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Leonardo Favio - Topic
Fuad Jorge Jury, better known by his stage name Leonardo Favio, was an Argentine singer, actor and filmmaker. He is considered one of Argentina's best film directors and one of the country's most enduring cultural figures, as well as a popular singer-songwriter throughout Latin America.
Much beloved in Latin America, Favio was one of the most successful Argentine singers in the 1960s and 1970s, with big hits like "Ding, dong, estas cosas del amor", "O quizás simplemente le regale una rosa", "Fuiste mía un verano", "Ella ya me olvidó", "Quiero aprender de memoria", "Mí tristeza es mía y nada más", "Para saber cómo es la soledad", "Mi amante niña mi compañera", "Ni el clavel ni la rosa", "La foto de carnet", "No jueges más", "Chiquillada" and "La cita". He also starred in many films before establishing himself as a director.
At the time he began his singing career, Favio was already an established film director. His first feature movie - Chronicle of a Boy Alone - and the second one - El Romance del Aniceto y la Francisca - are considered to be some of the best Argentine movies of all times.
Mi Tristeza es mía y Nada mas
27 күн бұрын
Ni el Clavel, ni la Rosa
27 күн бұрын
Ella, ella ya me Olvido, yo la Recuerdo Ahora
27 күн бұрын
Quiero Aprender de Memoria
27 күн бұрын
Mi Amante Niña, mi Compañera
27 күн бұрын
Para Saber Como es la Soledad
27 күн бұрын
La Dicha que me Fue Negada
27 күн бұрын
O Quizás Simplemente le Regale una Rosa
27 күн бұрын
La Foto de Carnet
27 күн бұрын
La Rubia del Carnet
27 күн бұрын
No Juegues mas
27 күн бұрын
Y Al Verte Así
2 ай бұрын
La Rubia del Cabaret
2 ай бұрын
Que Tonto Fui, Que Tonta Fui
2 ай бұрын