@julietmolokwu9920 19 күн бұрын
Good evening. I am interested in applying for your program .
@jamescrydeman540 2 ай бұрын
I doubt much will be achieved without a sea change in the economic right wing. Savings made by private individuals will simply be sucked up by the economic right wing as they will simply see it as breathing space for continuance.
@ivanchernenko9879 4 ай бұрын
An interview she did on Feb 8, 2024 titled “Was MMT right about inflation?” at 12:25 she says, “We are getting real GDP numbers that are eye popping”---She is ignoring the elephant in the room which is, how much debt was incurred to get those “eye popping numbers”? In 2023 the US government borrowed $3.2 Trillion, of which only $2.4 Trillion of GDP was recorded. The remaining $800 Billion generated ZERO economic activity whatsoever. She talks about the “multiplier effects” yet every 5 year period since 2006, GDP grew by much less than the increase in the debt which means that money vanished without generating any GDP activity. We would have been far better off taking the entire $3.2 Trillion borrowed and spent it entirely on battle tanks and aircraft carriers. We would have gotten at least $3.2 trillion in economic activity from such wasteful spending and that is with no economic multiplier effect, which is pretty hard to do. This consistent, horrific economic multiplier effect of less than 1, for the last 18 years goes against MMT theory. This theft from the US populace shows that government cannot, and should not manage all but the smallest amount of public money since they are evaporating money in a way that not even the Mafia could do.
@detectiveofmoneypolitics 6 ай бұрын
Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia is still watching this informative content cheers Frank
@deanblackburn858 8 ай бұрын
"PromoSM" 🎶
@1Skeptik1 8 ай бұрын
The "peoples economy" aka socialism. We just NEVER wise up. MMT is socialism with a fresh coat of paint. Irony? Stephanie is one of the richest Economist from United States. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider, Stephanie Kelton's net worth $5 Million. (Last Update: January 13, 2024) Ms. Kelton has pockets loaded with capitalist dollars while she champions socialism for profit. Socialism is a political and economic system wherein property and resources are owned in common or by the state.
@ianmackie1322 7 ай бұрын
That's probably the most vacuous piece of criticism I've ever heard.
@1Skeptik1 7 ай бұрын
​@@ianmackie1322 ad ho·mi·nem? Come on, you can do better than that. One of us is an idiot.
@taradeleeuw2344 9 ай бұрын
Make me vomit
@taradeleeuw2344 9 ай бұрын
@Rob-fx2dw 10 ай бұрын
This MMT idea of deficits being a surplus for the private sector instead of debt burden brings out the people who are ignorant enough to not understand that government debt does not have to be paid for when the reality is it is a debt imposed on the public. It is debt incurred by government politicians on behalf of the public which the public will have to pay for when the borrowed money has to be paid back and nobody in their right mind lends money if there is no payback. It all matures in time and has to be paid back by the taxpayers because government does not pay it's own debts. If it did or could then you would be able to tax the government instead of the government taxing you. That does not happen.
@terencewood8232 10 ай бұрын
This was an Insightful presentation. Thank you Dr. Hurlbert. I would relish the chance to learn a great deal from you
@stephen_pfrimmer 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for asking about Bancor. And thank you Dr Kelton for explaining. I hope next time she could develop that more. Bancor would not be a currency, right?
@salamazizam6883 Жыл бұрын
@subhashtewari7892 Жыл бұрын
@19battlehill Жыл бұрын
U know what Stephanie never talks about?? Private debt or the fact that commercial banks make 85% of all money. And unlike a Govt that can print fiat and pay its bills --- citizens can't.
@Rob-fx2dw Жыл бұрын
She can't talk about that because it shows her theory is rubbish. Just like her inability to answer why she says taxes put value into the money hwen they failed to put any value at all into the money of 30 or more countries over the past 100 years where inflation made the money utterly worthless despite taxes. Even their own governments ditched the worthless money and used someone else's.
@herbwiseman9084 Жыл бұрын
She leaves that area to Steve Keen and Richard Vague. The issue is assets and liabilities. And that makes it more complicated and could distract from the message she is working on. The banks creation of credit money are what Wray calls money things. There is a hierarchy of money and Kelton does talk about that. You need to expand your listening and reading to get to those things.
@Rob-fx2dw Жыл бұрын
@@herbwiseman9084 You say "The banks creation of credit money are what Wray calls money things. ". The reality is Wray in typical MMT style denies what money actually is and divides it up into different 'things' when in reality in the economy it is all the same because nobody cares if something is bought or sold or owed in what money came from anywhere. The reality is all of the government designated sovereign money in economies today such as is fiat credit based money backed by and equivalent amount of debt. It is all interchangeable. Be honest do you ask or does anyone if something is paid for in money from one source or another or just accept it or pay it when it has to be paid? Does Mosler ask if a price of anything is in "money things" or not when he buys something ? Admit it if you do ask what money is being used to pay for things or get paid for things you sell ? Thing money, credit money, government money? Admit that you are either not being honest if you string people along with that idea of some money being a different from other money in the economy. Tell me where taxes put value into the money in all of the instances where inflation made the money worthless even if you believe it was external debt that made it so ? The reality is it did Not because it is proven by historical fact that the idea is just rubbish like any idea that falls down when tested in the economy it is not so. Example:- Someone has a theory that noise makes petals on flowers open so they test it like Charles Darwin actually did test. Of course he being a scientist actually tested it and the result was it did not happen so he saw the theory was rubbish because it was proven so by the facts of the test which showed it's failure. The test of value being put into money or acceptance being achieved for money is a similar failed theory because the test already applied to it shows it failed. Why can't you accept that proof.
@Rob-fx2dw Жыл бұрын
@@herbwiseman9084 You say "the issue is assets and liabilities". In respect to financial assets the fact is the government does NOT and cannot create assets without creating liabilities at the same time. Nobody can and nobody does becasue the creation of financial assets is tied to creation of financial liabilities. If you don't know that then you have missed the biggest lesson of the GFC where financial assets (mortgages) were created along with financial liabilities and when the financial liabilities were not honoured (failed mortgage payments which were not honoured) the financial assets fell like a stone in water. MMT does not recognise this understanding of financial realities so it will fail inevitably and taht becomes evident when it is applied to history as I have shown. .
@jeff__w Жыл бұрын
24:58 Robert Mundell A name that should be better known in the history of economics, referred to by Greg Palast as the “evil genius of the Euro.” From _The Guardian_ article [26 Jun 2012] of the same name: _[Robert] Mundell, a can-do Canadian-American, intended to do something about it: come up with a weapon that would blow away government rules and labor regulations. (He really hated the union plumbers who charged a bundle to move his throne.)_ _"It's very hard to fire workers in Europe," he complained. His answer: the euro._ _The euro would really do its work when crises hit, Mundell explained. Removing a government's control over currency would prevent nasty little elected officials from using Keynesian monetary and fiscal juice to pull a nation out of recession._ _"It puts monetary policy out of the reach of politicians," he said. "[And] without fiscal policy, the only way nations can keep jobs is by the competitive reduction of rules on business."_ _He cited labor laws, environmental regulations and, of course, taxes. All would be flushed away by the euro. Democracy would not be allowed to interfere with the marketplace - or the plumbing._ The euro, then, _by design_ removed fiscal policy as an option for those countries that adopted it-in other words, contrary to how Wynne Godley (and now Stephanie Kelton) framed it, it was a feature, not a bug.
@joshattota9102 Жыл бұрын
holy soy 😂😂😂
@CarmenNockleby Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this engaging discussion - the opportunity to listen is always valuable and appreciated. :)
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
Don’t think so
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
Nope count me out ,this whole British ,here thing is suspect
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
Who admires what ?
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
The uranium audit
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
Do you think it’s right that MPs and pals groom narratives of nuclear energy and they can’t address the electrical grid malfunctions and unsafe electrical supply,never mind with production interference of the consumer ,is it right ?
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
Oh no
@taradeleeuw2344 Жыл бұрын
@advlalairfankhokhar5803 Жыл бұрын
Hii, can someone assist me to apply for admission at Johnson Shoyama Graduate School for Master in Public Policy program
@lorrainecraig4704 Жыл бұрын
"Promosm" 👊
@Rob-fx2dw Жыл бұрын
The critical and faulty ideas and blatant lies and misinformation of MMT that render it a garbage fantasy belief :- Firstly MMT says money gets value from taxes. -It's fantasy of course that defies historical fact. The reality is taxes did nothing to put any value into the money in all of the countries where inflation led to worthless money despite taxes. Examples from the 20th century and after The Weimar republic, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Hungary, Chile. Secondly MMT (Kelton included) says the national debt does not have to be paid off and is nota burden to the future generation. Total fantasy again. The reality is the national debt is a sum of treasury securities that were sold by the government and those treasuries ALL mature in time and have to be paid off with interest. If they were not then nobody would have paid for them initially because they are bought as investments. They all mature in time so all of the national debt is paid off and new debt appears which it then represents. Thirdly MMT says the government has to issue money first in order that people can pay taxes. Totally wrong again because most money in the economy is created by private banks who do so when they approve loans to their customers. It is not government issued money or government spent money. There are many more fallacies in MMT including their loose use of words and poor understanding of the actual role and operations of private banks as well as their ignorance of the operations of the central banks whose own explanations of their money creation defy what MMT says about central bank operations. Kelton has No answer to these facts and neither do any of her fellow fantasy MMT pushers. Why?- Because it is their propaganda fantasy that fails the test of reality.
@earth3 Жыл бұрын
FYI: I have emigrated from Canada a year ago to protect my health and life, but am concerned about the safety of my good friends who still live in Ontario/Canada because of the corrupt legal system and prevalent systemic discrimination there. I migrated to Canada 15 years ago with a hope for better life as a skilled worker and obtained a professional license to practice in Ontario. I have many friends in Canada, and my clients appreciated my work. However, I found it very risky continuing to live in Ontario / Canada, and couldn’t continue doing any business where there is no fair legal protection and do not respect my basic human rights. There are too many fraudulent organizations, individuals, legal professionals, and public servants with authority. People with fiduciary duty openly lie, abuse their authority, commonly downplay the significance of their criminal acts, and together try to maintain their status quo biases. - Specific examples of what I have experienced: [Employment/Criminal Case] - Punished by the system for pointing out the risk of clients' data manipulation by the upper management of a company; legal proceedings were constantly interrupted by the Board; they have suppressed/buried the evidences that I have provided; they did not share all case files with me/the applicant but among all other parties until one minute before 5pm on the last day of the statute of limitation; the Vice Chair had interrupted the direct negotiation between the parties and closed the case by canceling the hearing; the Board’s lawyer told, 'sue the Ontario government if you have any issue'; [Civil Case] - Ignored by the system when filed a complaint about the fraudulent practices (to LSO) and a fraudulent charge of over 10K without any itemized invoice (to the Superior Court of Justice) made by a contingency lawyer after failing to negotiate and abandoning the client(me); preferential treatment was given to the fraudulent lawyer without any reason at Court; the lawyer is apparently a son of board members / public servants of the province and the country; [Residential Tenancy/Public Health Case] - Punished by the system for requesting the property owner to eradicate health hazards (toxic mold, pests, and dusts) from my living space in a residential rental property; LTB proceedings was biased and unfair, interrupted multiple times when I spoke and suppressed the use of my evidences in the hearing (e.g., a letter from a medical doctor, warning the danger of continued exposure to toxic mold), downplayed the risks of exposure to asbestos/lead and the obvious contraventions of the laws [OHSA, RTA, and municipal Property Standards by-laws] by the property owner; LTB suggested the [former] Tenant to pay for the order reviews only to decline those reviews; LTB's selective omissions of evidences that are inconvenient to the other party/ the property owner; my basic human rights were clearly violated -- no response from LTB, Tribunals Ontario, nor Human Rights Tribunals; the property owner, municipal Property Standards office, and LTB have colluded, needlessly delayed the proceedings, and closed the case after 2.5 years without issuing any order against the property owner’s contraventions of the laws, while I had continued to suffer from the prolonged exposures to health hazards (I have paid the rent in full for over a decade without any delay, even during the Covid lockdown, out of my retirement savings [I was not eligible for the government financial support during the lockdown -- no income]). At least two of sixteen units in the building had their balconies literally falling apart; cracks, wall debris, and friable materials are common in/on the building; my neighbors were afraid of falling through the cracks from the balconies of the upper floors - you'd never hear about these things in news because they are all colluded and do not issue any official orders. [Healthcare Issue] - I left Canada before Nov. 30, 2021, as I had serious reactions to the first Covid vaccine-shot (my immune system was compromised) but my physician had refused to diagnose them then - there was no proof of the reactions to the first shot; later the physician had made lies and terminated the doctor-patient relationship; I was required to take the second-shot, or else… I have disposed / gave away of my belongings within two weeks and left the country to protect my health and life -- fled from Canada. Reported to CBC, but they do not reply. Posted Gogle Reviews, but they deleted them.
@robhaythorne4464 Жыл бұрын
Please keep this Kelton chick out of any position where she can do real harm. If you send your children to her college, make sure they dodge her classes.
@thomasd2444 Жыл бұрын
LOL Choose a beach in the warm latitude so that your sand-buried head is warm & comfy LOL
@thomasd2444 Жыл бұрын
Come to think of it, you might be in your 80s if you have a mom or aunts or sisters or cousins or daughters or nieces or neighbors or had an employer or co-workers that you call chicks. So you are familiar with having learned habits to change for the better
@robhaythorne4464 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasd2444 "Dame, "Doll" or "Broad" might apply also. I can think of a few others, but this is a family channel.
@johnannan1929 Жыл бұрын
In Ghana what is the case is Policy Based evidence development. Policies are developed in a vacuum and later there is a struggle to make it fit
@DavidLTop Жыл бұрын
it's so unfair to advocate for women minorities rather than all minorities. this is a one-sided EDI at UR.
@cyberont 2 жыл бұрын
Talk doesn't actually begin until 11:23, you're welcome.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Massetuechettes would be a nice retreat when holding a conversation that is about substance abuse and gun issues. You could invite them, Alberta, ontario and group efforts could be made to tackle problem. Amen. God bless
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
God bless
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
The gun laws are different in Canada verses the United States but disputes of personal rights are not so different. Where we belong and have rights to is not just an aboriginal issue.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
An Alberta conversation including ecumenical and economical conversations including masseteuchettes will be enlightening.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Love in the aboriginal communities should be a national conversation and promotes understanding and meaning in so many ways.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
You may not have called them before but you could. Massetechettes has an aboriginal community as well.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
If you search around as for grievance counseling and surveys for the hardships already in place in both Alberta canada and Massetuechettes usa you will unveil a better treatment plan. Masseuchettes. Really.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
I believe you will do what is the best mode of action considering the information, ideas and implementations suggested. God bless.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Communicable, you have a team of treatment makers- five to seven- that will be able to each create those more defined treatments based on proposals for different groups and surveys based on my notes. Please get my notes to all parties on this teleconference. God bless.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
When cures and treatment plans are implemented, with verification surveys to recognize love, it is information that should cross provincial lines to help other communities. If not to other governmental administrations to help people on a global stance of love. Though starting regionally is meritable and love.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
You can conduct a survey to verify with accused or offender to better create and realize the problems individuals are facing in love.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
What about support teams and grievance classes for orphans and widows? 20% of your communities are orphaned. Also 30% are widowed.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Merelda Fiddler Potter, please send advice and suggested groups to important people including factors and treatments to particular people to advance your communities in a more recognized manner through love. Amen. God bless.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
A value. Recognition.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Recognition is a fundamental value to be an individual.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
A core values training class will help an individual be aware of their importance, another's as well as a way to have a community fundamentals skills become implemented and utilized.
@cathyreddy6297 2 жыл бұрын
Sexual partner ownership secondary?