The Biggest Rockets To Ever Fly
Hexagons Are NotSoGreatAgons
11 ай бұрын
How to Perfect a Gravity Turn?
2 жыл бұрын
Debunking My Own Video
2 жыл бұрын
What is the Area Rule ACTUALLY?
Gravity Doesn't Make Sense
3 жыл бұрын
Why Do Rockets Have Bells?
3 жыл бұрын
Making a Battle Axe (Very Bad)
4 жыл бұрын
This was a VERY Bad Idea!
4 жыл бұрын
Why No One Can Explain Airplanes
Wind Tunnel Teaser
5 жыл бұрын
Stop Getting it Wrong
5 жыл бұрын
@springfieldbearpatrol2937 3 сағат бұрын
I tend to think of it as the before and after of the F104 Delta Dart. This is where it was first applied by Whitcomb. The plane could not go SuperSonic so he encouraged a coke bottle design. They quickly reshaped it and the new model went supersonic on a climb. Whitcomb always said he thought of the airflow as stream pipes coming off the plane surfaces, and the goal was to streamline those out so the could flow undisturbed - and that he needed to visualize this in 3 dimensions. Fun fact: the space shuttle is NOT area-ruled yet goes as fact as Mach 24.
@ConHathy 3 сағат бұрын
Well the space shuttle is supposed to slow down from supersonic speeds rather than maintain them so maybe it’s a net benefit
@shamancredible8632 5 сағат бұрын
Cool video, except that it can work anyway. Obviously certain configurations would be more stable than others, but there's this little thing called, uuh, thrusters. They kind of create a reaction force than can be used to compensate for instability. But I guess it doesn't matter what the youtube comments say because you're just so much smarter than everyone. Let's stagnate and never even try to make a practical artificial gravity spacecraft because it seems too difficult for you. Why do you even care? It's not like NASA where their failed projects get funded by our taxes.
@rocksnot952 7 сағат бұрын
Starship is not going to Mars.
@corwinzelazney5312 8 сағат бұрын
Would've enjoyed the video a LOT more if your cartoon spaceman wasn't inexplicably pledging allegience to the flag. Seriously what the heck is it supposed to be doing? Whatever it is, it does it way too much. This seriously detracted from the video. Really hope you've quit doing that.
@SteveSmith-wk9dx 10 сағат бұрын
I've seen (well, read about) the two-ship-and-tether method in science fiction. I am not an engineer, but it did seem to be a basically sound and relatively simple way of creating spin gravity.
@pleaserespond3984 14 сағат бұрын
I almost called this video clickbait, because I expected the title card diagram to be showing a spaceship accelerating towards its destination, flipping midway, then decelerating. Which would be my preferred method of artificial gravity - just constant 1g acceleration towards where we're going, then acceleration in the opposite direction to stop. Of course that also requires quite a bit of fuel, so I was wondering what the plan for pulling it off was. Now I see someone was actually proposing a completely different idea!
@ConHathy 11 сағат бұрын
I actually made an entire video all about trying to use thrust gravity:
@gorilladisco9108 21 сағат бұрын
I'm kind of confused here. Please correct me if I'm wrong. The conclusions are: - The configuration that works is two ships with tether. - Adding third ship in the middle will make the rotation unstable. Is that correct? Thank you in advance.
@fitsodafun 22 сағат бұрын
Send robots to Mars and stay on earth and keep enjoying gravity.
@Chris.Davies Күн бұрын
Calling centripetal motion "artificial gravity" is plain wrong. It does NOT produce any kind of gravity. It doesn't even simulate gravity due to the extreme coriolis effect on humans. It's just a way to separate UP from DOWN. And it is 100% necessary for any human travelling to Mars that is NOT on a brachistochrone/torch-ship transfer. Any human who spends 6 months in zero G (Outside Earth's magnetic field!) would arrive at Mars in a very incapacitated state. They will ALL be sick, and weak, and unfit - right at the time when they need to be their healthiest, fittest, and strongest. Prediction: the entire first crew to attempt a Mars landing will all die before the mission ends.
@simontaylor7073 Күн бұрын
If you need the cargo capacity of three starships for the journey - then what happens to the stability of the system if you connect them with three individual tethers to a central "knot"?
@ValidatingUsername 2 күн бұрын
Is the thumbnail asking why the bell of the nozzle get hotter and expands?
@ConHathy 2 күн бұрын
Just why the geometry of the nozzle expands
@peters972 2 күн бұрын
I thought it may end up with 30 or 40 starships tethered like bicycle wheel spokes, with inter-leading side doors.
@AnotherGlenn 2 күн бұрын
Interesting ideas, but I'm sticking to Theodore's assessment. I found one webpage where he was saying 80 meters radius is the minimum for 1G. The graph at 3:47 shows this. I've been designing a ship that is 200m long by 40m wide. The radius I was shooting for was 120m. Maybe it could be shorter than 80m. I'd like to see this topic debated. Edit: Keep in mind that a large ship could be assembled in orbit. I think that is what we should try to do. A purpose built cycler for Mars built in orbit. I suppose this is obvious to some.
@2468pap 2 күн бұрын
why does your astronaut keep putting his hand over his heart? after a while it seems silly
@oxygenasturia5706 3 күн бұрын
What do you think of smaller centrifuges used on the Moon or Artificial Gravity on the Moon?
@LeandroAndrus-fn4pt 3 күн бұрын
The problem with tether is that tethered objects tent to fly towards each other. The only way to counteract it is to make the tether rigid which would make it massive and weight almost as much as the ship. Now we’re back to square 1, when the construction will start to rotate in the axis of the tether. The only reasonable way to make artificial gravity is to make donut shaped ship where the outer wall will be the floor. It’s the only stable configuration. Now, it doesn’t have to be a true circle! You can simply attach dozens of ships together in a circular orientation. This is much easier, much less wasteful, and does not require any major in-flight construction!
@ConHathy 2 күн бұрын
As long as they’re spinning, tethered objects will be pulled apart. Gemini XI was able to achieve this with a flexible tether attached to the Agena. They had trouble spinning it up because this was a manual operation with no computer assistance in a spacecraft that wasn’t designed for it, but once it was going, the astronauts said it was stable. They were spinning too slow to feel the “gravity,” strapped in their chairs and lying on their backs, but they were able to drop objects and watch them fall. For a more terrestrial example, look at the bolo
@gregmyles5852 4 күн бұрын
Surely accelerating the ship throughout it's journey will eliminate the need for all these dodgy fixes
@ConHathy 4 күн бұрын
I actually made an entire video all about trying to use thrust gravity:
@xxxxxx3901 4 күн бұрын
It doesn't really matter what you say, because you didn't use cartoons to make your point.
@ConHathy 4 күн бұрын
Damn, but they’re just so time consuming
@davekennedy6315 4 күн бұрын
The moron that is Elon Musk is making out he wants to push Humanity towards Mars. Yet he is the one filling the Earths orbit with ever increasing amounts of orbiting junk from his rockets etc leading to a potential of it eventually being impossible to get a space craft through all that junk! Anything that goes up there will be torn to shreds by chunks of rocket, satellites and pieces of and all the way down to lethal and tiny flakes of paint that will be like tiny ultra high velocity armour piercing bullets. Musk has made it ever cheaper for countries and companies to send their crap into orbit and this will eventually form a complete junk shield surrounding the Earth. Maybe it's for the best? We as a species are destructive, polluting, murderous scumbags and if we could we would spread like an infection through our Solar System and beyond given the opportunity. We would wreck the entire Milky Way, luckily it appears that who/whatever lead to our creation has built in a system that will stop us going intergalactic (not counting Andromeda, on a collision course with the Milky Way anyways) what with all other galaxies shooting away from us many times faster than the speed of light.
@bhavikyadav2934 4 күн бұрын
Yeah that could have gone very bad for spacex
@AstroTibs 5 күн бұрын
RIP Arecibo. You were something else.
@MRptwrench 5 күн бұрын
When the video said "intermediate moment..." who else thought of the T-handle on the ISS?
@professorryze3739 5 күн бұрын
8:19 Yeah it definitely can try to reduce it but you have to remember that energy cant just vanish
@ConHathy 5 күн бұрын
It doesn’t vanish, just transforms into heat
@entity_unknown_ 6 күн бұрын
Theoretically why not though? It's better for long duration. Fleets of ships will likely travel interplanetary like ocean fleets did colonizing the Americas there are extra life boats if something we're to go wrong. If they are all traveling together, why not attempt to utilize this principle? The only reason I could think is because you need a distance of about twice the length of the ISS or a few football fields for it to simulate Earth gravity, but what about adapting to lessoned Mars gravity? Or suffering the mild effects of motion illness with a quicker rotation speed to counteract a smaller diameter for the ships to spin
@seanjoseph8637 6 күн бұрын
RPM's? When did the minute become plural?
@kenhart5259 8 күн бұрын
So I feel that Mars is a one way trip. So why not tether a crew in one and supplies in the other, land them both, and dig some graves.
@Dumb-Comment 8 күн бұрын
let him try, you cant reason people out of stupidity because they didnt reason themselves into it
@hornick18 8 күн бұрын
I wish cgp would respond
@Nicholas-lf4wh 9 күн бұрын
@SirDamatoIII 9 күн бұрын
@mattkeating7836 9 күн бұрын
Just make one deck of the ship rotate. Rest of ship can be setup for when ship is vertical on launch pad, but that one deck is setup for the walls being the floors
@Antagon666 10 күн бұрын
Oh boy, couldn't have aged better: "the 3 billion dollars are going to speed up starship's development". They already burned through it, without a single one successful landing. Want to see how they are going to do 16 refuelings in space at this rate
@starsidescav9487 10 күн бұрын
I suppose the one nice thing about the tethered method is since that would cause the gravity to be in the same direction as when the starship lands, allowing you to design the interior to be used the same way on land and in space, a minor benefit but a cool one
@DanFrederiksen 11 күн бұрын
that area rule sounds much too dumb to be an actual rule. Surely the equalization has to be angularly close? contribution from the wings can't just be countered by a dip at the top of the fuselage? it must be right at the foot of the wing
@ConHathy 11 күн бұрын
No, it can be on the top of the fuselage. Look at the 747: later versions had the hump on top of the fuselage extended to help with the area ruling despite it not being near the actual wings. This configuration counterintuitively gave it more cargo space with a net decrease in drag
@DanFrederiksen 11 күн бұрын
@@ConHathy says who?
@ConHathy 11 күн бұрын
@@DanFrederiksen I learned about it in university but it has also been in "The Whitcomb Area Rule: NACA Aerodynamics Research and Innovation" by Lane E. Wallace. There is a widely circulated figure showing the area ruling and reduction in drag here (It says it comes from Aeronautics and Astronautics 1973, in my couple of minutes of googling I couldn't track down the original source of the figure but that would have been a NASA report):
@DanFrederiksen 11 күн бұрын
@@ConHathy thank you. I notice that the extended upper version didn't come out until 1983 but it could still be experimental data before it was done. Wiki says the extended upper were on request from airlines though. And I note that the supposed benefit doesn't kick in until above the max cruise speed of the 747 at the time. So it could never benefit from it according to that data but if the data is real, it's interesting nonetheless. Would be interesting to see that experiment done again, perhaps in good simulation as well to explore the airflow and shocks, if the area rule is in fact in effect.
@radiance2965 12 күн бұрын
Icosahedron: *H e y*
@Number6_ 12 күн бұрын
The real news here is that $3 billion dollars is $10 out of the pocket of every man woman and child in the US. So multiply the number of people in your house(if you have one!) by $10 and that is how much has been taken from you every time the government gives away another $3 billion. They spent $30billion well muliply that number by 10 again.
@recurvestickerdragon 13 күн бұрын
one concept not covered by this video, that I think would actually be quite nice, is to have two starships dock nose-to-nose, no tether required. Yes, it'll be a short radius, and having the crew cabins near the center of rotation compared to the fuel "wastes" the strongest centrifugal force, but it's easily the least complex and most practical approach. keep in mind, they don't need a full gee, just enough of a gradient to stave off the worst effects
@robindude8187 13 күн бұрын
"...this lunar landing contract came with 2.89 billion dollars, which is definitely going to speed up development..." Wow. _That_ aged like milk. Other than that, great video! Have a nice day!
@gaia35 14 күн бұрын
I think you're right, but more interestingly hexagons are 2D. the shape, the term 2D and the word "flat" are all interchangeable. i'm sure there's some logic like squares are rectangles but rectangles are not squares, with the words I've gave, but none the less, 2D means Hexagon. Particles like atoms, most harmoniously stack in hexagonal formations, this is why bees and rock and so many other things as shown in CGP Grey's video; Because hexagons are the foundation to the 3rd dimension. where subject as you bring up, orientation, and tension can deform atomic hexagonal formations' triangular gaps into rectangles and pentagons introducing curvature in matter.
@Necroxion 14 күн бұрын
I wonder what kind of sensors would be used on a rotating ship and how they orient to the outside environment
@bileti99 15 күн бұрын
How do I cite you in my thesis work :D Nice video
@CoiledDracca 15 күн бұрын
Micro contained neutron 'stars' or micro black holes that were in balance. Having them in a mini matrix, self contained etc. Has anyone ever thought that tiny singularities could act as real gravity?
@alanburd8079 16 күн бұрын
Then…make the hexagons with six triangles…and win the lottery.
@Mike-mf3ed 16 күн бұрын
I was taught in school that polygons are shapes with “more than 4 sides” which also excludes Triangles. I’ve gone by that logic for years and now my reality is shattered. But even if Hexagons aren’t the Bestagons, they’re still my “Favourite-agons”.
@kingace6186 17 күн бұрын
@shapshane8241 17 күн бұрын
his video was a joke about how easy it is to change people's minds with little logic. he literally becomes a priest at the end!
@romanberkutov2592 18 күн бұрын
1)Посмотрите экспансию. Достаточно системы с постояннымиускорением. Вы сначала разгоняетесь до цели, на половины пути разворачиваете корабль и тормозите с тем же ускорением. Таким образом вектор тяги всегда направлены в одну сторону, прям как в лифте. Бах, у вас искусственная гравитация. Если хотите, чтобы было как на земле, то нужно ускоряться 9.8 км,/ч но это пока не достижимо. Зато можно постепенно кскоряться с помощью ионых двигателей
@ConHathy 18 күн бұрын
I actually made an entire video all about trying to use thrust gravity:
@fitnesstop112 18 күн бұрын
That’s pretty creative
@kieranhosty 19 күн бұрын
Found your channel through this, if you're interested in making a video on that, I'd be very interested in seeing more about the feasibility of short radius centrifuges.
@Ajan-X 19 күн бұрын
Why not just create a small artificial black hole in the middle?