JiKooK💞Feat. Members TMA Moments
@ciganailha9535 Күн бұрын
vendo esse vídeo agora acho o SUGA mais bonito e lindo do que a jimina ele se maquia muito ele tem um rosto desproporcional para o corpo o rosto mais lindos e do SUGA e TAEHYUNG V fora que ele e o JONKOOK j fizeram plástica no nariz jimina tirando a maquiagem ele e outro ser também acho o jin lindo o JONKOOK mais ou menos o Nanjoon beautiful JHOOP e simpático por isso ele fica bonito acho eles uns bons atores ruins so Kim TAEHYUNG e um ótimo ator com essa palhaçadas de jimkoo tekoo jkoo o e SUGA com jimina e o Nanjoon com jin e taemin o único que não fica com ninguém é JHOOP ele so ri eu espero que quando eles voltarem do SM que eles tenham mudados de atitudes afinal já são homens bem maduros ate o JONKOOK que tem 28 nenhum e mais adolescentes se eles voltarem com as mesmas palhaçadas vão perder a graça do grupo bts ai e ladeira a baixa que pena
@MeenakshiAnilkumar-f8l 7 күн бұрын
And also in one of the jimin live jungkook said saranghae frst ❤💗
@SujitaPariyar-s6t 8 күн бұрын
Just brothers
@SujitaPariyar-s6t 8 күн бұрын
I like jikook ship but I thought just fan survice I don't think boyfriend and alse
@SujitaPariyar-s6t 8 күн бұрын
Everything thing is fake
@johannasaavedra7711 8 күн бұрын
Jungkook ❤❤es un encanto de hombre😊
@LunaKerry 8 күн бұрын
as tae fan who got into bts by tae he is freaking damn straight with zero lgbtq vibe n zero sexual tention
@НатальяКузьминых-х6л 10 күн бұрын
Меня никогда не интересовали отношения между мужчинами... Но я искренне поверила в джикук! Я хочу чтобы они были счастливы...❤❤
@sharontolbert2441 12 күн бұрын
No comment
@peace8725 16 күн бұрын
And one thing important JIKOOK had Approved by Their FAMILIES
@livingunderarock56 17 күн бұрын
What I find interesting about some of the photos taken/angles is that they appear to be taken from someone within the BTS inner circle and then leaked out...that, to me anyway, is CHEAP & DISGUSTING!!. BTS members should have been able to trust the inner staff & 'friends' - I guess some people chose money and fame over the trust and bond of friendship.
@JIMINstan-x7r 21 күн бұрын
Hey, who is that how dare you, u hate my jiminshii he is tge handsome man ever❤
@sidramalik4506 21 күн бұрын
Jk call jm hyung means older brother plz respect both of them jk jm are gud brother n friend plz no make couple
@ainatr6788 22 күн бұрын
Jikook 🥰🥰
@toniwilson400 22 күн бұрын
Soo love our Jikook 💖🫶🏽💖🫶🏽💖🫶🏽🐰🐥🐰🐥💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@petraseitz7157 23 күн бұрын
sehr schön. leider gibt es keine deutsche übersetzung
@petraseitz7157 23 күн бұрын
"Like Crazy" von Jimin ist ein Lied, das einen Moment der Leidenschaft und des Verlangens zwischen zwei Personen beschreibt, die einfach nur in diesem Moment verloren sein wollen. In dem Lied wird dem Sprecher von seinem Geliebten gesagt, er solle die Situation nicht überdenken und einfach die Nacht genießen. Der Refrain betont das Verlangen des Sprechers, sich in diesem Moment zu verlieren und von ihm ertrunken zu werden. Er möchte von seinem Geliebten gehalten werden und die Intensität ihrer Beziehung spüren. Der Post-Refrain hebt sein Verlangen hervor, sich seinem Geliebten hinzugeben und eine gute Zeit zu haben, und drückt die Bereitschaft aus, sich auch dann zu verlieben, wenn es ihn am Ende zerbricht. Die Bridge fängt die Gedanken des Sprechers ein, wie er sich wünscht, in diesem Moment zu bleiben und nicht aus dem traumähnlichen Erlebnis aufzuwachen. Die Bedeutung des Liedes besteht darin, seinen Instinkten zu folgen und den Moment so zu genießen, wie er ist, trotz der Ängste, ihn zu verlieren. das ist eine große aussage für jimin und jeon, hoffe ich
@petraseitz7157 25 күн бұрын
hallo jikookers classroom. ich finde deine videos ganz toll, leider gibt es keine deutschen untertitel.
@rafaelacarvalhodasilva2570 25 күн бұрын
JK só tem tamanho
@JamieMoonJM Ай бұрын
If you hate Jungkookie, you're not Jimin fan. Period.
@sneharavi2211 Ай бұрын
Episode plz
@Lily-i4v Ай бұрын
True !
@sidramalik4506 Ай бұрын
All fake jikook is only a fanservice
@greenwayhonda4422 Ай бұрын
But sometimes i feel JK needs to give some space to JM. Many times he is cusriuos of wat JM is doing and interacting wid other members so his focus is only on jm but sometimes he becomes possessive or defensive if jimin talks or touches other members. His jeonlous mode gets activated and he becomes jeon satellite😂 thats cute though 😊❤
@ainatr6788 Ай бұрын
Why are all eyes on JB at this point? Because before JB, JIMIN and JIN were in a show. Or JB had his eyes on JIMIN, asking him to sit next to him, soft eyes etc. Then JIN looked at who was between the two. JIMIN and JB's gaze crossed several times. JB admired JM, and JM was the same. I think JIN told the other boys what happened between the two that day
@ainatr6788 Ай бұрын
JM and JB 🥰🥰
@JamieMoonJM Ай бұрын
I always wonder what Jimin might be thinking of when he does this kind of stunts 😮😮
@ЛюдмилаВерховодко-н5ц Ай бұрын
Под любимое крылышко❤❤❤❤
@ManyaBishoriya-dq2jc Ай бұрын
Can anyone help me find this song at 5:40 and 9:24 pls
@NikkKemi-wr5xg Ай бұрын
Like your videos thanks for your wonderful work i love them but there one video that i watch i don't maybe you have it, i need to watch the full video and to know what happened because the video broke my heart anytime i see it is award video in the video jk was cry and jimin hug him but he regret jimin hug and go hug v because he too was cry pls help to see the full video,,,, thanks and once more i love all your videos
@ar7hur_f7 Ай бұрын
Junkoo não têm ciúme do jimim
@ar7hur_f7 Ай бұрын
Junkoo so se mte quando jimim enteragi com tae com.os outros membros ele não se mete
@zeebacchus Ай бұрын
LOVE IS LOVE AND THE HEART WANTS WHAT THE HEART WANTS. JK HAS HURT JM BUT JM HEART IS BIGGER THAN THE OCEAN, HE FORGAVE HIM. JK WAS INSECURE AND AFRAID OF DISAPPOINTING JM. HE APOLOGISED AND FINALLY FOUND TO COURAGE TO OPEN HIS HEART SPEAKING HIS TRUTH. HE REALISED JM DOESN’T KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN HIS HEAD. JK SAID I NEED TO BE AN ADULT AND JM SHOULD NOT FEAR HE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR HIM SHARING… JIMIN Calico cats - for every 3000 females there is one male. I’m a man I exist only for you. I’m here only for you. I’m your Calico cat. I exist only for you, and I’m yours, your only man Destiny- just like coincidence Meant-to-be just like coincidence I thought we met accidentally, but we found we’re meant-to-be You are my destiny. JK Because it was all the first time for me, it must have been awkward and not very good, even for the goodbye, you looked way more radiant than I. I cowered in vain and hated myself, must have been foolish. It was always just like a dream which made me anxious. It was as though you weren’t mine I couldn’t believe you when you said you want to be my last and this must have been my fault. Even though it was my first time Staying up all night and dreaming of someone like you my heart hurt so bad. I think I have to act like an adult I didn’t say exactly “what I meant”. I said “even though I’m alone I’m confident” It seems you always loved me more. I lost. It was the most stupidest thing I did. I didn’t believe you telling me “If you trust me it’ll be forever” so I ruined everything, but the days by your side were dazzling, there’s no way that was a lie. When you held my hand like it was more precious than a gem and told me wonderful things. Because it was the first time for me my heart beat so hard I could hear it. I cried out and fell asleep That night. “Please come back to me” We are not promised tomorrow so please let’s live and let live. How lucky they found each other in love. I pray they are happy and healthy always.
@beatrizgiraldiz1371 Ай бұрын
Hola, como estan? Soy una ARMY relativamente nueva (hace aprox. dos años que llegaron a mi vida PARA QUEDARSE). Soy de Uruguay y tengo 60 años. Hasta ahora me he encargado de escuchar todas las canciones de mis niños, recabar TODA la informacion con respecto a ellos desde sus comienzos, ver TODOS LAS SERIES de ellos como RUN BTS, ARE YOU SURE?, etc. TODO LO QUE ENCUENTRO. Por supuesto que estoy de acuerdo en que lo que demuestran TODOS los chicos son EMOCIONES (recordemos siempre que son seres humanos libres e individuales), asi como todos los seres del planeta. No siempre se expresa en palabras lo que uno siente, pero si CORPORALMENTE Y GESTUALMENTE. Es cuestion de SABER O QUERER LEER ese lenguaje tan sutil y milenario. Obviamente que soy JIKOOK o MINKOOK (como ellos mismos se definieron en el VLive con Tae), porque puedo diferenciar la relacion entre los chicos. Con Tae tanto JM como JK son amigos estrechos, casi como hermanos por ser los mas chicos del grupo, comparten juegos, maldades (jaja), pero entre JM y JK noto (por sus demostraciones corporales y gestuales), una QUIMICA DIFERENTE que va mas alla de la amistad. Flirtean mucho, JM le lleva la delantera a Kookie (es super atrevido jajajaja), pero a medida que crecen (juntos) Kookie esta mas audaz y mas seguro de sus actitudes, demostrando que NO HAY NADA DE MALO en demostrar sus sentimientos (APOYO TOTAL). Si, hay momentos de celos porque a los DOS les gusta provocar al otro (en situaciones puntuales). Lo que no esta bueno (como decis en el video) es que tanto las pocas jikokas como las vkokas agredan al chico que no es su preferencia con agravios o insultos subidos de tono. Para las vkokas, en particular, estaria bueno que miraran TODAS LAS SITUACIONES OBJETIVAMENTE, NO EDITEN A SU GUSTO, porque he encontrado los originales de muchos de los videos que suben y NO TIENEN NADA QUE VER CON LO QUE SUBEN. En aquellos en los que muestran a JK ¨CELOSO¨ de V, si ponen el REAL se ve que las miradas son para JIMMIN no para V. Eso solo como ejemplo de tantos otros. Que se abracen, lo hacen continuamente, pero como amigos. La diferencia es la actitud de JK con uno y otro. Mas alla de todas las controversias que podemos tener, los chicos van a lograr un cambio en la sociedad Coreana en algun momento, con todas sus canciones que siempre llevan mensajes de cambios de manera positiva y nada agresiva. Mi pais (URUGUAY) siempre fue muy machista y con ideas bastante obsoletas (todavia no hemos modificado algunos articulos de nuestra CONSTITUCION que fue elaborada en 1830, imaginense!!!!) Pero POR SUERTE hace unos años logramos un gobierno FRENTE AMPLIO que (con mente abierta) hizo que la sociedad fuera mas justa para todos nosotros y liberar los prejuicios de muchos ciudadanos. Obligar a las empresas tanto publicas como privadas a tener cupos especiales para integrantes de las colectividades LGBTQ+, AFRODESCENDIENTES, PERSONAS CON CAPACIDADES DIFERENTES y con esto tambien se logro EL MATRIMONIO IGUALITARIO!!!!!! con los mismos derechos que los matrimonios hasta el momento tradicionales. ESPERO QUE ESTO NO SEA UNA EXCEPCION, SINO QUE A NIVEL MUNDIAL (COREA DEL SUR INCLUIDA) SE LOGREN ESTOS DERECHOS PARA TODOS LOS INDIVIDUOS QUE COEXISTIMOS EN EL PLANETA. SALUDOS.
@rosamariafiorini2594 Ай бұрын
Fate pace col cervello
@Blackhole-bh5yc Ай бұрын
Jimin is naurally cute even without trying.
@KrystynaBogusława Ай бұрын
VI tu zadowolony .Jimin koło niego .Oni sie bardzo lubia to wyjatkowa relacja 😂❤
@Jexysooy_95Jexysooy 2 ай бұрын
Your stories are always amazing....but its just that you upload them after an eternity and it's so frustrating. Besides that i love your writing. Take care 😘
@janegirao3100 2 ай бұрын
Jikook juntos amamos vocês dois JK e Jimin
@SoniaAredes-r5j 2 ай бұрын
@SoniaAredes-r5j 2 ай бұрын
@shindiyachristy 2 ай бұрын
What show is this??
@madhurgovinddassolapur7734 2 ай бұрын
You guys notice that V pass letter to jk and suga who like jimin most ya but jk is more 😅
@anaevangelista7141 2 ай бұрын
@pumpkinpatch5609 2 ай бұрын
It's called tongue-in-cheek
@OliviaCosta-y5s 2 ай бұрын
Lindooos, amei 🐰🐥♥️♥️♥️♥️💜💜💜🇵🇹
@maibara1151 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are very convincing, and I can’t believe how you have captured so, so many Jikook moments. I am amazed at how I’ve been pulled into this mystique of Jikook in the last couple years. JK seems to be an earthy guy, and his eyes don’t lie-they’re beautiful and reveal a sensitive soul-as he gives his heart to Jimin. And Jimin, he seems to be intense, yet so sweet, caring, charismatic, irresistible. Is he real?
@ligiaaya3772 2 ай бұрын
Gran trabajo la organización de estos hermosos momentos de Jimin y jongkook.esperemos que nos sigan dando cada día más .felicitaciones y felicidades a nuestra gran pareja🎉🎉🎉❤💜💜💜
@ЛюдмилаСиренко-п7ш 2 ай бұрын
Пересмотрела кучи видио с ребятами,но конечно не все и тут попалось мне одно очень занятное ,да ещё и с мыслями автора.Там они все семеро просто разговаривают и Чимин сидит рядом с РМ ,при разговоре Чимин засмеялся и обнял двумя руками РМ ,потом одна рука его лежала на ноге РМ и всё было прекрасно,пока РМ не посмотрел на экран и там отчётливо видно ,сто он обвел взглядом всех мемберов и на лице у него был испуг,он был шокирован ,все ,кроме Джина ,вели себя странно,они ревновали Чимина ,это было так явно ,особенно выделялся Шуга и Чонгук,но и Хосок и Техен тоже была ревность ,но более скрытая. Чимин обладает магией притяжения,его нельзя не любить.