Good Friday Procession
2 жыл бұрын
St. Theresa's World Bazaar
5 жыл бұрын
The Power of Marian Devotion
5 жыл бұрын
Living Purity Today w/ Fr  Ed Broom
10 Commandments w Fr  Ed Broom
5 жыл бұрын
General Confession w/Fr. Ed Broom OMV
Prayer and the Holy Hour w/ Fr. Ed Broom
St. Theresa's Adobo Fest!
5 жыл бұрын
Fr. Khoi: Liturgy, Space, and Time
Monday Mission w: Fr  Hugh Gillespie
Capital Campaign: Rodriguez SPANISH
@colinlavery625 31 минут бұрын
A nice outfit !!!!
@lizleary101 4 күн бұрын
Pope Francis ' motto - Lowly but chosen. Go on parish retreat to ask piercing questions
@teresaalvarez7372 5 күн бұрын
Father, everything that you have been saying the changes and started from the 60 is so true I am a product that I was blessed as a first grader through eighth grade I was taught by nuns yes they were tough, but they gave us the fear of God‘s righteousness And we never did anything that would disgrace our faith in God and also our family. We had a good base of education from the nuns and we also had brothers who taught the boys, my brother that had a good education and basis of being a good human being. All of that was lost after the council of Vatican 2 That’s why this generation is the me generation, and the entitlement generation we need to pray a lot for our family for me generation who are living a lie they need to come back to the church and our Lord. Amen.🙏⛪️🙏
@teresaalvarez7372 5 күн бұрын
Thank you, father what a beautiful, faithful talk of what we need to do to get to heaven what is truly important in this earth to save our soul for the next stage of our life to be with the Lord in heaven, God bless you and your organization keep on giving glory to our Lord and telling us the true facts that we need to know God 💕bless 🙏⛪️🙏
@jesuslovesyoulove9991 7 күн бұрын
Amen ⛪️😇🙏 may our Lord Jesus and our Mother Madycof Guadalupe have you safe and secure we’re ever you are Fr. Paul Nicholson such a great Priest and Preacher of our Lord Jesus Christ
@robertmanella528 9 күн бұрын
Pope jp2 I detest because he arrogantly disobyed blessed Mary's wishes to 1) jp2 didn't consecrate Russia to blessed mary's immaculate heart! 2) jp2 disobyed blessed mary's comand to reveal the 3rd secret of Fatima! To ignore blessed mary's orders and wishes is the gratest insult to our blessed mother Mary! I also detest jp2 for destroying hundreds of holy orders of nuns with kp2's evil Vatican 2! The holy mistcal brides the holy nuns! Never, never ever speak about jp2 to me ever!
@robertmanella528 9 күн бұрын
Blessed Mary knew the old testament and knew the mother of our lord Jesus Christ ( the savior), would have to suffer as the savior would have to die! Simon just confirmed what blessed Mary alread knew!
@robertmanella528 9 күн бұрын
Blessed Mary. Is not a polygamist! the holy Spirit over shadowed blessed Mary and saint Joseph was her spouse, period! Yes blessed Mary is one with God in that she was the mother of our lord Jesus Christ! I detest it when people call the holy Spirit as blessed Mary's spouse! That is a great insult in calling the holy Spirit blessed Mary's spouse!
@robertmanella528 9 күн бұрын
I couldn't plan a more exciting life than the one God planed for me!
@robertmanella528 9 күн бұрын
I wish I had 5 hours to tell you how many times blessed Mary has saved me from certain death! Because I am consecrate to blessed Mary! To be a child of of our heavenly Father is the most exciting because of the attacks of the devil & how blessed Mary saved me from certain death! Blessed Mary will never let the devil hurt her children!
@richardslade9235 12 күн бұрын
I find it incredibly inspiring to see how far Gabi has come as a speaker from 12 years ago until now. LOOK and see what our Mother has achieved through such a humble servant. Pray for Gabi and his perseverance!
@robertmanella528 13 күн бұрын
I will share what I do when I am where the pledge of aligence is said I pray the our father, with my hand over my heart! I am often rebuked, but I say, I live in America but I am a citizen of heaven and I only pleadge aligance to my king our lord Jesus Christ! No one ever prays to a president when trouble comes around and every nation on earth is to pagan! You don't have to be a great saint of old to stand up against pagan idols, you can stand against the world by saying the our father when ever the pledge of aligence is said!
@robertmanella528 13 күн бұрын
We can say an our father as we walk in to work and a glory be as we walk to the washroom, I say hail Mary's,as I eat lunch, ECT etc! We can say say prayers all day long & never miss a beat !
@robertmanella528 13 күн бұрын
Blessed Mary I consecrat myself to your holy heart& your holy will blessed Mary! Please use me as you will!!
@robertmanella528 13 күн бұрын
I wish I had 5 or 6 hours to tell you how many times our blessed mother Mary has saved my life from certain death, because I had her brown scapular in my wallet! The last time,was when a fully loaded lumber semi truck ran directly over my cutlass! My car was 2 feet thick from the ground up and I didn't even get a scratch to from the wreck! The cop who showed up, said no one could have lived through that & I said yes I did & pulled out my brown scapular! Blessed Mary, loves us beyond our ability to know!
@fathereliasmary7370 8 күн бұрын
Ave Maria! Just imagine how much more you would be blessed if you wore it properly around your neck as required.
@annettehansen6047 16 күн бұрын
I have always struggled with anger , resentments, and unforgiveness. I have been working on it with a therapist and 12 step sponsor, and it is getting better. I was told that resentments only hurt you, not the wrongdoers. I had to write down my resentments and how they affected me to see the damage to motivate me to let go. I also had to write down my part in the resentments so I could see where i was in the wrong, make amends, change behaviors, build my character and reconcile relationships if appropriate. Obviously there are some situations you don't play a part like if you were abused. I really get into psychology and human behavior so I like to understand why people act how they do for example mental illness. It helps to have compassion on them and to wish them well. This is NOT justifying or condoning it just helps to understand, have compassion, and wish them well. Its also not good to get revenge, not only because of consequence but they will get their karma and there will be justice. If it motivates them to change and make amends be happy for them.
@christinakader8633 21 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻
@njerimatenjwa5467 Ай бұрын
What an incredible journey!!! May our Lord continue to be your strength and joy
@christinakader8633 Ай бұрын
@christinakader8633 Ай бұрын
@christinakader8633 Ай бұрын
@joanne3964 2 ай бұрын
I wish he would have posted his 24 page examination of conscience. It would be great to have.
@azad-n2q 2 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. Very happy to see so many people liked the talk like me and want to do a general confession. Pity we don't have the 24 page examination of councious but I would say just Google Catholic watchdog examination of councious and use the document.. You will be surprised as to how much we need to learn about confession.. Do pray for me to that I can make a great general confession and we all meet in heaven.. God Bless 🙏🙏🙏
@doraflores228 2 ай бұрын
Muy bello. Gracias padre padre Juan 🙏🙏❤️
@janejandog5001 2 ай бұрын
@christinakader8633 2 ай бұрын
@mrking695 2 ай бұрын
@tessguarin2380 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Fr. Mills for this great and inspiring talk about our Lady. Oh how much you make Her happpy spreading devotion to Her Immaculate Conception! God bless and protect you always.
@DRO294 2 ай бұрын
@pattyanderson7373 3 ай бұрын
I listened but I just don't get why you elevate Mary to a place only the Trinity is worthy of. Blessed is she among woman. That is true. Totally yours should never be spoken of her. She is not deity.
@patrickpala5642 3 ай бұрын
Such courage from you Father. Thank you so much
@brendawejuli2584 3 ай бұрын
A Grace remembered is a Grace renewed
@janejandog5001 3 ай бұрын
@許碧玥-j2x 3 ай бұрын
習近平主席,上帝耶穌祝福您「國泰民安,風調雨順」。🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 (然而,耶穌清楚地告訴井邊的女人,衪就是彌賽亞(約翰福音4:26)。他沒有對她講比喻。耶穌對門徒說,他要對猶太人講比喻;但對門徒來說,他要用明白的話講,讓他們知道神國的奧秘。(太13:11。可4:11。路8:10)約瑟是雅各的繼承人。雅各給了他額外的一份,(創48:21-22)約瑟在新耶路撒冷有一扇門。他是以法蓮。) (撒瑪利亞人接受了基督,因為他們保留了他們宗教中.根深蒂固的原始彌賽亞主義,而猶太人則從他們的聖經中奪走了基督.並殺害了彌賽亞先知!) 不久的未來,惡魔將會取代耶穌💀💀 ※神會審判※是因為世人不守戒律!(撒旦會引發世界大戰,讓世人痛苦。) >主耶穌基督,請您趕快消滅偽裝上帝的猶太人吧< (美國共和黨比較有人類道德觀,以人為本;民主黨比較沒有人類道德觀,不以人為本!) "賀錦麗"只能說:背稿流利,辯論沒有邏輯,靠媒體撐場面! (耶穌重新安置的戒律;是"聖經"的重點,如果不能遵守,"聖經“等於沒有用處!) 不只基督教的十誡,在佛教的經典也有說:往生天界的十種善業,除了要孝順父母.奉事師長.兼行布施.一切忍辱,然後修十種善業:不殺生.不偷盜.不邪淫.不妄語.不綺語.不兩舌.不惡口.不貪欲.不瞋恚.不愚痴,修這十種善業才能生天。不只身體造作犯戒,在"菩薩戒"起心動念都算犯戒,要靠不斷懺悔改過,才能不起心動念。 (美國賀錦麗執政更惨,已經成為無法控制的大怪獸了!) 如果以人類的道德來看,美國與西方是不遵守秩序的大國。假耶穌基督之名,卻做不道德事! 例如:同性婚,廢死刑,強暴墮胎,吸毒喪屍,搶劫商店,抹黑中國,干涉各國内政,製造更多仇恨。(美國一年大約一千名警察死於槍下!) 佛陀大覺者預言,人類會越來越沒有道德心,放縱私欲的結果,就是世界越沈淪! 牆外那些叛國份子,如果以古代刑罰,是要罪誅九族的,不要做連結外國人打自己人的漢奸。 《金剛心陀羅尼經》 「文殊菩薩問佛:云何方便?世尊曰:方便二字,略說有一十五種~~ 第一方便:不養不殺。 第二方便:不食酒肉。 第三方便:不造酒漿。 第四方便:不相侵害。 第五方便:莫錯指路。 第六方便:不可燒山。 第七方便:莫怨天地。 第八方便:急難相救。 第九方便:莫慢神明。 第十方便:莫出濁言。 十一方便:積仁布德。 十二方便:勤儉知足。 十三方便:敬老憐貧。 十四方便:修善因種福果。 十五方便:寃親平等,一體濟度。 若人行得十五方便,便得十五種清淨福報,常生人天,受諸快樂。」
@sac1303 3 ай бұрын
God bless you, Gabi. God is surely smiling on you.
@lindafernandez3905 3 ай бұрын
Father where are you preaching now.... how are we able to contact you...
@lindafernandez3905 3 ай бұрын
I wish you preach in our parish..When our priest preach I cant remember any of it....some are si bored in church ..I can tell.... sad...the Novus Ordo mass is so protestant ...but I have no choice no other church to fullfil our sunday ibligation..
@weemouse1959 3 ай бұрын
I am so sorry to hear this. My husband and I travel almost two hours (each way=almost four hours) in order to attend mass at a traditional church. I hope and pray that you too will find a traditional church (latin mass) soon. 🙏🕊️
@PaulBouchillon 3 ай бұрын
This homily is resonating to the core of my soul. Up until 2weeks ago, when the boulder of anger was more than I could carry any longer, and was about to crush me, I took a moral inventory, hit my knees and surrendered. This homily, in a series of homilies, has caused me to experience the presence and peace of The Holy Spirit. God Be Praised!! I'm the prodigal returning home!
@TinaStandish 3 ай бұрын
Best talk I have ever listened to too
@mollym6375 3 ай бұрын
The intro story tracks so closely with my experience. I was raised in central MT. Typical parish described here. The first time I heard the new Mass in Latin was freshman year at UMary. I was distraught after my first Mass and couldn't stop thinking, why was this kept from me? I would have approached the faith so much differently if I knew it could be taken seriously.
@cor.inquietum 4 ай бұрын
Brother Athanasius, your tears are a sermon. God bless you.
@MW-eg4gu 4 ай бұрын
I am a 76 year old male. I saw the 1960s. It is a shame when the second half of the 1960s, the Catholic parents, "the Greatest Generation," across the United States, did not how up in large numbers to volunteer to keep the Catholic schools going that were abandoned by men and women who left or never became religious orders. And they could have come for a few hours dressed, not totally in religious garb since they would not have been in orders. However, men come in suitcoat and tie, ladies in modest dress and a head covering, and both genders have a crucifix around their necks. This could have been at least a memorable attire pointing to our Catholic faith and greatly backing up the priests and nuns who did remain. And it could have continued through the 20th century and into our present 21st.
@MaryKane-qv5vz 4 ай бұрын
My nexr Holy Hour will be for God's comfort for all those who have been severely hurt by others that they may surrender their lives to Jesus and "let go and let God". As Fr.says "Hire Jesus". Simple.
@Rsunday1927 4 ай бұрын
Wish we have more peope like you Gaby. God bless, praying for you🙏🙏🙏
@donabellamojares6028 5 ай бұрын
Setting a wedding on Marian month is the same as honoring and inviting the Blessed Virgin Mary in your wedding just like how she was invited in the wedding in Cana.
@donabellamojares6028 5 ай бұрын
Pope Pius XI is my favorite pope and he was mentioned by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Fatima apparition. Another favorite pope of mine is Pope Leo XIII. I love these 2 popes because of their relevance to my favorite saint, St. Therese's life.✝️🌹 🤍🤍🤍🤍
@Zanner1015 5 ай бұрын
This is a wonderful talk. Thank you.
@mariaale7349 5 ай бұрын
@andreyaparecidosilva1374 5 ай бұрын
This Mass helps us all regain our strength.
@missionariesOME33 5 ай бұрын
You can pray a lectio divina Rosary, encountering Christ in the mystery. The Rosary is meant to draw one in contemplation as St. John Paul II said.