Star Trek: Discovery - Get Over It!
4 сағат бұрын
Kirk Is Dead.
14 күн бұрын
Villains Of Star Trek: The Gorn
Villains Of Star Trek: Klingons
@goaway152 2 сағат бұрын
i will never.. ever... view captain weep and cry every SINGLE episode ... as Spocks sister. it will never happen. i dont care what you think or say.... you are young. you will learn.
@TrekTrav 2 сағат бұрын
How old do you think I am?
@KingValisFelix 4 сағат бұрын
You are approaching the problem like Dr. Watson when you should be approaching it like Arthur Conan Doyle.
@TrekTrav 2 сағат бұрын
Descriptive with gay overtones?
@jperez14770 6 сағат бұрын
You hit it all on the head I agree with everything that you have said I am a first-generation Star Trek fan I was born in 64 and started watching it in 68 I congratulate you on hitting it on the head
@AngelEmfrbl Сағат бұрын
"I hate Lower Decks, its animated!" So was TAS... So was TAS... Edit: Another fav; the musical episode is rubbish of SNW. They'd totally have done it in TOS or TNG is they'd come up with it. The series has the first on screen racial kiss... I do agree DIS is more woke then ST should be, but if thats their whole issue with DIS, thats sad because there has always been a element of "woke" to ST with a Japanese, Black woman and Russian on the main crew staff during an era of the USA history when the cold war was on, they knew what they were doing. My issue with the main character is she reads like a fanfiction self-insert. But heres the thing, I didn't go off the entire franchise because of DIS. Its badly written, most agree, with some of the worst ST writing ever in places and concepts that are far out there even for ST. But its what the crew wanted to do and thats it. I came into ST off of TNG, my father was a TOS fan and thats how I became a ST fan. To this day I still like ST because of TNG. I think the series you ride in on will be the reflection of your opinions of ST. But I see people act like Scotty didn't say "I know this ship like the back of my hand" and ST has always been this conservative, joke-less serious series. Its always been cringey, camp thing. Its popularity is mostly built on out of all its era, it was the only sci-fi show prepared not to be some dystopian future where mankind screwed up. The idea of going to space and discovering new things, making peace with alien races, while faces various challenges, that was a reflection of America they wanted the series to ask. I'm British, and the message the series message wasn't lost over the pond either.
@SillySausage-mq3so 6 сағат бұрын
Sexually Transmitted Diseasesare bad.
@darrynwalker6270 6 сағат бұрын
It's got nothing to do with it being canon, race or gender. Discovery, like The Acolyte, is just a badly written and badly acted show.
@TrekTrav Сағат бұрын
@jerrilehane7815 7 сағат бұрын
I was 29 in my prime 1987.
@jerrilehane7815 7 сағат бұрын
I designed Mars rovers,sent drawings to Roddenberry April 1987 with ghostwriting for him to relay to JPL.I found Mars people 2004,serch pics Jerry Lehane Mars,and review previous interviews mass media.
@jerrilehane7815 7 сағат бұрын
I'm the Ghostwriter/artist for Star Trek 1987 including Generations killing Kirk. I stopped the vid 2 mis in to address some of your points.
@TrekTrav 7 сағат бұрын
@ajctrading 7 сағат бұрын
@TrekTrav Сағат бұрын
@noanswer1864 8 сағат бұрын
I don't care what flavor of human the captain, or any other character is. I care if it looks, sounds, and feels like Trek. If it doesn't, then it shouldn't be canon. Discovery doesn't find success on any of those metrics, so it isnt canon.
@TrekTrav 7 сағат бұрын
Because they should all like 60s cardboard sets?
@noanswer1864 7 сағат бұрын
@TrekTrav Did DS9 or Voyager, or even the red-headed stepchild that is Enterprise look like exacrly that? Why, no... no they didn't. Even Lower Decks manages to feel and look like Trek when it tries, and it tries fairly frequently.
@Ashe_Kenchum 8 сағат бұрын
People whining about a bunch of imaginary stuff, lol. If you liked discovery then watch it. If you didnt, then don't.
@barrybranscum1795 8 сағат бұрын
COPE and SEETHE STD has been vaxxed out of continuity.
@DoctorG-Emu 10 сағат бұрын
The cost or making ST:D 'not canon' is worth it.
@TrekTrav Сағат бұрын
@wesleywyndam-pryce4081 10 сағат бұрын
Before i comment i wonder if discovery will be looked on more fondly in a few years like Enterprise. I liked discovery but it has massive problems, star picard season 3 was actually fantastic to me for context. I liked they moved it into the future that was a good move, Iiked the exploration of the mirror universe ect but it just never seemed to know what it wanted to be every time it got into a rhythm it kinda just changed or went of plot. Its hard to exsplain 😂 but it felt like it was trying to be star trek without it being star trek but it was star trek in a lot of episodes, but some it felt like something else. The last season was decent as a last season and your right is does personify a lot of the ideals of what a star trek show should be. one thing i will point out is the way it was filmed put people of a little ths lens flares the gloss some muddy cgi you can tell especially last season ect they went with a different approach like strange new worlds less of that JJabrams style ect. Everything had colour again. Also people instantly got put of from discovery being a prequel just that time when it started people were just not interested in a prequal and then there was confusion whether itvwas kelvin or prime 😂 i remember all that. In the end it was a 7/10 show decent but does not do enough for me as a star trek fan to ever rewatch maybe in 20 years who knows right now no.
@christophergeltner-saffel5930 11 сағат бұрын
It's an awesome show, and I loved the ride. It's what Star Trek was meant to be. Discovering new worlds and new ideas. And it boldly went there. The end.
@TrekTrav 10 сағат бұрын
@KingValisFelix 5 сағат бұрын
Could you name any of these 'new worlds' they discovered? I can't recall any. And weren't they nororiously going about the universe not 'boldly' but emotionally and crying like teenage girls all the time.
@GeraldM459 13 сағат бұрын
Oh shut up!
@TrekTrav 10 сағат бұрын
@darnchacha1632 13 сағат бұрын
I've never really cared that much about Canon. if I really cared that much I probably wouldn't like lower decks as much as I do cause it's goofy with canon, I just want the show be interesting to watch, Discovery's first season was in my opinion the worst season of any Star Trek series ever and the only reason I decided to keep giving it a chance was because famously Star Trek first season usually aren't the greatest, And while I do think the show got better Over time I don't think it got much better and is The least entertaining least interesting most annoying Star Trek series easily in my view and I don't like it.
@kwith 13 сағат бұрын
Any moron who thinks the more recent Star Trek is "woke" has no clue what Star Trek is. First off, define "woke" for me. Because all it is for some is "there is stuff I don't like in it, ergo..WOKE!". Star Trek has tackled racism, sexism, gender identity, LGBTQ+ and everything else MANY times in the past. The only reason that people bitch now is because its more modern. I don't like Discovery because its badly written. The characters are not interesting, the stories aren't compelling, and its just BORING. Its the same with Picard S1 and 2. S3 is great and is just a coda to TNG as far as I'm concerned. But the rest of it, no, Star Trek is not woke unless you're willing to say it always was, but then you had better be complaining about EVERYTHING from TOS onward. Guess who else would be screaming "woke" about Star Trek? The racist assholes who complained about Uhura and Kirk's kiss. You gonna lump yourselves in with that lot? I doubt it. So just cool your jets.
@todd3458 15 сағат бұрын
@TrekTrav 10 сағат бұрын
@MoonjumperReviews 18 сағат бұрын
Here’s what everyone on all sides of this debate keeps getting wrong: It’s not about canon. It’s about continuity. Canon and continuity are NOT synonymous; they are NOT the same thing. Yes, you are correct that Discovery is still canon. The proper question is not whether it’s canon, it’s whether or not it’s still in the same CONTINUITY (or timeline) as The Original Series, et al. While you are correct that you can’t just erase Discovery, the same should be said for The Original Series-which a fair number Discovery fans have openly called for its deletion from canon, the very cornerstone of the canon itself. So, set all that nonsense aside, and I don’t care about the politics; let’s just look at this rationally from a strict continuity perspective-and it’s here where we find legitimate problems, and I don’t just mean the visuals, but clear obvious problems with the chronological narrative itself, which can’t be so easily lampshaded just by calling it “classified.” It’s all so classified that Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Chapel never even heard of the Gorn in TOS, after three of the four were serving on a the same Enterprise actively engaged with them only a few years prior. There are legitimate issues here that go beyond “the visuals have changed” and “Burnham cries too much” But what has been recently presented in the shows themselves is a chance to make everyone happy, but clearly isn’t. In other words, could “Discovery” and “Strange New Worlds” be in a separate timeline from The Original Series and 90s Trek? Again, I’m talking about timelines, ergo continuity, not canon. It’s ALL canon. And the answer is-possibly. And, if so, why is that a bad thing? Everyone is obsessed over a single sight gag in “Lower Decks,” but “Strange New Worlds” had already basically admitted onscreen that Discovery and SNW were actually set in an alternate timeline from TOS, in the episode “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.” In that episode, Mary, Queen of Scots-erm, I mean, Sera, the female Romulan agent-strongly implies that she was from the “original” TOS timeline, and that she was sent back to the 1990s on a mission to kill Khan. The problem was, not only was he not in power by the 1990s, he hadn’t even been born, yet, and the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s never took place-dramatically altering the history of the Star Trek timeline that she knew. Fast forward, thirty years later, Sera has been marooned on Earth since the 90s-and is now aware of a child living in Toronto in 2023, whose name just happens to be Khan Noonnen Singh, suggesting that the Eugenics Wars will now take place in the 21st century. Obviously, this changes everything we know about “Space Seed” and “Star Trek II: Thr Wrath of Khan.” (Are THEY no longer “canon?”) And how did this all come about? The Temporal Cold War (reference “Star Trek: Enterprise”). These were her words, not mine-and they were stated onscreen, meaning it’s canon. So, what do we make of this? Forget the sight gag in the animated “Lower Decks.” The live-action, fully canonical “Strange New Worlds” is basically admitting, or at the very least, strongly suggesting that SNW (and by extension, “Discovery”) exist in an alternate timeline from The Original Series. Is that a bad thing? No, it actually provides a means of perplexed TOS fans like myself to be able to ENJOY Discovery and SNW without having to worry about whatever anachronistic things the writers come up with to seemingly overwrite The Original Series. In another words, by allowing a “Discovery-verse” timeline to coexist parallel to a separate “TOS-verse,” it PRESERVES the canon of both TOS and Discovery/SNW, not erases it. So, unless the goal is erase TOS from canon, why is this a bad thing? It ought to make EVERYONE happy. Finally, you were mentioning a number of events from TNG, etc, asking, wouldn’t those be erased from canon as well? No, not at all. The whole pop culture idea of a multiverse, be it in TV, movies or comics, is that similar or even identical events can happen in multiple timelines, parallel to each other-and that characters in multiple universes sometimes look alike and sometimes they don’t (and that totally doesn’t have anything to do with them being played be different actors). We simply accept it as a “multiverse.” All that said, a lot of uproar would have been dramatically lessened if the writers of Discovery and SNW had simply paid attention to the continuity to begin with.
@TrekTrav 17 сағат бұрын
I actually did a video called 'The Ultimate Timeline' and another called 'First Contact Theory', basically discussing that every time travel episode in Trek alters details slightly. Meaning that the correct way to watch Trek is in creation order. Specifically in First Contact, the Borg incursion changed the Enterprise timeline, which altered other timelines etc. It's a very interesting topic. Thank you for commenting😁
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 15 сағат бұрын
* round of applause * Masterfully said , Thank you moon moon.
@MoonjumperReviews 15 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav - It is very interesting, indeed. The First Contact scenario is interesting because the question arises, did it change the “original” timeline or was that what “secretly” happened all along? Did Q truly introduce the Borg and Federation to each other when he flung the Enterprise-D across the galaxy? Or did he simply make Picard and crew aware of something the Federation was secretly already aware of, as the Hanson expedition seems to suggest? It remains an open question. My frustration with Discovery was never whether or not Burnham should exist as Spock’s adopted sister (I defended her existence on my own channel) or who is or isn’t gay (I couldn’t care less). But I admit I am a stick in the mud when it comes to adhering to continuity-and yes, for me, that does include honoring visual continuity, as well as (and especially) making chronological EVENTS line up in a logical manner. It’s possible to not be overjoyed by the narrative direction a story takes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it breaks continuity. Disney Star Wars has had its writing issues, but I have openly praised Disney for honoring and meticulously recreating the look and feel of 1970s sci-fi. We know that, the TOS Enterprise and the 60s visual esthetics and hairstyles of that era existed in the 2260s, because TNG “Relics,” DS9 “Trials and Tribble-ations” and ENT “In a Mirror, Darkly,” all reconfirmed and celebrated it, without the use of “cardboard” as has been often snarked. SNW, to its credit, has gone to great lengths to bring back a sense of that look and feel-which I appreciate. But as I mentioned above, the Gorn being the major Big Bad in a not-at-all subtle or ambiguous way, is a very concerning issue if this is supposed to be a direct prequel to TOS. That was my primary issue with Discovery. Why say that you’re writing a direct prequel to a beloved series if you’re just going to ignore it? What’s the purpose of that other than to deliberately piss off your existing fanbase? And I don’t adhere to strange logic of some that you win a windfall of new fans by telling your existing fans to eff off. That doesn’t make any sense. I’m a fan of a number a pre-existing franchises, because my parents were fans of them-and I’m actively introducing things that I love to the next generation, and the kids love them. Don’t think for a second that kids don’t adore old Hanna-Barbera cartoons just because they were made fifty to sixty years before they were born. They love them because they are timeless. And Star Trek is timeless. There were two things they could have done with Discovery. They could have taken the same basic storyline, and set it post-Nemesis, and no one would’ve batted an eye in terms of continuity. A “spore drive” that could instantly send you anywhere in the universe would be a great storytelling device in that context, without Janeway opening a classified file and yelling, “Wait! WTF!?” LOL! Or…second option, the thing I was really excited about in 2016-ish, would have been to do an actual TRUE prequel to TOS, set in the Cage-era, instead of an unrecognizable mess from writers who seemingly never watched the series they claim to be writing a prequel to. And if the goal is to attract new fans in addition the old ones, then why base your whole premise on such a “deep cut” as the Cage-era? Novice fans don’t know or care anything about The Cage-era, but old timers like me certainly do-and they’re effectively telling me to eff off. So, who was it for? It never made sense. I think the primary difference between the 90s Berman era and the current Kurtzman era, wasn’t that the writers back then got everything right, but they at least made an attempt to work within the existing continuity and reconcile existing errors. We Trekkies are the kings and queens of nitpickers (that’s part of the fun), but there was never any perception that they openly hated the source material. Let’s just say we get a far different impression from first season Discovery. So, the question is (perhaps similar to the First Contact scenario) is, could the events of Discovery and Strange New Worlds ultimately BECOME reconcilable with the canonical chronology of The Original Series? It’s a tall order, but not necessarily impossible. “Enterprise” basically fixed the potential continuity error when it came to Seven of Nine’s origin story, in which her family was studying the Borg, apparently years before the Enterprise-D encountered them. “Enterprise” effectively canonized a fan theory that Starfleet already secretly knew about the Borg, with a rather well written sequel to “First Contact.” The time paradox comes full circle, the existing timeline preserved. Could SNW have taken steps to repair the anachronism that is “Star Trek: Discovery?” I think they could have, and in early SNW season 1, I was cautiously optimistic that they were attempting to do just that. But then here came the Gorn in the most in-your-face way they possibly could. <sigh> That’s when I basically lost hope that the writers cared anything at all about continuity with TOS. But then (to their credit??) came out with “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” in which they basically said, “Na, don’t worry about it. It’s a new timeline.” Not the solution I would have preferred, but at least it’s a solution.
@Rick79LUFC 19 сағат бұрын
And Tuvok was Rikers first officer 😊great set of novels 😊
@TrekTrav 18 сағат бұрын
So good.
@Rick79LUFC 19 сағат бұрын
Wrong ship wrong Captain lol
@TrekCannon 22 сағат бұрын
The most evil weapon in star trek 😂
@TrekTrav 21 сағат бұрын
It is kinda😁
@PeBoVision Күн бұрын
If Discovery is not cannon, it can be treated like it did not exist. None of the previous episodes of other series would be affected in any way. They were used as plotpoints (fan service) to Discovery episodes and in no way alter what happened in other shows with those same plot points...they do not need Discovery to be cannon, they already were. I honestly don't understand your logic. The only show where Discovery might affect their own cannonography is Strange New Worlds, and they dropped Discovery like a hot potato in their first episode by establishing it as the "ship that may not be named" (Star Trek's Voldemort).
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Lol, the episode Momento Mori. Actively inserts itself in to canon. By referencing events in TNG (Unification 3 and The Chase), it once again aligns it's timeline with TNG. As much as people dislike Discovery, it's firmly in there.
@PeBoVision Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav What comes after does not affect what came before. Discovery was not mentioned in Unification 3 or The Chase and therefore does not exist within them. I think, like Billy Pilgrim, you've become unstuck in time. Discovery can insert itself all it wants, if it is not cannon, those insertions are meaningless to what came before. If someone never watched Discovery, those episodes still work fine.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@PeBoVision except SNW
@PeBoVision Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav I said exactly that
@brulaapgaapmeester8052 Күн бұрын
It was slimy, sentimental crap anyway.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@brulaapgaapmeester8052 Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav Yes, a lot of focus on 'slimy' personal relationships that have no place in a Scifi series, we have soap opera's for that. Plus the religious undertone of it all, writers that seems to live in a mystical world with ghosts and creators, and on top of that of course NASA should invest in mushrooms for their next space travel means of propulsion. I don't know what's going on in the heads of the writers, but I wouldn't want to be there.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@brulaapgaapmeester8052 A. Star Trek was built on Captain Kirk and other being "slimy" B. Ghosts and creators? What are you on about? C. Warp drive is just as fanciful as Mycelium.
@ajctrading 7 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav If you think warp drive is as fanciful as space tardegrades you really need to read up on some modern up to date physics
@greg6500 Күн бұрын
As much as I love old trek, One of its glaring flaws was the lack of diversity. Sure it broke ground in some areas but why are their no gay people in the future? Why are there only like 2 different genres of music? Like... It stood out as pretty weird. Honestly its just a good practical choice to have more representation, It makes the world feel more real.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@greg6500 Күн бұрын
Dude, I loved Lower Decks I need more Migleemo give that guy his own series.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Just going to planets to eat and getting in to
@greg6500 Күн бұрын
Extra annoying when something does feature a woman, LGBTQ+ person or a POC but its ALSO bad for other reasons, Especially if it fails. Because those people chime in "This failed because its WOKE" instead of the hundreds of other poor decisions that actually caused it to miss the mark, And its hard to talk about it honestly without sounding like an asshole yourself.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
It just annoys me so much. I actually wish they would ignore people and just do what they want.
@greg6500 Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav Didnt Leonard Nimoy say something to that effect? Something about how its not a directors job to listen to the fans, The fans don't know what they want. Something like that, Probably not as insulting I cant find the original quote :D
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@greg6500 it's something I firmly agree with. Don't try to please fans, just try to make a good show or movie.
@TheSHARCRASH Күн бұрын
You're making such a generality of a group of fans. To reuse you own words, I am one of those "white old core fans", i'm 47 but I consider myself as a person of color, yep and don't give a damn if the main characters are of color, as you say, or are of whatever sex/genre. I love Voyager, I love DS9 and I love 2nd season of Discovery, 1st was OK but the new look of the Klingons and the spore drive really bothered me (it has no scientific foundation), the rest of the seasons were pure fantasy. Most episodes had no scientific foundation, so it's not science-fiction, it became some sort of space opera à la Star Wars and action scenes were so overkill. Hence, not canon. And to prove it's so irrelevant to wokism, i hate JJA's STverse AKA Kelvin timeline, stupid action movies and Khan should have stayed Indian.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
I understand what you are saying. All I'm pointing out is the pattern of hatred the seems prevalent on Facebook from a certain demographic
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
Discovery isn't bad because its woke. Its bad because it's badly written. Perhaps one of the worst written shows in TV history, next to the remakes for charmed and roswell. The only way I can reconcile star trek discovery and the huge lore breaking plot lines in literally every season was that when Burnham's mother traveled through time resulting in Burnham's adoption by Spock's dad was that she created a new timeline and Burnham's universe is an isolated timeline like the Kelvin and the Prime timeline. Btw, I am gay. So not anti woke. Reasons why Discovery is Bad: 1. Retconning the most famous character in the series is cheap 2. The seven signals of the red angel. A lazy quest. 3. Control destroying all life in the universe. Including established species like the Borg. Totally lore breaking. 4. The burn: a mutant child cried and blew up all the warp engines in the galaxy. Lazy, bad, makes no sense and is basically the same as point 3. 5. The 5 puzzle pieces that retconned and ripped off the most famous episode in TNG and turned it into an entire season arc. Same as point 2 btw and was just a lazy quest. 6. They turned point 5 into resurrection magic and not genetic engineering which is much more plausible. Reasons why Burnham was bad: Not because she was black or a woman. She was insubordinat, she caused a war, she created at least half of the problems in the series, she should never have been promoted, when she was promoted her logic was terrible and didn't make sense, the whole shows concept of logic was illogical. Example: logic extremists. Like wtf? Also she went on away missions with her boyfriend. A sensible starfleet would have reprimanded her for this. Again I am gay and a huge trans rights advocate. But the characters of Staments, Culber and Adira were also just terribly written characters. There was nothing intelligent about staments. He was a pseudointellectual. Culber's skills as a psychiatrist were basically just smiling. Adera suddenly needed parents after successfully fending for herself and getting into star fleet. And the whole trill side plot was cringe and again lore breaking. They made it so trills didn't need hosts anymore? I felt no sense of family from them. It was like someone was playing barbies and just matched up a bunch of unrelated characters and said "now kiss." The story didn't respect any of the established lore. They even ruined the breen by making them humanoid. None of this is anti-wokism and this whole anti-anti-wokism tirade completely misses the point on why critics largely universally hated Discovery easily making it the worst star trek ever written. Again: 7 signals All life destroyed All warp engines destroyed 5 puzzle pieces These were season arcs. They had 5 seasons and came up with a total of 2 concepts for season arcs. Its just lazy. I watched every episode except for the very last one. It was insulting and I had completely given up on the series at that point. I'm glad they were unceremoniously cancelled. They did not deserve a proper send off.
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
Also the skeleton crew isn't terribly written and I enjoy that show.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
So, this is just genuine dislike, which is fine. I have no problem with people who genuinely don't like a show. You do mention 'lore' but the jump to your opinion of something you didn't like, which has nothing to do with lore. I'm glad you commented, it was nice to read your opinion. Although, did you forget Season 4? You don't mention anything about the Ten-C? TBH, the best thing about Stamets and Culver was they were representing the drug crazy, promiscuous gays like every other tv show.
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
No, I didn't just jump to my opinion of something I didn't like, trektrav. I demonstrate a nuanced understanding of star trek's legacy as well as a deep understanding of discovery's story structure and eloquently explain how discovery fails to honor this by supporting my statements with examples from the series. I focus on character development and story telling in a well supported and well reasoned manner. You just used a strawman argument. Which is what I'm used to you doing. You completely missed all the nuance in my argument yet again. Just like discovery misses all of the nuance of Star Trek. And no I didn't miss season 4. That was the season the mutant child destroyed all the warp drives in the galaxy when he screames. Burnham's boyfriend tries to genocide the 10-C, displaying extremely poor judgement on Burnham's part. She should have been demoted for that alone. Whataboutism btw. So you like Staments and Culber because they're not stereotypes? That they're just no story at all? Btw I knew that about you. You told me before and I gave you an example of decent story telling about the lgbt struggle. And you strawman fallacied that argument too.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@Jamex07 I know who this is. Welcome back.
@Jamex07 22 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav yup. Good job. I dont come back often anymore. I think if you were able to acknowledge more of the diverse opinions out there about the show you would probably appeal to a broader cross section of viewers rather than just shooting down opinions you dont like. Look at it like a personal challenge. There are personal checks that we must all hold ourselves to in order to a) determine whether our own views are valid or not and b) in order to grow as individuals. Blaming it all on anti-wokism reminds me of Trudeau ignorantly shooting down any criticism of his government because its anti wokism even though his government lead the country into the greatest era of wage disparity in canadian history and yet he remains completely oblivious to his growing loss of support and popularity and is completely out of touch with the people he is supposed to represent or deliver information to. His hard headedness is leading him, and the country, to his/its doom. Leaving voters/viewers completely alienated and disenfranchised. This is meant to be more constructive criticism. Not a jab. Note how I had to preface i was gay 3 times in my first comment. I shouldn't have to do that to make a well reasoned argument. Which still hasn't and definitely won't be responded to.
@randicus1030 Күн бұрын
I don't think it means anything for the character. OTOY paid some homage to these legacy characters that the vast majority of fans loved. They did it to showcase their technology of what they can do now. But that is why they put elements of TOS, STD, STP, and the Kelvin Trek in the video. I personally don't know what the people who made this short think of STD and Kelvin Trek, but they put it in for a nod to all the fans of these Treks. I think it was simply to give them a send off that was heartfelt. Rather than old Spock dying off screen and the way they ended Kirk. I mean it makes sense that Starfleet would get Kirk's body off of that planet for the same reason they got the Enterprise off. And no doubt anyone from the Enterprise that died when it crashed. So I took it as Spock and Kirk are just going into whatever comes after this life together.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Yea, I mostly agree.
@scottgardener Күн бұрын
Actually, the actors saved the early Discovery episodes. That first season was a bit rough, with palpable changes in direction and writing. The visual reboot was thrown on top of this, along with the dark tone, and of course there was a fan backlash. But, the cast acted the Hell out of it and kept us invested, while we remembered how rough the first season of TNG was. And, we were rewarded. Season 2 onward were awesome.
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
Agreed. Season 1 of discovery was actually decent, and its 100% because of Jason Isaacs. I also didn't mind Michelle Yeoh's character, but again she's an amazing actress. Outside of that though, I think the following seasons are easily some of the worst written scripts in TV history. 7 signals All life destroyed All warp engines destroyed 5 puzzle pieces These are recycled season arcs and lazy quests fit for a video game for a 12 year old. I expect star wars to be better than this. And star wars is for kids.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
TNG season one is a ruff ride, DS9 and VOY too
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
The first 2 are the same season
@TrekCannon Күн бұрын
Ok trektrav u forced me to make a vid. Well done sir😊
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
That's what I like😁
@TrekCannon Күн бұрын
I'm black and I can safely say, disc isn't canon. 😂not only is it not canon, I actively spend effort not Inconsisti-Trekin it
@slyguythreeonetwonine3172 Күн бұрын
God Generations was so brutal for me. Having to lose Kirk AND My Enterprise? I still haven't forgive ILM. And I probably never will. But atleast Kirk's death was heartfelt. Jesus Christ that "Oh my" still haunts me 30 years later. But I'll never get over losing the Enterprise. It took a good 25 years for me not to hate the "E".
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Oh yea, The D as a kid was a huge loss.
@TrekCannon Күн бұрын
The day you guys find it ok that darth vader will be a ewok, is the day i find discovery canon😂its a reason writers write stories. Its also a reason great stories last. Its a reason we actually have the
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
You dislike Discovery then?
@joshuairwin2016 Күн бұрын
My approach to Discovery is simple. If I watch Discovery I realize I'm watching Discovery and I watch it through that lens. It is what is. Worrying about canon is just too much energy. I've liked Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Picard Season 3 much more than the rest. I still like classic Star Trek better. But crying about Disco is just a waste of time.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Agree so much! Thanks for commenting!
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 Күн бұрын
Canon Yes, Erased no, just put in a equal but alternative universe. Nothing wrong with that, Discovery never really made sense in the main / prime universe anyway.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
It wasn't erased at all. In order for it too be then you would have to erase SNW, TNG, TOS, and a million other things.
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 Күн бұрын
I didn't say it was erased? I literally said the opposite? You seem confused.
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
Agree 100%
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
@@alexanderdeburdegala4609 TrekTrav often responds to the things that appeal to him the most. This whole video is that. Blaming all the criticism of Discovery on anti-wokism and sexism. There are plenty of valid criticisms of the show, including many in this comments section. I often got in debates with him and he would repeatedly ignore all my valid points and just respond with oversimplified ones. This is the problem with believing in appeals and not reason. Which is how Discovery differs from the other star treks like TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9. Discovery is to these shows what religion is to science. What misinformation is to information. It appeals to people that like misinformation which is why the cross section of people that like Discovery often does not overlap with traditional trekkies. Traditional trekkies can clearly tell that it does not carry on the original values of the show, but that doesn't matter to people that would prefer to believe in conspiracy theories and tiktok junk.
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 Күн бұрын
@@Jamex07 All the straw all the man.
@emancoy Күн бұрын
I thought lower decks is a comedy parody of star trek and not canon. All of a sudden what is says is scripture canon.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Lower Decks is canon. It's always been canon. I look at it as Star Trek told from a Lower Decker's pov
@emancoy Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav the last episode to me that split timeline of previous zklibgon design and Discovery klingons was a 4rth wall joke. But if its canon, no wonder we have diffrent factions of the fandom at odds with eachother.
@joemitchell2589 Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav No it isn't. You've been duped. It's a satirical comedy, and you look silly trying to say it's as legit as TNG. Get over it. It's a cartoon.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
@joemitchell2589 I think you need to watch more behind the scenes stuff. Maybe 'Those Old Scientists' in SNWs. Lower Decks is definately canon.
@rocksnot952 Күн бұрын
I didn't even notice if it's woke. It's stupid. The ship, supposedly before Star Trek OST, can go anywhere in the Universe. And it's powered by a mushroom drive, which is just bonkers. The inside of the ship is a pinball game. I could go on...
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
Lol....I'd like to point out that the Spore drive is just as unrealistic as FTL warp drive. They are both made up things. It took me a while to get used to the Spore Drive too, but if you look at it as Discovery being a experimental ship then it makes more sense. At least in my head. I don't get the Pinball thing though.??
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 Күн бұрын
Disco Cultists always immediately run to people being " anti-woke " as the reason people hated the horrible writing. Then stick their fingers in their ears and go " la la la " when it comes to an reasonable debate. Also the comparison of warp drive doesn't exist so it's the same as magic mushrooms, is peak false equivalence. Warping space is grounded in actual science you know the SCIENCE part of Sci-Fi, Magic Mushroom drive is Sci - Fantasy., heavy on the Fantasy. It belongs in something like Star Wars. not Star Trek.
@fmlazar Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav The pinball thing references one of the more implausible scenes in startrek, the in turbolift fight.
@Jamex07 Күн бұрын
@@TrekTrav FTL warp drive is actually not implausible. TOS and then TNG were largely based on prevailing theories at the time, although many discredited now. They still had an air of plausibility. For example the Alcubierre drive and Lenz drive are two theories that agree with Einstein's general and special relativity that are FTL warp drives. This is exactly the problem with discovery. Its a catch all for any dumb idea. Like logic extremists. It tries to pander that any idea is equally plausible when it isn't. TOS, TNG, Voyager and DS9 were shows about secular values and right and wrong. There were black and white right and wrong conundrums in those shows. And it taught people how to deal with those conundrums outside of the context of religion, which is where most shows got their morals from in the 60s and 80s. When it was stated on Star Trek Voyager "There are only 5 dimensions" they were alluding to Kaluza Klein theory. Subspace is an allusion to Kaluza Klein theory. A mycellium network is just pure fiction. These aren't equally comparable concepts.
@PeBoVision Күн бұрын
Discovery lost me when: 3. Super-Captain Bernham surfed on the back of a ship travelling at warp 2. Two straships dip their noses in the sand of a planet to save a village from an avalanche. 1. A speeder scene right out of Star Wars on a planet that look suspiciously like Tatooine. And that was all in just one episode.
@wizardstower5995 Күн бұрын
You couldn’t be further off base. It has nothing to do with race or gender. If that were the case then the same attitudes would be held for Janeway or Sisko. DS9 was arguably the best trek with the best writing. The problem with discovery is that the writing was awful. I never took into consideration the acting but yea now that I think of it that was bad too. For the most part Discovery, taking place in the 32nd century erases the evolution of humanity in the federation. Explain the mole scene with Greys new synthetic body. It was a copy of his original body, which he obviously had an issue with, but in the 32nd century they can’t remove moles?? They can do that today. The fact is that “we older men” who have been trek fans long before you have come to the expect a high quality writing with attention to detail. That’s what made trek so great. Discovery was just a disaster of holes. And as for the appearance of the Klingons if you actually watched the original shows you would know that was explained.
@TrekTrav Күн бұрын
I've watched all of Trek. I am 39 years old, not a child. They did have a problem with Janeway and Sisko, do you not remember? If you sincerely didn't like the show because of the writing then that is fine. I have no issue with that. It does seem very VERY odd that the shows people complain about ATM are the shows without a straight white guy isn't the lead. You must admit that it's a pattern, and not a good one.
@wizardstower5995 Күн бұрын
@ I don’t remember any issues with Sisko. Many older trek fans regard DS9 as pretty much the best written trek. And yes I am also gay and you do have a point about not having a gay lead but that isn’t why I dislike Discovery so much. I just feel that put up against DS9 in terms of solid writing there are too many holes. I could easily get past the over emotional crew if not for the plot holes. Even tho older trek failed in portraying gay characters I grew up watching with the notion that earth and the federation were for the most part utopian and people have evolved beyond petty differences so understanding that the show aired in the late 80s looked past that. Tho while not in lead roles there were episodes that handled that message back then with finnessy. TNG Season 5 episode 15 I believe. It was called “The Outcast”. It’s a must watch and strongly recommend you watch it if you haven’t seen it. It’s a great episode on gender. There was also an episode called “rejoined” not sure the season or episode but pleas watch that one. Also the Ferengi were used used to tell about female empowerment with Quarks mother. It’s just quality and continuity of writing for me. That’s why I dislike Discovery. All the other stuff doesn’t really bother me.
@alexanderdeburdegala4609 15 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav Also the problems people had with TNG, DS9 or Voy, went away... the people that bitched got over it quickly, or went away quickly, BECAUSE THE SHOWS ARE GREAT. Discovery is OVER and people STILL HATE IT with as much passion and rage as when it started. THAT is not the same as any of the other treks.
@deamondeathstone1 2 күн бұрын
No it's not canon, it's crap
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
Any legitimate reasons other than you don't like it?
@KingValisFelix 5 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav Why is that not enough? We don't like it. We aren't watching it. We aren't rewatching it. What star trek fan wants the future of the federation to be a collapse caused by a crying child blowing up a load of cyrstals? How is that worthy of being canonical to the history of the galaxy? Its not. Its stupid. These shows are stupid. You must be stupid or you are not telling us your real reason for liking these shows. May I ask, are you luciferian? I've noticed alot of people who like discovery are luciferian and enjoy all the luciferian references in the show.
@TheSpeakersofFlames 2 күн бұрын
Toxic masculinity, that's exactly what it is.
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
100% All the shows I talk about get all this excess hate and it is blatantly obvious why. Thanks for commenting!
@horusrage 2 күн бұрын
I think you are confusing making Discovery no canon with removing the presence of story elements that predate adding. Klingons are present in Enterprise which time-line pre-exists Discovery. With Discovery removed TOS still occurs regardless. Various ships also exist. The unification 3 merely confirmed that reunification of Romulan & Vulcans happened then they changed the name of their homeworld. The elements of it were in TNG. The precursor humanoids time wise would also be present as would TNG DS9 & VOY. The issue is you are confusing removing things completely even though they are touched in others. With just removing the change discovery made where stories were developed.
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
Im pointing out that if Discovery Klingons were shown to be a parallel world then so is the Enterprise D, E, Oberth Classes, Miranda Classes. All of which are caused by the same function. The Klingons in Discovery look different, but Klingons have changed before. My issue is fans using it as an excuse to target Discovery when that is not even implied in the episode.
@Deekler 2 күн бұрын
It was just an awful show.
@Gaeilgeoir 2 күн бұрын
Careful, your racism is showing.
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
Any particular reason?
@KingValisFelix 4 сағат бұрын
@@TrekTrav Stop pretending you haven't be told millions of times the reasons STD sucks over the years. It and all the other nuTrek live action shows have been decanonized / quarantined in the STDVerse. Get over it.
@CoffeeBlack-VOY 2 күн бұрын
I feel like people who are harping on this and claiming Disc isn't canon didnt pay attention to the lower decks finale. The episode literally had multiple realities, hundreds if not thousands of realities where some share clear similarities and at times major differences. The disc klingon appearing was just an easter egg (lower decks' bread and butter) and not producers removing Disc from canon. Believing anything else is just desperation. Disc is probably my least favorite Trek, but it is still Trek. Personally I wish the entire series started in the 32nd century. The series really found it's footing by then in season 3. 🖖☕
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly. The Burn was cool until the end, the TenC were very Gene Roddenberry and Season 5 was amazing. I enjoyed every episode and wish we got more in the 32nd century. Thanks for commenting.
@thisphillipbrian Күн бұрын
Spot on
@harrypothead42024 2 күн бұрын
I loved Star Trek Discovery I know it wasn't perfect it didn't look exactly the way I would like it to look but it was Star Trek through and through
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly. What helped me was thinking of it like Doctor Who. When a production team changes they want to put their own stamp on things. I think that is what Bryan Fuller wanted with Discovery. Sadly change is a bad thing to a lot of people now.
@CoffeeBlack-VOY 2 күн бұрын
Happy to be aboard. Always enjoy the VOY reviews ❤☕🖖
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
@@CoffeeBlack-VOY Thank you!
@CoffeeBlack-VOY 2 күн бұрын
"Is that the same actress" "Yeah it's really hard to tell until you pay attention" 😂
@TrekTrav 2 күн бұрын
@@CoffeeBlack-VOY he has
@CoffeeBlack-VOY 2 күн бұрын
@TrekTrav same. I TOTALLY get it 🖖☕
@BobbyTRey100 3 күн бұрын
How can I take your opinion seriously when you say you haven't watched much of the Original Series?
@TrekTrav 3 күн бұрын
When Generations came out I hadn't. I have since watched all star trek countless times.