Warcraft 3, The long march | Ultra Wide
Warcraft 3, Landfall | Ultra Wide
@TwoTuuu 3 күн бұрын
not sure why you got 4 gases as raynor p1, then rebuilt the 4th gas even though you already had 1000s of gas that you couldnt use (the nat gas got destroyed by going nuclear)
@kage-rts 3 күн бұрын
I guess most likely, because of OCD :D I can't stand to see gases not saturared, same thing with 19 workers on minerals vs fully saturated. I just have to have 21 there. Also, when I play on brutal, I try to rush out all of the upgrades as soon as I can remember and as a result I tend to prioritize gases for early upgrade boost.
@EliteTS3 8 күн бұрын
@kage-rts 8 күн бұрын
Next level friendly fire
@phantomeye5199 8 күн бұрын
Now that was great team work. Well done!
@kage-rts 8 күн бұрын
Thanks mate, but I fill I was lagging behind a bit here. :)
@Jedrex899 9 күн бұрын
I like this mission - a good replayability value in that one since there are many ways to beat it: - Digging in near the first gold mine and just defending while you slowly but surely gather wood. - Clearing the entire map for the enemy Trees 3000 wood bounty. - Doing a 50/50 approach with clearing some enemy base(s) and unlocking Shredders. Also you can make Grom really strong here - with lvl6 he unlocks his ultimate that can shred groups of enemies and structures, and he can buy 5-6 Rings of Regeneration here from Goblin shop to make him VERY durable. Well-used he can basically solo like half of the map with those 2 things. Also since he is an agility hero (meaning he gets more armor on average) he stacks with regen items extremely well, cause enemies do much less damage WHILE he also regenerates HP like crazy.
@kage-rts 8 күн бұрын
All though, I still didn't know the map really well, the first run thaught me where the mines are, which in turn allowed me to I guess macro up a bit, until I was ready to stomp the map. This map indeed adds a lot of replayability, because you can try different approaces. As you said, getting that insane amount of wood is crazy. All though I'm not sure I could manage to get 5 trees down with the hero. I feel you need to know every element in the map to properly make a strategy of taking them down.
@Jedrex899 8 күн бұрын
@@kage-rts Making Grom very strong is also beneficial in another way - he progresses to the next mission.
@kage-rts 7 күн бұрын
Well good to know :D
@Jedrex899 9 күн бұрын
47:45 Ah yes, let's destroy a 110/80 tower to free a 75/0 worker - economics major right there.
@kage-rts 8 күн бұрын
200 IQ move, if I ever seen one lol
@Jedrex899 9 күн бұрын
26:50 Yeah.. that was DEFINITELY a mistake NOT to get Bladestorm - one of the best ultimate skills in the game.
@kage-rts 8 күн бұрын
I missclicked the hotkey, but I do get it eventually :D
@Jedrex899 16 күн бұрын
It's a nice and relaxing macro mission, as it should be for the first macro mission in the campaign (there will be exceptions to this in the future). As per usual - you struggled here due to poor decision making. The moment you saw 4 enemy bases the very first instinct should have been "I need like 20 towers before I leave the base". With some foresight you can also build all your towers at the crossroads in the middle of the map - that way those towers would intercept all incoming attack waves and you would have a forward position to strike from/retreat to when attacking the enemy. Another thing - you realise you had an ally here right? It's best to just join in with him to attack a base (once you have defenses in place and solid army ofc) rather than attack alone and have allied troops go to waste. With two heroes and two armies you can EASILY crush a base.
@kage-rts 16 күн бұрын
If I were to replay this I would try stealing allies gold mine. It only came to me after I played. I could try destroying some of his base to make room for mine. Hehe I should have indeed towered up, but I say they didnt have that many defences and I though, I could steamroll it. Oh boy i was wrong. So if I keep attacking him, he aggrose on me. Interesting. Could be a fun test. When I wanted ally to attack one base he went to another, so U kind of gave up on going with him. When we were attacking the last base, he was in front and I thought I can clear the back... Boy that was a mistake.
@Jedrex899 16 күн бұрын
@@kage-rts ally will attack bases at random, so YOU should follow him. Most bases have about the same level of defensive power so it really matters not which you destroy first, as long as you leave your base with enough towers and maybe 2-3 units just for enemy Mortar Teams. Otherwise Grom gets wasted and you take unnecessarily long to clear your own target base.
@kage-rts 15 күн бұрын
It could have, I should have, but I didn't lol. I am my own man. And I will take the most 8nefficent way to deal with stuff. :D
@Jedrex899 16 күн бұрын
47:35 I like the use of Carbot music here.
@kage-rts 16 күн бұрын
I though it might be out of place, but glad it worked out.
@Jedrex899 16 күн бұрын
Fun fact about this mission - you can "save Grom from himself" here. What I mean is that you can fully wall-in Grom in his base with structures, which will make him unable to go out and aggro Human bases. Another fun fact - if you keep friendly firing Grom and his base he turns against you and attacks you for the rest of the game heh.
@kage-rts 16 күн бұрын
Ally wasnt really attacked at all. They mostly came for me.
@Jedrex899 16 күн бұрын
@@kage-rts yeah but enemies only begin to attack you AFTER Grom attacked them. So by preventing him from suicide-attacking enemy bases you also save yourself the trouble of defending.
@kage-rts 15 күн бұрын
Hmm... Thats a great insight.
@Jedrex899 22 күн бұрын
Yeah this is one of the (VERY few) missions where exploration is a bad idea. Most of the items you can get from side-camps are really weak, not worth the damage/delay on the convoy. The only decent loot is from the Centaur Chieftain (Pendant of Energy), all others can easily be ignored. Best way to play this is to just fully-focus on pushing forward without clearing any side-camps (except maybe the late Chieftain one for the Pendant) and have Taurens handle the back side attacks. That way mission progresses MUCH faster since Kodos keep moving forward all the time and thus - less neverending enemy attacks to handle -> less damage taken.
@kage-rts 22 күн бұрын
How was I supposed to know. LOL It was my first playthrough of the map, it seemed weird for second mission to be this hard. :)
@Jedrex899 22 күн бұрын
@@kage-rts yeah no way to know beforehand obviously. One or two bad attempts when trying to kill everything and seeing poor rewards should be enough to make one realize "yeah not worth the trouble for a consumable or +1 item lol".
@kage-rts 22 күн бұрын
Thats not how we role... I made it, through hard sweat and tears i finished exploring everything. But at what cost...
@Jedrex899 22 күн бұрын
11:55 -> bodyblocks hurt Kodo from getting to the fountain. -> "Why is the Kodo not (healing)?". True sadist.
@kage-rts 22 күн бұрын
Its kodos failt. I was there first. :)
@davidahlstroem 22 күн бұрын
Every time he says "Let me" take a shot
@kage-rts 22 күн бұрын
LOL, do I really say it that much? Hehe
@Jedrex899 24 күн бұрын
Good choice witrh Wolves skill. This is probably the best skill Warlocks have. Having an ability to summon 2 (basically) free units that can tank AND do solid amount of damage is huge. At lvl5 they are also invisible until they attack, making them excellent scouts (and thus making Farsight almost useless by comparison lol). Also a note about Lightning Shield - that spell damages ALL units around the target, so it's a double-edged sword that is very powerful but needs to be used carefully. If you cast it on your melee frontline unit your other frontliners near it will take damage as well, not just the enemy. For that reason it can be cast on the enemies as well, e.g. if enemy has a big shooter line in the back you can cast on the one in the middle to damage all the others around it.
@kage-rts 24 күн бұрын
They were really useful in the next mission, where I basically took forever. :D Oh, got it. So I just have to be more wary of how and where I cast lightning shield. Not sure if this mission or next one I think I might have casted if on an enemy as well.
@Jedrex899 24 күн бұрын
25:03 The man barely survived the battle, just to be mercilessly CUT DOWN by his own brothers in arms... shame.
@kage-rts 24 күн бұрын
Friendly fire to the rescue LOL.
@Jedrex899 27 күн бұрын
GG for beating the second campaign! A number of things to address though: - You were getting attack and defense upgrades for Ghouls/Abominations instead of the ones for Crypt Fiends/Frost Wyrms, that is why Fiends were so weak. Read what the upgrade gives you before reserching it and judge if it's worth getting - money can be strict in this game so getting all upgrades is usually ill-advised. - Siege Engines are not so tanky cause of ~4 armor, but because of their armor type. Each unit and structure has an armor TYPE aside from armor VALUE, kind of like light/armored/mechanical units in SC2 or small/medium/big units in SC1. Siege Engines have Fortified armor which is structure-type armor and heavily reduces ALL other damage types except for Siege and Chaos. Most effective counter to them here would be Meat Wagons (Siege) or Chaos units you got from Kel'thuzad since they do Chaos damage. You can learn about armor/damage types by hovering over a given unit's armor/attack icons. - Towers are good, but you need to know how to build them properly to maximise their usefulness. When you randomly place towers like you did here they can: become susceptible to AoE attacks (like Blizzard spell from Archmage), not fire all at once by being too spread out, not give proper cover for a worker repairing them from behind or body block your army like you saw here. Optimal placement can make 10 towers work/survive much better than 20 randomly spread-out ones. - You know you can stack some consumable items of the same kind right? For example you can carry up to 5 potions/spells of the same type in one spot, e.g. 5 small healing potions, 5 mana scrolls etc. In case of Goblin mines you can carry 6 in a slot, so you could have just dropped 2 items, picked up 12 mines at once, placed them and came back for items in the first minute of the mission. Instead you chose to do 4 trips lol. Even if you didn't know about stacking you could have just dropped 4 items to quickly place the mines (you would also notice them stacking up in just 2 slots). - This mission gives you a good hint on scouting and anticipating enemy attack waves with Shades. You could have placed Shades in the strategic points on the map, which would warn you of an incoming attack from a given side. That would give you the time to move the army to the proper side and assist towers there before attack would arrive. You need to pay more attention to minimap though. - It is good that you noticed the upkeep and took that lesson to heart, but in my view you went a bit overboard in the other direction now. Having 2 gold mines = 20 gold income with -<=50 supply, 14 gold income with <=80 supply and 8 gold income with >80 supply. Sometimes it is better to get a bigger army after setting up basic turret lines than having to keep losing structures and units left and right due to weak supporting army. For example here you could have built ~10 towers per side and then got up to 80 supply of Frost Wyrms for a quick and strong reaction force. Income would still be decent and army would be very strong as well.
@kage-rts 27 күн бұрын
- The upgrades for ghoul I though they would gather faster wood. It says attack speed, so I though maybe it "attacks" the tree faster :D - Yeah, I don't really know the armor types in this game. Even if I would take the time to hover over every stats, I would most probably have to learn all of this stuff, when playing on a lower difficulty, so that I have time to take in all the information, that is provided there. - So how should the towers be placed if not in their near vicinity? Like skipping every second tower space? Around 3 squares between them, in a line? I haven't really though about strategic placement of towers, because I was oblivious to how much damage do AOE attacks do. Also workers seem to be snipped, not sure how you manage to add them cover :D - Key information unlocked. I've seen that items are stackable, some of them at least, but I haven't though about dropping multiple items to carry all at once, lol. I think i was afraid of losing the items, or idk... - Yeah, I was trying to view the mini map, but I guess I couldn't focus that much on it, because it felt like I was constantly getting attacked. - This requires, at least a couple of playthroughs to realize what is the best thing to do here. Experimentation is key is games you play for the first time. Or look it up, which I won't because I want to experience the full first time in this game :D
@Jedrex899 27 күн бұрын
@@kage-rts Ghoul attack speed DOES increase wood gathering rate, but I'm talking about damage and armor upgrades that you were getting in the Graveyard. Those do not affect their wood gathering AT ALL. As for the towers I already left a message with an example on how to do this. Long story short - it is best to place them in an impassable line, like 7 in the front side-to-side with extras behind them. Towers are supposed to also serve as a wall between attackers and your repairing workers - if there are no holes in the wall enemy melee attackers will focus on the towers instead of sniping the worker that they can easily reach. Ranged attackers also often focus on the towers when workers are further up. Also keep in mind to have enough space for your army to be able to provide support by coming from the side, full wall-in can be bad when enemy brings in siege weapons and/or a huge attack wave. Yeah the upkeep mechanic takes some getting used to. When you see that your small army keeps taking losses while your eco is fine it might be a good idea to get more army at the cost of economy. Big losses may cause that extra 3 gold per round to not matter/not make up the difference anyways.
@kage-rts 26 күн бұрын
Oh right, now I understand what you mean. I was getting melee upgrades, while I had ranged units. :D 200IQ move, if I may say so myself :D
@Jedrex899 27 күн бұрын
9:40 My good man, this is just second wave with only 4 units. Saying "this is more challenging than it appears to be" is a tad bit too early I'd say lol.
@kage-rts 27 күн бұрын
Oh, it just started indeed.
@Jedrex899 27 күн бұрын
4:55 Now that was a proper speedrun to lose the mission - died to the very first wave lol.
@kage-rts 27 күн бұрын
Well, you know me. I make the impossible possible :D
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Yeah you did take your sweet time here.. this is one of the easiest missions, at least in this campaign. This is also a Reforged mission. In my view they did a 10/10 job upgrading this mission. Originally there was no bonus objective to snipe the 9 wizards, map layout was much more plain and in general there weren't that many "wizardry" things going on, including Antonidas battle where it was just a bog-standard fight while here it feels like an actual boss. Reforged definitely delivered with this one.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Absolutely my type of mission. Where you can just lay back and relax, after do you thing. So thisission is a complete reforged mission? How come its so easy compared to some other mission?
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts yeah it is majorly changed compared to the original. I guessthe guys responsible for that one did not have the mentality of "hard = fun" lol.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
This definitely had more fun in it.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Watching while eating a boiled egg.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
LOL. Enjoy your egg mate :D
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts Thanks, now I'm eating dry sausage that is few days past the expiration date.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Hahah. Next stop, watching in bathroom...
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts No, next up is a chocolate-covered bagel.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Bringing out the best of the best, eh?
@googlemh Ай бұрын
Watching while eating polish sausage
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Enjoy the sausage LOL
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Aww you missed a really juicy item here. You always go back and keep checking the spawn points on the map but HERE where it actually held a secret you didn't. If you went back and scouted around the forests where you got your first Frost Wyrm with some air unit you would find a high level Troll behind the trees. If you killed it it would drop a Sobi Mask, which grants +50% mana regen for a hero - great item.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
The one time I don't go back Iiss something important... Pfff... Tipical of me. :)
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
1:04:27 Now that was a waste if I ever saw one... By the way you know you can set Ice Armor to auto cast right? Whenever an ability has yellow corners it means you can right click it for auto casting.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Yeah, it was just a little bit of wasteful. :D No i didnt know you can autocast that ability. Good to know...
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
This is one of my favorite missions in WC3. There are: - multiple enemy bases to destroy in any order that you want - a lot of decent loot to find around the map, with one as a secret behind trees (plus so many power-up tomes from enemy heroes). - FROST WYRMS, which are probably my favorite units in the game - power duo of heroes unlocked, Death Knight + Lich is super strong due to Death Coil + Frost Nova burst damage combo AND even in 1v1 it is a meta to go for those two heroes because of that. - we get to fight the Orks which is probably one of the rarer factions to fight in the entire game, more often we fight either Undead or Humans. There is little to no downside to this map in my view, just pure fun. The only semi-downside is that Red gets to build Red Dragons, which I'm super envious of cause we don't get to do that at any point in the campaigns sadly...
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
I could have probably spent a lot of time on this map. You coyld probably try different strategies for this map. I was a little bit worried that i would get attacked at the same from multiple points, but it wasn't the case. The frost wyrm seem so cool and tanky honestly. I was a bit surprised to see orcs because as you said i havent fought agaisnt them almost at all.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Heh I see you took to heart the lesson of towering up. Fun fact - this is one of the few Reforged missions. In the original the map was inverted (you started in top right while enemy main base was at the bottom) and enemy main city was much more plain in terms of defenses and how it looked. Also I think there was no Anasterian hero defending the city, they retrospectively expanded this mission based on WoW.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Hmm.. Interesting. So basically it was way easier, because less enemy units? I was a bit worried, because there wasn't any gold to mine and wasn't sure if i could take csre of every enemy on the map. Pe: yes, i'll be towering from now on. Lol
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts I would say - this version of the mission is harder. I don't recall running out of money so quickly when playing older version. Also enemy seems to attack more often, and they have a mage hero as well aside from Sylvanas. It's not as big of a difficulty spike with Reforged as it was with Culling, but I do think this version is harder.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Yeah, it wasnt honestly that hard. I havent played for 2 weeks either and was still somewhat fine. Money wise it was a bit a letdown that i only had 2 mines im whole.map
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
24:08 "Where is Arthas?" - meanwhile you had the prompt on the middle of the screen about his death for like 10 seconds now heh.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Exceptional awareness. Lol
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
GG, finally you were able to overcome the blockade. To be fair this mission is still on the easier side, there will be WAAY harder missions coming in the future, especially some of the defense missions can be really hard. At least good that you finally learned that static d is great and very useful at times. You did spread out your turrets a bit too wide though in my view. For example in the main base you could have easily defended with a solid wall of around 10-12 Ziggurats easily, with one dude left on repair duty (remember that you can auto-cast Repair just like in SC2). I like to build turrets in that formation: ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ▭ ▭ ▭ ▭ That way a worker can stay behind a solid line and be able to fix them from safety (at least from melee attackers and some dumb ranged ones).
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Honestly i felt this mission was way too hard, until i actually started using static defence. I havent really experimented with the layout of static d, i just wanted to be sure that i capture most of the stuff that c9me from any direction.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts let me guess - my comment was marked as spam cause of boxes so you only now can see it?
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Lol, yes. It was under review
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
7:59 You had the EXACT same hint in previous mission man.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
I didn't see it previously. Lol
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
1:16:38 I can hear all the facepalms that viewers of this video did when you switched out Pendant of Energy for a Spider Ring lol.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
I actually remembered next video that i forgot to take back one artifact. Oops... :D
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
42:06 No wonder you ragequit next mission after I saw this... you keep setting up 2-3 Towers in an exposed area without any protection. Then you expect them to solo def big enemy attack waves when previously they kept dying and dying in that number/without any support. The whole point of setting up a defensive line is for it to ACTUALLY defend, not just scratch the enemy and buy some time for the whole army to go back, just so you can arrive to half-destroyed base so you can waste money rebuilding it. Towers are pretty strong in this game, but not strong enough to hold entire enemy attack waves with like 2-3 of them. In most cases you need like 6-7+ with repairing worker(s) waiting behind in order for them to survive. Also good to have some units waiting in the base in case enemy brings in siege weapons that can outrange and quickly destroy static d.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Yeah, next video i actually learned the power of static defense. And i do yave to say. its amazing.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts I remember how you were on Discord like: "That's just BS.. how do I stop this? I set up SOME static d" - in this game "some" can buy you some time at best. Once you have critical mass though - worth every gold piece.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Well, I did learn from you guys that static d is king in this game. I did have some lile 2 or 3 :D
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
19:20 As you can see there are rocks blocking the way for your army, so it is not the intended path. Only small units like Ghouls and Necros barely managed to go through.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Yeah i found the 8ntended path a bit later. Hehe
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
The item you missed was some pretty underwhelming one - I think it gave like slightly increased vision range or something like that. Now what you DID miss was Sasquatch Society - it was hidden in the top left fogged area, all you had to do to reach it was to cut down the trees next to the bandit camp at 14:30 with Meat Wagons.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
I recorded the first 2 at once. Still didnt know about the tree destruction. Hopefully i wont miss a lot from here on lol
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts But you did know it here already - very obvious at 2:03
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Lol, i didn't see them being able to clear trees. I tunnel visioned on the meat wagons.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Watching this intro made me realize how many similarities there are plot-wise between Starcraft 1/2 and Warcraft 3. Basically: - Arthas = Kerrigan - Lich King = Overmind - Tichondrius = Narud/Duran - The Burning Legion/Archimonde (you will see him later) = Amon I'm thinking who could be Mengsk, there is one moderate candidate but for that we will have to wait for The Frozen Throne heh.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Lol, I would have never made the connection between these guys. But then again, I'm only at the start of this campaign as well. The overall lore is unknown to me.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
Initially I really disliked this mission when I played it, but it grew on me over time. It's nice that you have to actually play carefully for once, instead of a-moving your way through the map like on most no-build missions. Also you missed some juicy secrets. If you manage to destroy the barracks visible at 12:00 it drops Ring of Protection +1. Now here is a trickier one. There is a big covered in fog area between Arthas and Tichondrius (very noticeable at 30:48 on the minimap). There are some rock golems there, where one of them has Gauntlets of Giant Strength (+3 strength, BIG buff for Arthas). To get there you have to cut down some trees with Ghouls, starting to the left side of that foggy area (starting point can be seen around 25:19 iirc). But you have to ATTACK the trees, not right click them. Right click makes them gather wood and eventually be full, attack allows them to cut them down no matter how much wood they are carrying.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
Oh, I though they just gather wood, not destroy them. So sad I missed those artifacts...
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
13:36 Same here to be honest. Here is a mini-spoiler - Dreadlord hero, with all of his unchanged abilities is the ONLY faction hero you will not get to play in the campaigns. All faction heroes you get to play at least for a while in the campaigns, Dreadlords - nope. Kind of a shame, they look cool and have some interesting abilities, including a REALLY OP lvl6 ability.
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
That just makes me sad. I was really hoping to play dreadlords...
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts well there will be one Dreadlord you will be able to use for few missions but he has a weird mix of Dreadlord and Pit Lord abilities, so I'm not counting him.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
@@kage-rts also that gives you the reason to try out skirmish
@kage-rts Ай бұрын
U dont know what a pit lord it lol. Im guessing further doesn the line i will find out.
@Jedrex899 Ай бұрын
6:40 Excellent work marine!
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
26min Lock...
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Nuff said :)
@bulanet271 2 ай бұрын
I see the ending cutscene is still bugged, it has game music playing over it
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Well since its my first time playing, and on reforged, i didnt even notice.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
GG, first campaign over. I do have to say though - you had it pretty easy here for some reason. Normally Green attacks you waay more often, here for you it stopped attacking for like 15mins after you got the Frostmourne. Still, nice that you handled it pretty easily.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
I thought it was a bit too easy. I was expecting relentless attacks nonstop. But i could simply just overwhelm green, by gett8ng all gold mines, which was nice all over
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
4:38 Did you intentionally destroy that artifact?
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Are you telling me i destroyed it and didnt collect it? kagertSus
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
@@kage-rts yes. When you target-fire an item it gets destroyed - permanently.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Man, i though i right clicked it... Sad face
@bulanet271 2 ай бұрын
The ultimate didn't resurrect all because the nerubian queen summoned skeletons from your footmen bodies is my guess, and the Captain died after using it
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
They stole my corpses. Lol
@bulanet271 2 ай бұрын
Mall'ganis got stuck at 69 citizens. Don't know if it's a bug, or intended to let the player win (some missions have a bit of anti-losing mechanics)
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Noooice. ;) So because my base was getting pummeled malganis was not stuck? Interesting.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
16:15 You got saved by a patch/Reforged. In the original you couldn't target the ships with Storm Bolt so you had to use ranged units.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Omg, thats a life saver. I'll have to keep that in mind when i will play classic.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
11:48 The "intended" way to do this would be to buy 1-2 of those Amulets of Recall for Arthas, have him run through the death valley alone with immortality and then recall all the units to him with the amulets. Also Divine Shield makes him literally immortal and untargetable, so at 12:09 when you wanted Arthas to "tank some damage for the army" you were doing the complete opposite. That is why this ability is usually taken last, since heroes are good FOR tanking damage, not avoiding it and having the army tank for them. Still useful to avoid death at times, but in big battles it is less than useful.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Oh... I completely missed thst part. Since i couldnt carry anything with me i was lile, just screw it lol. Also i didnt know while the shield is un arthas is actually untargetable. I'll have too adjust my strats according to that, then
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
Yeah this mission is pretty chill. The only semi-difficulty is that you can lose a lot of stuff early on when the enemy attacks you with like 12 Gargoyles while you have not that much AA.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I kind of noticed :D I wasn't prepared for full on air attack.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
No ESOs AND using Shadow nukes... <sobs> I'm so proud of you boy! In all seriousness pretty good 1st attempt. The things that I would change though: - delay War Factory and Starport until MUCH later, focus on getting at least one Shadow ASAP. - keep building extra Nuke silos right after getting 1st Shadow - they are your main damage source. - do NOT get Witnesses - they cost a lot gas that you need for more Shadows/Nukes. - do NOT get infantry upgrades at ebays (except drop pod one) - Shadows do not benefit for those and your troopers are basically a mineral dump to tank for Shadows. - once you have an expo, couple of Shadows and like 10 silos you can get Starport and few medivacs for heals, but that's pretty much it - rest of the gas should go into silos.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
If you worry about lack of detection - Shadows can do the job decently well as long as it's not We Move Unseen. Just EMP enemy waves and cloaked units will be revealed + nukes don't care about enemy cloak.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Yeah i wasnt sure what I should be building, which in tern delayed the shadows quite a bit. All around good pointer, I'll definitely try this out more.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
I knew about the emp being used to reveal clocked, but I completely forgot about it.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
5:40 Ally gets attacked - 0 reaction from you. He was HANDLING THE ENTIRE EARLY GAME FOR YOU! Shame.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
I had a bunker with one flamedude inside. I was confident i didnt need to worry lol
@komatobeast9122 2 ай бұрын
Just like in the campaign...
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Hehe, i had a lot of faith in that one flamedude
@Judhes 2 ай бұрын
so ezzzzzzzzzzzz
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
You make it look ez, mate. ^_^
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
Fun fact - this is one of the few "reforged" missions, as in - they changed the map/layout/enemy behavior of it compared to the original. In the original this mission is MUCH easier - enemy barely ever attacks you and with small forces, your base is at the top right of the map and there are no enemy waves teleporting behind your base. With that version you can really internalize murdering civillians. This version on the other hand devs/designers went like "Screw it, let's make it a multitasking hell for the player by throwing strong attacks all the time at him". I'm not even sure if Mal'Ganis had his ult in this mission in the original (Summon Infernal - that big green flamey monster that does a ton of damage and can take a ton of damage as well). Still - you were able to beat it in just few reloads on highest difficulty, respect. Next few missions shouldn't be too hard for you then, they were not buffed like this one was.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Since I didn't play the classic I can't compare it to anything, but man oh man, this mission felt like you said, multitasking hell. The fact that if you don't destroy civilians while transforming they get stronger, while also making sure your defenses are on par with regulations as well lol. Previous mission amd this mission as well, honestly felt brutal-ish, mostly because of the frequent attack waves, lack of gold, no forces almost all game, and on top of that you have too manually queue up destruction upon civilians.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
39:35 .. I'm not sure this is a good idea to try and 1v1 him now Arthas. I'm pretty sure that Dreadlord can just summon an Infernal right on top of you and commence annihilation. Meanwhile you ult is only useful when you are in a (dead) group. Though Holy Light is a nice damage spell vs Undead, and you have Divine Shield for like half the time. Hard to say who would come out on tp but my money is on Mal'Ganis with Infernal.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
Now I wonder if i'll play malganis as well or not... You make it sound like it's gonna come in the forseable future
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
@@kage-rts Answering that question would be a spoiler so I'm not gonna say anything heh.
@Jedrex899 2 ай бұрын
19:42 Yes, yes you did.
@kage-rts 2 ай бұрын
So sad now...