@AutiStyx 11 ай бұрын
This song goes so hard
@poems858 Жыл бұрын
あぁ… aa... Ah... 一生呪うぜノイローゼ! isshou norou ze noirooze! I’ll curse you for the rest of time, neurosis! 薦を被って物乞う路上 komo o kabuttemono kou rojou Sitting on a straw mat on the side of the road 実に無謀なくそ根性 jitsu ni mubou na kuso konjou While asking for things with our bullsh-t willpower. 小銭どころか目もくれない kozeni dokoro ka memokurenai Not even sparing a few pennies or even batting an eye, 奴らはマイホーム此方は無いホーム yatsura wa maihoomu kochira wa nai hoomu They have “their home”, there’s no such thing as “my home.”[1] 居場所無くして転がす衝動 ibasho naku shite korogasu shoudou The urge to lose it, roll around, 今も想像する凶行 ima mo souzou suru kyoukou And now I’m even imagining violent things. 失うものが無いからさ ushinau mono ga nai kara sa Though, I’ve got nothing to lose, そりゃ慢心安心安全圏だ sorya manshin anshin anzenken da I’m prideful, relieved, and all-around safe. ごみ食べ生きる虫けらのように gomi tabe ikiru mushikera no you ni Living like insects who eat garbage… 地べたを這いずって さあ jibeta o haizutte saa Crawling around on the bare ground, come on… 死骸になるまで頑張りな! shigai ni naru made ganbari na! Keep going until you become a dead corpse! どん底上等 論より証拠 donzoko joutou ronyori shouko Rock bottom is just fine, proof is in the pudding! 底辺結構無礼講 teihen kekkou bureikou Being at the bottom of society is wonderful, rank and status is meaningless! 上部不健康 不適合も uwabe fukenkou futekigou mo The well-off people are unhealthy and nonconforming! みんな仲良く処刑場 minna nakayoku shokeijou Everyone’s getting along at the execution site. 無益の同情 しなくて結構 mueki no doujou shinakute kekkou Sympathy is useless for someone who is worthless. 無敵の現状無抵抗 muteki no genjou muteikou An invincible current state with no resistance, こんな憂鬱続くなら konna yuuutsu tsuzuku nara The melancholy continues on, so 一生呪うぜノイローゼ! isshou norou ze noirooze! I’ll curse you for the rest of time, neurosis! 恥を晒して蹴散らす小便 haji o sarashite kechirasu shouben Kicking piss everywhere out of shame of being exposed; なんて蔓延しちゃ勘弁 nante manen shicha kanben What a health hazard, excuse me… 日金予々金も無く higane kanegane kane mo naku I don’t have any loan money, or money in general. 真面目なみんなに馴染めないんだ majime na minna ni najimenainda Fitting in with such a diligent crowd is something I can't do. 喉がえづいて吐き出す妄言 nodo ga ezuite hakidasu mougen Swallow it down and spew out meaningless words. のろい音色も鳴りやまず noroi neiro mo nari yamazu Even the dullest of sounds do not cease to ring out. 死にぞこないの出来損ない shinizo konai no dekisokonai I’m a good-for-nothing who just won’t die 頭も無いし助からないや atama mo naishi tasukaranai ya Who’s lost their head and can’t be saved. ゲロにまみれた洋服の裾と gero ni mamireta youfuku no suso to With the hem of my clothes covered in vomit トラウマ引きずって さあ torauma hikizutte saa And the trauma dragging along beside me, come on… そのまま一生苦しみな! sono mama isshou kurushimi na! This suffering will carry on for the rest of my life! どん底情緒 どんより正午 donzoko joucho donyori shougo Emotions hitting rock bottom, a dull, glazed-over afternoon, 不快で結構無礼者 fukai de kekkou bureimono An unpleasant and incredibly rude person. 上辺の幻聴 ふざけた療法 uwabe no genchou fuzaketa ryouhou Auditory hallucinations of everything, joking as therapy, みんな並んで注射場 minna narande chuushajou Everyone is lining up at the execution site! 嫌いな問答 しまいにゃ嘔吐 kirai na mondou shimai nya outo I hate questions and answers; I end up vomiting in the end. 明日もきっと無鉄砲 ashita mo kitto muteppou Surely things will be reckless tomorrow. そんな現実知りながら sonna genjitsu shirinagara Knowing such a reality 発狂するんだノイローゼ! hakkyou surunda noirooze! Will surely make you go mad, neurosis! 実に無様なこんな人生で jitsu ni buzama na konna jinsei de I’ve been living this hellhole of a life ひねくれたままずっと hinekureta mama zutto Twisted over and over… 孤独を一人で過ごすのか kodoku o hitori de sugosu no ka Do I really want to keep being all alone? 心の消耗 しなくて結構! kokoro no shoumou shinakute kekkou! Don’t wear out your mind, there’s no need! 所詮は本能虚言癖 shosen wa honnou kyogenheki After all, it’s just a habit from instinct and falsehoods. 赤の他人も通りすがりも aka no tanin mo toorisugari mo A complete stranger, people passing by… みんなぼくだけ無視しよう minna boku dake mushi shiyou Everyone just ignores me. 結局重症 ただ神経症 kekkyoku juushou tada shinkeishou After all, my serious illness is just neurosis. 正直めっぽう弱い方 shoujiki meppou yowaihou Honestly, I’m such an anxious person! 本当はずっと辛いから hontou wa zutto tsurai kara The truth is, it really is hard, so こんな話はやめよーぜ konna hanashi wa yameyoo ze Let’s shut up and stop talking now! あぁ…誰か助けてノイローゼ! aa… dareka tasukete noirooze! Ahh… someone help me and this neurosis!
@poems858 Жыл бұрын
apparently i can't pin
@BlizzFoxon Ай бұрын
Ngl this song fits Freedom from WoF.