Ай бұрын
Mario Gomez - Part 3
3 ай бұрын
Detroit Fireboat
Жыл бұрын
Mrs. Delana Davis and the DFD
Rubofest 2022
2 жыл бұрын
Chief Wickman's busiest day
2 жыл бұрын
Daron and Engine 29
2 жыл бұрын
Mondo Kane - 2021 Motown Covers
Mondo Kane - Happy Holidays 2021
Steve Kirschner Interview
2 жыл бұрын
Kirschner on Walter and Engine 23
Positive of the day- DFD
3 жыл бұрын
SW Detroit house fire
3 жыл бұрын
The legend of the silent panther
This is how it looked on arrival.
Retirement of Joe Orzech
3 жыл бұрын
@majorking8014 15 күн бұрын
My man Sudsy
@Brainhorn Ай бұрын
@enoffz8021 Ай бұрын
Nice work, thanks for putting this together!
@constanceyork Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Meronpan420xd Ай бұрын
Heheh its "oye como va"
@constanceyork Ай бұрын
Auto-correct made that change. I fixed it. thanks
@benjistonehenji9202 2 ай бұрын
copy and pasted my comment from your other video of this fire to give more info. in this video you can actually see the home owners car when they pan the camera to the right down the block. the car sitting at the corner with its headlights on is her. she was at a friends house and no one else was in the house. still gives me chills to see my house in the background just past her car and to think what couldve happened to our block had they not gotten there so fast to put it out. (start of comment from your other video) omfg....... 4 years later and im just now stumbling across a video of the house fire that i called in...... i live on this block like 7 houses down. i was on my way home from work and seen what looked like an out of control chimney billowing smoke. it was a bit chilly out but seemed way to much smoke so i decided to drive past my house and check out what was happening. to my surprise none of the neighbors had noticed the fire as there wasnt even a glow from the fire yet and it was already dark out so you couldnt really tell unless you happened to being driving by like i was. luckily the lady that lived there was not home at the time. she was at a friends house but at the time i didnt know and i got so scared for anyone or any pets that were maybe trapped inside. i raced to get my phone from the car and called 911 all while trying to make split second decision to try and get the front door open to yell inside for anyone. within 30 seconds 2 engines arrived while i was still otp with dispatch. within that 30 seconds the fire blew something up in the house and immediately went up in a blaze only to get bigger once windows were broken and airflow got to the fire. if it wasnt for the lady i spoke to otp urging me not to go near it and to wait for the FD i may not even be here today. the moment when the guy breaks the window open and flames shoot out is something that replays in my head all the time. that couldve happened to me if i opened the door. i promise you all there was nothing more they couldve done to save the house. the lady was a hoarder and they could barely get into the house due to the amount of debris and clutter. it was so bad upstairs that the second floor had either fully or partially caved in blocking access to even more of the house. i know it may seem like they arent doing much but in reality they did what they could and because of it they saved both houses on either side. it was a long and scary night until they made contact with the owner and she came over. i personally sat and talked with her and without getting too into her personal life - she was not doing well. life had been tough on her and she had lost people very close to her shortly before. i was heartbroken for her along with our other neighbors. where we live is a very peaceful and quiet city. people respect each other here and this really affected us all in our own ways. please please please dont leave rude comments or act nasty towards these heros. lets all just be thankful for heros that risk their lives everyday to keep us safe and that the home owner was not trapped inside. this day really sat with me for a long long time and its like a whirlwind of emotions knowing that this video exists. editing to add bc i forgot to mention - another key piece of why they werent able to get water on the fire faster was bc of mutliple hydrants on that block and blocks over were froze or seized up and not supplying enough pressure to pump. they fought to get them working but there was nothing they could do at that moment. they ended up bringing in more engines to stretch hoses all the way 4-5 blocks over to the main road to pump water in. it was a very unfortunate series of events but in the end everyone was safe and no other houses were damaged. the house was tore down shortly after and the lot is now a grass field. to my knowledge the property has been bought and there is plans to build there soonish... i think. been a little while since ive heard updates on it.
@benjistonehenji9202 2 ай бұрын
omfg....... 4 years later and im just now stumbling across a video of the house fire that i called in...... i live on this block like 7 houses down. i was on my way home from work and seen what looked like an out of control chimney billowing smoke. it was a bit chilly out but seemed way to much smoke so i decided to drive past my house and check out what was happening. to my surprise none of the neighbors had noticed the fire as there wasnt even a glow from the fire yet and it was already dark out so you couldnt really tell unless you happened to being driving by like i was. luckily the lady that lived there was not home at the time. she was at a friends house but at the time i didnt know and i got so scared for anyone or any pets that were maybe trapped inside. i raced to get my phone from the car and called 911 all while trying to make split second decision to try and get the front door open to yell inside for anyone. within 30 seconds 2 engines arrived while i was still otp with dispatch. within that 30 seconds the fire blew something up in the house and immediately went up in a blaze only to get bigger once windows were broken and airflow got to the fire. if it wasnt for the lady i spoke to otp urging me not to go near it and to wait for the FD i may not even be here today. the moment when the guy breaks the window open and flames shoot out is something that replays in my head all the time. that couldve happened to me if i opened the door. i promise you all there was nothing more they couldve done to save the house. the lady was a hoarder and they could barely get into the house due to the amount of debris and clutter. it was so bad upstairs that the second floor had either fully or partially caved in blocking access to even more of the house. i know it may seem like they arent doing much but in reality they did what they could and because of it they saved both houses on either side. it was a long and scary night until they made contact with the owner and she came over. i personally sat and talked with her and without getting too into her personal life - she was not doing well. life had been tough on her and she had lost people very close to her shortly before. i was heartbroken for her along with our other neighbors. where we live is a very peaceful and quiet city. people respect each other here and this really affected us all in our own ways. please please please dont leave rude comments or act nasty towards these heros. lets all just be thankful for heros that risk their lives everyday to keep us safe and that the home owner was not trapped inside. this day really sat with me for a long long time and its like a whirlwind of emotions knowing that this video exists. editing to add bc i forgot to mention - another key piece of why they werent able to get water on the fire faster was bc of mutliple hydrants on that block and blocks over were froze or seized up and not supplying enough pressure to pump. they fought to get them working but there was nothing they could do at that moment. they ended up bringing in more engines to stretch hoses all the way 4-5 blocks over to the main road to pump water in. it was a very unfortunate series of events but in the end everyone was safe and no other houses were damaged. the house was tore down shortly after and the lot is now a grass field. to my knowledge the property has been bought and there is plans to build there soonish... i think. been a little while since ive heard updates on it. also i noticed there is a second video of this fire on this channel that i copied this comment to and added a little more info incase someone sees only that video and not this one.
@bobnice3044 2 ай бұрын
Those work practices in the US fire services would never be allowed in European countries there is a reason why America has one hundred plus dead firemen every year and if you watch this you can see why ie walking on roofs with fire beneath bravado and stupidity nothing more.
@constanceyork 2 ай бұрын
They go onto the roof to vent the building for the firefighters inside. It takes the heat off of them and releases smoke so they can see what they're doing. Detroit was fighting thousands of fires a year for decades- yet since 1987- only lost one firefighter at scene and that was a roof collapse on a previously burned home AFTER the fire was mostly out.
@Truck_Company_84 Ай бұрын
Um, only a hand full of LODDs were because someone fell through a roof. A handful is exaggerated, more than a handful have died that way, but most LODDs are either medical, or sudden and catastrophic equipment failures. Also, rapid deterioration of conditions i.e extreme fire phenomena. I know Russia has vertical ventilation as well. As the other commenter mentioned, vertical ventilation allows for the hot fire gases and steam to rise and escape, thus making conditions more tenable for the engine crew, search party and the victim. Now that’s a very basic overview, but any ventilation without water application is a recipe for disaster. Oh one more note, vertical ventilation is a lot safer than you think. If you pay attention and stay aware by “sounding the roof”, you can find spongy spots, which indicates wakened materials below. Now before you make claims, do research. Take a look at those LODDs. Cheers mate, I hope all is well with you and your family. God bless, and take care!
@pfrstreetgang7511 3 ай бұрын
The problem is politicians are making money off the situation. Corrupt city personnel are making alot of money off it.
@user-hx7tp3pg8v 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story, for being vulnerable, for being that better version of you. Love ya friend.
@frenchloveboutique5853 4 ай бұрын
I agree, the news made it worse, butthe burned down houses have always been around and part of the reason I hated going to certain areas of Detroit at night, its one of the scariest places on Earth. I still Love Detroit ❤.
@EgaoKage 5 ай бұрын
The first Devil's Night arson-spree was conceived of by those who stood to profit by an escalation in "white-flight". These were mostly the same financial interests which instigated and further exacerbated the Detroit riots decades earlier, from behind the scenes; either through direct funding or via their financial influence over the media that was covering the riots. The riots simply didn't produce the volume of "white-flight" these institutions were hoping for; thus Devil's Night was implemented. And it worked. It worked so well that it became a nearly decade-long tradition. A tradition which continues on, even though the decade-long funding by clandestine financial interests presumably ceased. Of course this can't be proven. But I've personally talked to those who acted as go-betweens (as well as other roles) in either or both instances. They had nothing to gain by lying to me about it. In fact, they had everything to lose, if the wrong people found out that they'd talked. A few even named-names. I think that, in their elderly years, they were just grateful to find someone who was willing to listen. Maybe it just eased their conscience a little to talk about it; knowing the knowledge would not die with them.
@kylewick46 6 ай бұрын
You can NEVER convince me that this is a faster way of putting water on a fire.
@constanceyork 6 ай бұрын
Well if you don't know how to do it properly I guess it wouldn't be.
@Kilrinstinct1 6 ай бұрын
I came to read the arm chair quarterbacks comments…
@robertbrooks7001 6 ай бұрын
And gee, wheres the axe? Wheres the Air Bottles? Everything is down the street at the hydrant! A reverses lay has its p k ace, but several drawbacks!
@edhuyck952 6 ай бұрын
Their on the truck Bob.
@constanceyork 6 ай бұрын
The FF WEAR their bottles on the engine. They are on their backs that's where they are. Ax is in their hand- along with pipe pole. Truck in front has equipment also- so does the other engine and the squad. Detroit Firefighters arrive ready to work- they don't arrive on a scene and get dressed there.
@TomManning-cs4el 9 ай бұрын
There's should be no chiefs of other officer if a group of firefighter cant put out a fire
@MikePScott624 11 ай бұрын
They look haunted
@amandahudson431 Жыл бұрын
Even a few at a time. It has to start somewhere. One step at a time even.
@constanceyork 2 ай бұрын
I'm sure they are referring to tearing down the vacants. Which has been a focus since Mayor Duggan took office.
@purplezen4261 Жыл бұрын
THE ECONOMIC NINJA sent me here...he is also a fireman.
@s1rm0rr1lswdsx3 Жыл бұрын
Somebody bought this and it seems like theyre living in it
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
Yes they are the ones who let me shoot there. They were making it a home/office. SWEET. The place is huge.
@garydoucette5013 Жыл бұрын
As retired fire Captain from a small town fire department in the northeast. The promotional system changed a couple of times and the worst system was by majority vote! Terrible system just looking to injure firefighters or worse!! Most if not all of the best mentors in my career had years of experience.
@jashfire Жыл бұрын
@Shield.148 Жыл бұрын
I worked in a major city EMS, as well as being a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for 40 + years. My son has told me, that after I left the city job, there were nights where I could be heard screaming in my sleep. It is good to talk with people who have similar experiences.
@Shield.148 Жыл бұрын
Detroit needs to have a Homesteading program, like they did in the wild west. Sell land for one dollar, as long as the buyer improves the land, and stays there for 5 years. Then, the DFD needs to have a "Mutual Aid" program, to have volunteer Fire Companies come in and cover stations, in Detroit, from the outer suburbs, to get training and experience. Then, they should also ask for donations, of gear and rigs, from all over the US.
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
The new mayor has actually made a lot of changes and things are looking much better than when I did this. They have hired many firefighters- they had to as many were forced to leave after bankruptcy. They have bought many new rigs. They have torn down a lot of vacant buildings, rehabbed some, and the mayor has come up with many ideas that are unconventional. In Detroit- the people who stayed have seen property values rise. Arson has dropped, but crime is still pretty bad.
@MichaelLovely-mr6oh 3 ай бұрын
​@@constanceyorkMike Dugan seemed like he was a far more competent mayor for Detroit when compared to Coleman Young (may he burn in Hell) or Kwame Kilpatrick.
@MichaelLovely-mr6oh 3 ай бұрын
​@@constanceyorkConstance I am glad you have made two documentaries on the struggles and strife of the Detroit Fire Department. Mike Dugan seemed like a more competent mayor when compared to Coleman Young (may he burn in Hell) or Kwame Kilpatrick; who was released from prison and put on house arrest at his mother's home in Georgia due to the virus outbreak. Watching the firefighters talking about how it's extremely upsetting for them when elderly people, children or disabled people are either severely injured or killed in fires tugged at my heartstrings because many of them are moms and dads.
@toofgap5988 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever thought about doing a trilogy follow up? I just finished the first and thought it was very informative and insightful. Knowing it was old I looked up the arson stats and Detroit is still top 3 with Flint in the running too. I really wonder what DFD looks like today and what the attitudes of firefighters are now.
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
Yes, I'd love to, but it costs a lot of money and even more time to do these docs and I've never broke even off doing them, so to do another is basically agreeing to volunteer my time for a year. Which was fine when it was an urgent matter. When my friend's lives were in danger. When citizens were living in hell. But without donations, I simply can't afford to do a follow-up. That may change at some point, just the way it is right now. Sharing my docs does help though- so please do. Thanks for watching.
@MD21037 Жыл бұрын
The NFPA standard response time is 5 mins. 20 seconds, mister mayor; not 8 minutes!! Get your facts straight. Detroit is a classic example of a city thats run its city right, into the ground! Things dont get any better; just worse! Classic "Blue City"
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
It's currently getting better, but it was at rock bottom in 2013, so it had to go up. Our new mayor has been a God-send though. Smart guy.
@jojosmumdorothy2829 Жыл бұрын
Leaders letting down superheroes I hope their fancy houses don't burn down
@deborahjaneapperley1004 Жыл бұрын
Why aren’t they demolished after they have been fire bombed. It looks so depressing.
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
This doc is over ten years old. Since it was made, and the city got a new mayor- there have been thousands of demos. There are still homes like this- but not as many as there were in 2008. Thanks for watching.
@KristianK9755 Жыл бұрын
All my respect!!!
@NeilM01989 Жыл бұрын
Liked and shared
@NeilM01989 Жыл бұрын
Great video, liked, subscribed and shared your videos and channel 🧑🏻👍🏻
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@NeilM01989 Жыл бұрын
@@constanceyork No problem 🧑🏻👍🏻
@aportman58 Жыл бұрын
It is all about learning how to trust each other! That is what is the beauty of the fire service is that we essentially strangers coming into the fire station and in a short period of time and in the biink of an eye, living in cramped quarters, maybe his/hers restroom; cramped sleeping quarters with 8-10 twin beds jambed in a large open room that serves as day-night sleeping quarters. The fire house my have a kitchen that no more than 4 can be in it at the same, but still some of the best beacon, sausages, biscuits, coffee, pancakes, and even cereal taste better when it comes out of a fire house kitchen. As a new probationary firefighter 35 years ago I walked into my assigned fire house for my first day-tour duty. Scared half to death, couldn't sit still at all, felt guilty when I did try to ease into one of 3 real recliners but everytime it would suddenly it would hit a space and slip throwing you back almost on your head. Your fellow fighters who were talking sort of watching TV, suddenly were staring at me like I had committed a fire house infraction. But after working several more shifts and becoming more comfortable with my new home (1800-1900 built fire house), I was more at ease fulfilling daily duty assignments tasks. Fast-forward 35 years it quickly became that time to start thinking of retirement. The place that I dreaded living, eating meals, sleeping in, and the place (kitchen table) where all problems in the world were worked out and solved. Now when I went home to my large modern home built in 1992, all new amenities, my wife and I dedicated king-size air bed, wok-shop, large kitchen with cabinets packed with food. Bur for some reason I was suddenly experience those feelings I had battled through 35 years earlier when walked into the very small, smoky, cramped, table too small, open bedroom, smokers still allowed to smoke throughout fire station, Why would I now struggle to function in my own beautiful home? Maybe it is because there are no stories being told regarding the activities that occurred during the night-tour responders. Or maybe the one firefighter tagged as station cook isn't available to cook this special fire house breakfast. The 24 hour quietness that penetrates the walls whenever anywhere from 6 to 10 firefighting telling at least 5 different stories all at the same time. God if only I could go back to the fire house and relive those areas that had been such an impression startin day one on the job 😞😩😧
@aportman58 Жыл бұрын
Since I have recently get to the age of retirement in the fire service, I wish retired firefighters could somehow meet and coordinate arrangements to some how take time to come up to Detroit FD, and assist you guys with station projects, or an elderly family's home that needs repairs following a devastating impact from fire. I am from the Houston are, but would love to come to DFD and do the brotherly love thing is help to hold yall's hands up wile we do the work!!!!
@aportman58 Жыл бұрын
Policing and patrolling and supporting individuals with real needs and dicting them to areas that can support and assist them redirecting thier lives on a new pathl
@aportman58 Жыл бұрын
Do you have areas of the city that still remains somewhat with some sense of value! Is there programs in which people like myself which am retired from the fire service and would love to be involved in programs that would somehow restore and turn the tide of the deteriorated state. I almost cry watching many of these old beautiful structures on fire burning to the groud. These structures could have been salvaged to provide q nice home for a Detroit family to live and raise their children in the sections of urban renewal!!!!
@Pedro-nm7hf Жыл бұрын
I would love to purchase a copy is there a part one? I bought Burn also 2:36
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
@constanceyork Жыл бұрын
If you still want to purchase a copy, let me know. Also check my Facebook page Detroit on Fire.
@skipper696969 Жыл бұрын
It's a problem in many of our Democratic Controlled cities...Having put 30 years in the FDNY primarily in the South Bronx and Harlem and having visited Detroit I seen the same story as NYC, St Louis, Newark, and other cities controlled by Democrats who know how to bankrupt a city and bring about blight.
@mondokane6364 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming and supporting our band!
@jojosmumdorothy2829 Жыл бұрын
If I was in charge I'd demolish the whole city and I'd build what we call bungalows for the elderly and the disabled and I'd have it gated with security patrols and have staff on call Incase any resident needed help I'd include little shops etc
@scotbryce2644 Жыл бұрын
Love you guys please brothers and sister please for the the love of god please be safe❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@jeffreyking279 Жыл бұрын
Another Democrat run gem!
@ericweiler6571 2 жыл бұрын
They need to audit the city of Detroit and if the city leaders.are wasting one dime they should be fired and put in jail. When you can afford to put toilet paper and paper towels in fire stations you're doing something wrong. I realize they need tax dollars from house and property taxes for fire departments and Detroit has more abandoned property than just about anyone but still.
@uncleremis69 2 жыл бұрын
Best firefighters in the world. Most fires per man hour in the country if not the planet. Theses guys stretch on everything.
@mattwilliams848 2 жыл бұрын
300 fires in three days! Jesus!
@kristofersmith6017 2 жыл бұрын
Everything the left touches turns to shit 🤦‍♂️
@josephgillis2668 2 жыл бұрын
Nice work, Connie!😊❤️🎶
@OwneyMadden430 2 жыл бұрын
Constance do an Interview with Mark Taylor E33 on his close call fire where he was badly burned . I saw a bunch of photos of him in this video , he’s a great FF and a great guy , maybe misunderstood my some people though lol
@constanceyork 2 жыл бұрын
I did interview him for Fire Engineering magazine.
@constanceyork 2 жыл бұрын