On this channel we unbox, install and review OEM and aftermarket accessories and modifications for Tesla Vehicles. We break down form factor, cool factor, functionality, pros, cons, likes and dislikes of many of the most essential accessories and modifications out there for your new (or still new to you) Tesla!
Unless specified as otherwise, our videos are non-sponsored, and self-funded. Went on a shopping spree for your new Model 3 or Model Y that hasn’t even been delivered yet? We all have, it’s part of the process!!! Our channel can provide you with a general knowledge of owning a Tesla vehicle, and how to make it your own!
There's a great community behind these great vehicles, this is just a place for me to share my knowledge that I have acquired as an owner, and maybe help a few people lose the fear of breaking down their cars to make them more their own!
***For general inquiries, affiliate programs and product demo/review request, please email
[email protected]***