@ItsMeCaseyLee 3 күн бұрын
He references "men who are highly sexed" quite a few times, but doesn't specifically explain it. What does this mean?
@BradleyMasten 3 күн бұрын
Nope I'm not God. 100 per cent not. I hate it. I'm not Jesus. Alright. Lay off my imagination. That's not God that's me. As a man thinketh, so is he. Cut the bs. There's boundaries. I'm sticking to time bandits.
@Cyrus943 3 күн бұрын
30:49 yes we should have sex but in moderation and only when we are trying to procreate
@TejedaNarvaez 6 күн бұрын
@mzyouknowit8024 7 күн бұрын
I think Ace of Diamonds
@barankaragoz2015 8 күн бұрын
What book is this?
@mzyouknowit8024 7 күн бұрын
Ace of Diamonds is the book
@kylacreveling5565 8 күн бұрын
Yes, I started reading the comments as I’ve been listening and only 2:47 minutes in…I’m just curious …wouldn’t you eventually have to release, doesn’t retention cause prostate cancer?
@eleganckiMichal 9 күн бұрын
@joshuahalsteadup 10 күн бұрын
Dam that was good
@BMM-op4ou 11 күн бұрын
Cant wait to get to this chapter in reading, i listen first before i read. Reading allows me to get into it real good
@wLBlue 11 күн бұрын
With this....feminism...and just the majority of womens bad behaviors.....this will not be helping the ones who fear depopulation. ;)
@tonystark71 12 күн бұрын
7:21 as Napoleon hill said, when you accomplish the money we desire. What we will give in return? Any examples??
@lindahebb4832 14 күн бұрын
Thank you
@VesTavia-nj4pk 15 күн бұрын
The world leaders are all EVIL
@nangotoman9429 16 күн бұрын
@elenaakumobama8394 17 күн бұрын
No conocimiento es perdido 🫶
@agostinhojosealexandre5594 18 күн бұрын
@OSWARDCHIBUYE 20 күн бұрын
Really inspired God Bless
@OSWARDCHIBUYE 20 күн бұрын
Iam really inspired by such inspiration.
@owengreene382 21 күн бұрын
Earl is dead. But, he's words ring true to this day, 2024. I came from a council house in Ireland. 1 of 13 siblings. I knew from when I could walk, there was no free lunch in life. So, at the age 11, I started saving In the Post-office. I remember the old guy behind the counter smiling at me when i handed him a shilling for a stamp. That was beginning of my welt fund. There have been many ups and downs, but, inever lost confidence in my ability to move on. Saving and getting lucky meeting my wife, has only enhance my life.
@WillieCribb-e2b 22 күн бұрын
Every time i listen to this Chapter I receive a greater understanding.
@Southern-GA 22 күн бұрын
Imagine if you utilized this starting at 13 years old.
@Itskaseyh 23 күн бұрын
Stats are legit
@teamdavid_AG 27 күн бұрын
@yourfirstbook101 27 күн бұрын
@Mihir_Dwi 27 күн бұрын
ch 9 Mastermind
@BMM-op4ou 28 күн бұрын
Imagine if videos like these would trend and billions of people watch and do what is said therein. Unfortunately porn videos has more views than personal growth videos
@cindynelson7313 29 күн бұрын
Thank you! For this amazing share. With no commercials. You are truly Appreciated!!!
@Mihir_Dwi 29 күн бұрын
1:04:19 pg 162
@Mihir_Dwi Ай бұрын
Pg 159 59:09
@Mihir_Dwi Ай бұрын
22.5 page 136
@SunflowerSmile44 Ай бұрын
Thank you Sherman
@my_freelance_life Ай бұрын
A 49-minute video that could have been fully summarized in 3 minutes. A freaking waste of time.
@Ifeelright Ай бұрын
I would listen to this over and over again.
@Donovan-wr8lz Ай бұрын
Recently heard of the law of averages and been looking for more about it as it relates to sales. Thanks for posting!
@SondriaInglesias Ай бұрын
safelinkwireless? good 2 try.
@bartemy8631 Ай бұрын
44:00 summary 55:00
@gintongaparador999 Ай бұрын
Freedom is what I want. The freedom and time to live on my own terms without anything trying to control how I live. I want time for my personal interests and the freedom to express myself. I want to live a soft, luxurious life. I don't want to live hustling and always chasing time.
@hunleesmusic1446 Ай бұрын
The ending gave me chills
@squamoza Ай бұрын
Women do not enjoy s3x. They especially hate the penetrative part. But society does not want this to be known and talked about. This is the reason for hatred
@sgcreatives10 Ай бұрын
Great video
@Brian-dh9lp Ай бұрын
The only thing that changes over time is fashion and hairstyle.
@Cox254 Ай бұрын
888 health, wealth, love,peace, joy,longevity, abundance ❤
@zainmuhammad2010 Ай бұрын
Im retaining for 1 year and nothing has changed tbh
@spiritlevelstudios Ай бұрын
20:43 succeeding beyond 40
@amystocky5710 Ай бұрын
I needed this today, thanks so much!!!
@Gray-t6f Ай бұрын
@DreBoone-w7g Ай бұрын
I am moving things into my house .
@RaymondBastien-li6co Ай бұрын
Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys. When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch-/-vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is. Our Father who art in heaven. Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.) They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.) Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.) Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.) Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.) Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.) Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack. He goes before us and prepares the way. Is Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work. Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy. Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below. The Keys to the Kingdom When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail. (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.) (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.) (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.) (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.) (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.) (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.) (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.) (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.) (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)
@DreBoone-w7g Ай бұрын
I am so happy and grateful for my job.