@AliHussein-z4u 5 сағат бұрын
Debug 3: Mostly a fun read. Loved Ryutaro, being the hero guy didn’t feel annoying which. Then his design looks cool. (definitely want that jacket) Then Tyrannomon having a bit of an attitude definitely stands out compared to other Tyrannomon in the franchise. Then the card fight was fun. A fight between the lucemon specie vs the Tyrannomon was unexpected but it definitely shows of more about ryutaro. Just hope more appearances of him gives him a bit more depth. Aruba was good one-of villain (but a very boring desgin) Then for the Tyrannomon line. Agumon: Should have been shoutmon +star sword or minidekachimon Tyrannomon: Well finally more then 2 decades he becomes a proper partner digimon. Master: Well the least favourite Lv 5 Tyrannomon. Doesn’t do enough to make himself stand out from regular Tyranno. But at least he gets a lv 6 to go into. Now need Metaltyrannomon X and ExTyranno to receive a lv 6 so all 5 lv 5 Tyrannomon lines will be completed. Dinomon: Well we got a dino tiger, dino bee, dino human and dino king(Rex) before dinomon. Well he is raw heat and the design is honestly flexible to be associated with other digimon while definitely belonging to the Tyrannomon specie. Love it has a lock
@AliHussein-z4u 6 сағат бұрын
Ep 24: There where like 3 different Myotismon. And no body bothered to mention Neomyotismon. Disappointed. 25. Quartzmon was neat. Ignoring that he mostly has the same gaol as Bagramon with out a lot of motivation behind it. Like his design and how they animated him. Then the ending was the least ending feeling ether. Then overall of the show, honestly a bit average. The episodic episodes hade a little substance for me to mention especially with a story structure being mostly the same. A child having a problem involving a digimon and Taiki handles the problem while Tagiru gets the reward. The hunting and help a child ideas just don’t mesh with each other. With xross-up is a slightly boring gimmick while feeling less utilised. Like only Arresterdramon uses it. Then about the characters. Tagiru: The second best protagonist design but the most generic personality ever. Yuu: Hade a good character arc in the beginning… and the interactions with Airu were great. Bad guy hunters: There presence definitely felt underutilised. Like where Toei afraid to have old digimon take a way the spot light from the new digimon. Like Cho-hakaimon hade the most interesting scenes but it is a new digimon. Ryuoma and Ren were there but Airu definitely was a fun villain to watch. Overall xross wars season 3 is a hard recommend. A series that just has ideas and can’t expand on. While being slightly ugly to watch but it does offer good life lessons I guess.
@henrythepurplepoodledog612 2 күн бұрын
I wonder why does those credit text does flashing in original Gameboy and especially dx on the Gameboy Color hardware?
@AliHussein-z4u 2 күн бұрын
Ep 22: Metallife Kuwagamon could have hade a bigger spot light instead of being a setup for Qyartz Rocks. And then they are extremely hinting on that Ryouma is behind digimon getting sacrificed. Like they are screaming at me to believe that this skinny leg child is behind disappearances that was never hinted at( unless I completely missed) until now. Arrester Superior mode looks amazing. Removes the bit of human aspect, gives him the awesome mouth and got his yellow wings back. The evolution sequence looks good. No flashing lights just pure raw transformation. Ep 23: Tagiru and Ryuoma speed running there friend ship. Or Ryuoma just observed Tagiru personality to manipulate him easy? Then Keramon line shows up and evolves 5 times like it is nothing…. What did they do to Diaboromon. Why does he look like this!
@AliHussein-z4u 2 күн бұрын
Ep 19: Airu and cho-hakai are in this episode and as good guys. With a bonus of Tagiru being less obnoxious. That is a good + for me. While the episode looked good. Dagomon was fun to watch. While Arresterdramon + Gigabreaker is a stupid idea but looks cool. And plesiomon xross up form looks amazing, very sad it will never be used. Ep 20: Well it teaches children that stealing and gambling is bad. But the card games meta kinda sucks. There is like one viable to use, definitely seeing the game ending with in a year. Would have hoped Rockchessmon would become queenchessmon. Like firstly to take away Tagiru privileges of being the first to digivolve twice. And secondly find it a bit funny if rock becomes queen by taking away boys dignities. But Rock was cool definitely liked the situation with Cracked blossomon. Ep 21: Well great to see the debut of Bacomon alongside his not as interesting looking variants. And Jokermon is neat, like finally something interesting for Piedmon. And the idea of Digimon land was good just needed more Airu and less Tagiru.
@Kbisori 4 күн бұрын
switch ending is the most brutal
@desmondmalone438 9 күн бұрын
We have our most powerful enemy yet Dagomon marrying another girl would he learn consent is a thing Also Dogomon is real and cause chaos in the podcast
@Yuki-129 9 күн бұрын
Yay new episode
@didma 19 күн бұрын
it was all just a acid trip
@CodeCube-rv1rm 19 күн бұрын
You’re sad Marin faded away and became a seagull I’m devastated Crazy Tracy disappeared We are not the same
@desmondmalone438 21 күн бұрын
It’s a shame I couldn’t see the beginning half and miss a bit of Yao there But anyway nice chapter and coolboy is indeed the kaiba of this series he’s nice but that potential get ban part makes him out as evil person reasons or not Yao is a delight she reminds me of the high school girl that loves Digimon from her big brother(remember that fan comic)and she is a shortstack and I love that also moral the story is never meet you heroes especially with a Tsundere like Dreadnought he is a Naw indeed
@Yuki-129 21 күн бұрын
Hmm this podcast ep is a little shorter than what I remember.
@AliHussein-z4u 21 күн бұрын
Ep 5: The art still good but didn’t try to do anything outstanding compared to the other ep. But is has the red lines thing going for it but ep 6 will probably do the same so it will lose its novelty. Well the story goes in an interesting way. About the sunarizamon girl have been watching/stalking Shoto for a bit now. Then cool boy is a bit interesting he is not open book that I thought he would be. Then Arisa and Shoto are still fun to be around. But Arisa’s character development seems a bit stale at the moment but she hade big moment with Violet so no problem. Then Yao is definitely another quirky character and is a honest person. She is totally willing to call someone cringe. Then being an adult super fan probably bigger than Shoto and Arisa kinda hits home for me. Then the proper introduction to Owen he is definitely moody. The loss against Zenith probably hade affected him. Wonder why Owen is so against them joining, ignoring Shotos win rate is 1-99. Might be extremely risky to be involved in the debug team. For what ever reason Owen or Yao are not telling. Also ignoring that debug 1 mostly said those risks, just hope there is more. But on the debug team thing, it is an interesting way to move the story forward but it still put them in them same story trap. Being Shoto is ordered to handle the problem but not Shoto seeks to stop the problem. The problem for me about the story that Shoto and Arisa have reactive characters not active. They have been told to go into these areas, they have been forced to do these card fights. At the moment the story moved them instead of them making the story flow. Ignore my little complaint, I guess Shoto and Arisa’s debug team be called Vortex reconnaissance, to at least explain why there is an option card called that in EX7. Then about Elizamon, the most human named digimon ever and it competes with Luminamon Nene ver. The design is the peak fictional frilled lizard design ever. Combination of Cyan and heavy pink are a super very good combo and the bit clown motif complements the frilled lizard side so well. And the personality is such an ass. Looking forward for them to taunt pteromon in ep 6. Then I mostly thought it be a vaccine to be a contrast in the Liberator trio. But being a reptile vaccine would have a very risky move so no harm. Looking forward for Sangomon and to see the lv 5 and 6 in 10th of September
@Yuki-129 21 күн бұрын
Depending on how they do the battle we might just see the swimmon line and sangomon+shellmon then have lvl 5 and 6 on part 2. Similar to zephagamon and cendrillmon debuting in part 2 and their lower lvl debuting in part 1.
@AliHussein-z4u 21 күн бұрын
@@Yuki-129 Well it depends on if they will do the same thing they did with Punkmon line. Just not showing of the cards even when they are starting to show the alt art. My prediction comes from the amount of card left not shown yet. And they will likely have revealed all the cards in 12th of September. So I’m mostly assuming in 10th of September they show of the last sr being related to Sangomon. But they might do the same thing as they did with Punkmon line. But I am not complaining if we see Xiquemon in another comic and Sangomon stuff in about 4 weeks. Especially I think we might see a new lv 6 New century around ep 6 part 1.
@Yuki-129 21 күн бұрын
Yeah they did delay the impmon line until the novel release even though we already saw the whole line. So I think it is safe to assume they will wait for sangomon line to show up in the comic before they reveal the cards.
@AliHussein-z4u 21 күн бұрын
@@Yuki-129 Well I presume the rest of the Sangomon line will be shown first in the comic. But they probably will just never reveal the effects and card art. At the moment the comic has never spoiled a card before.
@Yuki-129 21 күн бұрын
That might just be because the comic haven’t gotten a chance to reveal new cards yet. Shoto and Arisa cards were shown in advance to promote the comic and the first couple chapters was them catching up on showing those cards. Vi and Frozen Knight use old digimon in their deck so it wasn’t as important to delay their reveal. So this would be the first time for them to show off new digimon/card in the comic.
@desmondmalone438 23 күн бұрын
AJ when cyber hacking to alter the memories of this stream
@Yuki-129 23 күн бұрын
Wow a new 3hr video definitely haven’t seen this before
@Yuki-129 26 күн бұрын
Bee the Winr
@IAmMightyMike 27 күн бұрын
A little hard to follow. It'd be cool to have you transition to clips or something, which can be edited to avoid dmca, but when it's just two, emotionless vtubers (not you, just the notion of communicating to a VT feels kind of impersonable) it doesn't feel like i'm hearing this discussion from people.
@AliHussein-z4u 27 күн бұрын
Debug 2: It was a good read. Winr is a good character. Funbeemon is cute, it was such a partner material. Surprised it took that long. Card fight is a bit average, sharing the same problems with debug 1. The new line is good. Doesn’t expand on the lore of the royal base but added members that made sense to include. Then understanding how the story will be formatted. That each debug section will focus on another member of the debug team. In a way it screws over Yuuki( probably have a focus on debug 8). Being a character that has a lot of potential.
@desmondmalone438 27 күн бұрын
VI reminded me of Karin from Koihime Musou whenever I see her she even has her colors too
@desmondmalone438 27 күн бұрын
Nene as an idol felt out of left field but it’s a good excuse to reference her Va did the opening song also is Chinese idols a thing oh right it is(seen enough idol anime to noticed)
@desmondmalone438 27 күн бұрын
This duel is amazing never thought a Digimon version of a children card game could fire me up so much it made me remember how I still love yugioh please be a anime in the future
@AliHussein-z4u Ай бұрын
Ep 4: It solidifies the story structure of Liberator comic. A Ep will contain an info dump/ slice of life while setting up a card fight for the next ep. That might make the story a bit predictable and only having 6 main fights( 7, including Ep 1 fight). Kinda sad, would liked to see more decks. I’m definitely happy with this fight compared to Shoto’s. Gives a little hope that this card game could be well translated in a 22 min long show. Being more easier to follow along and the super very friendly complimentary stabs at each other where the fun part. Then it is the closest of having the three musketeers appearing in any type of story medium. Definitely need more Gundramon in my life. And a bit sad that beelstarmon X didn’t appear but she is literally but naked so no problem. But at least it will debut in new century. About the Shoemon line. The Liberator comic made me dislike Shoemon more apparently. Is way to quiet and just to shy for my liking. Shoeshoe has grown on me. Still adore the roller skates. Chapero still neutral on it but still a fun design. Cendrill is a fun diva design and the clock cannon raised my liking of it even more. Still no idea why it is a puppet type.
@mcuziman Ай бұрын
What is that gibberish on the gbc version in the credits? I cant be the only one who noticed No one commented about this
@GimmeTOKYO 10 күн бұрын
It’s due to the emulator not being able to handle the flickering screen refresh used in the original hardware to achieve a transparent effect.
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
Best girl is here and legal loli goodness I like this episode it as cool as that Cool boy He said he been watching them for a mouth and no one found out about Pteromon suspicious
@warriorlink8612 Ай бұрын
8:03 and 8:53 I really want a full scale Zelda game with this animation all throughout as the gameplay graphics.
@Vinylmelody1517 Ай бұрын
Daddy Gankoomon is gonna be so fun
@AliHussein-z4u Ай бұрын
Episode 3: The aftermath of the NPC fight is neat. Especially the Shoto going crazy and Arisa being just “ Neat and awwww cute shoemon”. Interesting seeing the different perspective from Shoto and Ptetomon about Lacuna, can be something or nothing. Then introduction of Violet was definitely a chef kiss moment. Knowing what’s her deal is and personality. The design is just so gooood. Definitely one of the most unique goth designs ever and the bat wings ribbons are just peak fiction. And ghostmon personality is alright, instead being a prankster he is a butler. Then cool boy, like the redesign. Not looking like a pale boy. Then the glasses and the red eyes are bit generic really. If liberator needed a cameo characters then cool boy did make sense. Being a blank slate of a character so let’s hope liberator can give him a bit of paint. And I Swear to hell if Omekamon will become a new omegamon variant I will lose it!
@AmiBairseach Ай бұрын
My favourite Digimon Podcast!
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
Out of all of them I liked Digimon paradox I like the potential love interest opportunity a Elecmon being a protagonist Digimon and it good to have another Marcus in the Digimon franchise I like Dynasmon he is one of my favorite Royal Knights I love his design too I glad we got a gag manga also that meme is the Breath of Wyvern attack made it funnier to me BREATH OF VAPER!!!!! Also All Gankoomon is best super dad
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
X4 was the best thing about this episode the new music is good but Xro wars music that Wada Kouji did in the first to arc will always be the best Ps Airu is very cute too(seeing she like getting cute Digimon in all)
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
Good old Damemon I glad you back but didn’t you Mode changed to Tsuwanmon in the past then Digivolve to him
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
Like this different prospective look like all of them are there the MC of there own prospective if this series gets good enough they’ll make a anime about it like it or not
@AliHussein-z4u Ай бұрын
Debug 1: It is definitely a good start. The narrative seems great with individuals with there partners dealing with bugs and bam gets brand new cards to handle the opposing player. The card battle is definitely disappointing skipping the beginning and the end of the battle was definitely annoying. The dynamic with Yuuki and impmon is intriguing. Being rude and stubborn to each other because they care about the other. Yuuki ( the name also means courage) is a good protag. Like the desgin … but having purple pants would be neat. This impmon is very enjoyable and the voice Aj gave him is perfect. Then about the new digimon. Punkmon: Blackgrowlmon the Og. Growlmon the domesticated dog version. Growlmon orange the “Golden retriever”. And Punkmon is a guy that likes to entertain in the most evilest place in the digital world. The mouth piece, hand knuckles are interesting desgin choice. Loudmon: Like they didn’t try something like highpunkmon or X punkmon. Just simply Loudmon. Thinks it is a better desgin the Megalogrowmon, with a better head and cooler arms. HeavyMetaldramon: Just raw awesom. The guitar wings, the third eye in the abdomen area and the triple horned head. And neat it has a little rivalry with Metalicdramon. Then my gripes with Liberator in general so Spoilers. Like getting new digimon is always nice but unfortunately that Bandai makes merch( excluding V-pets and Tcg) only to the 8 god damn same digimon and if they don’t it is only merch to other anime protag digimon. Vulturemon has been treated horribly for like 4 years now. At the moment I only thought the Novel characters will get brand new evolution to make up for the long wait for each publication and have a hype day. And at the moment I don’t really have a problem with the new digimon except for Loudmon being an another cyborg type. Then I notice that, they haven’t shown any further evolution for the comic side of the character. Like do Bandai think that people will be hyped by knowing that sangomon becomes into Tubiamon( I mean, I do but ignore me). Like why haven’t we seen there evolutions yet and keep them a secret. Unless the pendulum Z lv 3 are getting brand new evolutions. In a way that feels Bs because I want to see Gogmamon, Nobelpunkinmon and Regalecusmon more in action and as good guys.
@Yuki-129 Ай бұрын
Yay for Odaiba day and channel birthday on the same ep.
@Wariosdigi-farm Ай бұрын
Compared to a lot of people I don't like to be called to suck up but, I'm perfectly fine with this movie, yes folks this is going to become a movie, I'm happy to say this is going to kind of recap and jam packing all of what happened in adventure into like a 2-hour so call of a movie, but for the live stream that it happened in it was all a celebration for the 25th anniversary of the animation of itself and I'm perfectly fine with it 🤘 I'm really really excited for this, yes adventure is highly focused on and overlooked mainly because it's recognizable and because of the senses of nostalgia! ☝️ But I believe the franchise has something big planned after this movie and Big Daddy Wario is hoping that this is just a little bit of key motivation and to getting them to do something it's new for themselves after this
@AliHussein-z4u Ай бұрын
The code crown fans are having a blast this week, with so much content. Well knowing now that next week we will get more novel content with debug 3 and 4, in turn more new cards(yeah,yeah only I care about new cards) and potentially new digimon. Then at the same day Weilingmon aka Natamon( aka nata in Japanese means Nezha, so Nezhamon) will be playable in new century. In turn receiving a new story mode and might reveal a new digimon/mode change. Then about the card products Vortex guardian: Pteromon just mentioning Vortex warriors is neat. Muchomon is a fun boil. And at least how I saw it with Muchomon is a recolour of Pennmon. And Pennmon is a best friend with Blucomon. Then bluco and Pteromon lines are counterparts (kinda) with lv 3 to 5 are dragons then the lv 6 is a magic knight. So Muchomon and Pteromon in the same deck is very awesome. Galemon protecting pomumon against tortomon is cute. Cross/eaglemon: finally is in the tcg! Fable waltz: Kyaromon: Why not give shoemon a in line lv 2. Like we could have a puppet type lv 2 instead of fluffymon being the fourth small bird lv 2. Junkmon: Nice that junkmon and the other Pendulum Z lv 3 digimon are having a big story importance in liberator(except for Pomumon but she has made more appearances compared to the others). Doggymon: first appearance in the tcg. Can’t wait for Yo!yo!mon to appear in bt 19(hopefully) Tobucatmon: The first appearance in the tcg and Liberator has giving them a bunch of memable faces. Pandamon: Being the third digimon getting into the tcg with this starter decks. Then I guess it is sort of a spoiler. Just wondering why does Pteromon and the other new digimon have the liberator trait in the card. Like why do they have a trait coming from a vr game with the same name. I understand why tamers has it because being in game original or something. But for digimon, no idea. At the moment only new or digimon that digivolves into new digimon has the trait. At the moment no character is acknowledging that. Just hopes it leads to something instead of being “don’t think to hard about it” moment.
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
It time to DigiDuel Pteromon is my new Shoutmon now(new favorite)and ironically enough I love Pterodactyl too as well as a T-Rex
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
26:05 they gave a shout out for us dub lover they really do care
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
17:47 It’s Etemon the king
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
11:45 Remember this was Yuu’s Digimon originally look like
@desmondmalone438 Ай бұрын
We need the Digimon OG opening in this so bad
@AliHussein-z4u Ай бұрын
Ep 4: it was a great Yuu episode. Just seeing more of his perspective on losing Danemon and the jealousy against Tagiru. The moment with him and Sudo were nice, kinda felt sad for her. Hope to see more from her. Then blossom being on crack it seems and draining energy from the students gave me Ghost game vibes :). Ep 5: It was fun ep and a nice conclusion of Yuu missing Danemon arc. Airu is a fun villain. Having a “cute” obsession and actually being a hunter with traps and such things compared to the others “oh a digimon, let’s beat it up”. Opposumon is alright, just wants Airu to see them as the cutest and then going to cho-hakkaimon, just losses all of its cool. Then the thoughts about the digivolution sequences. Physicemon is devilishly cool. Opposumon starts as cute and then just becomes weird. And Danemon is kinda generic. Ep 6: Zanjiro got the L Kudamon has the W with added bonus of finally knowing what is behind the mask, just ignore that the eye colour don’t match. REN is lazy… and Dracmon is alright. But liked the dugivolution sequence. Finally Olegmon is in new century. Just need splashmon and Zamielmon to complete the big-death stare group.
@Matiasfv Ай бұрын
3:38:56 if the artist is Koki there's the answer, the artist of the, named by big portion from the fandom, hydrussy a.k.a hydramon, among other questionable art in the card game. Every time his digimon TCG art pop up on my feed it's always with the comment "classic koki" lol