Northview Kids TV - October 19th, 2024
Week 5: The Impossible Made Possible
21 сағат бұрын
10 Looks at Christ: Incarnation
14 күн бұрын
Week 4: Let the Word Speak!
14 күн бұрын
Northview Kids TV - October 5th, 2024
Week 3: The Word of the Cross
21 күн бұрын
10 Looks at Christ: Pre-existence
Week 2: The Cult of Personality
Kill the Dragon, Get the Girl
Week 1: Remember Who You Are!
This One Thing!
Ай бұрын
Northview Reads - September
Week 6: Wake Up Church
2 ай бұрын
@bltsandwich1721 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the amazing sermon jeff
@LesliePinto1957 3 жыл бұрын
I am so happy to hear this Message. Yes we are Praying for you and your Ministry. Please Pray for our Outreach Ministry reaching out to the Lost and the Least the Lepers AIDS Patients and villeges in India.
@claraclottrell852 3 жыл бұрын
@gwenmichaluk5979 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely Love your version of “How Great Thou Art” Beautiful🙏
@brendazachmann8297 4 жыл бұрын
How do I watch this with ASl
@dawnmarazzi8283 4 жыл бұрын
@samanthahelps2905 4 жыл бұрын
Great service.
@billhinksman7253 4 жыл бұрын
Great Message
@rodfowler3968 4 жыл бұрын
Nice channel, going to check out some more of your videos! I think you should check SMZeus . c o m to grow your channel.
@johnandmargoduperon6212 4 жыл бұрын
Such awesome worship!!!!
@marilovescoffee 4 жыл бұрын
I wish you had addressed the North American obsession with individual 'rights', which is not supported by scripture. I'm afraid that is what is behind many of the questions such as whether churches should open. As Christians, let's remind ourselves not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, but to focus on serving God and serving others, possibly by giving up large gatherings and instead reaching out to our neighbours.
@marilovescoffee 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a teacher so didn't have time to watch in June, but I'm enjoying catching up now. Thanks for making these videos. It's great to have a chance to get to know the campus pastors a little better, and also to be encouraged in our faith.
@coachnet 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, church, it is so good to worship "with you". I am ministering in Hong Kong and will be here for the next few months! Thank you for your timely teaching, pastor Mark, even to this geographical region. Shalom.
@Capndad1 4 жыл бұрын
THere is an organization whose sole purpose is to be a witness to folks in the online world. They've seen the online world as a place where seekers hang out, and have developed wonderful programs to provide such people a means of seeking help in their situation, and for hearing the gospel. Check 'em out at Global Media Outreach
@Capndad1 4 жыл бұрын
Good job guys! We are formed by what we pay attention to is great commentary.
@facilitiesmaintenancebyarne 4 жыл бұрын
"It will be dinosaur themed"... LOL
@schatzishomestead8427 4 жыл бұрын
June 22, 2020 *TRIGGER WARNING: I'M ABOUT TO STEP ON THE TOES OF SOME CHURCH LEADERS AND SLEEPY CHRISTIANS. AGAIN I IMPLORE YOU: OPEN YOUR CHURCHES. I have a big fat warning notice on my Facebook admin page. Apparently I share too much "false" information. I've been reported too many times. I'm probably close to having my page shut down so I figure I better speak on this platform while I still can. Yesterday was Sunday. Somehow, my family is now in the minority of church-goers, because we attended church-in person. No virtual church for the St. Johns. Unfortunately, that's not the case in most of my state, or even our nation right now. I realize not all churches reflect what I am about to say, and still, it needs to be said. For fifteen Sundays now, most churches in America have been closed. You know, to "obey the governing authorities." You know, because Romans 13 n'stuff. March. Closing. April. Closed. May. Closed. June. Closed Unless you count online, most churches are still closed, months after we flattened that curve they kept us telling about. Spoiler alert: I don't count online church. Out of an abundance of caution, we did the thing. We stayed home on Sundays. Yes. Good call. We saw the reasoning. It made sense. It seemed appropriate. Guess what? Curve's flat. And now, so is the Church. Deep breath. Here goes: The rona has exposed a massive weakness in our modern churches as pastors hide behind their elder boards while taking BIG PAYOUTS from the government. It's super hard to open when you just got a big ol' check for closing, isn't it? I have read letters written to congregations from their leaders boasting about how they increased the budget thanks to the stimulus money. THIS IS WRONG. I've heard pastors say, without so much as a twinge of embarrassment, that the rona money has really boosted their "building fund." THIS IS WRONG. I've read, with my own eyes, church websites that justify why they have removed the Bibles from their sanctuaries, because apparently the rona is on the Bible and we can't. have.that. Well if that's the case, might as well just burn the church down cuz the rona could be on the chairs and pews, too! It's probably on your jacket. NO TOUCHIE! I've read " if you must use the restrooms, please disinfect the toilet handle before you leave the bathroom. Follow the arrows. Wear your mask." You know-FOR YOUR SAFETY. When did we become prisoners to fear?? The church has been taken captive by a spirit that God says is NOT from Him! I'm embarrassed by the Church in the age of the rona. What is happening?! Observation: Churches with BIG buildings and BIG tax-exempt statuses to protect and BIG financial obligations to consider and BIG paychecks to distribute seem to really struggle with whether or not God meant it when He said "Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves ESPECIALLY NOW as you see the return of the Lord drawing close." (Hebrews 10:25, my paraphrase.) Most every Christian I know believes the Lord's return is very near. And what have we done? We have disregarded the "especially now" part of this verse because we're afraid. Online church is an excuse at this point. Online church can NEVER meet the needs of people in real life. I have to wonder: is God looking down on His Church right now with a smile on His face? Is He saying, "Look at that, they've stopped singing to Me because of the government. They haven't met in three months but they're still paying their bills and even increasing budgets on their capital campaigns! I'm so proud of them!" I think He must be weeping at our lack of discernment and in some cases, our cowardice. The church is a big, crying baby. Where are the men of courage? Where are the Joshuas, the Daniels, the Esthers and the Pauls? We FEAR everything from losing our insurance waivers to a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning that dying from the rona. Riots in the street? Okay. Home Depot? Check. WalMart? You got it. Grocery store? Of course, just follow those arrows. Church? No way. You know. For our safety. Cuz the RONA spreads there faster than it does at Lowes, where every day is Black Friday and we all touch everything from lumber to lamps. WAKE UP. Listen. The most dangerous lie is the one that is the closest to the truth. Is there a virus? Yes. Don't get me started, there are a million microbes in the world that can potentially kill us. There are. Here's the thing: being a follower of Christ doesn’t mean we should always go along with everything a government tells us to do. The government is being unreasonable in allowing riots and protests and home improvement projects but disallowing churches to meet. In many cases, the states are singling out churches as "especially dangerous" -and we nod in agreement while we cash our stimulus checks. I implore you to ask the Lord if this is right. There are times we must “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Using Romans 13 to stay closed reminds me of the many pastors who used the Bible to encourage my mother to stay in an abusive and toxic marriage. As a young girl, I heard every "biblical" argument in the world for why women should honor their marriage vow-you know-because God instructs women to be submissive to their husbands. Nevermind that she's a shaking, sobbing mess most of the time. Nevermind that her kids are being abused. Nevermind that the emotional abuse would take a lifetime to recover from. I see the same lack of discernment in pastors now as I saw then. The same blindness. The same poor interpretation of the Bible. Stop hiding behind Romans 13, Church, and do what you've been instructed to do. Especially now, as we see the day approaching. ******copied from Heidi St. John Fb page, because she says it exactly how I feel.
@influentialmyths 4 жыл бұрын
Great message Ezra. And thanks for including the cause of the unborn has a justice issue.
@Panegyric123 4 жыл бұрын
He makes a big assumption that white people think of themselves as superior to other races. Maybe some do but not all. Believers know that we are all descended from Adam. We are all created in the image of God. To perpetuate the narrative of racism, he assumes that all white people, or at least the majority of whites, are racist. Whites are no more racist than any other races. We all equally have a sin nature, and are all equally capable of acting on that sin nature regardless of race. Fortunately we have a redeemer in Christ Jesus who has taken our punishment for our sins, including our sin of racism, and paid the price for us. It’s not right to assume that only white people corner the market on one specific sin. This is not helpful in fostering relationships between races. Rather, view the image of God in all of us as the basis for compassion and respect for each other.
@schatzishomestead8427 4 жыл бұрын
This is relevant for Canadians too. “”It's 7:14 again and my heart aches for what I am witnessing in the US and in my home state of Washington. Seattle is on fire. Literally and spiritually. Our nation is in trouble. Do you feel it? My best friend is black. Some of y'all didn't know that, I bet. I wish you could listen in to the conversations we have had lately. Nothing but love, baby! Nothing but love. We will not give in to the spirit of division that's trying to destroy our nation from within. You might be surprised to know that most of my black friends REJECT the racist narrative that's being sold to the public by those who would tear us apart, because they see it for the LIE that it is. Some of y'all are hell-bent (literally, since that's where the racist narrative comes from) on lecturing me about my so-called "white privilege" and I get it. It's funny-most of the hate I get right now is coming from white people who have been shamed into apologizing for things they never did and can't control. Shame only feels better when it's actively shaming others. If you're living under false shame, I weep for you. I'm secure in who I am as a white woman, though I do have plenty of other insecurities. Like you, I'm living with the skin I was born with.. though I have often wished for my bestie's beautiful skin tone. Listen up, guys. The devil wants us masked up, "social-distanced" and divided. I'd say he's winning right now. I will not be shamed into bending a knee to this demon. That's what this is. It's demonic. It's from the devil himself. Open your eyes! We are under a demonic influence in the world the likes of which I have never seen. How did we get here? Simple. We opened the door to the gates of hell when we uninvited God from our natino. We opened the door with our love of self above all other things. We invited the SPIRIT of division in. We did it-and the only way to wrestle free of his grasp is to SPEAK TRUTH AND LIFE to each other. It's to invite God back into our nation, to our schools, to our government and yes, to our churches. Worldly wisdom won't fix this. We need the wisdom and forgiveness of God. So here's some TRUTH AND LIFE: The only real "privilege" any of us will ever know is the privilege of being born again. We are all members of the human race-created in the image of our Creator and He is WEEPING at what we are doing to each other. I speak truth because I am compelled to speak it. I'm compelled because I know the power of forgiveness. God rescued me. Did you know that? He took Heidi, a girl who was born into pain and generational abuse and lifted me out of a pit. Me! My skin color couldn't save me from my suffering-but God could. He did. He's the chain-breaker. He's the way-maker. There is no other way to get out of this mess than to turn to Him. I've read to the end of the book. As Christians, we already know how it turns out. Love really does win. In the meantime, I'll keep speaking truth into a world steeped in lies. I know who I am. I am redeemed. If you know Him, speak out. "Father, we need you. Open the eyes our hearts so that we see past the color of the skin we're in to the way YOU see us. Bring us together. And Lord, I ask that you silence those who are tearing us apart. Silence them in the name of JESUS. Amen." "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." Psalm 107:2 "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 “Written by Heidi St.john fb””
@balletbeauty32 4 жыл бұрын
So good. Thanks for talking about this <3
@meghanthestorygirl4581 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, Sarah and Pastor Dwight. ❤️
@oliviaknull4237 4 жыл бұрын
Really loved This! Just a note though... it is a problematic thing to refer to two countries and then Africa as a continennt. It generalizes a very diverse continent. Instead, remwmber to refer to North American (both Mexican and US Citizen) and Africa. Or American, Mexican, and specific African country. A common mistake but something many of my international friends have been hurt by.
@bobcappelle8358 4 жыл бұрын
Wow - thanks for the insights and applications of Esther chapter 3.
@abo_ammarhodali2662 4 жыл бұрын
chapter 112 sura In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “He is God, the One. 2. God, the Absolute. 3. He begets not, nor was He begotten. 4. And there is none comparable to Him.”
@albertvanderveen8244 4 жыл бұрын
John 1:1-2 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning
@thesparrow3902 4 жыл бұрын
I would have preferred his not giving the example of the still-born baby because of the temptation to compare devastating travesties. Also, he mentions how common it is to wonder where God is in these circumstances and how common these experiences are (about 1% of births in the US are still born each year). The thing is, absolution devastation is not common--it is the exception. And there are no answers. God never explained Himself to Job. Not only did God initiate Job's troubles by saying to Satan: "Have you considered My servant, Job?" But He reproved Job: "Will we have arguing with the Almighty by the critic?" There are no answers. God is not given to explaining Why (see Isaiah 55). He wants us to know that He desires to be glorified in the circumstances, and that we are to continue to follow Him. And, by the way, the "patience of Job" is often referred to; however, Job was not the least bit patient; he felt he did not deserve what happened and he let God know how he felt. In the end, he was rewarded greatly but never did God explain Himself.
@suelauder9411 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor Jeff for your sensitive message. I truly felt God speak His love into my heart when you spoke of how God intimately loves me. I know Psalm 139 intimately....but to hear you speak the words, I felt God intimately speak to my heart.
@suelauder9411 4 жыл бұрын
Wow! That first song....being rescued from the heavy shame of sin touched my heart deeply. Thank You Lord! Mother's Day is a painful day, and this service is already ministering to my heart.
@suelauder9411 4 жыл бұрын
@trevorthroness3319 4 жыл бұрын
What a great arrangement of ‘The Stand.” Thanks!
@Crosswalker2000 4 жыл бұрын
Thank You Pastor Jeff for a great message... He can calm the storm...Amen
@Crosswalker2000 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for a great message and encouragement Pastor Mark...
@prmsitumorang7283 4 жыл бұрын
Listening to this sermon reminded me of my own experience when, on a small wooden boat crossing the big Lake Toba in North Sumatra of Indonesia. The wooden boat measures only about 50 ft, slowly moving on the lake, relying on a small diesel engine in a gloomy late afternoon. I sat on a long chair on the upper deck by myself, facing the side of the boat, while the other passengers were sitting in the downstair deck, a dosen of them chatting to one another. While watching the scenery alongside of the lake, I then observed that the waves were increasing in height and started to sway the boat sideways. I can still enjoyed the sway, as if enjoying the swing in the park during my childhood, until I heard some passangers spoke to the boatman about the increasing sway, because the wooden frame of the boat frame started to rattle. They spoke to the boatman about their safety in the growing storm. The boatman try to sooth them, not to be scared, telling them just to pray. Did I pray while sitting alone on the deck. That time was different. Because I know those people will call upon the god of the lake and I did not want to be in one fellowship with them. That time I was alone with my Jesus. That's why... after many encounters with the devil, and relying on the power of Jesus to succesfully rebuke them in all the events... at that particular time I took a different approach. In a low voice, I spoke toward the rolling waves: "You Devil, are you trying to tempt me? Are you blind not to see the angel of the Lord sitting next to me?" Fullstop. I could imagine the devil of the lake got ashamed, shyfully retreat from the situation and I could watch the waves started to calm down, until the lake became so calm together with the other passengers. Let the Lord Jesus be glorified. AMEN.
@valeriescott4902 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for a wonderful sermon again. I love cruising and was fortunate to have returned from a 17 day cruise at the end of February 2020. Not sure about cruising again. Loved seeing the picture of the Jesus Boat. I was fortunate to travel to Israel 2017 and we went to Kibbutz Ginosar. We went out on a boat on the Sea of Galilee and no storm or wind that day. Very moving to recall my trip as I listened to the sermon this morning. We can trust God in the storm.
@yvonnecaldwell9069 4 жыл бұрын
Oh just one more thing I will do my very best to live like Jesus no matter what comes my way!
@yvonnecaldwell9069 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Easter Jeff Yes He is Risen ! He is Risen indeed! And thank-you for this sermon...I get it! Yes I finally get it!.....I’m going Home! If you saw me right now you would see me dancing! Yes I’m dancing just like “ET” did when he knew he was going home! Yes I know I’m not leaving this wonderful planet any time soon unless it’s in God’s plans of course. But in the meantime I’m going to dance and live life with a smile on my face, because “YC” , that’s me, is eventually going “Home to be with Jesus!” Malachi 4: 2 But for you who fear My name , the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. Hey that’s me the skipping calf! Love Ya, Yvonne
@phraimswrld 4 жыл бұрын
Nice... Video.... Really captivating
@trevorthroness3319 4 жыл бұрын
Incredible sermon, thank you
@donschellenberg 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you pastor Jeff for this amazing message!
@trevorthroness3319 4 жыл бұрын
Great message and beautiful music, thank you!
@cherylpenner3799 4 жыл бұрын
Great job ladies....encouraging
@craftygirl17 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video, we're all in this together and yes it's very hard, I think you ladies validated people's feelings around the virus, it was nice to here this. And I'm very sorry that your daughters grad was cancel, that would be heart breaking for something she worked so hard for, this is a big disappointment and she had all the right to cry. I to felt the way you did going into Save On Foods felt very weird and not normal, I had to go to a pharmacy to get some things and this little pharmacy had plexi glass up to and the pharmacist had mask on, it felt so strange like out of a movie, so surreal. Thanks again for the video.
@steve767300 4 жыл бұрын
And don’t forget to send your money, because remember, god needs LOTS of money!
@craftygirl17 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent sermon 🙏👏👏👏👏👏
@graceandfavor5 4 жыл бұрын
God gave grace to the humble. ganda ng music na ito. i love this song so much. God bless on your channel.
@lucgosselin4643 4 жыл бұрын
Great online service! A real blessing to all of us at home through the message and the worship!
@trevorthroness3319 4 жыл бұрын
That was a really excellent service. Creative, meaningful worship time and a really great sermon. I thought Jesse brought a very fine, biblical, interesting message. Thanks for the effort!
@MultiJason73 4 жыл бұрын
Great message. Thank you everyone. And the new song that was written by the guy playing guitar is a blessing! #northviewTV
@lornapike4938 4 жыл бұрын
Great job Northview; watching from Brampton Ontario;
@hudsonb631 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this Northview!
@caninevalley7739 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for bringing the Word of God to us. Gives me so much hope and encouragement.