Is your childhood trauma holding you BACK?
Rabbi stops to talk to a CHILD!
16 сағат бұрын
@venezzrok871 7 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom!
@pamelawechter-scapa4970 7 күн бұрын
Thank you Rabbi Weiss for such a beautiful and meaningful Dvar Torah! May you and your beloved family enjoy a Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach!
@the_first_fruit 8 күн бұрын
@ahmads2378 14 күн бұрын
Free Palestine 💯
@Steve-ny1kr 22 күн бұрын
In America every examples is about business, money making , materialism
@anitabarone219 24 күн бұрын
Thank you Rabbi! Your added explanations make learning this important topic more understandable.
@smartwithblocks Ай бұрын
Thanks Rabbi! Great job.
@SeanRCope Ай бұрын
Religion will destroy us all.
@smartwithblocks Ай бұрын
Why is the heart mentioned earlier and taken out later?
@smartwithblocks Ай бұрын
Thanks Rabbi! Well done!
@Cgiphones Ай бұрын
This is awesome, your shiurim are amazing, they really are a life saver!
@colonistsfirst204 Ай бұрын
@grouchomarxx2217 Ай бұрын
Has anybody ever considered Hezekiel 47 from verse 21 about how to deal with the native born aliens? And there are even more texts in the tanakh concerning this topic - completely neglected and ignored, also the idea of a brought back remnant. Being brought back "because" of their circumcision of the heart! Is Bibi or the majority of the population thus circumcised? What are we talking about when we use the term erez Israel???
@scottm247 Ай бұрын
There is no 2 state solution. The land is God's land and belongs to his people only. And meschiach came already. I love all in lord
@vijayawada1639 Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is the Jewish messiach please come to him Jews can't find peace until u find the prince of peace
@davereynolds3403 Ай бұрын
maybe a two state solution is an intermediate step ? just to recognise palestinians need to be free … after the intermediate step, many american jews will flee back to america and the resultant land disputes may lead to a slow transition to a single secular state … hard for israelis to consider - a secular state 🫢 i’m in south africa - my son is in school right now. he sits in a maths class with yousef mohammed to his right and steven cohen to his right … it’s mathematics after all which can be taught to all people of all religions …
@erningpaguirigan5831 Ай бұрын
Is a two state, a solution?? Why is it that LEBANON and SYRIA which are independent states but is attacking Israel??? Is not Iran an other state, then why is it attacKling ISRAEL???? IS A STATEHOOD WOULD DETER OR PREVENT A WAR????
@josephinezanule7612 Ай бұрын
Return to God in Christ and the glory which departed will return. Christ will destroy the kingdom of the world, and restore true worship in His established kingdom
@josephinezanule7612 Ай бұрын
The reasons why the temple was destroyed was that Israel focused moreon ritual than on God. They trusted the temple ore than God, Christ has become the focus not the physical temple.
@batyaseguin6307 Ай бұрын
What about women when we don't spill seed ?
@sgmovies7864 Ай бұрын
Antisemitism exists long time ago... It is also untrue that Ishmael is not part of God's covenant. “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:10-12 In Samaritan Torah: והוא יהיה פרא אדם-ידו בכל ויד כל בו ועל פני כל אחיו ישכן In those days, there were no vowels, the meanings have changed: wild man = פֶּרֶא (H6501) should be fruitful פָּרָא (H6500) against should be all/in all כֹּל (H3605) So, the real meaning should be: "And he will be fertile of a man, His hand will be with everyone, and everyone's hand will be with him, and he will live among all his brothers." Genesis 16:10-12 This is so true in history. Islam saved world Jewry - read the article by David J Wasserstein is the Eugene Greener Jr Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University.
@sgmovies7864 Ай бұрын
G-d gave a portion of the Holy Land to the children of Ishmael. Based on Zohar Shemot 32A ------ [R. Hiyya then says] Woe is to the time that Ishmael was born into the world and was circumcised. What did G‑d do [to appease Ishmael]? He distanced the children of Ishmael from supernal cleaving and gave them [only] a portion below in the Holy Land on account of their circumcision. And in the future, the children of Ishmael are destined to rule over the Holy Land for a long time when it is empty from anything, like their circumcision which is empty and imperfect. And they will prevent the children of Israel from returning to their place until the reward for the merit of the children of Ishmael reaches completion. The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization] -------------- It had already been prophesied in the Bible that the descendants of Ishmael/Arabs shall administer the Temple Mount/Jerusalem. Isaiah 60:7 "All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory." Kedar is the second son of Ishmael, and founder of the tribe that bore his name (Genesis 25:13). Many Arabs trace their lineage back through Ishmael to Abraham. All the flocks of Kedar - On the word 'Kedar,' see the notes at Isaiah 21:16. The Kedarenians were a wandering tribe that frequently changed their residence, though it is probable they usually dwelt in the south part of Arabia Desert, or the north of Arabia Petraea. They are mentioned as dwelling in beautiful tents Sol 1:5 : 'I am black, but comely as the tents of Kedar,' see Psalm 120:5; compare Isaiah 21:16-17; Isaiah 42:11. The language here also means that that which constituted their principal wealth would come and enrich Jerusalem. The rams of Nebaioth - Nebaioth was also a son of Ishmael Genesis 25:13; 1 Chronicles 1:29, and was the father of the Nabatheans. They were a people of Arabia Petraea, and lived principally by plunder, trade, and the keeping of flocks. The country of Nabathea extended, it is supposed, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and embraced Petra, the capital of Arabia Deserts, and also Medaba. It is not possible, however, to fix the exact boundaries of the various tribes of Arabians. The general idea is, that their most valuable possessions would be devoted to God. Dome of the Rock is the Third Temple. There are some interpretations of the Bible that suggest that the construction of the Dome of the Rock is prophesied in the Book of Daniel. Specifically, some people believe that Daniel 12:11 is a prophecy about the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." [Daniel 12:11] It is a heresy/unholy to think that Jews shall administer Temple Mount/Jerusalem as it had been clear in the Holy scripture that descendants of Ishmael/Arabs had been ordained by G-d to administer Jerusalem/Temple Mount. -----------
@kimthackwray8101 Ай бұрын
Your ancient temples were likely brothels, and your book is written in code. Although there are many layers to it, sex, the process of birth, and the running of a brothel business is quite central. Read it with that in mind, and maybe you'll better understand the separation of men and women, the copious use of oil, and the singing. It's really not a surprise someone dug a tunnel to watch. Furthermore, the cedars of Lebanon etc appear to refer to prostitutes from other regions. Read it with this in mind, and you might learn something.
@chabadso Ай бұрын
This is a distortion of thousands of years of Jewish tradition. Of course the Holy Temple, revered by all religions, was the pinnacle of G-d’s manifestation on Earth.
@kimthackwray8101 Ай бұрын
@chabadso It's actually quite fascinating and just another, of many, layers to the book. The process of creating another human is a miracle and to be celebrated. It appears that the timings of pregnancy and possible dangers were even calculated. The complications inherent in relationships and civilisations are also considered. Contradictory readings are all possible and as complicated as our universe. There appear to be many sides and layers within every story. For some obscure reason, I decided to comment on this particular aspect to you, and you may make of it what you will. If you'd like me to delete it, I'm quite happy to do so. Dante called our universe a Divine Comedy, and I think he had a point. 😊
@dutcha.4991 Ай бұрын
So they beheaded the magician Parva for building a tunnel and that's something to laugh about? I thought one of the commandments was "thou shalt not kill". Please explain to me how his murder was justified by the rabbis. Thank you.
@chabadso Ай бұрын
Thank you for your question. I did not laugh about the beheading. The same Torah that commands us not to murder (and that’s precise, only premeditated murder is forbidden, not all killing. In many situations killing is a Mitzvah), commands that anyone who trespasses in an area within the Holy Temple grounds where they may not be, is liable to the death penalty.
@churchclothes1 Ай бұрын
Secret tunnel…. Secret tunnel….
@monikaflisnik6627 Ай бұрын
😅 " Mam złożyć " dwa ptaki " 😅 " I je " kurwa " złożę " 😅 " Choćbym miała wykończyć całą światową masonerię, pedo Watykan i Cerkiew KGB, że o Imamach już nie wspomnę " 🥳👍
@jedturner9173 Ай бұрын
there will be no 3rd temple , unless you want every musilm in the world on your 6, currently they are 1 billion
@Mario42033 Ай бұрын
U guys like digging tunnels eh?
@Yosaif-Israel Ай бұрын
There are hundreds of well-known Rabbi’s who clearly state that you should right now go and build the temple with your physical hands. You just clearly saying no shows that you are a liar.
@chabadso Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching the video and for your comment. Would love if you could reference even five authentic orthodox Jewish rabbis (with a source) which allow for that. Jewish law tells us that the Temple will only be rebuilt when Moshiach comes, and only at a specific point in the process of his coming. See Rambam Hilchos Melachim Chapter 11:1 and 4.
@Yosaif-Israel Ай бұрын
@@chabadso The Rambam decrees (Halakhot Beit Al-Bakhalu 1:1): It is a mitzvah to do to build a house for God... as it is said: "And make me a temple" (Exod. 9), the book of education (tsa) and more, and we have not found anyone who writes that there is no such mitzvah, since it is based on an explicit commandment in the Torah. So that the work of the temple would not stop, even impurity was allowed in public (Rambam's coming to the temple 4:12), and according to the law, in the time of need, even the Holy of Holies is allowed to enter Israel with impurity (!) in order to know whether it is necessary to strengthen its purity (Rambam's Beit al-Hawakha 7 , 23), and this is even when they don't know that there is a problem with the building, so in order to build the entire Temple it will be forbidden to enter the Temple Mount?!
@Yosaif-Israel Ай бұрын
The Maimonides decrees (Halakhot Beit Al-Bakhira1:1): It is a mitzvah to do to build a house for God... as it is said: "And make me a temple" (Exod. 9), the book of education (tsa) and more, and we have not found anyone who writes that there is no such mitzvah, since it is based on an explicit commandment in the Torah. So that the worship of the Temple does not stop, even impurity was allowed in public (Rambam Bayat Temple 4:12), and according to Halacha, in times of need , even the Holy of Holies is allowed to enter Israel in impurity (!) in order to know if it needs to be strengthened (Rambam Beit al-Bachah 7:23), and this is even when they do not know that there is a problem with the building, so in order to build the entire Temple, will it be forbidden to enter the Temple Mount??
@Yosaif-Israel Ай бұрын
הרמב"ם פוסק (הלכות בית הבחירה א,א): מצות עשה לעשות בית לה'... שנאמר "ועשו לי, מקדש" (שמות כה,ח)", וכן כתבו עוד ראשונים, ביניהם רש"י (קהלת ה,ט), ספר החינוך (צה) ועוד, ולא מצאנו מישהו שכותב שאין מצווה כזאת, שהרי יסודה בציווי מפורש בתורה. כדי שעבודת בית המקדש לא תפסיק, אפילו טומאה הותרה בציבור (רמב"ם ביאת המקדש ד,יב), ולהלכה, בשעת הדחק, אפילו לקודש הקודשים מותר להיכנס לישראל בטומאה (!) כדי לדעת האם צריך לחזק בִּדְקוֹ (רמב"ם בית הבחירה ז,כג), ומדובר אפילו כשלא יודעים שיש בעיה בבניין, אז כדי לבנות את בית המקדש כולו יהיה אסור להיכנס להר הבית?
@grouchomarxx2217 Ай бұрын
I thought there is something about the tunnel in the video because of the videotitle. But far from it - no tunnel-talk whatsoever. So you could also title this video:"the man who washed his face this morning"
@chabadso Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I don’t know how much of the class you watched, but there’s definitely tunnel talk around half an hour into the class
@grouchomarxx2217 Ай бұрын
@@chabadso sorry if I was mistaken, then I must re-watch the video for this half-an-hour.
@grouchomarxx2217 Ай бұрын
​@@chabadsonow after apologizing I watched the whole video again, in little steps of about 1 minute. The whole video is about 45 minutes long. Although it is very interesting the "tunnel-part" is no longer than a minute at minute 31! It describes an Egyptian magician digging a tunnel to watch the sacrifices being done, who got caught, killed and a gate was named after him. So all in all a videotitle for a 1 minute-portion of a 45 minute video. So I keep up my former suggestion to rename the video. Besides, the title somehow insinuates that the digging of the tunnel has been taken place contemporarily, so that the man we see in the video is in fact the man who dug the tunnel. . . . How could I ever be so stupid. Anyway thanx for the valuable information in the video about the practical workflow in the temple.❤
when relying on a cows moooo as a form of the prophecy of the Messiah, we know the faith is in major trouble.....
@Workingman-u7s Ай бұрын
Maybe this is related to the man who dug a tunnel under the 770 building last year.
@chabadsohow is it possible the temple is built differently each time?
@chabadso Ай бұрын
Most certainly! While the basic three-part structure has been the same in every tabernacle/temple, the exact dimensions and plans changed from one to the other. See Rambam (Maimonides) Hilchos Beis Habechirah Chapter 1:1-5
@leegreen9928 Ай бұрын
YESHUA died and rose again on the third day... He is The one true living God. This is The last days brothers please accept your saviour.
@nicknaim Ай бұрын
Amennn! 😊
@leegreen9928 Ай бұрын
@@wiard Yes, He sure is!!! He is right here telling me to write this to you. He was described in great detail in all prophecies to all the Isralites. The Messiah Em-Anu-El King of The Jews saved my soul and can yours too if you accept Him. He loves you by the way 💦🤍🫂🤍💦
@elliotkersh4674 Ай бұрын
@samuelbaruch8790 Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@DevoraStreicher Ай бұрын
@UnconditionalLoveChrist Ай бұрын
let’s build the temple! Exmuslim who came to Christ supernaturally and I want to come to Israel and build the temple with the Jewish and Christian ppl! Physically and spiritually!
@Bear049 Ай бұрын
Jewish Rabbi do not believe that Yeshua is the Messiah
@UnconditionalLoveChrist Ай бұрын
@@Bear049 I know that many Jewish people do not yet. But one day they will. No one and nothing could have changed my heart but an encounter with the messiah. After all we can reject or not agree with the truth (as i also didn’t as a muslim) but the truth doesn’t change 😊
@gholamhassani758 Ай бұрын
U wanna sacrifice the Jews for the second coming eh? Man the Brits are geniuses, they literally cleared the arena from Ottoman influence, called the Arabs Palestinians and then convinced a bunch of traumatized WWII Jewish migrants to settle there, armed them and initiated violence for the return of God?! Larping biblical prophecy much?! The only thing you will summon from temple mount is the horns of satan....
@leegreen9928 Ай бұрын
@@wiard Yes, Yes He Is... Yayyyyy Yeshua my salvation.
@leegreen9928 Ай бұрын
@@UnconditionalLoveChrist your body is His Holy Temple do not be decieved all men are vainity. God does not need this guy to build him a home He is God creator of all things. He built you from the womb. There is naught you can do to impress him except to be contrite and grow fruits of the spirit in your own life.
@monikaflisnik6627 Ай бұрын
🥳👍 " Będziesz " 🥳👍 P.S. " Podobno ciężka praca " 😅 " Dasz radę " 🥳👍
@monikaflisnik6627 Ай бұрын
😅 " Nie wiem " 😅 " Może wam AI " wystruga " idealnego Aarona " 😅
@monikaflisnik6627 2 ай бұрын
" Z " Rambamem " jest taki problem, że " chciał za dobrze " 😅 " I Saladyn go " rozczarował " 😅 " Na spokojnie " 😅 " Zobaczymy kto kontakt z " Arką " przeżyje " 😅 " A co dopiero " składanie ofiary " 😅 P.S. " Uczyć się i praktykować " 😅 " I nie liczyć na to, że się będzie w " Oczach Haszem " idealnym " do służby " 😅
@smartwithblocks 2 ай бұрын
Thanks you! Great class. I'm watching from Tzfat, Israel, by the way.
@chabadso 2 ай бұрын
That’s fantastic! Please subscribe to our channel and spread the word about our classes so we can reach more people
@SAL.O.MAN-BOOKS 2 ай бұрын
@chabadso studying the sciences is understanding God and Gods greatness. Studying 1,000 times the names of the children from noah is pointless... If we studied torah without interruption since we received it, we would be cave men and dying from diseases... even the rebbe didn't escape death and I am certain he reached the level based on his constant leshem shamayim torah study and services to the Jewish nation. Studying other things, shows us God is everything both jew and gentile. and everything else in the world that exists.
@Steve-ny1kr 2 ай бұрын
lol 😂 besides needing intense therapy ASAP , what condescending arrogance!
@SAL.O.MAN-BOOKS 2 ай бұрын
@@Steve-ny1kr LOL besides for proving yourself the fool to the facts and need a reality check ASAP, you prove condescending arrogance in your response
@Aanandlahar 2 ай бұрын
A moment to remember G-d 🪔
@oeinbinder9019 2 ай бұрын
@Happy_HIbiscus 2 ай бұрын
@darrencrown4603 2 ай бұрын
Which is why so many American Jews are protesting the Gaza Genocide..
@yofisofi 2 ай бұрын
Be careful with those analogies. The wicked spies were VERY confident salesmen of their agenda/perspective. That's why the people fell for their misinformation!
@transformation2479 2 ай бұрын
This is exactly what I needed to hear! 💪😍
@DE-we6ut 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. Shabbat Shalom.
@lindadechiazza2924 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful scripture teaching metaphor accepted.