Vitamins, Minerals, And Your Sciatica
The Sciatic Pain Terminator Film Studio
Sciatica Pain Caregiving 101
13 жыл бұрын
@dr.reviewsfrompersonalexpe7603 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Had a mrn done couple of days for femoral nerve compression, my gp prescribed me a round of prednisone a week before, the prednisone always improves my pelvic pain, my concern is that the prednisone may compromise the mrn, and they may not see the compression?
@bluejeans1773 4 жыл бұрын
They Should have a MRN at Every Hospital or Most.....
@eurodrivercrete 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@RVeizaga 5 жыл бұрын
Read reviews of this Doc , health grades and several others, you will be surprised . Beware
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
...that have surgery and recover. I suggest that you do your due diligence in researching both sides of the story, check out Dr. Filler's book on Amazon called, "Do You Really Need Back Surgery?" The second edition. He asks the question because he doesn't operate on people that don't need it. I understand that some doctors do, but you have to find the good ones that can help your specific situation instead of being scared to take risks that may bring lots of healthy reward when done right.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
I had already gone to every eastern and western modality there is but nothing helped. The only option for me was surgery. These surgeries are not barbaric they are minimally invasive. I could list out for you some surgeries that are IN FACT barbaric, but Dr. Filler's are NOT. It was under the guidance of eastern doctors with your philosophy that kept me in pain longer. Not everyone is the same, and forgoing surgery isn't a cure for everyone, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people...
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Paul, I understand your concern but I have to respectfully disagree. Dr. Filler gets all of the patients who have spent way to much money trying everything ELSE but surgery, but to no avail. For instance, in my case. I have nerves that were literally glued and tethered together, my sciatic nerve was a double split nerve at the site of the piriformis going through a double split piriformis, with blood vessels cascading it all together along the top, so I essentially had a rat's nest...
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Make your comments and ask your questions here!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Leave any comments or questions below!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Leave your comments here! I'd like to get back with you personally!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! And a great way for use around the clock! Which unit/model did you get and what is the cost? For our viewer's reference? Thanks!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask your questions here! I will personally respond!
@rcner 11 жыл бұрын
i hate needles to can we chat/ass has to be painful the needle?ouch
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
I am so so sorry to hear that. You have to be very careful with the practitioners you choose. There are good and bad doctors in every field and it is very unfortunate but there are many people in your case. I do empathize with you. I would recommend seeing a world-class neurologist because problems in the spine are quite easy to fix if you have the right doctor. You can get back to a normal life. Let me know how it goes.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Leave Your Comments Here! This is a hot topic especially if you have been injured or like to be active. Let me know what you think!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask your questions here! I want to here 'em!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
The best way to confirm your diagnosis is to get an MR Neurography scan. This way there is no guess work or wondering, you will know exactly what is wrong with you and what course of action you should take to get well. Good luck!
@tropposurfer69 11 жыл бұрын
This is me! I thought I have sciatica, but I believe this is the stem if my problem. Extremely painful to sit and them get up. Pain radiating down the back of my quads. It is now hurting my lower back from compensating. I sooooo wish I could visit you but I'm in Australia!! What are the best form of exercises I can do? Thanks
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask your questions here or on the blog! We love to answer them!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
If an exercise is sending MORE pain rather than helping you - stop doing whatever it is that is aggravating it. You don't want to make your condition worse. You need to get a proven diagnosis. Has an MRI confirmed your herniated disk? Imaging helps and if it comes back negative let me know - if it's not a spine problem your issue could lie elsewhere. Just be a proactive patient and write down your symptoms, pain patterns, and etc.
@britvroman 11 жыл бұрын
I'm having sciatic pain in my leg for 3 months now. I can't walk straight because when I do I have more pain shooting down my leg. My doctor told me I have a herniated disk, I have been doing exercises but when I do them it sends more pain down my leg. Why is it sending more pain down my left leg instead of helping me?
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask your questions here or on our blog! We want to hear 'em!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask Your Questions here folks!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
The hot tub is not used as a luxury relaxation phenomenon - it is an amazing tool to loosen up the muscles before you stretch and relieve some muscle spasming.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Ask away folks! This video explains EXACTLY how your lower back and sciatica problems and neurological entrapments can come from the pelvis rather than in the spine. It just depends on how good your doctor is at diagnosing you and the advanced technology to do so, such at the MR Neurography.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
This is behind the scenes footage of what really happens during these revolutionary injections. If you are planning on going in for a procedure this is what it will look like!
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Yes - Dr. Filler would probably recommend that you have an MR Neurography scan first to see where the problem is. He can see deep pelvic issues there. Then he confirms his diagnosis with the MR Guided Injections which may in fact get you well. It is either a diagnostic tool to confirm the problem so that he can fix it surgically, or the drugs that he injects will calm it down depending on the severity of your problem.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Great question. My situation is THE MOST complicated case Dr. Filler has ever seen, and I'm weird, so I've had to have many surgeries to fix my problem. He has an 85-90% success rate with most people and if the injections don't work, the minimally invasive surgery procedure should fix you right up. I'm in the 1% of complicated case problems but for you this may be just the ticket you need.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
That's a little steep. I only pay $275 for the actual procedure and another $275 for the consultation you need before the implantation. The pellets themselves CAN be covered by insurance SOME but you have to file yourself. My pellets usually range in the $375 but I get 15 of them and that is a LOT.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! Thanks for your positive feedback! Yes I get mine every three months and it cured my migraines and impotency and depression also! Good to hear how it has transformed your life! You hit the hammer on the nail - finding a good Body Logic doctor who is superb at doing the insertion can make this implantation almost painless, such as Dr. Center.
@SciaticPainTerminate 11 жыл бұрын
The best thing you can do since now you have a correct diagnosis is follow the treatment of whatever your doctor is prescribing as customary for this condition. Depending on how bad the tear is, it may or may not heal itself. If it can, you probably won't need surgery but if it can't then you may have to have surgery. Just be very cautious but not paranoid going into this and know all of the facts - use a doctor you can TRUST.
@MultiEverythingman 12 жыл бұрын
Did this work for you i had this same procedure done same exact place for close to the same medical issue Piriformis Muscle Obiturator Internus muscle
@oiyabastard 12 жыл бұрын
can this technology diagnose nerve issues for female female pelvic pain? complete hysterectomy still with lower right side pain radiating into right hip . current surgeon wants to try an ilioinguinal nerve block, doesnt know if thats the problem or not though , can this imaging diagnose deep pelvis? thnx rj phx az
@casper1918 12 жыл бұрын
My insurance doesn't pay for this but will pay for the injections. As I understand this is about $600 - $800 for a procedure.
@vk2nf 12 жыл бұрын
Great informative video. I've been having pellet implants every 5 months for the past 5 years and it has transformed my life. The only pain is the anaesthetic injection! Great when you find a doctor who is actually really clued up on the finer points of testosterone replacement and can offer alternatives to a shot or some gel.
@mikelopez6400 12 жыл бұрын
great video. do you guys have plan on having kids?
@54lex 12 жыл бұрын
i almost passed out watching the doctor numb the patient. if i can get passed that i will be okay. great video.
@54lex 12 жыл бұрын
i just had this done 4 days ago and im somewhat regretting it. im still sore and tender on my butt. I hate needles and was very nervous so that didnt help at all. the needle for the lidocain burned a little but its when he applied pressure to the incision to make sure i was numb. that hurt like hell and once i was numb it was nt too bad but was hurt was the pressure being applied when he stitch me only one stitch and the bandages. i wish he would have put the sterile tape instead.
@aussiemelp 12 жыл бұрын
I love my pellets. The plastic trocar looks so much nicer than the metal one
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
@forthecause Thank you for the feedback! Yes - T Pellets are proven to be the most effective in conjunction with the body's natural rhythms and release of hormones. I am glad you had a great experience!
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
@zrevai LOL yes - actually watching this procedure makes everything you feel make more sense! Thanks for the comment! How have the pellets been working out for you?
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
@tomcat624u As long as you find something that works for you, that is great!
@Zane_Da_Magic_Puffer_Dragon 12 жыл бұрын
Great video, very informative and good clear views of actual procedure!!! Now I know why it felt like my Dr. was jiggling the insertion needle/device, it's because he was "fanning out the pellets". No wonder my hip still hurts 3 days later!!!
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks Clint. Much more coming soon...
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
@bferr1 I'm glad I could help. Is there anything you have a question about or would like more clarification on? Thanks for watching - stay tuned as we'll be launching this year with much more specific, cutting edge material to help people get back to an active, pain free lifestyle.
@clintrad4 12 жыл бұрын
good stuff john!
@SciaticPainTerminate 12 жыл бұрын
18 months is on average. The annular ring is very durable however due to the lack of blood supply it takes awhile to heal and sometimes it doesn't. It is that point where you may have to consider other options. Keep checking our site as we are just getting ready to do a major facelift on the site and lots of other great information to help people get out of pain.
@marnieleee 12 жыл бұрын
well it has been 5 months so far for me and you say 18 thats so long. Crap!
@forthecause 12 жыл бұрын
Good video! I had this done a few days ago and it seemed to take a little longer than this but as you seem to be, the doctor was very good!
@SciaticPainTerminate 13 жыл бұрын
We have a rule here at Sciatic Pain Terminator - constructive criticism is allowed but we will never allow putting down physicians because one disagrees with their methods. There have been many lives saved because of Dr. Filler and his methodologies are proven through and through.