END of AMERICA: 2028?
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TRUE Prophets & FALSE Prophets
3 ай бұрын
@suburbanprepper2734 Сағат бұрын
Can God ? And has God used "prophets" or imparted dreams to men who were living a sinful lifestyle?
@donhardister1 10 сағат бұрын
Really enjoy your channel. Believe wholeheartedly that you are sincere. But you don’t have the facts.
@mfblume1 11 сағат бұрын
I agree perfectly. I've said the same thing over and over again. How the attention's being taken off the real predator who molested some kids. I mean how more wicked can a person be? And they settled it and they forgave each other and felt it was a done deal. And Chris Reed did everything that he was asked to do in the restoration process, and for the woman to speak up now and for other people to raise the issue is taking something out from underneath the blood that was already forgiven. And if the woman is saying that there's more than what happened after she told Chris she forgave him and and he forgave her and they repented to each other, then she shouldn't have made the mistake of doing that and then later coming out with some other issues. So there's some dishonesty going there and you nailed it when you referred to Matthew chapter 18 and the process that Jesus gave to deal with sin amongst people.
@karenbenfield6321 15 сағат бұрын
You are incorrect, Sir. You do not have all the facts.
@raybrensike42 Күн бұрын
I heard of a woman who was being physically abused by her husband. The children also suffered some of the same, so he went to someone in her church, and he asked her what she did to make him mad. Now, is that pleading the cause of the oppressed? Not if that is all we know. If we hear from a woman that her husband is physically abusing her, and that's all we know, wouldn't it be better to ask her husband what she did to make him mad? Why ask her, if our goal is to plead the cause of the oppressed? Some might say, "Well that doesn't make any difference." Yet, it did to her. To her it made a difference. From what I could get of her story, that was about all she got from her church for "help".
@zackmason7693 5 сағат бұрын
I do not understand your comment or the relevance the case at hand. Erikson is a predator. This discussion about Chris is a distraction and even sinful. But your comment doesn't clearly connect to either?
@apostolicrestoration1520 Күн бұрын
Can we move on and not keep digging this up! Do we really need to be investigative in order to prove wrong or right? Chris has repented, his wife knows about the emotional affair she has forgiven. ...Rick made it Known give him a chance to move on and don't keep digging it up! God will deal with Rick Joyner and the person that did other wrong things! Okay! I've moved on God will give you peace too! Let the authorities deal with it and God! It is sweet that you are defending a brother but this just digs up hurtful matters that Rick and his family needs to be able to move on from! Are we judge and jury? You said that the 50 dollar bill one has already came to pass and I might be incorrect to say that that is the one that really struck me and got my attention ....Some of the dreams whether they do or not come to pass will not break you or make you! I have been a dreamer most of my life and some were spot on and especially night visions....When it comes to prophecy what does the scripture say? 1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. We only know in part we don't have all the answers. Hurting people hurt people and on and on! Suppose the things that happened are yes a wake up call but we can't legislate compliance unfortunately because God gives free will to choose our path! The Church has not been reacting in one way or the other for a very long time! Pray and as for Chris this was the best thing that could have happened according to the word of God Romans 8:28! All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to God's purpose. I have found that every time I humble myself promotion comes! I believe Chris and his family can get through this and I believe the church can too! Man of God you will make it too This too will pass and you'll have something else to investigate! Stay blessed! God Bless you and others that are caught in a mind trap and may our minds be renewed daily in the Name of Jesus! Let us press on! Amen!
@mfblume1 11 сағат бұрын
@zackmason7693 5 сағат бұрын
This makes no sense to me. I HAD to address Chris Reed because I have featured him on my channel and if I don't people will remain confused where I stand or accuse me of avoiding this issue. Second, I was very fair to him, and I essentially said we shouldn't be talking about this. We should be calling our current and actual scandals with Rick and Erikson. It is especially frustrating when people criticize me saying exactly what I just said, but they apparently didn't understand what I said. Maybe I just didn't communicate clearly enough?
@apostolicrestoration1520 3 сағат бұрын
@@zackmason7693 Of course I don't necessarily think you so wrong but since you say God told you to I myself would definitely do what God tells me to do! I understand how ministers come under a higher process and standard than others who are not necessarily been chosen to do something higher! That does not mean they are not important and yes they are counting on you to help them and since that is your calling don't worry what other's say we don't all have the answers I feel drawn to Chris and his amazing ministry and I am deeply sorry for the actions of others but unfortunately because of his failure he is in like a gold fish in a see through bowl but maybe for his own good sometimes God saves us from something worse! What I was sensing is that we've got bigger fish to fry with the coming elections and now Trump has gone through a 2nd attempt on his life! My mission is not the same as your own and I admire you for standing up for a brother in trouble that is what Jesus would do he was always moved with compassion and you are on the right track and soon you'll understand a little better so my friend Zack keep your head up and and be who God called you to be! It's a good place to be! God bless you and more power to you to do the will of God! Amen!
@originalbiblestudywithJael Күн бұрын
Thank you brother for speaking justice and love. There is a spiritual background about these accusations. What Mike Bickle, Robert Morris and Chris Reed have in common is that they all support Trump, and it’s election year. When Trump is being roasted by the democrats, they are being targeted too by the devil. It’s strange that the sin happened 3years ago, 20 and 40 years ago got dug out during election season. I spent a whole day today trying to prepare a script to tell my opinion. But the think most people are just brainwashed by mainstream media and nobody would believe me. I’m so sad to see God’s servants being spit on and torn apart. So sad. The devil wants to divide us and make us Christians fight each other. 😢 I can’t believe most people but these lies. These women probably got paid to speak out at this moment.
@raybrensike42 Күн бұрын
If we keep exhuming things, might we find ourselves in a valley of dry bones, and if we bite and devour one another might we be consumed one of another? What is above all of this is finding a better way to do church, or to do reconciliation ministry.
@barneypenner2820 Күн бұрын
Brother , there was more than one kiss …
@raybrensike42 Күн бұрын
I don't see Erickson's actions as being the real story. The real story to me is much deeper and more important to the church and hopefully church history. We have a founder and present president of a church who suggests he may have fallen short in putting another minister in the president and CEO position, and he says the man fell short in courage in resigning at this time and for such a reason as he stated, and we also have the minister who resigned as saying something about something corrupt in that church's system. So should the present president who is the founder, to speak with the ex-president to find out what he sees as being corrupt in their church system? We should not just be satisfied with getting back to the position from where we fell from, but we should want to get in a better position, perhaps much further from the edge from which we fell. We should have ministers who are willing to hear matters of oppression, actions of others which cause undue stress or oppression, who will do so without partiality and without hypocrisy, being willing to hear both sides of a matter and do for one party the same as for the other and make the plea, "Please Have Mercy" at an appropriate time. We don't always know what effect our actions or lack thereof, might have upon others. Therefore, we need this kind of ministry. We need helpers together in walking out the gospel in our lives at times. When was the last time any of us have heard the words "Plead the cause of the oppressed" come out of a minister's mouth? Is it on video or audio somewhere? I could wonder what might happen if I offered a financial reward to the first one that could produce such a thing. So, have we left anything out of the Bible, in our gospel preaching? If we have lost something, we need to get it back. It might help us get to a better place than we were before we fell. This matter about delivering judges or reconciling ministers is so big, it really could be the focus of every sermon for at least several months, if not a full year, seems to me, and yet it seems to me to be of paramount importance. I'm thinking that as a congregant I would trade a year's worth of sermons I have heard for one month of the kind of sermons I'm thinking of, and I would be spiritually richer for it.
@raybrensike42 Күн бұрын
The reason Erickson isn't really the story is because he's not going to be in ministry anytime soon, at least as far as we can tell. Is he in prison? I don't see it so much as an idolatry problem.
@raybrensike42 Күн бұрын
What if a pastor who had been a SAer in the past, stood before the church with all the elders behind him, and said that it's time for a power shift and he reminds them that with power comes responsibilities, and that he wants them to all stand up and promise they will not hide SA, but will always speak up about it to someone and any elder will do, and they have also promised not to hide SA, and that these elders are going through some ministry of reconciliation training to plead the cause of the oppressed and to ask for mercy from any offending party when such offences cause the suffering or legitimate distress of another. Well once everyone gets clear on what is going on with reconciliation training, and the process, and that nothing will go Un ministered to if there is a matter of oppression going on, there are two questions that come to mind: 1. If you were a wolf in sheep's clothing in that church, would you feel safe? 2. Do you feel safe in that church? And what if somebody says "We can't do that because we have to have 2 or 3 witnesses to make a charge against a minister. So, what you are asking us to do is contrary to the scripture." However, we are not under law, but under grace and therefore can't we adapt to the times or the culture? It's a sick world out there and some of it is getting sicker.
@MciRacer Күн бұрын
"IIs not the main story" Because one could be the stepping stone to bring attention to another.
@HHS2050 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. CR had repent 3 years ago and he is not continuing sinning. Does the blood of Jesus powerful enough to washed away our sin and washed CR’s sin or NOT? Pastors preached, after we repent then all sins are FORGOTTEN AND wiped out and NO MORE records in our book of life. Clean as snow. Kathryn has repent and has been forgiven. So case is OVER. If CR is called by God, then CR needs to fulfill His calling. He is a prophet then he is a prophet. God gave him the calling, NoT you, not us, not anyone. CR has repent and is forgiven and is forgotten. Demons are trying to destroy every Christian, including CR, you and me. So CR made a big mistake by helping a woman that was in such poor life without ask his wife to be there with them. I blamed on the familiar spirits that followed Kathryn bloodline? After CR repent and Almighty God sent holy angels visited him, that is REAL. Be blessed. Thank you.
@bethezebra Күн бұрын
20:47 it's perfectly fine, biblical, and rational to have a righteous indignation (without sinning) about both scandals. I agree that one has overshadowed the other to some agree. Both are egregious, however. And no, i am not without sin. Good point though that we shouldn't idolize ministers.
@d.barnes4592 Күн бұрын
As far as dreams are concerned and whether or not they are true based on the holiness of a person. Was Pharaoh qualified to have a true dream, according to that litmus test? Was Nebuchadnezzar? Lost sinful people have dreams all the time. I know I’ve been interpreting dreams for years, and have a christian website for that. That is not the extraordinary thing. The extraordinary achievement regarding dreams is the power of the Holy Spirit in interpreting them. The company of prophets rightly discerning their message, and how they should be implemented or regarded by the Body. Unsaved people, and people not right with God, have had dreams that led them to the Lord. One dream I interpreted the woman was back slidden, till this day world events are panning out that was in that dream that brought her back to God. I can say my personal experience in this camp is that there is a lot of gate keeping. I live in the area, I’ve submitted some of the most profoundly accurate dreams of world events you could ask for, in hope for help to steward them. There is no facility for that it seems. I hate to say it but trying to connect that way with people appears to stir up jealousy. So I think that there is a culture that puts the prophetic on a pedestal and those that exhibit the gift in an unusual way are either a target of envy or desired to be used as an asset. As David was for Saul. We are turning a corner and that is rapidly changing. Thank God. Speaking of David, his giftings and abilities did not earn him immediate rulership. Chris was prematurely appointed that, and the fall out is on RJ.
@bethezebra Күн бұрын
10:50 You said the affair did not reach a s3xual level. The young lady in question, in her interview with the young couple, said otherwise. She did make it sound like mostly touching and very short lived in that aspect. Please don't misrepresent. Edit: i did see this topic elsewhere in the comments. I am willing to revisit the facts in case it was I that misheard or misunderstood the yound lady's testimony. My takeaway, though, was that there was quite a bit more than just a quick "one kiss" like this makes it sound.
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
Yes, they both admit there was some on-cloth touching and kissing, but we should not know about this issue as it was repented of and dealt with according to Matthew 18. Predator behavior is not observed. Given her highly sexualized history and lifestyle right before Morningstar, and given how women in that kind of brokenness typically seek out pastors for approbation, it is most likely her who initiated the relationship luring him in with flattery and he lacked wisdom, didn't put up good barriers, and fell into it for a time with her. Her testimony is not to believed at face value either, and she has not clearly repented of her part as he has. I do not see a pattern of falling with him that many are just assuming must be there because of al the other scandals. Nevertheless, once again, in all these comments, no one is talking about Erikson, or Rick Joyner, and that is a problem. I'll change the sin from sex to violence to make it clearer. There was a serial killer at Morningstar killing teenagers in 2022. It seems Morningstar may not have done enough to stop him while knowing about him. The families of the victims launch lawsuits in 2024. Chris Reed elevated to CEO in 2023, resigns now saying he is on the side of the victims and cannot represent Morningstar against them. A reporter calls Rick Joyner, says there must be more to the story? "Oh yes," he says, "Chris punched his wife in the face in 2021." "Then, why was he made CEO." "He repented, it wasn't a pattern, he did his penance and his wife was in agreement, so we move on." "So, why are you telling me now." "To show he's not innocent either." "Can I have their phone numbers?" "Sure, here's this other woman's phone number as well. She punched his wife too. But she hasn't repented." Everybody else: "I can't believe Chris Reed punched his wife. He must be a serial killer." That's my view of it, but again, I just really wanted to know if those two dreams needed to be discarded or not. I don't think anyone should be talking about Chris. That was done and should not have been brought up again. I think people SHOULD be talking about Rick Joyner and Morningstar until they repent.
@bethezebra Күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 I see where you're coming from. I just think all of it is worth discussing. I have been to Morningstar many times and almost moved to be close to that ministry and a couple others. I would want the info about Reed as lead to weigh in with the decision to move and plug in. It would be perfectly biblically valid to make a judgement using these details. You are right that the other is the most important. Yes the Reed thing might be a smokescreen of sorts to dilute the waters. I agree that Rick, then is just as important to weigh. Don't get me wrong, you have great points, and have given me several angles I didn't consider. The best bet is to continue to pray for all people involved in all of this tragic stuff. Bless you bro.
@karenbenfield6321 14 сағат бұрын
@@zackmason7693CR sought her out initially. A male pastor should never approach a female congregant without a witness. Ever. Period. Leadership needs much more training in this.
@appleshine8434 Күн бұрын
Pretty much all of these charismatic prophetic ministries (businesses) are more detrimental than beneficial to the body of Christ. They are unnecessary, but promote themselves as essential for living the Christian life. It’s as if the body of Christ exists so they can have their ministry, as opposed to the reverse. The New Testament is filled with warnings about false prophets and false teachers, but very little about true prophets. Take away the money factor and you’d be left with a handful of genuine ministries. The vast majority fail “the Paul test” of what a true servant of the Lord looks like. “For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves, for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Cor 4:5
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
Very well said! You should watch my video on False Prophets, True Prophets.
@appleshine8434 Күн бұрын
Thank you, I’ll check it out. Have you ever listened to Terry Bennett?
@KailBB8 Күн бұрын
You are spot on! Thank you for speaking out and sharing. PS. And I couldn’t agree more about the young couple who commentaries about every scandal! They need to just stop! (I stopped following them awhile ago and wrote a comment telling them) again, thank you for sharing
@HHS2050 Күн бұрын
@user-te1os6ft6o Күн бұрын
The woman has said it was much more than text and a kiss…. I agree with you on Matthew 18 and CEO and gifts are irrevocable.. unfortunately if what the woman said is true then Chris was dishonest with his wife and Rick…. That’s a little different..
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
Chris also admitted to touching through clothing and kissing. This is not in question, they both say the same. But the woman has a highly questionable background and her testimony should not be automatically believed as she most likely initiated this. BUT we should be talking about the evil that Erikson did and Joyner, not this.
@pupanchors Күн бұрын
I do agree with you. I feel the same way about the unfortunate turn of events. I have tried to watch peoples' responses including Rick Joyner and Chris Reed and others. When we have gifts from God, they are active whether we are walking close to the Lord or not. the gifts are without repentance. you don't get gifting just because you're "good". I pray for restoration on everyone involved, in that, above all love will conquer the disaster that our sinful natures and the enemy uses to destroy.
@maleccnurse1 Күн бұрын
Remember Larry Lea: A man with such an effective ministry it moved the spiritual "needle" with his initiatives toward prayer. He wound up leaving his wife for another woman. I point out that the church does not have a clear way of thinking about the 'spiritual' aspect of warfare against men who are highly effective. We also do not do a very good job about stressing emotional continence in marriage. We understand physical continence and fidelity but not emotional. It is worth noting that Joyner stopped speaking out after a long weekend: time for the adults (ie. legal counsel) to convince him to stop creating problems for himself and the suit against his ministry. RJ weaponizes scripture when he worries about "the sheep" in association with this resignation. Reed barely passed the first test but almost failed. He has passed this second test. I will be surprised if he stops reporting revelatory experiences. I expect much more in due course.
@apostolicrestoration1520 Күн бұрын
It's called lust and if we don't walk in the spirit what happens? We walk in the flesh! He didn't make the best decisions and failed badly but he says he's repented and he's going to either humble himself or be humbled! The proof is not in effectiveness it is in the fruit that remain from the many amazing words God spoke through him and he dreamed of or saw in night visions! It's like a hurry up and wait and see in the mean time life goes on and we'll be onto a new subject matter before our heads hit our pillow tonight!
@maleccnurse1 20 сағат бұрын
@@apostolicrestoration1520 Apparently you have a gifting that others lack; the ability to see into motives. How nice!
@blueheaven1048 Күн бұрын
Chris needs to take a seat and work on his relationship with God and his wife and children. His wife is the forgotten victim here. She has to pick up the pieces of his sin against her.
@rogeronthesouthfork175 Күн бұрын
All this foolishness needs to stop. repent and believe the Gospel and get back to the Bible. Egos ego egos! Stop.
@user-lu6uy3th1e Күн бұрын
Right now that man Chris Reed needs to disappear from public view, spend time with God and his family. I dont know but something about him used to put me off every time his face would pop up on Y.T. No one is happier than the kingdom of darkness with all the scandals coming out from the so- called body of Christ.
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
I have been predicting these scandals for 4 years on my channel due to the warnings God has given us in dreams and visions and prophetic words. They were/are expected and they will be many more unfortunately. What Jesus told us starting 4 years ago in these dreams is that it was HE who was shaking the Church and exposing these scandals. He also said this very month of September we should be PRAYING for all of the scandals to be EXPOSED. This is His work cleaning up the Church. My point in this video is to examine the evidence to show the real scandals at Morningstar are being covered up by pointing at Chris whose sin was much less than all these others. It's like there was a serial killer at Morningstar murdering people and when it came out, Rick Joyner called a reporter and said "Hey everyone, look at Chris he punched someone in the face 3 years ago." Chris does not seem to be in the same category as TD Jakes, Bickle, Erikson, or these others. Rick Joyner though has acted suspiciously. I am calling Christians to discern correctly.
@aborowka Күн бұрын
The best from all of it is 'process' of restoration. To what? I know, I know! To ministry! Since Rick Joyner 'restored' Todd Bentley so why not restore Chris Reed. Nothing will ever surprise me that may come from charismatic midst. I can use only wild imagination.
@lynpuente5248 Күн бұрын
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
You are missing my point entirely. I have been predicting these scandals for 4 years on my channel due to the warnings God has given us in dreams and visions and prophetic words. They were/are expected and they will be many more unfortunately. What Jesus told us starting 4 years ago in these dreams is that it was HE who was shaking the Church and exposing these scandals. He also said this very month of September we should be PRAYING for all of the scandals to be EXPOSED. This is His work cleaning up the Church. My point in this video is to examine the evidence to show the real scandals at Morningstar are being covered up by pointing at Chris whose sin was much less than all these others. It's like there was a serial killer at Morningstar murdering people and when it came out, Rick Joyner called a reporter and said "Hey everyone, look at Chris he punched someone in the face 3 years ago." Punching someone in the face is a sin, but if it was repented of and processed according to Matthew 18 3 years, then why are we talking about it instead of the serial killer? Chris does not seem to be in the same category as TD Jakes, Bickle, Erikson, or these others. Rick Joyner though has acted suspiciously. I am calling Christians to discern correctly.
@aborowka Күн бұрын
I have a simple question. How come NONE of the 'prophets' DID NOT see it coming? However, they accurately can prophesy upcoming lawsuits. And that is the ONLY true prophecy.
@lynpuente5248 Күн бұрын
The Lord is the one doing the exposing and there are many more to come.
@aborowka Күн бұрын
@@lynpuente5248 New dictionary in charismatic movement: Sin=mistake False prophesy=missed prophesy or inaccurate prophesy Ordained=anointed Hallucinations=ghost visitations Nightmares=angels or Jesus himself showing up at night Cheers from Poland!
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
I'm sorry, but you must be new to my channel. For the past years, I have been constantly teaching that there were going to be TONS of pastor scandals. Watch the Dana Coverstone October Dream from 2020 as one example. You can also watch his Plumb Line Dream. These scandals are accelerating and I am telling you right now there are going to be MANY more and much worse. I am frustrated that Christians are ignorantly focusing on Chris whose sin is not in the same category as Erikson, Bickle, TD Jakes, or the others. We should be talking about Rick Joyner and Erikson and that situation instead, but Rick has masterfully manipulated you.
@mfblume1 11 сағат бұрын
David was a prophet and prophesied some of the greatest prophecies of Jesus Christ, but he didn't see that coming with Bathsheba either. And he did a lot far worse than Chris Reed ever did.
@lynpuente5248 10 сағат бұрын
@jessicajoyfife5447 2 күн бұрын
The whole situation reflects badly upon the Christian community, however God is shaking the body of Christ and we all hopefully befon to press into praying that the body of Christ begins to wake up about what we say, do, or participate with. We hopefully can begin to recognize holding anyone up on a pedestal will fall and fail. I pray we all stay more focused on our personal relationships with God. We just need to stop participating by even continuing to discuss things, that we need to ask the Lord to heal all parties involved.
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
@wicomms 2 күн бұрын
When are ppl going call out that satanic person Julie Roys
@tamimoncrief2264 2 күн бұрын
I care about what Bible says. Disagree with you
@zackmason7693 Күн бұрын
You don't agree with the Bible if you're okay with a homosexual predator molesting underage boys at Morningstar and its founder digging up past dirt to distract the public away from what he has done and allowed. You seem to be okay with that because you don't mention it.
@jodiechristenson9611 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Zac...I agree with you...I believe that Chris Reeds dreams are from God and valid now and forever!
@wmr4463 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for this sensible, reflective video. It seems that Morningstar has been involved in a lot of scandal. I think they panicked and threw Reed under the bus to deflect from them. I think you're on the right track here. But there were other bits of evidence that brought a bit more confusion.
@dsmale5753 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for this explanation. I was wondering why her repentance was valid as she was 30 at the time it happened and Chris’s repentance is somehow not valid. And your right that the lawsuits should where the outrage is. And why does no one ever talk about Rick Joyner being a Knight of Malta which have ties to the Vatican? And we know the Vatican sets up Jesuits as fake believers to destroy ministries that they see potential in.
@joychristoph3346 2 күн бұрын
Disagree with your opinion. Chris Reed was not forthright even today. Chris Reed should focus on his family and get a non-ministry job. Chris downplayed what happen so there is no repentance when you continue to lie. I pray he and his family get the much needed healing. Again, Chris Reed needs to go and get a job to support his wife and 6 children.
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
I don't disagree that he shouldn't be leading a ministry right now if ever. My main point is that we shouldn't be talking about him...we should be scandalized by Erikson. And I am at this time still believing the 3 dreams he reported were from God since they are being fulfilled. You should ALSO I think be scandalized by Rick Joyner for acting like a snake secretly using a reporter to cause this whole scandal to protect his own goose from a REAL problem.
@lynpuente5248 Күн бұрын
I totally agree. I saw somewhere he used to work at Lowe's. People here don't know his background prior to M/Star. He was in a tiny town in Indiana and had a small Pentecostal church. He has called this ministries up, including John Kilpatrick at Church of His Presence in Alabama, the one who was leading the Brownsville Revival and John told from the pulpit "I didn't know who this guy was but he called me up and invited himself to come here for a visit and asked to minister in a Sunday service.". This was just about 3-4 wks ago. Then John heard about all this and wants nothing to do with Chris. God can give a dream to a donkey and speak through one too! And he has!
@robertcsmith4298 2 күн бұрын
Why don't you just spend your time trying to get the log out of your own eye before you are so judgmental about things you don't know anything about
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
What in the world are you talking about?
@robertburke9920 2 күн бұрын
Julie Green. Julie Green. Julie Green.
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
@wmr4463 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 Looks like hes idolizing someone.
@nevereux 2 күн бұрын
Jer 5:8-10 AMP “They were like well-fed, lusty stallions, Each one neighing after his neighbor’s wife. “Shall I not punish them [for these things]?” says the LORD; “Shall I not avenge Myself on a nation such as this?” “Go up through the rows of Jerusalem’s vineyards and destroy [them], But do not completely destroy everything. Strip away her branches and the tendrils [of her vines], For they are not the LORD’S”. Fornication in the Ekklesia. 1Pet 4:17 = Father Yah is at work. Sex is not merely an act for pleasing the body but it’s for powerful spiritual communion in which 2 souls are joining (2 become 1 flesh: Gen 2:8), which leads us further into soul ties and open doors for demonic oppression when ungodly emotional investment occurs (the soul is fractured: Pro 6:32-33 + Mat 16:26). The accuser of the brethren is busy and the non-believers just can’t with the hypocrisy in the churches. And what about holiness: Heb 12:14 (& faithfulness & purity)?! Admitting that he sincerely repented, even when sin is forgiven, a price must be paid: 2Sam 12:15-18. Jesus is bringing the whip before bringing the Acts v2.0. The endtimes church shall be a CONFRONTING church with power from on High, it will no longer coexist with the enemy and with compromise. If the leader is corrupt, the entire congregation perishes: Rom 1:32, Haggai 2:13, Isa 9:16.
@jrobb316 2 күн бұрын
I think this analysis is completely fair with the caveot that one kiss is obviously a soft ball statement, which Zack agrees to in his commentary. I have not taken any time before this to follow anything of that situation.
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
Her own written account-- "I did not feel comfortable sharing the more intimate detail that he’d put his hands in between my legs and rubbed me until I had an orgasm in his van. I still remember what I was wearing. There was no woman in the room to represent Morningstar - at either of the two meetings my mother and I attended. Tom and Justin were heartbroken for me, my mother, for the entire situation as a whole."
@benjaminholland-tr6nh 2 күн бұрын
3. Read her account. drive.google.com/file/d/1DJKwJAaffdUXlgQQSXKm3o39zmGCzpeM/view
@lynpuente5248 2 күн бұрын
I am a former partner with M/star and have followed this ministry for 35 yrs. Traveling to attend conferences, making relationships there etc. I started listening to your interpretation of the situation and I have to speak up and say you are wrong. NO one ever said ONE kiss. Listen again. They said KISSING and she said he touched her genitals. He also gave her money and said the texts he sent her were "vulgar". He told her in one text that he "wanted to tie her to a bed" and do things to her. What I gather from the testimony when they said "kissing" is that they were "making out". This was no innocent peck on the cheek type kiss. For Chris, a married man, to be in his van "kissing" (making out) with another woman is adultery. To have a "making out" session with a woman IS SEXUAL and would fall under the heading of SEXUAL FOREPLAY. Doesn't matter if they went farther than that or not. We all have our opinions but I have not heard anyone call this what the Lord would call this. Its Adultery. And, I believe it happened more than once. Did you listen to Kathryn's testimony? This entire topic really makes me sick. But seems everyone is "tippy-toeing" around this issue and unwilling to say what it really is. And, it is not a MISTAKE. It is SIN. This is why I believe there is so much of this kind of thing in today's church. Sin has been re-classified into "mistakes and slip ups and only being human". Trying to lessen the seriousness of it and because of that there is never any true remorse or repentance and people get hurt and disillusioned and fall away from the faith even. And the world mocks us as hypocrits because that is what we are. Because of this SIN in his behavior in my opinion, he has disqualified himself for leadership in a church. Its really funny. The one's that are making less of all this are other leaders, not the rest of us. I really don't care to hear another leaders "opinion" on this. The Word addresses it and has the final say. Another thing, he is the one who approached her first with "a word of knowledge" telling her how "special" she is, etc. That was manipulation. Chris is also a manipulator. There is no one off the hook in this situation, but especially not Chris. Chris admitted to this, some of it, not all. You don't know anything about Justin Perry either so you can't comment on him at all. I don't care if you believed that the dreams and words Chris had were from God. The gifts and callings are without reproach. The texts also became "vulgar" on his part. You are truly wrong. It was not ONE kiss. You don't know Rick Joyner. Did you hear his sermon about Chris stomping out and threatening to get a lawyer and sue them, too.? You are making many assumptions here.
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
In her interview with the couple, she and they repeatedly emphasize "one kiss" which I have no doubt was making out, and I have no doubt the texts were erotic and romantic. I also say this was sin, but that it was dealt with according to Matthew 18 and is now being exploited by Rick Joyner to distract from Erikson. You STARTED listening to this video??? So, you STOPPED and then thought it appropriate to comment here without having heard what all I said? You are a hypocrite for condemning a brother who has repented and being silent about Erikson a wolf-like predator in Morningstar. My entire point was against Christians like you who are outraged over Chris and say nothing about Erikson. BECAUSE YOU COMMENTED WITHOUT WATCHING, I am deleting your comment after a short time. If you decide to actually watch the video, feel free to comment again.
@lynpuente5248 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 whatever
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
@@lynpuente5248 Her own written account-- "I did not feel comfortable sharing the more intimate detail that he’d put his hands in between my legs and rubbed me until I had an orgasm in his van. I still remember what I was wearing. There was no woman in the room to represent Morningstar - at either of the two meetings my mother and I attended. Tom and Justin were heartbroken for me, my mother, for the entire situation as a whole."
@lynpuente5248 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 There are several interviews by several people on this issue. People related on differing levels. You cannot interpret everything based on 1/2 of an interview when you are not listening to everything they said. He took advantage of a student. Period. Post the link to these messages and let people judge for themselves instead of trying to feed them what you want them to know.
@momeliz 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for telling what happened. I was at a wedding last week. And before that was getting ready for it. I have been busy. I did not know this was going on but could tell in the last 6 months that there was a problem. You know how like Saul, still kept the crown but the true kingship went to David. Sin. Yes. He can go through restoration work. My uncle used to do that for ministers when this happened and when they were burned out. He has since passed away. He lived a long life. This is the season of exposure. Judgement starts in the house of the Lord first. We do need to pray for him, the lady and the ministry.
@cooldonnyd8647 2 күн бұрын
No More Chris Reed from Stan with Prophecy Club
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
One kiss dude you are not being honest or you have not done your research.
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
This is what she said repeatedly in her video interview. The "one kiss" as she put it was probably a makeout session, but it does not change my entire point. You missed the entire point of my video, so either please rewatch or just refrain from commenting. You should be outraged by Erikson, asking if Reed's dreams were from God or not for our future planning purposes, and not gossiping about this affair Chris & the lady had because it was repented of, dealt with according to Matthew 18 (at least on Chris' side - the woman has not ever taken responsibility). Nevertheless, it was finished three years ago and does not matter now. Not your business. Not my business. Erikson is the issue at hand as he is a predator. Whether the dreams were from God or not is another issue at hand. Stop participating in the smokescreen.
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 I emailed you PROFF but you did not even look at it.
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 She NEVER SAID "One Kiss" Never!!!
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
@@LK_Ireland I listened to her and the couple that was interviewing her say that phrase multiple times and even emphasize it. Perhaps you didn't see that video? Regardless, WHY do you care about Chris Reed? WHY is that your business what happened with them? And WHY are you upset about him but not Rick Joyner manipulating the public with a reporter like a snake and WHY aren't you upset about Erikson? Those are the real scandals that no one has repented of. AND why aren't you holding this woman accountable too?
@vsnfjjnwjd 2 күн бұрын
@@LK_IrelandYes she did. Her original claim was that she hugged Chris and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She developed that into more later, including him allegedly touching her genitals.
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
This is her written statement. He brought her to orgasm. drive.google.com/file/d/1DJKwJAaffdUXlgQQSXKm3o39zmGCzpeM/view?usp=sharing
@LK_Ireland 2 күн бұрын
Are you being honest?
@lynpuente5248 2 күн бұрын
@zackmason7693 2 күн бұрын
This video is my honest evaluation of the situation based on evidence currently available. I charge you with being a Pharisee who is unconcerned with a predator in Morningstar molesting boys, I also charge you with failing to abide by Scripture (Matthew 18). Please repent.
@benjaminholland-tr6nh 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 Zack dose not care about evidence.
@lynpuente5248 2 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 it is your honest evaluation with the limited information that you have so that without all of the information you are speculating on the rest based on your own personal bias of Chris Reed and his dreams.
@benjaminholland-tr6nh 2 күн бұрын
@@lynpuente5248 Her own written account-- "I did not feel comfortable sharing the more intimate detail that he’d put his hands in between my legs and rubbed me until I had an org...m in his van. I still remember what I was wearing. There was no woman in the room to represent Morningstar - at either of the two meetings my mother and I attended. Tom and Justin were heartbroken for me, my mother, for the entire situation as a whole."
@jasonhill6975 2 күн бұрын
What about the second exodus that the most high talks about and the punishment of the nations that done all this bad stuff to his people
@jordanpedron3809 2 күн бұрын
Cite your reference. Otherwise that’s not a coherent question. It makes no sense. If you have a reference for whatever you’re talking about about, please provide it. Then there can be a discussion, and answer to your question, and test to see if you’re correct or misled.
@dorothyjames5623 2 күн бұрын
Amen brother
@marilynwright2231 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for your research and insights on this!
@jasonaltig985 5 күн бұрын
All “prophets” are false 😂
@zackmason7693 5 күн бұрын
1 Thessalonians 5:20 - You show contempt for God's Word. Please repent. While most prophets are false, there are a number of sincere, humble, and true ones who accurately predict the future and receive messages. I have spent several years trying to analyze and determine who is who without bias. But to say there are none....you are in denial of God's Word.
@jasonaltig985 4 күн бұрын
@@zackmason7693 well of course I am in denial of it just like I am any other mythology. I would love to see the “prophets” you have better and the prophecies they have supposedly accurately made.
@zackmason7693 4 күн бұрын
@@jasonaltig985 Ah, I see. So, you are not a Christian then! That makes more sense. Then, I would focus first on the STRONG evidence for our Creator and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled hundreds of specific prophecies from the Old Testament which is mathematically impossible for any one man to do (especially since He could not control many of them). Of course, if you do not accept the Gospels as legitimate historical accounts, then we will need to start with the document evidence and the reasons they are considered trustworthy. With regards to the Resurrection itself, the Shroud of Turin is undeniable SCIENTIFIC evidence that Jesus rose from the dead as He said He would. It turns out that the Shroud is actually a photographic negative video of Jesus' first breath, and the data was stored in the shroud in 3D format. We know that we currently CANNOT recreate the Shroud's image on another piece of cloth with the limited technology of today, much less explain how they did it two thousand years ago. Here is a brief video running through some of the scientific evidence for the shroud: kzbin.info/www/bejne/fpiqaqBtmNarbJo Why don't you give it a watch and then email me and we can continue to discuss: [email protected]
@KM-jt4xh 6 күн бұрын
Amen!!! Thank you so much Zack - I have pointed this out to Christians but they all think Jesus made the obligations of the law less, whereas the gift of the Holy Spirit actually made the expectations MORE