Goran Vranešević | Alienation/s
Magdalena Germek | Alienation/s
Niklas Toivakainen | Alienation/s
Ross Wilson | Alienation/s
2 ай бұрын
Nadežda Čačinovič | Alienation/s
Martin Hergouth | Alienation/s
Aleksandar Matković | Alienation/s
Nathan Brown | Alienation/s
2 ай бұрын
Bara Kolenc | Alienation/s
2 ай бұрын
Laurent de Sutter | Alienation/s
Gregor Moder | Alienation/s
2 ай бұрын
Helen Rollins | Alienation/s
Nemščina je vir veselja :)
Grüne Soße
2 ай бұрын
Jaz sem Ana, ich bin Peter: Musik
@simonesewero9405 Күн бұрын
@denisdoinggudd. 2 ай бұрын
Super wichtiges Thema!
@user-vw6rn3kl6g 2 ай бұрын
Für Lehrerin ich bin hier HALLO
@Tiger-tc8xp 2 ай бұрын
Zelo sta mi všec
@brankarobertson7644 2 ай бұрын
Gunther Anders - a real prophet. Thank you, Sreco Horvat. Hvala, bez vas ne bih ni cula za njega.
@delor9035 4 ай бұрын
@romavolostnov6304 4 ай бұрын
@MonikaKwiecien-tk1up 4 ай бұрын
Verrückt ist deutsche Gesellschaft und die Regierung und ganz Deutschland, das immer mehr neomarksistisch wird! Ich bin geschockt, dass das GI solche Propagandamittel gegenüber den DaF-Lernern benutzt! LGBT ist eine Bewegung, die durch ein großes Lobby in ganz Welt und besonders in DE finanziert wird! Sie wirken sowohl gegen das Naturrecht als auch gegen die Familie (wo Mann und Frau als beste Vorbilder für die Kinder vorkommen)! Keine Gender können das ändern und bestreiten!
@allegory6393 4 ай бұрын
The last question gives a very poor (and old-fashioned) 'definition' of tragedy (a definition that was given in schools years ago -and I hope it is not given anymore). Tragedy gives you a grammar of human action that is far richer than the old-fashioned 'definition' of it (as action having been decided already -in which case all tragic personae are nothing but comical fools). What tragedy says about action is that while it is significant and challenging it is action IN the world, which means, it has been preceded by other actions that have far-reaching consequences (in Hegel 'fate' is not divine, it is very much a constitutive element of action -causality of fate, he calls it. As new action challenges previous actions that have built a horizon that 'constrains' significant action. The one who accepts this horizon as a given is Ismene, the one who does not is Antigone. Antigone is very aware of all the previous terrible acts that have created a horizon that has come to totally (but not absolutely -had it also been absolutely determined, her action would simply be the rantings of a fool) determine both her city and her birth. All one has to do is go to the first lines she speaks in Sophocles' Antigone to see how aware she is of what is exactly that has 'cursed' her and Ismene's lives (by the way, Antigone is very aware of the incestuous origins of herself and her siblings, she is also very aware that Polyneices was a traitor, and the one who asked a question about a possible incestuous love harboured by Antigone for Polyneices because " you know, children of incest must be incestuous themselves" [what a ridiculous anti-logic logic!] just paraded her ignorance of the meaning of the word 'philia' in Greek). Antigone lists with immense clarity all the reasons for her and Ismene's troubles. The cluster of actions that predate them and which, in their horrific nature, have brutally determined lives born beyond that horizon ('causality of fate'). Given this, her action (not done clandestinely but shouted from the rooftops) is her only way of breaking out of that 'causality of fate'. The substance of freedom where her life is staked (for she knows this is a life/death matter, not a mere 'freedom of the will' thesis). Creon too sought to address these terrible events but with an erroneous idea of law, one where legitimacy/lawfulness and legality (the laws of the city) are conflated. This brings me to the last person's question, and her facile understanding of tragedy, tragic action, and fate as "all outcomes being predetermined". First of all, Antigone appeals to divine laws not as some laws that are more authoritative than human laws (which would simply make her into some reactionary force within the much more modern and emancipated city and its written laws) but as UNWRITTEN laws, that is, as laws that are NON IDENTICAL with the laws 'we' have: the non-identity of law with itself. Her transgression is fully conscious action (not foolish action in the face of 'fate's forces'), and her appeal to 'unwritten law' aims to DISTINGUISH her kind of transgression (lawful but illegal -legal being the law of the city embodied and enunciated by Creon) from the transgression of a criminal act. While she ruptures the law of the city (like a criminal does), very much unlike the criminal's her action is LAWFUL (in accordance with unwritten law): it seeks to reconcile the city, in an act of reconciliation (burying the guilty dead) that will allow an exit from that horizon of action that has been determined by previous generations and their acts. She is the bearer of action that seeks to lift herself and her polis out of the determining force of a cluster of terrible actions that have determined her life and the life of her city. What Hegel sees in the Sophoclean tragedy is the acknowledgement of mutual, intersubjective suffering that does not exist in the Master/Slave dialectic. It is Antigone who is aware of that (and Creon only when he loses everything when it is too late. Creon remains the vehicle for the reproduction of what the past horizon of action determined for him: fate), 'We suffer because we erred'. Because of this last awareness, it is Antigone who is the bearer of the 'ethical substance' of the city.
@malvyres 4 ай бұрын
2:27 skip intro
@farrider3339 4 ай бұрын
1:30:21 and so on and so on : "A certain stupidity is a very basic element for being a part of a Symbolic Order." Here, I claim, Zizek isn't zizekian enough. The moment you get sucked into a Symbolic Order a precondition is being thoroughly brainwashed and in desperate need for conformity.
@rocantenrocanten4150 5 ай бұрын
ни о чем для кого это
@Gasafi 5 ай бұрын
Ja, der dialektische Materialismus ist eine philosophische Strömung, die insbesondere mit dem deutschen Philosophen Karl Marx und seinem Freund und Kollegen Friedrich Engels in Verbindung steht. Der dialektische Materialismus ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Dialektik, die auf Hegels Philosophie basiert. Die zentrale Idee besteht darin, dass die Welt und ihre Entwicklung durch materielle Verhältnisse bestimmt werden. Hier sind einige grundlegende Prinzipien des dialektischen Materialismus: 1. **Dialektik:** Die dialektische Methode betrachtet die Welt als von Widersprüchen und Veränderungen geprägt. Widersprüche sind nicht als negativ, sondern als treibende Kraft für Veränderungen zu verstehen. 2. **Materialismus:** Im dialektischen Materialismus steht die materielle Realität im Mittelpunkt. Die sozialen, ökonomischen und politischen Strukturen werden durch die materiellen Bedingungen einer Gesellschaft bestimmt. 3. **Historischer Materialismus:** Karl Marx entwickelte den historischen Materialismus, der die Überzeugung vertritt, dass die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft durch den Widerspruch zwischen Produktivkräften und Produktionsverhältnissen vorangetrieben wird. Der dialektische Materialismus bildet die philosophische Grundlage für den Marxismus. Er betont die Bedeutung der ökonomischen Strukturen in der Gesellschaft, insbesondere in Bezug auf Klassenkämpfe und historische Veränderungen. Der Begriff "dialektischer Materialismus" verdeutlicht die Verbindung zwischen der dialektischen Methode (die Entwicklung durch Widersprüche) und dem Materialismus (der Betonung der materiellen Realität). Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der dialektische Materialismus als philosophisches Konzept im Rahmen der marxistischen Theorie und Politik diskutiert wird.
@Gasafi 5 ай бұрын
Die Dialektik ist eine philosophische Methode und Denkweise, die auf Widersprüche und Veränderungen in der Welt fokussiert ist. Der Begriff stammt aus dem antiken Griechenland, insbesondere von den Philosophen der Schule von Elea, aber die dialektische Methode wurde später von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel und Karl Marx weiterentwickelt. Hier sind einige grundlegende Konzepte der Dialektik: 1. **Widersprüchlichkeit:** Die Dialektik geht davon aus, dass Widersprüche ein grundlegendes Merkmal der Realität sind. Sie betrachtet Dinge und Prozesse nicht als statisch oder unveränderlich, sondern als in ständiger Bewegung und Entwicklung begriffen. 2. **Dreistufigkeit:** Hegel prägte die Idee der Dreistufigkeit in der Dialektik, die als These, Antithese und Synthese bekannt ist. Nach dieser Methode entwickelt sich eine Idee oder ein Konzept durch das Auftreten von Widersprüchen: Eine Ausgangsthese führt zu ihrer Gegenthese, und die Interaktion beider führt schließlich zu einer Synthese, die ihrerseits die neue Ausgangsbasis bildet. 3. **Entwicklung und Veränderung:** Die Dialektik betont, dass alles einem Prozess der Entwicklung und Veränderung unterliegt. Es geht darum, Phänomene in ihrem Wandel und ihrer Dynamik zu verstehen, anstatt sie als statische Entitäten zu betrachten. 4. **Negation der Negation:** Diese Idee stammt von Hegel und besagt, dass Veränderung und Entwicklung oft durch Negation und anschließende Aufhebung von Widersprüchen erfolgen. Eine bestehende Idee oder Struktur wird negiert, aber diese Negation wird selbst aufgehoben, um zu einer höheren Synthese zu führen. Karl Marx übernahm die dialektische Methode von Hegel, passte sie jedoch an und entwickelte den historischen Materialismus, der auf sozioökonomischen Widersprüchen basiert. Insgesamt betont die Dialektik die Dynamik, Veränderung und Widersprüchlichkeit in verschiedenen Bereichen, von der Philosophie über die Gesellschaft bis zur Naturwissenschaft.
@evanmcarthur478 5 ай бұрын
29:50 “ A true master” the best part. Not a master of prohibitions but a master who help you to decide your true self
@user-il8rf7td3l 3 ай бұрын
No...his master concept is not what permits us to realize our true self. What he contrasts from master of discipline and prohibition is master that elevates incapacity to impossibility and imagine true thing beyond that impossibility. He doesn't accept things like true ego, realizze who you truly are blabla. For him the subject is empty signifier.
@xuelianhe9568 7 ай бұрын
Who is the host?
@goetheljubljana 7 ай бұрын
Gregor Moder. He also gave a talk at the Master/s conference: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jqPTkqCCZZ2nodE
@Schnitzler.Nein.doch.oh. 7 ай бұрын
Und jetzt bitte noch Slavoj Zizek und Peter Sloterdijks Gespräch online stellen!
@goetheljubljana 7 ай бұрын
Kommt bald.
@goetheljubljana 7 ай бұрын
Hier der Link: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jXfMlYuLfd2Do9E
@Schnitzler.Nein.doch.oh. 6 ай бұрын
Vielen Dank! und Alles Gute @@goetheljubljana
@biaispravda 8 ай бұрын
So strange to see Dolar laughing like this, he sounds much younger. Low-key beautiful.
@Arsh2436 8 ай бұрын
Was this lecture published anywhere, or is a copy of the transcript of the lecture available anywhere, please?
@goetheljubljana 8 ай бұрын
No, this is the original.
@lifeofmrpony2977 9 ай бұрын
Das is verrückt
@realKonekochan 9 ай бұрын
57:23 "Okay, I also have lets say some problems with Stalin"
@nah8845 10 ай бұрын
That question was ridiculous and amazing - "Have you ever cheated on Hegel?"
@goetheljubljana 9 ай бұрын
And followed by a brilliant answer. 😄
@NasbotX 10 ай бұрын
@destruction1928 11 ай бұрын
Everything he's stating that cause the problem was enabled or defended by the left in the last 100 years, you guys not event started to pay your debt to us, wait and see.
@PrimoSchnevi 11 ай бұрын
Good content
@australopithecus_lucis Жыл бұрын
Im an anarchist, but despite Zizek's criticizm of anarchism, i appreciate his arguments. you rarely see someone criticizing anarchism more in depth, without using it as a synonym for chaos and disorder. I will point out though that I would love Zizek to go deeper into his presupposition that humans are evil by nature, as it's a crucial point in anarchist thought which trusts in the innate human cooperation and altruism.
@iforget6940 11 ай бұрын
I don't know, man anarchism would be here if it worked with 8 billion people we need some sort of goverment to keep people in place its just we're we are now maybe in the future which all these technologies we can create an even better system than our modern democracies I don't know
@australopithecus_lucis 11 ай бұрын
@@iforget6940 Yes, I don't believe it's time for an anarchist society. But it is my goal, it's a goal I won't see, but I believe it's one that humanity should see
@iforget6940 11 ай бұрын
@awbdhuiiooaaallll well, all I want is to have a society in any society that is more connected to our nature but also has high ideals. To me, it doesn't really matter, I just don't want gulags or private prisons, and maybe we aren't meant for anarchism maybe the world forms as it should form and the best form of it has not been reached yet maybe the best form is the form of goverment we should have at this time and it will shift when it's ready and necessary to shift.
@australopithecus_lucis 11 ай бұрын
@@iforget6940 Well, the concept of "best" is relative to a current condition. In famine, the best situation would be to be able to have an abundance of food. There's always a way to improve: under absolute monarchy, the best situation would be to have a democracy, now we (more or less) have a decent democracy (a representative one, of which I'm very skeptical, but that's a different topic). Also, I think that the idea of "letting things happen", see where we get and so on might be quite dangerous. While I do not believe in free will, I live my life as if I did (let's stay on the topic of politics, we don't want to delve into existential turmoil), and I believe that it is crucial for humans to take action, to organize and act. If we let things happen as they will, someone will use this indifference of the masses to their advantage (history showed us well how dangerous this is in multiple occasions). The change towards anarchy should be gradual, methodical and thought out, if we won't set it as our goal, it won't come to us, just like the abolition of the monarchs didn't. (to make myself clear, I do not associate myself with violent activism of "anarchists", while I'm not an absolute pacifist, I primarily act according to pacifist action)
@iforget6940 11 ай бұрын
@awbdhuiiooaaallll I agree with you like 89% only thing I'm disagreeing here is one thing that I don't know if anarchism is the correct thing Like democracy bloomed out of bloodshed and tragedy when the old systems broke down, and I don't think we are there yet I also don't know if a system controlled by an ai would be better or worse. It would definitely be worse if the technocrats controlled the ai to benefit themselves over the majority of the people, but it may do good if the right type of ai was implemented. However I don't think that will happen anytime soon and I don't think we should not be part of democracy and change the system together as people I agree with slavoj that democracy is like an illusion but we still determine the illusion by our own actions that may or may not be real choice. I'm also looking at the present state of things in 3 reals the past present and future, i live in all three states and believe today's debate is already history in the sense I look at a historical narrative as a cyclical prosses and don't want certain outcomes in the future but also acknowledge that sometimes Revolutions can't be stoped it will come when it comes and we should play with democracy to aleast try to bring a vision for the future without a violent revolution but a progression to a shared vision. my issue is I dont know what is the best vision of that future I can see many possibilities but can't see the best possibility becuase I don't know what truly is the best vision maybe there is an even better system in the future we havint even discovered yet or maybe this is the best system.
@sanyo8440 Жыл бұрын
I wonder what he thinks about an AI master. Even if its tied to only one individual. All to balance out what he said "too much 'freedom' is unfreedom".
@clumsydad7158 Жыл бұрын
zizek is always fascinating and provocative; a thrilling interlocutor
@seanmcdonald4686 Жыл бұрын
What I’m hearing that we all need to believe in Santa Claus so that Santa Claus keeps coming. I mean, we all like Santa Claus, right? What’s a little bullshit among friends and family, as long as the presents keep coming? The problem here in the literal powder keg that is the US in 2023 is that there is NOTHING that will unite us. The only thing we can agree on is that we hate each other, and I don’t think that’s the kind of bullshit that Slavoj is promoting here.
@seanmcdonald4686 Жыл бұрын
“This situation makes what remains of the left desperate.” Indeed.
@birdie_cathare Жыл бұрын
Usual casual listeners of zizek must be a bit lost when he quotes malabou ranciere and balibar 😂 People tend to forget he actually has a job
@hail_seitan_ Жыл бұрын
Somewhere at Google there are CPUs just melting down to slag trying to power the auto caption on Slavoj lectures
@godotkrull579 Жыл бұрын
@Butaloii Жыл бұрын
31:09 ❤
@lsobrien Жыл бұрын
English language commentary on Anders is so rare. Thank you for this.
@somethingawesome9547 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Trump is definitely not a post-modernist. Using mental gymnastics for the sake of saying something paradoxical or provocative is pretty low.
@jamesmcpherson8599 9 ай бұрын
He literally uses his Charisma to manipulate the media and shape reality, or at least the internal realites of people across the USA.
@trishadee4529 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Can someone tell me how you spell the surname of Claude (Everly?) the man being discussed at approx 40mins in the video?
@goetheljubljana Жыл бұрын
Claude Eatherly
@obamabinladen2072 Жыл бұрын
Sehr gut vielen dank
@tamarvatsadze8645 Жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für solch interessantes ,wichtigrs und nüzliches Video
@goetheljubljana Жыл бұрын
Danke für das Lob!
@JakenFren Жыл бұрын
The lecture is quite good because seems like he’s really honed out his thousands of awesome and interconnected ideas in this presentation.
@momenakod6399 Жыл бұрын
"Kill him, liquidate him and so on and so on" - Slavoj Zizek
@maximilianosotomayorga4977 Жыл бұрын
very cool
@felooosailing957 Жыл бұрын
Truth is not a minted coin that can be passed on from hand to hand... one of the greatest phrases in the history of philosophy.
@morgengabe1 Жыл бұрын
"if you are in a regime where things go bad if the master is stupid, then the regime is bad" Yes and, furthermore, leadership is for people who do not have adequate protocols.
@morgengabe1 Жыл бұрын
I think his analysis would by stronger if he stopped referring to electoralism as democracy.
@mentalitydesignvideo Жыл бұрын
in your case, it's clearly cocaine
@jennyaskswhy Жыл бұрын
He accurately assessed the problem, but the medicine offered is far from palatable
@scottjones-singersongwrite6193 Жыл бұрын
A union of opposites seems absolutely necessary. Freedom and Control. What is the limit for each? Where does dystopia begin? The macro-level leadership vacuum I subscribe to. The prescriptive cure needs work in my view.
@cirilhorjak769 Жыл бұрын
Pri 56;22 sta Gregor in Slavoj zamudila odlično priložnost, da bi citirala znameniiti: "Mehr Licht!". Pa še na temo praznih pregovorov bi se lepo vezalo 🙂
@ionutsfetcu4550 Жыл бұрын
Mr Zizek is the best.
@martinvonlanthen1427 Жыл бұрын
About the restaurant joke : upon choosing the restaurant I sometimes enjoyed proposing a place cheap enough that I could afford it on my own, to which the response was often times negative invoking the health benefits of higher standards (or mere discomfort should I propose to cook something) - so much so, that despite any appearing politeness, my message read something like "fuck you, if you want to be charitable, don't use me as a token of your generosity, and let's rather work on making decent food available to anyone, in the meantime, would you please join us "low ranking citizens" for just a single stupid meal or, if you need me to pretend like I depend on you, would you please tell me in the name of which madness you want me to?" In my mind this sounds both like a psychotic reaction (through distaste for the pretense involved in politeness) and a hysterical reaction (as I'm also genuinely curious what I'm supposed to be for the other) - now, upon noticing the traumatic discomfort I cause to my friends through such ways, I sometimes skip pretending like I hope to pay, which also deprives them of the heroic role (be it at the cost of my seeming bereft of gratitude) which only further convinces me that they are eager to follow such rituals, insofar as it allows them to feel like caretakers, a very human sentiment indeed, yet one that is easily diverted in over reliance on set rituals, which are a hallmark of obsessive neurotics such as Zizek - not to undermine his very inspiring work My question is then, why can't this ritual work the other way around? I'd be very happy to cook, in other words, play the provider in a way that is less eager to symbolise the coping (sweeping under the rug) mechanism of charity, and rather reminds of a certain order of necessity and its cost - ie. work goes into feeding ourselves, and if you want it to be invisible, it's gonna cost an effort that's not reducible to mere transaction, and equates with a lasting, everyday life, social change (and again, in the meantime, please bear the sight of a "slave")?