I got two of the XLR chassis, 7 prc and 6.5 prc, I will be buying one more for a 300 prc build.
@corneliusmakin-bird75403 күн бұрын
Can you do the same thing with a turkey?
@brianhaffner673613 күн бұрын
Need to add Darton Sequel
@Rokslide12 күн бұрын
we have tried to bring Darton into our reviews but haven't been able to get a loaner bow yet. We'll keep trying. would like to know more about them too.
@ridgerunner710013 күн бұрын
Is that the tall model or low XS peep sight ?
@Rokslide12 күн бұрын
Been 8 years since I did that review and the gun's not with me today. I'm 90% sure it's the low. The great thing about XS, when you call in, they have very knowledgable people who can help you get the right fit, post height, etc. Give them a call. They're not an advertiser with us, but highly recommend their XS sight system
@ridgerunner710012 күн бұрын
Thanks.I called them and I need the tall version for my late 1990's Remington model 700 ML.
@Rokslide12 күн бұрын
@ good deal. You’ll be happy with their system
@iancurrie884419 күн бұрын
I'm a bit of an old school hunter here in Northern Alberta. The idea of someone sitting and just using optics on a tripod calling anyone "lazy" is beyond absurd to me. I hunt on foot and, yes, hand hold my binoculars.
@Rokslide19 күн бұрын
are you referring to the 11:00 minute mark where he mentions "guys get lazy..." switching between angled spotter and binos? If so, you're missing his point. He's explaing the fact that using an angled is harder than a straight spotter so invariably we end up gettting lazy on switching optics and only hand-holding the binos. Hand holding binos is never as effective as putting them on a tripod. Ya, we get it, when your hiking (and we hike plenty), it's not practical to put binos on tripod every time a guy wants to check something and we hand hold in that case. The video is about making a glassing session more efficient, that's all. Not calling anyone lazy so please don't make it into that. If you were referring to something else in the video, please clarify. Thanks for the watch and all the best up in Alberta, some of our favorite mule deer country.
@muffchomp63520 күн бұрын
No eberlestock?
@eliwayne-o5z21 күн бұрын
What size pants did you wear and how did they fit? I’m Between a 30 and a 31 waist
@BeardedManPL29 күн бұрын
Rockslide is the bigger bullshit I ever met.
@Rokslide29 күн бұрын
no you're the biggest bullshit. Can't even spell our name.
@sendit220swift3Ай бұрын
Love my range bino combo. Leica geovids. Maybe big game I agree but for coyotes and everything else, having the range finder all-in one works best for me. Great video opinions make the world go round. Learned a lot from your video. By the way love Kent’s go there all the time. Where are you located?
@lennie2651Ай бұрын
Im old enough i remember when every thing was closed on sundays and most people went to church, afterwards to grandparents house i miss those days
@RokslideАй бұрын
@@lennie2651 those were good days…I still go to church most Sundays. If God took a day off, so should I. Thanks for watching and leaving a comment -Robby Denning
@RokslideАй бұрын
Yes, we tested it in May 2024, a few years after this video came out. Link to entire test here: rokslide.com/forums/threads/zeiss-v4-4-16x44-field-evaluation.359524/
@freedomlover425Ай бұрын
Has this scope been drop tested?
@Generatedname24632Ай бұрын
Yeahhhhh!!!!! Do it again!!!😂😂😂
@MryPopnsYallАй бұрын
Love your content. 10 is 25% more than 8. Should be at 62.5 yards to make it fair. Not sure if that would’ve made any difference. I went with the 8s and love them. The depth of field is like watching a 3D IMAX movie.
@RokslideАй бұрын
@@MryPopnsYall hey thanks for chiming in, and you’re right my math was off! But I think you made a good choice on the 8x and that is what I’m still using myself for hunting, but for scouting when I’m sitting more, I use the 10x. By the way, this is Robby.
@MryPopnsYallАй бұрын
@@RokslideI take your reviews to heart as they’re always spot on. I decided to grab a pair of high power 15/18x56 based on Ryan’s Maven B5 18x56 review. Keep going back and forth, but makes more sense while I decide if a spotter is necessary.
@RokslideАй бұрын
@ depending on your hunt situation I don’t really think of 15 power or even an 18 power binocular can replace a spotting scope. But if you can only afford one, I would probably go with the spotting scope first.
@klintbutler4135Ай бұрын
Do you recommend a scope cover for the straight spotting scope? If so, which one?
@travishobbsАй бұрын
I personally like a zippered case for the spotting scope from a company like Marsupial Gear. Stay on cases are ok, but I feel like they can interfere at times, getting lens covers off, in the wind etc.
@RJ-0301Ай бұрын
Dude: congrats on that nice muley! Thanks for all your thorough reviews without not needed extra talk. Good job!
@timgleason2910Ай бұрын
How the hell do you change the inch pounds…wth
@RokslideАй бұрын
@@timgleason2910 this set has 4 different torque limiters so you do not change the inch pounds. However, they do make an adjustable limiter that you simply twist to your setting, and torque.
@timgleason2910Ай бұрын
@@Rokslide thank you!!!
@timgleason2910Ай бұрын
So you just turn till it showed the inch pounds on the dial. Tell you the truth I rather have the torque wrench set and click… too late tho. I just received the kit. Thank you.
@RJ-0301Ай бұрын
Man, I gotta say I enjoy your comparisons/reviews more than any other. Very thorough, detailed, and easy to understand. Great work brother!
@RokslideАй бұрын
we appreciate the feedback and will let Zach know. Thanks for the watch
@michaelbattinАй бұрын
Thank you! you did a great job......
@RokslideАй бұрын
@@michaelbattin thanks for stopping by. 🙏
@LostRod692 ай бұрын
It’s a little concerning how many animals are hit and not recovered during archery season. Why not have an Atlatl season
@trevorselch55742 ай бұрын
This thing is a piece of junk. Weak Chinese junk magnet that doesn't even come close to holding my phone in position. The only way it works is in the 6 o'clock position so my nose slams into the cap the entire time. The hinge is also cheap and doesn't support a phone causing the phone to extend the hinge past 180 degrees and making it not line up perpendicular. What a piece of crap
@Rokslide2 ай бұрын
@@trevorselch5574 I’ve got three seasons and a hundred days on mine. Magnet plenty strong to hold iPhone 11 & 14 in Otterbox & Pelican. It did take some practice to index the phone to the scope but I’m pretty good at it now.
@woodsdog78492 ай бұрын
How noisy is this? I would like something durable and windproof for mid to late season whitetail hunting in a tree saddle. Would you recommend it for this application?
@leroyapplegate5049Ай бұрын
They’re too noisy for a saddle hunt
@jasonscott50432 ай бұрын
Modified burpees
@alt72882 ай бұрын
Great video, thanks
@michaelpenland19662 ай бұрын
@johngarnergarner67242 ай бұрын
This is an excellent review, one of the best I've seen. I've been a bowhunter for almost thirty years. I've owned Hoyt, Mathews, Bowtech, APA, PSE and Elite. I'm currently shooting PSE. They are all great. And your testing proves that. And you are an excellent shot. You shot very good groups with all of them. But there's no doubt that anyone buying a new bow should just shoot them all and go with what fits best. So, what I take away from your review is that hunters have some great choices. I know that the Mach 30 has been getting a lot of great press. But I prefer something with a 32 to 33 inch ATA length. I'm particularly curious about that Bowtech. I'd love to see you do a more in depth review on that bow.
@adang5782 ай бұрын
Prone has left the chat
@kengunnett20172 ай бұрын
I don't see the Shoot ability test as being very useful, look at the Prime, it shot a lot better at 80-yards than at 40 or 60-yards.
@ScottHesterly2 ай бұрын
Love my mountaineer .50. Great hunting rifle.
@justinedelman87612 ай бұрын
Does this have a stove jack or just the open ventilation option at the peak. I would like to run a nuway stove in it with a vent pipe.
@Rokslide2 ай бұрын
open at top, no stove jack. That can be added though.
@justinedelman87612 ай бұрын
@@Rokslide thanks for the reply. I'll give them a call.
@NicholasChristine-w4l2 ай бұрын
Clark Steven Wilson Jeffrey Perez Mark
@user-if2ke9hi6w2 ай бұрын
In your experience would you get more resolution using the bridges dual swaro 17-40×56 (both eyes...which should weight about 70 oz?) or with a bigger 85 spotter with 60x or more magnification? Is two eyes Male up for the loss of 20 or 30x mag? Because it sure would be easier to use
@Rokslide2 ай бұрын
@@user-if2ke9hi6w hey we got your question here, Travis is out on a hunt right now so just hold tight. It may be a week or two, but will try to get back to you. Great question.
@user-if2ke9hi6w2 ай бұрын
@@Rokslide Thanks guys
@aymity43442 ай бұрын
Pretty cool range flinging arrows at a house behind you and cars what happens when someone is getting in that car you draw don't notice accidentally fire bow or something breaks sawing down into the target like idk maybe you're nock loop
@Rokslide2 ай бұрын
@@aymity4344 with your limited experience on the internet (including your grammar) and shooting bows, it’s hard for you to see that house is 250 yards behind the target
@mariumrajah3 ай бұрын
Swarovski scopes are hard to beat Definitely recommend along with Zeiss & Leica.
@Rokslide2 ай бұрын
@@mariumrajah agreed!
@elephlane3 ай бұрын
@taylorallison36933 ай бұрын
Question: did you do the strict CA barrel break in procedure ?
@Rokslide3 ай бұрын
@@taylorallison3693 Taylor, Tony’s on a hunt right now, but we texted him and this is what he sent back “I did not do any type of break-in process. Everything I’ve heard the last 10 years said shoot them until they stop shooting accurately no break-in process. I was not aware that CA had one. The bolt cleared just fine”
@stevew37183 ай бұрын
I have a solid colour jetstream in black, and wear it as an everyday jacket, also pair it with the ambient on cooler days.
@1mataleo13 ай бұрын
I just got this on their closeout sale in Multicam for around $250. I couldn’t pass it up
@Nomadicfieldcraft3 ай бұрын
Same same 😂
@mnbsay95483 ай бұрын
Just now seeing this. I saw your review on the nine just after I got mine. I love the damn thing, but I wish I had gotten the 15. I don’t know about the open fire inside the tent, when we tried it, bottom and top vents open, just way too much smoke. Haven’t done snow but lots of wind and rain and no problems at all. Thanks for the video
@Rokslide3 ай бұрын
@@mnbsay9548 you are welcome thanks for swinging back to watch this video. On the open fire, dry wood is key and keeping a hot fire.
@AlainDeroulette-c2t3 ай бұрын
The 8x42 , 8÷42= 5.25
@Rokslide3 ай бұрын
Thanks for chiming in, but there was no 8x42 in this video, what are you talking about?
What hoody does Jordan have on in this video? Which colorway is this?
@Rokslide3 ай бұрын
@@usernamehere6061 Oh nooo! I’m glad to hear you’re alive after all of the snake videos I saw Travis post. It’s the Kalamath hoody from first lite, unfortunately discontinued. However the non hooded is still available. Color is conifer. Thanks for the watch.
@stevenwisz85053 ай бұрын
What is the tape or material on the ground at your camp in the end of the video? Does that keep bugs or mice out of your tent? Congrats on a great bull.
@tonytrietch65012 ай бұрын
I think what your are seeing is simple marking tape on the sun shade shelter guy lines so I don't' trip o it every morning.
@chipdog1493 ай бұрын
Wow.... I am glad I came across this video... I've been looking for a Bino Harness for this falls hunting season. I was hoping to see the Vortex Glasspak Pro Binocular Harness or Eberle Stock Recon Modular Bino Pack.. Still conflicted. This was a great review anyway. I'm going to take a serious looks at Sitka. Thanks for gettin' dirty Brother!
@DaytonFire163 ай бұрын
Your the man robby
@Rokslide3 ай бұрын
@@DaytonFire16 thanks man. Ended the practice season at 55 yards MER 👊