examples of these contradictions (if you just type 12 contradiction in the Bible here in youtube) and videos showing them are NOT conspiracy theories against anybody but simply show contradictory parts which one could easily check and see in the Book. No matter how many years one been taught to justify two contradictions and make them one it only seem very forced, totally backword - even - disabled thinking and proves how weird things would be said if one does not use his/her critical thinking!!! but is taught to say very stupid and illogical explanations. If something seems or hears weird and dishonest , it is. Believe in this first! So it is basically just a support for those wanting answers for everything from this book to raise awareness whats being taught and what the Bible is. You cannot think that everything is inerrant - that is simply not true it is a great misleading belief. If you saw the diferences with your own eyes (read in the B) you cannot think both versions are true, right? No.. you cannot. Therefore you do not have to worry about the roles of women or if they are inferior or have to be submissive - because it is a Great book BUT was written by old ancient and medieval guys.., copied with page or data changes.. it is great historically but is a collection of thoughts, historical events and memories of legendary stories (very very very old ones). Do not base your life upon 1000yrs words written by men, GIRLS! (Without using critical thinking! you are discoured to think logically and question “rules”, …well… that is a proof of it being created by men only.
@GirlChildLW 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much MS E, thank you so much for watching the video and for engaging in this thoughtful dialogue. As your comments point to, the Bible is such an ancient document and there are so many things in it that cannot or should not be interpreted in a literal way as applying to all time periods. And yes, we fully value the role of using one’s critical thinking skills and always always listening to one’s own inner knowing before just blindly believing something just because someone says “the Bible clearly says”. This video was created in partnership with an organization that works primarily with evangelical Christians around the world who place great value on the Bible as the authoritative Word of God so the intent of Rebecca’s Story is to show how damaging a patriarchal interpretation of the Bible is on so many levels as it treats females as second class citizens making them vulnerable to abuse and discrimination not only in the church but in so many aspects of society as the video shows. The main theme of the video is the importance of carefully interpretation of Scripture to get the deepest current of meaning. And yes let’s all use our critical thinking!
@elijahb2787 10 ай бұрын
I am sorry, but I do not think that this comment is very helpful. You said that you do not want to turn anyone atheist, but you definitely want them to abandon their faith in the Bible. You cannot expect a Christian to take their faith in Jesus seriously and also do as you say to stop believing that the Bible is God's word when Jesus himself (and the apostles he sent) said that the Bible is God's word. I do not think that your advice promotes critical thinking either. Sometimes things that seem like contradictions are not really, but only seem that way on a surface level reading. Your advice is "if it seems like it doesn't make sense on a first glance, then just throw it out," which is not good critical thinking. You are saying that if someone ever tries to explain why something is not really contradictory, then they are always forcing it and it's always stupid and illogical, which is a very extreme and absolute way of thinking. Your words also show that you do not understand or care about people of faith. In this video's story of someone like Rebecca, she found meaning in life because she believed that the story of Jesus is true. You cannot expect someone like that to throw away the story of their Creator who cares more for His children than His power simply because you tell them some passages don't add up. When reading any text, it is important to read everything in context. That means looking at the original language, the narrative context, the historical/cultural context, etc. When you do this, you will often find that there are factors you did not consider that clarify confusing issues. This does not mean that everything has a nice and neat explanation, but neither immediately accepting nor immediately rejecting are good critical thinking for anyone, regardless of whether they are a person of faith or not. Honestly, it does not seem likely that the authors of these biblical texts would be dumb enough to blatantly go against the previous writings that they believe are sacred. Therefore, looking for a deeper explanation is not irrational. I appreciate this video for showing that people of faith do not have to abandon their faith traditions in order to make positive change. By the way, looking at the historical context does not mean simply saying "these people lived a long time ago, so their ideas are not important." Also, you cannot say that the entire Bible is just the perspectives of ancient men. One great example of this is chapter 31 of Proverbs, which records the words of a king's mother where she teaches him about the best kind of woman, who is a business owner as well as wife and mother!
@mse5739 2 жыл бұрын
Be brave enough to say NO to certain parts of the Bible because as it was shown in the previous video yes, it was written in a hardcore patriarchal system many many decades ago when women had even much less rights than nowadays. I feel so sorry and sad for the women who desperately search for answers in the Bible for everything:(. It is only a book written by patriarchal men… look at the stories of the old testaments full of war, revenge, power and agression. You do not have to end believing God if that is important for you but please do have some common sense and be brave enough to reject parts from the big book. It is only a book with great stories with lots of good things Jesus did but it was written by simple, everyday, patriarcal men. Even if it is a requirement to believe EVERY word because they are said to be God’s words, just THINK it over who could have been those men writing it. If it had been a woman writing it it would have been based on mutual respect and mutual rights. Please consider also that in those times people had no knowledge on how nature works, how Earth has evolved, they thought God punished them with natural catastrophies based on their behaviour and rewarded them if they sacrificed things. You can believe in Jesus’s story at least he seems to be a nice person but it also perhaps changed how women are portrayed who followed him. Parts may have been left out just to justify Paul’s theory but in reality I do not think Jesus didnt consider women and men equal and didnt have very important women around him who he respected as much as his male disciples. If there is a God he surely didnt want women suffer as much as they do constantly and you should focus on that. Do not search answers for everything in the Bible because unlike other works or scientific inventions it has never been updated for centuries. Christian scholars would have needed to modify and adjust women’s role to current and more developed society. But they didnt. Because it fits and very comfortable for men. Even if it was at a certain time you can be sure those parts were omitted which proved that women are just as significant as men.
@shawnettab2982 2 жыл бұрын
Please more videos.
@night_owl_6380 3 жыл бұрын
This is me. Thank you for sharing my story.
@ayl5405 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful story, truth fact is that heavenly father YHWH use females and males for spiritual purposes the same way he used Ruth, And esther. many people say is old testament specially manmade churches now days, but the spiritual calling of the holy spirit of YHWH is for all those who repent, obey and serve around the world so we can all follow his son Yahoshua and be disciples and lambs. Our father YHWH sees the heart of man while man see the outside and things that might not have spiritual value at all. Beautiful story💓💖💖💖🤍
@CarolinaSanctos88 3 жыл бұрын
More vids pls!!!!
@khristelleanneallosada1609 3 жыл бұрын
I love this channel💕, I learned a lot😊