On the Edge of Freedom Trailer
Life Jacket | Full Movie
7 ай бұрын
The Hong Konger | Movie Trailer
@waseemabbas6428 6 сағат бұрын
Very nice and emotional film
@belleairBabe 9 сағат бұрын
@LNSPath03 11 сағат бұрын
Way to produce division at a time when Christians need unity to fight the enemies of God.
@cavinjones3307 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks to the Catholics who wrote it to control us........yep it's sad but truth.
@hamnamalik6046 13 сағат бұрын
THE BESTTT movie I have watched in ages ❤❤❤
@shulamiteKINGSbride 14 сағат бұрын
Matthew 23;37, Revelation 18:24 Jerusalem, where our Lord was crucified. The old harlot, there will be a new Jerusalem a new earth
@LeslieESP21 Күн бұрын
@christinedowie2859 Күн бұрын
Where were you anyway Joseph as Jesus willingly sacrificed himself his blood a covenant. Anyone know?
@christinedowie2859 Күн бұрын
The only thing Jesus concerned himself about through his sacrifice was his mothers distress. His mothers safety. His beloved mother. Her pain nulled his own. Love. Pure love for his mother and belief in His Loving Heavenly Father. No way forgetting you Joseph.
@skaycgoldenridge Күн бұрын
This movie made me cry so much when I first watched it several years ago. Great movie, but a real tear-jerker.
@teresaarvidson44 2 күн бұрын
I am a distant relation to "Bloody Mary". What a horrible woman she was, I didn't realize how bad she was, burning my brothers and sisters at the stake. I am sorry for this.
@randallsmith2830 2 күн бұрын
It is quite amazing, that you use the time frame of "2000 years." Could you please tell me what Church was ministering and guiding the Faithful in 500 AD, 800 AD, and 1100 AD? I just want to hear you say it.
@randallsmith2830 2 күн бұрын
Wow! How can anyone believe someone who states such an obvious error at best, or outright lies, at worst? Everybody does not admit that there is a harm side to psychotherapy. Now, let's take a look at everything that these 5 people say about psychotherapy and apply it to Christianity. Can't be proven. Is not scientific. Has harmful side effects. And you can go on in a logical manner. Oh how I pray, with the power of the Lord, that I could discuss these matters with these people. Psychology does not say shy people are mentally ill. It is consistently stated that these characteristics must be producing harm and a certain severity of problems. No diagnosis is determined by a single characteristic. If anyone is interested I can contribute a minimum of 25 other points that contradict statements made in this video.
@xtevetyler5332 2 күн бұрын
'vicarius filii dei" open blasphemy, written on the papal tiara if you take only the valid roman numerals ( i, uv, x, l, c, d, m) they add to 666 what a suprise there eh, Vicar to god indeed isnt that christs title, so who does it say this number refers too yes rhe beast a man, indeed the entire papal lineage those who crucified yeshuva in the first place. The substitute christ or anti christ incarnate.
@xtevetyler5332 2 күн бұрын
Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow, learn what that rhyme meant
@andreaspapapetrou5220 2 күн бұрын
@keithquinton 2 күн бұрын
holy men are speaking as led by the holy ghost still. ✨🫶🏼🔥
@scotteilers5626 3 күн бұрын
What the heck? This film was originally produced by Abc Kane. Same sequence of cards with different music and narration. I should know I was an editor there.
@ridingblues 3 күн бұрын
Seems that there are always a pro/con argument to everything. But - the big question you should research and answer for yourself is who is Jesus because if you believe in Jesus then God exists and created, somehow, everything right from the get-go. Many people see the start of creation but just do not want to acknowledge God. He does give us a choice.
@rwLincoln 3 күн бұрын
Does anyone remember the 1970s Jesus Music song "If the Lord came back to day, to take us all away" ---i have been looking for the official title of the song and the band that produced this song ---i think they were a small band from Corona or Riverside, CA ---but i haven't been able to track down the lyrics
@MikeMarley-r9s 3 күн бұрын
When hearing of Mark Buntain for the first time,I heard that he prayed in the spirit constanly.A great general in the army of the Lord.
@abrahamphilip6439 3 күн бұрын
A typical Protestant presentation , full of lies & exxagerations, Understanding the fundamental Error of Protestantism, vindicates the truth of the Catholic Faith Protestantism, sunk in Sodom and Divorce and Protestantization the source of the prophesied Apostasy theologically in the leavens of the Faith by Faith Only contrary to the revelation of " Render unto God what is to God " FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only In the very beginning many believed in the Erranous Faith Only philosophy amounting to mis interpreting Paul for the reason of the Epistle of James that specifically states " It is not Faith Only " The Correction The same grevious Error popped up through the Protestant reformation with Martin Luther rejecting James (one of the 3 constituting the inner circle of Jesus Christ ) cause it was a hinderance to his erranous view of redemption Incidentally the Trogan horse of the prophesied Apostasy through Protestantization The Ex communication of QE1 by Pope St Pius V was the Ex communication of Protestantism itself, spiritually Protestantism created by the Zionists (Freemasonic to its core) to serve their Enmity against Christ and Christianity Jesus made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES in the temple, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles) the leavens of LAW/FAITH resp,
@conectadacomdeus9852 4 күн бұрын
Muito lindo ! Maranata !❤
@stephendavies2925 4 күн бұрын
Great video! We must not forget the wickedness of the Pope!
@LeeGivens-q1v 4 күн бұрын
There's 7 GALACTIC HEAVENS one above the other and we are in the lowest heavenly body.... And it would take 500 light years to reach the next universe and THE CREATOR OF THE GALACTIC HEAVENS is Above His creation and has absolutely no need to be in His creation for anything what so ever and so therefore you have been placing a falsehood of worship to one of His creation, Jesus son of Mary who was Not sent to save humanity but was sent to the Beni Israel... As Jesus said to the Beni Israel; Hear yee O Israel the lord thy God is One... Jesus said: I have not come but for the lost tribe of the children of Israel... So what does that tell you ? Jesus was Not sent to save humanity but was sent to the Beni Israel because of their accesses of transgressions and so therefore you have been fed nonsense to be thinking such foolishness as to be worshipping Jesus and not the Creator of the Galactic Heavens 🤔... Wow now that's a tremendous amount of misguided ideology y'all have adapted as the truth....And WHICH ONE OF The 3000 (DIFFERENT CHANGED VERSIONS) of the biblical texts are y'all taking knowledge from???? The Qur'an is a confirmation of the books that came before it that men had changed...So what are y'all thinking except that you lack the knowledge to understand its reality of the truth....
@LeeGivens-q1v 4 күн бұрын
There's absolutely no Deity in truth worthy of worship except for AllAAH subhana wataa alaa And so therefore it is essential for people to stop worshipping the Creation and start worshipping the Creator of the Galactic Heavens who is above His creation and has absolutely no need to be in His creation for anything and if He wants something to be in His creation He says Kum'Phiyah'Kum be and it is.... He says Kum'Phiyah'Kum be and it is and that is the power and Glory and Might of the Creator of the Galactic Heavens and y'all think Jesus was the Creator and so therefore you have been fed nonsense to be thinking such foolishness.... Astougfullah
@chatham888 5 күн бұрын
Excellent documentary
@alaskadave007 5 күн бұрын
❤❤ GREAT MOVIE IT BRAUGHT A TEAR TO MY EYE ..❤❤ David Moroney in Ennis County Clare Ireland .... Thanks
@amiepatterson8 5 күн бұрын
Just because a video is made does not make it true. Please do your own research.
@automaticsky1772 5 күн бұрын
Bush thinks pope is God. 😂
@oyenations162 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so much.🫅
@AlcottVerna-j1c 6 күн бұрын
Jackson David Thomas Lisa Brown Laura
@chasin8888 6 күн бұрын
Passing along to all the Catholics I know!!!
@amiepatterson8 5 күн бұрын
Why don't you first test these claims before you tell people.
@chasin8888 3 күн бұрын
@@amiepatterson8 centuries of testing have been done. These are the times for Truth. We have all been deceived in all facets of life.
@Swordoftruth289 3 күн бұрын
Many people already have. The roman catholic church has been the oppisite of what they declare jesus said it would be, meaning throught thier fruits we see who they are and that the gates of hell have been upon what is self proclaimed as the catholic church. ​@amiepatterson8
@chickabeesapiary7920 6 күн бұрын
Do those of us who are only grafted in (gentiles) get to be a part of the exodus? To be fair I wasn't there when my parents did the deed to make me, I wasn't there, I didn't get to choose who I was born as. I have Faith and trust in Yahuah and am fully aware of who the true Israelites are
@TonyaJames1.16 6 күн бұрын
2:01:00 Ian Paisley
@TonyaJames1.16 6 күн бұрын
@danib712 6 күн бұрын
The Roman Empire turned into the Roman Catholic Church
@Swordoftruth289 3 күн бұрын
Yep and in 770 they allowed icons and idols in the church. It's a later invention. Because we also know that romans before Christianity loved idols and veneration of idols and gods. Luther saw this and I'd why he saved his fellow Christians from a fmgrave error.
@DouglasThomas-xs6tq 7 күн бұрын
I've learned so much from his harmonica playing
@JANETTEHensley-p7d 7 күн бұрын
@NijiChieftain 8 күн бұрын
I don’t believe anything a white mam says about the Bible because they don’t tell the truth
@ManoPriyanthika-d5n 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for upload this movie.real motivation for life.❤
@Liberty_Sword 9 күн бұрын
The beast out of the earth is it's own "beast" entirely. It "exersiceth ALL of the power of the first beast before him". That is an enormous amount of power. The two horns on the beast of the earth (the false prophet) have as much power as the whole first beast (and all of it's 7 heads combined). The beast out of the sea in Revelation 13 is a composite of all 4 of the beasts of Daniel 7. It has 7 heads because all 4 of Daniel's beasts are 7 heads total. Daniel's 3rd beast has 4 heads and the other three beasts have 1 head. Daniel's first is accounted for as Babylon, his second as Medo-Persia, his third as Greece (with 4 heads, representing 4 sub-empires) and the fourth Rome. Of Daniel's 4 heads, one was Syria which was at one time Assyria, one was Macedonian Greece, one was Egypt, and one was Thrace. Since the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13 has all 7 of these heads as a representation of a succession of 7 world empires, then it follows that all 4 of the heads on Daniel's 3rd beast reigned at one time as it's own world empire, being a part of the 7 of the sea beast. Three are a counted for during the first 6 heads. Egypt, Greece, and Assyria. So, we have Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome as the first 6 heads. One still needs to be accounted for, and only 3 of the 4 heads of Daniel's Greek beast are accounted for. The 4th head that remains unaccounted for on Daniel's Greek/Leopard beast, is Thrace. Thrace is modern day Turkey. This follows that after Rome, and after Rome is split in two as described in Daniel ch 2, that the next empire would be some sort of Turkish empire. Well lo and behold, the next empire to take over eastern Rome (known as the Byzantine empire) was the Turkish Ottoman empire. The Ottoman empire is the 7th head. The British empire is stronger, because the British empire and the US government empire are their own separate beast entirely. The two horns on that beast alone are as strong as all 7 of the former beasts combined. Also, it should be noted, that in the KJV, it does not say that the 8th "is one of the 7" or "comes out of the 7th". No, it simply says that the 7 heads are 7 mountains, and there are 7 kings (kingdoms). It says the beast himself is an 8th, and is of the 7 (meaning of all 7). It just means that the 8th system is the world empire agenda which was always present within those empires, now let loose out in the open with an open agenda, and being put into practice. The beast from the sea is the New World Order. The beast from the earth is the Anglo-American world empire containing the New World Order agenda being put into practice by itself.
@AngelaHammill 9 күн бұрын
Lovely film now I'm crying xx
@countesscable 9 күн бұрын
This film made me cry 😢. It’s so much better than the stuff they are churning out now.
@FaradayStanford-y4m 10 күн бұрын
Lewis David Allen Daniel Gonzalez Brian
@JuneLundie 10 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed watching this movie. So uplifting, inspiring, truly a movie to be watched 😊❤
@tiffcat1100 10 күн бұрын
Where DID her cellphone/mobile phone go?
@tiffcat1100 10 күн бұрын
Adorable movie 🌟❤🌟
@tiffcat1100 10 күн бұрын
Love the film, but they made a mistake & showed the gingerbread house in the background before they had actually made it. I clocked it because I love them!
@loganwinkelman5475 10 күн бұрын
This “documentary” is a joke. Historically false, full of mistranslation and misquoting, logical fallacies and deliberate mischaracterization Catholicism. If you put this much effort into actually engaging with the teachings of the church, you may actually have a chance of convincing people who are critical thinkers, or even disproving Catholicism. But we’ll never know because you wasted your time on this 2 hour long straw man.