Rulemaking Public Hearing 2024 09 09
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EOC Meeting 2024 08 07
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2024 07 22 Quarterly Board Meeting
EOC Meeting 2024 06 12
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EOC Meeting 2024 04 03
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EOC Meeting 2024 02 07
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EOC Meeting 2024 03 13
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EOC Meeting 2024 01 10
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2024 01 22 Quarterly Board Meeting
2024 04 22 Quarterly Board Meeting
@petergoodman1337 Ай бұрын
It was painful for myself to watch this hearing. The two Certified General appraisers who voted against the approval of PARREA are horribly mistaken and uneducated on how the appraisal system works for 90%+ of all appraisals which are residential. I personally tried to become an appraiser in Oregon and was laid off by two different companies who had an economic downturn and could not afford to keep me on staff. I took all the required education courses, worked for close to minimum wage when you factor in time, travel, expenses, etc for over 2 and half years and never was able to complete my experience hours. I gave up on this industry because of the barriers to entry. I also became wise to what would happen after becoming licensed in 3 to 5 years if I remained committed. An appraiser at this point has two choices. They can either join an appraisal firm where they can be given orders in a partnership with a certified appraiser OR they could have no income while signing up on countless.AMC panels and not be given any work. You don’t just get to open your own business as a solo licensed appraiser because without the experience no AMC or bank will ever give you an order. The two certified general appraisers have no clue how residential appraisers get orders today and how thoroughly they get reviewed in order to be sold to Fannie or Freddie. They have no clue what technology advances have happened where a trainee can quickly become competent. I gaurantee I could write a better residential appraisal report than either of those two certified general appraisers and I don’t even have a license. The public trust question is almost laughable. What is the public going to say about Oregon when the downturn is over and you can’t get an appraisal done because you have no appraisers! The two certified general appraisers should research how many residential appraisers will die or retire in next 5 years or less. I think the two certified general appraisers think way too highly of themselves and have not really thought about public trust. I would trust the Oregon board is ensuring the state has an adequate number of residential appraisers to service the public. Oregon already charges a premium dollar for an appraisal compared to many other states and urban areas. When you have an insufficient number of appraisers to service the volume the price the public is forced to pay for an appraisal goes higher! The public would trust the board members are at least being competitive to other states and following the minimum guidance from the federal agencies who are backing PARREA. 38 other states have said yes because it offers a solution to everything I already stated above PLUS it solves the bias question on barriers to entry. Oregon looks like a bunch of racist backwards hicks when you intentionally vote no on a program designed to allow people of all color into the industry. Pull up a list of certified residential appraisers who are currently supervising a trainee. You will find a bunch of white 50+ year old white people. The public trusts the ACLB is concerned about the 90%+ of appraisals being done and not focused and allowing certified general appraisers who have no insight into the problem to control the narrative and fail the public and our trust.