@James2210 4 ай бұрын
"which one has more dots?" Neither do???
@multiyapples 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing.
@thepokemonadventureandmore2206 11 ай бұрын
I've been struggling with math my entire life and still am I haven't been diagnosed but I have a feeling I struggle with this as well
@romee1248 11 ай бұрын
Now i know I'm not dumb its just my brain doesn't like numbers 😔
@aryanhumza2016 Жыл бұрын
My school
@Recoil3rdd 3 ай бұрын
me to
@PinkHeartBow 3 ай бұрын
@@Recoil3rddwhat is this teachers name 5:43
@Recoil3rdd 3 ай бұрын
@@PinkHeartBowi don’t really know i just joined a couple of days ago
@PinkHeartBow 3 ай бұрын
@@Recoil3rdd Oh wait ru in mercury?
@Recoil3rdd 3 ай бұрын
@@PinkHeartBow yeah i am in mercury how do you know?
@zmazzyhtx Жыл бұрын
I have always struggled severely with this. Back in school I would do all my math work correctly but I’d constantly copy down problems wrong. And counting was pretty much impossible and took me 3x longer than everyone else cause my brain looses track. My teachers would basically just give me a hard time saying I’m smart but I’m not trying. It was awful. I did great in other classes but this issue basically made me stop trying in school. Wish I had some real help
@MPam1619 Жыл бұрын
My 5 year old granddaughter is very smart by all indications. This morning, her mom called me in tears expressing great upset at the realization that my granddaughter will need to be tested for what seems to be an ongoing struggle to count (competently) from 1 to 10. I tried my best to be reassuring by telling my daughter that it's wonderful that she's reaching out for help now rather than wait until she starts kindergarten. I'd never heard of dyscalculia until i hopped on google to look it up. My greatest fear is that my granddaughter will be pigeon holed if, in fact, she's found to have this challenge. I don't want to see her stigmatized and made to feel less than she is with no recognition given to the myriad of other ways she excels.
@newcinema4931 Жыл бұрын
They're putting me in an extra math class because I have this💀💀💀💀
@hybridvigour5982 Жыл бұрын
Undiagnosed children, presenting with internalised anxiety based demand avoidance, are experiencing autistic burnout as a result of unmet need. This is largely due to autistic 'masking' in school, especially amongst 'academically high achievers '. Yes: they achieve well academically...until they reach burnout and their attendance plummets! Please please please train staff in approaches to Pathological Demand Avoidance !
@hybridvigour5982 Жыл бұрын
An anxiety based demand avoidant presentation can mean that neurotypical behaviour management techniques, such as sanctions and rewards, prove counter-productive. The PDA Society Website has information on more suitable methods .
@AshOrAshes_ Жыл бұрын
I have dyscalculia and it doesn’t help that I have to do my exams soon.
@milkymatcha9891 8 күн бұрын
its not your fault, school system not teaching people based on individual progress
@sentientsphere 2 жыл бұрын
i just realized that i may have this. i’m literally 18.
@sxie123 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, it was really helpful! I really like the look of your grid that you add on work that you adapted for those chn on the engagement model. I can't read it clearly on here. Am I right in thinking it says : Student initiated/adult led Individual/small group/large group Time spent: Involvement level: 1 2 3 What would you judge the involvement on - how much the supporting adult was involved?
@clarissawilliams9844 2 жыл бұрын
What school is this? My son has dyscalculia and has an IEP but I don’t think he gets nearly as much help as he needs. Looks like they are doing great things to help these students at this school!
@YMYAK2024 2 жыл бұрын
Wait no
@YMYAK2024 2 жыл бұрын
I go to this school
@hatediscrimination4098 2 жыл бұрын
I just wish teachers actually support them more in High school I really feel my high school ignored me.
@2380Shaw 2 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking for a long time my bad coordination, difficulty reading and learning to ride a bike and tie my shoes is because dyspraxia. But that last 3 years everything is because of Covid so ever since I was 2yo back in the 1980s must be because of Covid.
@hatediscrimination4098 2 жыл бұрын
It’s hard life but just keep positive.
@goldentronicc. 2 жыл бұрын
@@hatediscrimination4098 I am so down in the dumps after figuring out I have this. Now I know why I do all this stuff.
@billionairexd4977 2 жыл бұрын
I m in 8th grade and I can barely solve 5th grade maths my mom thinks I m just dumb
@keikko5171 2 ай бұрын
Same here, the world need to know about dyscalculia more! Especially teachers!
@rainfall_3090 2 жыл бұрын
Wish I had this support in primary school, coming into my last year in secondary and still no official diagnosis. Done every screening test given to me and all indicated pretty severe dyscalcuila - yet the school system seems to ignore my case, and I haven’t been refered for official diagnosis yet.
@jessyt349 Жыл бұрын
I am afraid and anxiety in maths weak in maths, difficult to understand concepts and geometry so i am also dyscalculia is it right
@galaxykitten6849 8 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what country you are from, but instead of waiting for the school, because at this point I don’t think they’ll ever get to it, you should go straight to your primary doctor to talk about it. Therapists and other mental health specialists take months to schedule, so the sooner you get an appointment,the sooner you’ll get diagnosed and get the help you need. ❤❤ you got this!
@Plane_spottingwithimogen 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it really annoys me you don't ever get diagnosed unless you are a problem child it's so sad
@awhxabbi1262 2 жыл бұрын
I have this and I struggle so much at school
@nelsonfung3778 2 жыл бұрын
To Karima Esmail @1:00 dot ..... First of all do you know how import is counting and seeing dots ? do you know how much you need to teach before they know what numbers mean ? I believed you dont even know there are skills to teach counting and i believed you dont know how kids count them and how to improve them ......... You didn;t expect an 8 years old to add 32 and 20 ......do you know why ? Do you know how to improve them ? Do you know what should be taught before teaching them 32 + 20 ? 8 years old without knowing is very normal , because the school system is teaching very little concepts and very bad skillsets ? do you even know what i know ? I know why , and i know how to improve them and always i needed to stop them from learning the materials at school . Do you even have students following you more than 10 years ? did you observe enough and think hard how and why ? Btw do you believe other students that can add 32 + 20 really can do 32 + 20 ? do you know writing an answer out does not mean they can do maths ? Do you know adding from the right to left is totally non sense ?
@galaxykitten6849 8 ай бұрын
Sorry but I’ve already read over your comment 3 times now and still can’t understand what point you’re trying to make here. Are you saying she’s teaching math wrong or that 8 year olds aren’t supposed to know the addition of 2 digit numbers? Your comment just feels like a random string of sentences put together.
@karimahg.6270 2 жыл бұрын
I have Dyscalculia and Anxiety Disorder, looking back it frustrates me because I went my whole life not knowing until recently.....the world really needs to know more about Dyscalculia!
@nelsonfung3778 2 жыл бұрын
well...... according to me..... one of the main reason why ppl have dyscalculia is because of the teachings ....... i see a lot of teachers misunderstood the way and width of this subject especially at the very early stages . What i mean is do you know addition and subtraction has many different meanings ? btw i am a math expert in development ........ i know much more whats going on with the system and they are really doing a very bad job at it .......as a lot of teachers only follow the guidance of books and elder teachers . Math is all about changes from the past and present , reverse and imagination . But not a lot of teachers understood how to teach and let the kids develop by themselves . Yes some can and they outstand others by far ...... give you an example school may teach you 1 or 2 meaning of addition but there are 3 4 5 6 different meanings of it , some kids knew it and can grow all of them at once some only 1 or 2 ........ so time after time , those genius so called are so much faster and steadier than the rest . I believed that you never this right ? math is not really what teachers can imagine ......i used more than 10 years to figure stuff out and made my students score and perform at the top of their classes all the time but the time and effort is not simple ........ Anxiety ........yes i do too , sometimes with my stomach ...........practice more and think of a sentance .......You won't die after you did it ..........so yeah why scared .
@anyblendtibi5865 2 жыл бұрын
can I make an interview with you mam?
@Penguren Жыл бұрын
@@nelsonfung3778 well some people like us can’t snap out of it and it isn’t easy to do so.
@wannabedrewafualo Жыл бұрын
@@nelsonfung3778 Dyscalculia is a physical difference in the brain. It is a neurological disorder and learning disability often inherited from parents. It’s not caused by anyone in the person’s life, but it can be neglected when teachers refuse to adapt to the child’s difference in learning style.
@petravazanska5707 9 ай бұрын
Me too I have the same as you. Nobody helped me, I got beaten for bad notes at school from math.
@grupofuerzam 2 жыл бұрын
I believe I have it
@nelsonfung3778 2 жыл бұрын
You might not have it ...... most probably you learnt it with the school way ....... math at early stages are the most important steps , once you have it then you can get upgrades , but if the school didnt tell you all the things you needed to know and think.......... simply saying.....there are multiple meanings in addition or math signs , each of them can apply into different imagination . and in your mind you needed to move stuff around or in real life you can too . After knowing multiple concepts of add minus times division then you can apply to different skill sets .........real math teaching is very different from schools , but its fair enough for students to learn . i bet you learn that when you add 2-digits plus 2-digits , they tell you to start from the right to the left right ? Thats already one of the reasons why people are so bad at math and may develop something called here dyscalculia .....
@Lady.Fern. 4 ай бұрын
@@nelsonfung3778I/ we can not mentally picture math concepts thats is the root issue here we can’t see them to recall them from memory if once learned. Even if taught the way you’re explaining those of us with dyscalculia will still have a great deal of struggle grasping the concepts being taught. I used to have to draw everything out on paper and then would still lose track while adding them or subtracting them. Plus that isn’t feasible when adding large sums etc. so that’s where my abilities stopped. I can’t even mentally picture myself, how do you expect me to make up a mental picture for something abstract.
@georgeflemetakis8496 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any link for downloading the DLD Guide document?
@WholeSchoolSEND 2 жыл бұрын
Hi George, you can download the DLD Guide here: www.sendgateway.org.uk/resources/dld-guide You will be prompted to sign up as a member but this is a free membership that will give you access to all our resources and events
@georgeflemetakis8496 2 жыл бұрын
@@WholeSchoolSEND many thanks!
@sharpbuzzer7771 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful work! Thank you for the sharing!
@73felicidad 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent! Thank you.
@theguiltywhiskcakes-lydia4081 3 жыл бұрын
how do you reference something in this video for an assignment as I do not know all of the names of people talking?
@beckeybarton4412 3 жыл бұрын
I am very disappointed that this resource for introducing dyscalculia to professionals does not touch on the social aspects of the condition, for example working memory and telling the time. I believe that this video gives the impression that the problem is confined mainly to the Maths classroom, whereas in reality, the effects are much further reaching than that. My daughter has dyscalculia and although she did struggle in maths, we didn't initially realise that this was the reason she kept getting told off for not obeying clear instructions. Because of the dyscalculia, her working memory was very poor and she simply did not retain instructions. She also had trouble (and still does) telling the time on an analogue clock, and doesn't have the ability to understand the concept of time, and how long has passed between two time points. It is very important for new teachers, and parents to understand these sides of dyscalculia, as they affect much more in life than just mathematical problems. My daughter is an artist and so doesn't need to have much to do with maths on a daily basis. However, her condition still affects her very much on the working memory and time aspects. Please be aware that dyscalculia is not confined to the maths lesson!
@WholeSchoolSEND 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Beckey, thank you for your feedback. We are always keen to listen to the views of young people and families and you make a strong point about the impact of dyscalculia not being confined to maths. When we review this resource, we will take this into account and aim to reflect it. We hope these videos will be used as a starting point for practitioners and used in conjunction with other resources, such as those from our consortium partner The Dyscalculia Association (www.dyscalculiaassociation.uk/services.asp) and our webinar on Working Memory (kzbin.info/www/bejne/annQl2iXfpapY5o).
@grupofuerzam 2 жыл бұрын
I believe I have it and I agree with you 100%
@nelsonfung3778 2 жыл бұрын
Basically non students or people with poor understanding about numbers will be able to tell time . The number system has relationships between each other but time uses another one . Before learning time , your child needs to learn basic numbers and boost her number sense first before she can tell the time . and it requires detailed explanation and presented well . Find me for help if needed . i am an expert in basic math .
@nelsonfung3778 2 жыл бұрын
@@grupofuerzam Find me for help if you need seriously .
@randocomment 3 жыл бұрын
You mentioned around 34:00 that IEP and SMART targets have been shown by research not to work and are overly burdensome, and that this is why the Code refers to outcomes instead. Could you link me to some of the research on this please?
@WholeSchoolSEND 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Andrew, thank you for your comment. I have contacted Angela and she has provided some more information in a separate document which you can find here: www.sendgateway.org.uk/resources/webinar-using-graduated-approach-and-sen-support
@sonson2884 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I am thinking about applying for this role in my school.
@kennywheeler9272 3 жыл бұрын
It would be nice to see less information on each slide so they can be better processed and understood.
@WholeSchoolSEND 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Kenny, thank you for your feedback, I will pass this on to the presenters. In the meantime, if you would like to look at the slides in more detail they be downloaded here: bit.ly/3nNLAD9
@venessashakespeare5760 3 жыл бұрын
Please can you let me know how to download the slides.
@WholeSchoolSEND 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Venessa, you can download the slides from the following link: bit.ly/3nNLAD9
@tinabarnes1354 4 жыл бұрын
What a caring and supportive school! If only all schools could be like this. All NQTs should definitely watch this.
@officialjdfk 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome channel! Check out my page and sub if you like 😍
@globalbraininjuryawareness3310 4 жыл бұрын
Superb! This really needs to go out to every school for children of all school years. So many helpful tips which can also be useful to anyone living with the effects of an ABI at any age with helpful information that is also great for families and friends too!