@jaymills1720 3 күн бұрын
Banks are limited by their capital - they need to have enough capital or reserves to settle interbank payments each day otherwise they need to borrow reserves from other banks or the CB. They’re also limited in how much they create based on how many credit worthy borrowers come in. They don’t just create money out of nothing as that nothing or deposit is connected to a loan, expected reserve balances, and fulfillment of capital requirement. Money multiplier isn’t real post-gold either.
@TheNjordy 7 күн бұрын
Wtf are you talking about?!!!
@vvwalker7261 7 күн бұрын
Sorry, who is asking to be taxed higher? A wealth tax has been tried and rolled back dozens of times. Why are you pushing failed ideas?
@vvwalker7261 9 күн бұрын
There are a lot of commentators in the media with this message, which is commonsense. Why doesn't the BoE acknowledge it, they look out of touch
@rickjensen2717 Ай бұрын
Inflation is caused almost entirely by governments creating new money, and, together with interest rate policy, are a stealth tax.
@rickjensen2717 Ай бұрын
Richard Werner has similar views.
@kdmarrison8845 Ай бұрын
illuminating talk by former FT economist + illuminating comments
@kdmarrison8845 Ай бұрын
Illuminating talk & interesting comment section
@gauravgoswami3965 Ай бұрын
@jamesmacdonald1116 Ай бұрын
Do you have a private pension? A savings account? Well you are benefitting as well. Once again a tax on working people.
@Monkey80llx Ай бұрын
Anyone who doesn’t understand that the city is just a rich boys club of banks, politicians and big corp’s, looking after each other and colluding on big decisions is delusional. And there’s nothing we can do about it!
@artbejarano2704 Ай бұрын
Of course they do! 🤦‍♂️
@le563 Ай бұрын
But why would the rich put taxes in place on banks (the rich, aka themselves). They'd rather the people struggling to afford rent and bills pick up their tab
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
but cash goes from one person to another; people aren't swapping debit cards!
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
two year old vid? 🤣🤣
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
the person who administers this channel is an idle slouch
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
banks make money off payments on treasuries they hold, not on CB reserves. Reserves don't yield interest but they are in the Tier 1 bracket of collateral, and hence very important
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
This journalist from LBC. Blame anyone but see the reality. LBC,,,, THE POOR ARE TO BLAME…Nick,,,WOW
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
so many thick people think BoE is "independent" from Govt, when it was nationalised in 1947, i.e. it is govt
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
crap audio
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@stephenmason5682 Ай бұрын
It's the buddy Governments who are behind all this !
@BOZ_11 Ай бұрын
flooding's got nothing to do with petrol and diesel usage. Local industrial pollution is a problem
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
Thank you 🤩
@fburton8 Ай бұрын
Whose pocket is _he_ in then?
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@Downey32 Ай бұрын
Hit 200k today. I'm really grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k in June 2023
@Downey32 Ай бұрын
Yeah, since meeting expert Brisa, I now agree that with an expert managing your portfolio, the rate of profit high, with less risk.❤❤
@Sarahmaxwell336 Ай бұрын
After i raised upto 125k trading with her, I bought a new house here in the states also paid for my son's surgery (Kelvin) glory to God.
@LewisShaw40 Ай бұрын
I'm surprised that this name is being mentioned here, I stumbled upon one of her clients testimony on CNBC news last week.
@OliverKhan-o7 Ай бұрын
I've followed many traders over the years,but none have been as consistently accurate as Brisa.
@Chrisholding-wq3ho Ай бұрын
Alright thanks for the recommendation but how do I reach out to her?
@stmartin17773 Ай бұрын
What on earth? For sane conversation see James Delingpole with Sean Corrigan (Investment analyst based in Switzerland) at 14min he lays the 'catastrophic anthropogenic global warming' agenda bare. It's hard to believe this channel ostensibly for a just political economy would be so obviously indoctrinated. It must make one suspicious that their false for their bread. England is a nation of spies necessarily - small country few natural resources, must needs be mind-warpers to compete. h/t Alex Thomson 'Grand Jury' testimony to Corona Investigative Committee 'Historical Background' Alex Thomson from UKColumn is ex GCHQ number 2 for Eastern Europe Desk. P.s. I notice you get access to mockingbird media quite regularly this is no accident and suspicious on its face. Labouring as controlled opposition is degrading. Can safely unfollow.
@alexcoghlan1940 Ай бұрын
Pure nonsense
@stmartin17773 Ай бұрын
This is crazy. 'Dirty Energy'? do you mean the bogey-man, actual plant food, carbon dioxide? you have adopted the phrasing of the very bankers you rail against. Off course 'climatechangeglowballwarmingcarbonpollutioncleanenergysustainable' is central pillar of their NWO AgendaXXXX because it generates artificial scarcity and furthers the class war the 0.001% are ever prosecuting (see Aristotle 'The Politics' on the middle class). It would cost a small amount comparatively to supply fairly priced energy to all UK households but to the fanatical and criminal global finance rentiers it would be giving succour to the enemy. (see zippycatholic 'Hate Letters from Coastal Elites') Glowball warming is a 'safe and effective' means of concentrating power and wealth. Of course City of London invests in traditional energy in China et al it is a low environmental and labour regulation jurisdiction and the inhuman social credit system of the machine can be tested and exported to Anglo-Euro nations for surveillance and secret policing, where there remains groups plausibly able to bring them to justice. For full technical audit of all the outrageous claims made by rulers re: climate change see wattsupwiththat. Or KZbin 'Whitney Webb and Iain Davis: Sustainable Debt Slavery' and/or James Corbett.
@Rhowhat Ай бұрын
I think it's pretty wildly accepted that wages are not a major contributing factor of inflation recently. Corporate profit and share buybacks have ballooned recently. Nick knows this but doesn't fit with his simplistic right wing 😊brand.
@TallerMan.1520 Ай бұрын
On Thursday 20th November 2014, for the first time in 170 years, UK parliament has debated the creation of money. Few people know that 97% of our money supply is created not by the government (or the central bank), but by commercial banks in the form of loans. As the results of our recent poll show, most MPs lack a sufficient understanding of money creation. A worrying number of our MPs do not understand where money comes from. This leaves them ill-equipped to predict another financial crisis, deal with rising debt, housing bubbles or understand a fundamental driver of inequality. #PositiveMoney. Thursday 20th November 2014, Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliament. Send the video to your MP in an official email at the least creating a record for future reference as only 21 were in attendance out of 650. 'Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliamentkzbin.info/www/bejne/e3O2nYaLfrlgga8 #PositiveMoney.
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@SlayerEddyTV Ай бұрын
Important video, but wow the sound quality was terrible. I wasn't able to watch more than a quarter of it.
@PositiveMoneyUK Ай бұрын
I'm sorry about the sound quality @SlayerEddyTV, we'll aim to do better at future events, however hopefully the subtitles still help to make the discussion accessible.
@freemanjackmsiradio 2 ай бұрын
So, it's not mass migration outpacing additional housing stock? The ability for non-nationals owning uk property for profit or wealth storage? The fact the chair uses the word 'intersection' in her opening just about says it all!!
@stmartin17773 2 ай бұрын
'Climate Crisis' you mean manufactured crisis pillar of Agenda by banks for more control. Astounding you would fall for the scam. wattsupwiththat has compiled years of audits of the 'safe and effective' claims from putative saviours-of-the-world. Dear oh dear.
@stayhappylittlemermaid 2 ай бұрын
Really good video 😊😊
@Dr.acai.jr. 2 ай бұрын
Noted for being as attended as when wages were to be debated. What are humans voting for? Francis Urqwarts from house of cards only and always strongly and stably, prudentially and naturally responsibly blended economically with Ayn Rand's pinup William Hickman (aka Albert fish's fam) and Steven Kng's Nredful Thingfuls natural commons coordinator Lrylard Fluid-fyord Gaunt? Is there any way to designate really existing hell and heaven completed and encourage the managers of it into holes very quickly,?
@ReimuandCirno 2 ай бұрын
This explanation leaves out one very important detail: interest. A borrow doesn't just need to repay the money that was created when the loan was issued (the principal), but also interest. This means more money is owed than was created.
@ennesshay5040 2 ай бұрын
THIS govt [ and pretty much ALL govts ] are PRIVATISATION freaks ! They WON'T give back the power / Nationalise !!! They won't bite the Private hands that......
@Phil_D_Waller 2 ай бұрын
i dont think this 3% stacks up with regards to endogenous money, some of that 97% would have come from Govt deficit spending increasing reserves and then bank deposits. so i think a lot of that money/currency was govt created too
@johnliverpool3779 2 ай бұрын
If the Bank is owned by the Government - Why can we simply not issue Sovereign Money and right of depts and lends business interest free money - Because the Bank is owned by a Private Banking Cartell - the Central Bank System
@MagninJonathan 2 ай бұрын
I feel governments are as much of a risk of collapsing as the banks at the moment...
@TallerMan.1520 2 ай бұрын
On Thursday 20th November 2014, for the first time in 170 years, UK parliament has debated the creation of money. Few people know that 97% of our money supply is created not by the government (or the central bank), but by commercial banks in the form of loans. As the results of our recent #poll show, most MPs lack a sufficient understanding of money creation. A worrying number of our MPs do not understand where money comes from. This leaves them ill-equipped to predict another financial crisis, deal with rising debt, housing bubbles or understand a fundamental driver of inequality. #PositiveMoney. Thursday 20th November 2014, Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliament. Send the video to your MP in an official email at the least creating a record for future reference as only 21 were in attendance out of 650. 'Money Creation & Society' Debate in UK Parliament kzbin.info/www/bejne/e3O2nYaLfrlgga8 #PositiveMoney.
@BOZ_11 2 ай бұрын
This is a daft video. Seigniorage was necessary income for the Govty before the digitisation of money. Nowadays, the Govt create digital deposits (treasury > BoE > High St. bank) on demand (at will). There is no impediment to fiscal spending other than inflation/manpower/resources.
@MeiinUK 2 ай бұрын
But the Treasury needs to get money from somewhere though. Cos.... previously, it was a case of: Central Government Money (from taxes/Treasury) > Central Government > Local Government etc etc etc. So people had an actual direct control. And mean.. to their lives. "I go to work. I pay to work. I pay taxes. I live. " Now ? You cannot find who is giving you the money, the purpose of life is gone ? You don't even know who to ask for help. And what should happen. So if there are no jobs, then why have an education? Why have the loans? There is no need for anybody to get these student loans. There are no need to pay taxes. If things are free. So it effectively brings down everything, doesn't it ? Cos there is no need for parliament. Or anything else. The amount of .. money, which is merely being held here... and the system that is being created.. isn't actually benefitting the rest of us, cos the entire population is still being screened out of the financial sectors as well. So it means that they don't get to do those jobs. And there is an ultra super divide as well ? But if UK government does switch over.. it also means the collpase of the UK or Britain as we know it too... Cos it will mean that the UN and those so called World Banks.... and decoupling also, from the rest of the world.. and UK is merely similar to an actual province of China...... !!!!
@BOZ_11 2 ай бұрын
@@MeiinUK I have to confess I won't read that wall of text because it's a rationale built upon sand: "But the Treasury needs to get money from somewhere". Money is created out of thin air. The amount that a money bill requires for it to be commissioned is written on the bill itself and acts as an instruction to the treasury to create this new money. Spending before taxation; spending before taxation. Make it your mantra.