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@andalaciawell17 20 сағат бұрын
Bonsoir Oana, Vos réponses m ont fait plaisir ! Et je suis ravie que vous n ayez pas oublié ma proposition d interpréter une chanson françaises ! Malheureusement j ai pas trouvé cette chanson de Daniel Belavoine interprète en anglais. En revanche, j en ai trouvé une autre de ce chanteur. Il l a chanté lors de l opéra rock français/canadien "STARMANIA" des années 1990. Celine Dion à même chanté plus tard "le Blues businessmann" ! Le titre de cette chanson de Daniel Balavoine est : "Sos un terrien en detresse !" Je vais vous indiquer 3 interprètes différents de cette chanson sur youtube Celle chanté par le chanteur français GREGORY LEMARCHAL : Titre: "SOS D UN TERRIEN EN DETRESSE" Interpretation en anglais de MARINA KAYE : Titre : "ONLY THE VERY BEST" BALAVOINE(S) ( session acoustique) Et pour le plaisir l interpretation de cette chanson en chant lyrique par l incroyable chanteur DIMASH KUDAIBERGEN originaire du KAZAKHSTAN Titre : " SOS D UN TERRIEN EN DETRESSE" L interprétation de MARINA KAYE et celle qui devrait le mieux vous correspondre. Elle l a vraiment interprété différemment de l'originale et j aime beaucoup ! Prevenez moi Oana si vous voulez bien chanter cette chanson mais rien ne vous y oblige mais ça me ferait vraiment plaisir si vous la chantiez. En attendant, je vais encore vous réécouter chanter Chicago en boucle..J adore cette chanson !!!!! Belle soirée à vous Oana Andalacia🌹
@andalaciawell17 2 күн бұрын
J adore cette chanson Chicago chanter par vous Oana ! Ça donne une toute autre dimension qui me donne des frissons..Je vais la réécouter avec grand plaisir ! 👏
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
Merci beaucoup d'avoir écouté... Une merveilleuse journée!🤗🤗
@andalaciawell17 2 күн бұрын
Coucou Oana, Abonnée à votre chaine, vos vidéos n apparaissaient plus sur KZbin ! Ça me fait plaisir de vous revoir chanter cette si belle chanson d ABBA avec votre voix de cristal ! J espère que vous n avez pas chanté la chanson française que je vous avais envoyée car ça fait vraiment tres longtemps que je vous avais pas écouté chanter ? J espère que tout va bien pour vous et votre famille ?😊
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
Merci beaucoup Andalousie! Je vais bien, merci d'avoir demandé... Parfois KZbin n'affiche pas les notifications, vous devez activer la cloche et Tout depuis votre page, pour recevoir une notification lorsque je mets en ligne une nouvelle vidéo, ou que je consulte ma page... A propos de la chanson en français... Je ne l'ai pas fait parce que mon français n'est pas spectaculaire.., je serais très heureux si vous m'envoyiez une vidéo avec les paroles en anglais de cette belle chanson, je pense que vous voulez dire *ZAZ - Tous les cris les S.O.S*, je pourrais faire ça... 🤗🤗🥰
@yaser1561969 4 күн бұрын
@oanadimamusictv 4 күн бұрын
@@yaser1561969 , Thank u so much! ❤️
@songflower-ch5xq 4 күн бұрын
Unite the World, Oana.................. ---------------------------------- Cântec de Crăciun: Iubirea Care Ne Unește (Christmas Song: The Love That Unites Us) În noaptea tăcută, sub cerul de argint, Iubirea răsună, ca un vechi legământ. Ea cheamă laolaltă, din inimi curate, Să fim împreună, în această noapte. "Sub stelele Crăciunului, strălucește veșnic dragostea," (Beneath the Christmas stars, love shines eternally) "Și ne adună pe toți, în mângâierea sa." (And gathers us all in its gentle embrace.) Pășesc prin zăpadă, cu inima senină, Căci știu că iubirea în fiecare casă lumină. Nu e dar mai mare, nici vis mai curat, Decât să fim împreună, de Crăciun minunat. Miroase a cozonac, cald și pufos, Cărări de ciocolată și gust de vis frumos. Cremă de zahăr ars și cornulețe dulci, Fiecare gust e iubire în cuvinte mai lungi. "Iubirea Crăciunului e dulce, ca turtă dulce și ciocolată," (The love of Christmas is sweet, like gingerbread and chocolate) "Se topește-n suflete și ne face viața înmiresmată." (It melts in our souls and makes life fragrant.) Fiecare fereastră, cu lumini strălucind, Povești de iubire în aer plutind. Familia la masă, cu zâmbete clare, Ne arată că dragostea e cea mai mare comoară. "În brațele Crăciunului, ne regăsim uniți," (In the arms of Christmas, we find ourselves united) "Iubirea se răspândește, precum zăpada ce cade lin din nori liniștiți." (Love spreads, like snow falling gently from peaceful clouds.) Nu e doar în daruri, în ornamente sau brad, E-n fiecare îmbrățișare, în fiecare pas drag. Iubirea ne-nvelește, ca o mantie caldă, Și topește orice gând rău sau frică rece și albă. "Cozonac și prăjituri, dar mai ales cuvinte dulci," (Cozonac and cakes, but especially sweet words) "Sunt darurile Crăciunului, care unesc și ajută să fim mai buni." (Are the gifts of Christmas, that unite and help us be kinder.) Colindătorii cântă, cu voci de argint, Iar casele răsună de un cântec sfânt. În fiecare casă, iubirea domnește, Și între prieteni, dragostea înflorește. "Iubirea de Crăciun, ca un foc ce nu stinge," (The love of Christmas, like a fire that never dies) "Ne luminează calea și ne aduce bucurii nespuse." (It lights our way and brings unspeakable joys.) Pe mesele întinse, torturi și fursecuri stau, Dar mai dulce decât acestea, este iubirea ce-o dăm, în darul său. Fiecare zâmbet, fiecare vorbă caldă, E o rază de Crăciun, care-n inimă arde. "În Crăciunul acesta, dragostea ne îmbrățișează pe toți," (This Christmas, love embraces us all) "Și ne aduce laolaltă, sub un singur vis frumos." (And brings us together under one beautiful dream.) Iubirea e darul cel mai prețios, Mai scump decât aurul, mai strălucitor decât orice pom frumos. Ne leagă strâns, cu fire nevăzute, Și din sufletele noastre face lumini neîntrerupte. "În fiecare bucățică de ciocolată, în fiecare îmbrățișare," (In every piece of chocolate, in every embrace) "Se ascunde iubirea ce nu cunoaște hotare." (Hides the love that knows no boundaries.) Când ne strângem la masă, cu cei dragi aproape, Iubirea ne umple, și timpul dispare. Nu e despre cadouri, sau ce-ai pregătit, Ci despre inimile care împreună au tresărit. "Crăciunul aduce pace, în inimi curate," (Christmas brings peace, to pure hearts) "Și ne unește pe toți, în dragoste adevărată." (And unites us all, in true love.) Lasă iubirea să-ți fie steaua călăuzitoare, Ea te va conduce la cei dragi, oriunde ai fi sub soare. În brațele familiei, la masa împodobită, Crăciunul înseamnă dragoste nemărginită. "În jurul nostru, strălucește iubirea din nou," (All around us, love shines anew) "Și Crăciunul aduce inimi împreună, ca un vis sub cerul alb de zăpadă." (And Christmas brings hearts together, like a dream under the snow-white sky.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love from an Angel upon the Eclipse of Eternity. 😇😇☘🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🎅🐦🐦🐦💚
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
Sounds lovely! Thank u very much ! Have a lovely day...😇🤩🤗
@songflower-ch5xq Күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv I Know now why Ghost Flowers only bloom in the gentle falling Snow. Wonderful Day, Oana.😇😇💛
@songflower-ch5xq 4 күн бұрын
It is extremely Cold here in Ireland. And as it nears Christmas, I hope you find a beautiful little Snow Globe, and may it make Romania's Dreams come true.......... ------------------------------------------- Cântecul Oanei (Oana's Song) I walked through the snow on a silent, cold night, The stars above flickered, yet hearts felt no light. "Unde este iubirea, în țara mea dragă?" (Where is the love in my beloved land?) "Unde e căldura care ține vie vatra?" (Where is the warmth that keeps the hearth alive?) As I wandered alone, my voice soft and clear, I came upon something that drew me near. A snow globe, so small, with a world tucked inside, I picked it up gently, with wonder and pride. I gave it a shake, and a miracle grew, The snow started falling, and light came through. Candles were glowing in every home, And families gathered, no one was alone. Cozonac rose in the oven’s sweet air, With gogoși and cornulețe, beyond compare. The laughter of children filled every street, And tables were set with the finest of treats. "Sarmale și cârnați, piftie și friptură," (Sarmale and sausages, aspic and roast) "The love on each plate made every heart pure." Poale-n brâu golden, warm from the fire, The taste of tradition and the heart’s true desire. I smiled as I saw the joy that would grow, When family and friends stood close in the glow. The sorrow had melted like frost in the sun, Romania was shining, its love had begun. "Strălucesc din nou luminile în casă," (The lights shine again in every home) "Familia mea dragă, împreună ne-așteaptă." (My beloved family, together we wait.) The snow gently falling, the world wrapped in white, Filled every soul with warmth, love, and light. From villages far to the towns in the hills, Hearts beat as one, and the world was still. For love is the gift that Christmas bestows, And light is the fire that endlessly grows. I sang in that moment, my voice pure and true, "Romania, iubește, familia e cu tine mereu." (Romania, love, your family is always with you.) As I climbed to the mountains to watch from above, I carried with me this truth about love: That no matter the cold, the dark or the night, Together as one, we’ll always find light. "Pe milioane de inimi, cade lină zăpada," (On a million hearts, the snow gently falls) "Și iubirea rămâne, în fiecare casă." (And love remains, in every home.) The snow globe still gleams with the wonder I’ve seen, A Romania bright, where love reigns supreme. And as I walk onward, into the deep snow, I leave behind light, wherever I go. ---------------------------------------------------- May you always leave Light behind wherever you go. Best wishes from Colm upon this Emerald isle 😇😇💛
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
Thank u so much!😇🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq Күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Sing beyond the beautiful Golden Spires across the Oceans of this Blue World. Your incredible voice has graced every Nation with wonder and sheer awe. I Know now why your Angelic voice cradles the breath of Life. Wonderful week, Oana.😇😇🎵🎶🎶🎵🗺☘
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank u Colm! Same for you ! 😇🙌🌞
@ignaciorivera3654 6 күн бұрын
Been waiting for this cover! I can be that woman is my favorite track from Voyage and you performance is wonderful ❤️
@oanadimamusictv 6 күн бұрын
@@ignaciorivera3654 , Thank u so much, Ignasio!! U have more on my channel...🌞🙌
@olanesculucian5592 6 күн бұрын
Interpretare asemănătoare cu cea originală
@oanadimamusictv 6 күн бұрын
@saratkumar2484 17 күн бұрын
Lovely, young version of Agnetha😊
@oanadimamusictv 17 күн бұрын
@@saratkumar2484 Thank you so much! 🌞
@Валерий-г5ц8н 17 күн бұрын
АББА рада такому исполнению.Браво из России
@oanadimamusictv 17 күн бұрын
Большое спасибо за внимание! Прекрасный день! 🌞🎈
@ЕленаСобянина-ц2р 19 күн бұрын
Очень красиво!!!❤🌹🌷👍👏
@oanadimamusictv 19 күн бұрын
Спасибо большое, что выслушали!❤️😇
@ГеннадийПетров-ф9л 19 күн бұрын
Голос максимально похож на оригинал, супер!
@oanadimamusictv 19 күн бұрын
Спасибо большое, что выслушали!❤️😇
@simonaszabo5025 20 күн бұрын
Beautiful sttacatto!😅
@oanadimamusictv 19 күн бұрын
@@simonaszabo5025 , Thank u so much! 🙌
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
Just one more. I couldn't resist. An original Christmas Fairy Tale about Oana and the Miraculous Star. The Night Sky will never be the same again!! ------------------------------------------------- Oana and the Miraculous Holy Star In a little Romanian village blanketed by Stars and Rainbows, lived a little girl named Oana. With sparkling eyes and a heart full of dreams, Oana had always been enchanted by the allure of Christmas. Each year, she eagerly awaited the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, for she had heard tales of a Miraculous Holy Star that appeared only at that magical hour, and which was said to grant a wondrous gift to those who found it. This year, Oana’s dream was to find the Miraculous Star and discover its legendary gift. Her parents and neighbors often told her stories of its glow, describing it as a beacon of hope and joy. As Christmas Eve approached, Oana’s excitement grew, and she set out on a snowy adventure, determined to see the star for herself. Her journey began in the forest just outside her village, where the trees stood tall and silent, their branches heavy with snow. As Oana made her way through the woods, she was greeted by a series of charming and whimsical animals who seemed eager to help her on her quest. First, she encountered an auburn squirrel named Nutty, who was busy nibbling on a walnut. Nutty looked up and chattered with a friendly grin. “Are you searching for the Miraculous Star, little one?” he asked, his tiny paws twitching with excitement. Oana nodded eagerly. “Yes, Nutty! Do you know where I can find it?” Nutty’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “The star shines brightest where the moonlight touches the snow, and the wind carries its magic. Follow the path of twinkling snowflakes; they will lead you to the place where dreams come true.” With Nutty’s advice in mind, Oana continued her journey. As the night grew colder, she came across a fluffy Badger named Pudding, who was curling up in a cozy den made of leaves and snow. “Hello, Pudding!” Oana called out. “I’m looking for the Miraculous Star. Can you help me?” Pudding, with a smile as warm as his name, wiggled his nose and said, “Of course, Oana! You’ll need to be brave and keep your heart open. The star is drawn to pure hearts and joyful spirits. Look for the shimmering ice crystals-they will guide you.” Thanking Pudding for his wisdom, Oana pressed on. Her breath formed little clouds in the chilly air as she followed the twinkling snowflakes and the shimmering ice crystals. The night sky above was a deep velvet blue, punctuated by the soft glimmer of distant stars. As she reached a clearing bathed in moonlight, Oana noticed a peculiar sight: a merry little owl named Hootie, perched on a snow-covered branch, hooting softly to the rhythm of the wind. “Hootie, do you know where the Miraculous Star might be?” Oana asked, her voice filled with hope. Hootie’s eyes, large and round, twinkled with a knowing look. “The Miraculous Star appears only when the clock strikes midnight. You must be patient and wait for the right moment. Listen to the wind, for it will guide you.” Oana took Hootie’s advice to heart and found a comfortable spot on a soft blanket of snow. As the clock in the village struck midnight, the forest was filled with a soft, ethereal glow. The Miraculous Holy Star began to descend from the heavens, its light shimmering like a thousand diamonds. Oana’s eyes widened in awe as the star gently landed in front of her, casting a warm, golden light. As she reached out, the star transformed into a beautifully bound book. The cover was adorned with intricate patterns of snowflakes and stars, and the title read, “The Book of Christmas Carols Never Before Written or Seen.” With trembling hands, Oana opened the book. Inside, she found pages filled with enchanting carols, each one more beautiful than the last. The melodies seemed to dance off the pages, and the lyrics spoke of love, hope, and the magic of Christmas. Tears of joy filled Oana’s eyes as she realized the true gift of the Miraculous Star. Clutching the book to her chest, Oana felt a profound sense of gratitude and happiness. She began to sing the carols from the book, her voice rising gently into the night air. The forest was alive with the soft echoes of her song, and even the animals gathered around to listen, their hearts warmed by the melody. The sound of Oana’s voice carried far beyond the forest, reaching her village and then the entire nation of Romania. People emerged from their homes, drawn by the beautiful music, and gathered in the snowy streets. As Oana’s voice soared, it wove a magical tapestry of sound that filled every heart with joy and peace. Underneath the Sacred Land of Rainbows, where the colours danced in a celestial array, Oana’s song became a beacon of hope and love. The whole nation joined in, their voices blending with hers in a harmonious celebration of Christmas. The air was filled with laughter and cheer, and the spirit of the holiday touched everyone, far and wide. As dawn approached, the starry sky began to fade, and the first light of morning painted the horizon with soft hues of pink and gold. Oana continued to sing, her voice a gentle thread connecting hearts across the land. Her song was a gift that transcended time and space, carrying the magic of the Miraculous Star into every corner of the world. Eventually, Oana’s voice grew soft, and she finished her final carol as the sun rose over the snowy landscape. The people of Romania, their hearts full and their spirits uplifted, returned to their homes with a newfound sense of joy and unity. As Oana made her way back to her village, she felt a deep sense of peace. The Miraculous Star had given her a gift that was more than just a book-it had given her the power to spread joy and love through her music. She knew that the magic of Christmas would live on in her heart, and in the hearts of all who had heard her song. And so, Oana’s Christmas Eve was forever etched in the memories of those who had experienced the wonder of her voice. Her story became a cherished legend, reminding everyone that the true magic of Christmas lies in the joy and love we share with one another. The End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Cute. And now even Angels have to rest. Wonderful day, Oana😇😇🌟🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 21 күн бұрын
Thank u so much! Have a good rest... I go in vacation... I ll be back with a new cover after... 😇😇🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 21 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Looking forward to another dazzling performance. Enjoy your Holidays. Until next time my Star is within your Hemisphere. Wonderful week, Oana.🌠😇😇🥰🥰☘
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
Hello Oana. I Write Fairy Tales also. And here is an original Christmas Fairy Tale about a little Girl who dreams of Singing at the North Pole. You do know what happens when you make a wish, Oana???? They all come true. Watch for the cute little Robin at the end. Love from Colm in Ireland. -------------------------------- Oana’s Christmas Song at the North Pole In a quiet village nestled among the snow-covered hills of Romania, lived a little girl named Oana. Her eyes were the color of chestnuts, and her long hair shimmered like spun gold. Every Christmas, Oana sang in her village, her voice carrying over the rooftops, blending with the sound of church bells and the whispers of the winter wind. But no matter how much joy she brought to her small town, Oana had a secret wish: she dreamed of singing at the North Pole, where Santa Claus lived, surrounded by the magic of Christmas. Oana would sit by her window every night, staring at the sky, imagining the Northern Lights dancing over Santa’s village, sparkling like emerald stars in the heavens. She would hum a soft melody, her heart full of wonder. "One day," she whispered to herself, "I will sing for Santa, under the emerald stars, and the whole world will hear my song." One frosty Christmas Eve, as Oana was daydreaming about her wish, she heard a strange tapping on her window. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, she saw the tiniest creature standing there: a snow-white rabbit with sparkling blue eyes. It wore a little red scarf and tapped the glass with its tiny paw. “Hello!” the rabbit said in a high-pitched voice, much to Oana’s amazement. “I’m Zuzu, the Christmas Rabbit. I’ve come to help you make your dream come true!” Oana’s heart raced with excitement. "You mean, you’ll take me to the North Pole?" Zuzu nodded, his fluffy ears bouncing with each movement. "But we’ll need some help from my friends along the way. The North Pole is far, and only the magic of Christmas can get us there." Without hesitation, Oana bundled up in her warmest coat and followed Zuzu into the snowy forest that bordered her village. As they ventured deeper into the woods, the trees shimmered under the moonlight, their branches weighed down with thick blankets of snow. Soon, they reached a frozen river, where a peculiar creature awaited them: a round, chubby hedgehog with a sparkling golden crown perched on his head. "Meet Pogo," Zuzu said, introducing the hedgehog. "He’s the King of the Frost Forest, and he’s got a knack for finding the hidden golden waterfalls that can take us closer to the North Pole." Pogo puffed up his chest with pride and bowed. "At your service, Oana. Follow me, and I’ll lead the way to the Golden Waterfall." They travelled through the shimmering forest, Pogo rolling ahead like a little snowball and Zuzu hopping by Oana’s side. Soon, they arrived at the most wondrous sight: a tall, frozen waterfall that gleamed with golden light. It sparkled as if it were made of liquid gold, and at its base was a pool of crystal-clear water. "This is where the magic begins," Pogo said, wiggling his nose. "The waterfall will transport us to the Valley of Emerald Stars, the last stop before we reach the North Pole." Oana’s heart fluttered as she stepped forward. The golden light of the waterfall bathed her in a warm glow. As she touched the water’s surface, a powerful but gentle force lifted her into the air, and before she knew it, they were floating through a sky filled with emerald stars, twinkling like gems in the night. The Valley of Emerald Stars was breathtaking. It was a vast expanse of snow, but the sky above shimmered with green lights that cascaded like ribbons across the horizon. As they landed softly in the snow, a new friend appeared: a tall, elegant reindeer with shimmering antlers that sparkled like diamonds. “Greetings,” the reindeer said in a melodic voice. "I am Glimmer, the Guardian of the Stars. You must be Oana, the girl with the dream of singing at the North Pole." Oana nodded, her heart pounding with joy and anticipation. "Yes, I’ve always dreamed of it. But will Santa hear me?" Glimmer lowered her head and nuzzled Oana gently. "He will, dear child. The North Pole is not far now, and the magic of your voice will light up the heavens. But first, you must sing here, beneath the emerald stars." Oana hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly, she began to sing. Her voice, soft at first, grew stronger and more powerful with each note. The melody soared through the Valley of Emerald Stars, wrapping around the shimmering lights like a warm embrace. The stars seemed to glow even brighter, reflecting the magic of her song. As she sang, Zuzu, Pogo, and Glimmer watched in awe. The valley was filled with a sense of peace and joy, and even the wind seemed to still, as if listening to Oana’s enchanting voice. When she finished, the stars above her twinkled in approval, and Glimmer’s eyes sparkled with pride. “It is time,” Glimmer said softly. “Let us go to the North Pole.” With a flash of light, they were lifted into the sky once again, soaring over the vast, snowy landscapes until they finally arrived at Santa’s village. It was a place of pure wonder, with candy-cane streets and gingerbread houses glowing with warm lights. In the centre of the village stood a grand Christmas tree, towering high and adorned with ornaments that shimmered like diamonds. Santa Claus himself, with his rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes, was waiting for them. “Oana,” he said in a deep, kind voice, “I’ve been waiting to hear your song.” Oana, filled with excitement and gratitude, stood before the grand Christmas tree. With the golden waterfalls behind her and the emerald stars above, she sang again, pouring all her heart and soul into the melody. Her voice filled the village, and soon, the entire North Pole was wrapped in her music. As she finished, the village erupted into applause, and Santa smiled warmly at her. "You have brought a special kind of magic to the North Pole tonight, Oana. Your song will be remembered forever." Oana’s heart swelled with happiness, and she knew she had fulfilled her greatest wish. But as the night grew late, it was time to return home. Zuzu, Pogo, and Glimmer gathered around her, ready to take her back. As they floated back through the sky, Oana watched the North Pole grow smaller in the distance, her heart full of joy. When they finally arrived at her village, Oana stood outside her little home, the snow softly falling around her. Zuzu hopped onto her shoulder and whispered, “We’ll meet again, dear Oana.” As the magical creatures waved goodbye, the little robin fluttered down, landing briefly on Oana’s windowsill. The robin chirped once, then flew into the night. Oana smiled and whispered, “I’ll always remember this.” And from that day forward, every Christmas, Oana would sing under the stars, her heart forever filled with the magic of the North Pole. The End ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wonderful Week, Oana. From Colm upon this Emerald Isle 😇😇🥰🥰❄❄🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🎅☘
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
Oh, but what a beautiful and emotional fairy tale! Thanks for that! Thank you for writing songs and fairy tales for me, reading them is as if I already live there... A wonderful day full of joy... With love, Oana (from the fairy tale)😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv It was a Pleasure and a Thrill. And I do hope you made it back safely!! May your Life always be a Beautiful Fairy Tale. I'll write another one special, near Christmas. If my Heart is still blessed enough to beat. The World is beautiful and your Life can always be anything. Wonderful day, Oana, in gorgeous Romania.😇😇🥰🥰📖✏🧚‍♂🤍
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
Hi Oana...A Girl is alone and sad at Christmas until a Little Robin flies through her open Window bringing her comfort on Christmas Eve. Enjoy an original Christmas Carol........I'll send it in English........From me to you. Light this World, Oana. ----------------------------------------------- The Girl and the Little Robin (1) At home, all is quiet on Christmas Eve, A girl sits weeping by her old Christmas tree, Her gaze is sad, her heart feels so heavy, Dreaming of joys that haven’t yet come to be. (2) On the table, cozonaci and sweet treats, The smell of walnuts and warm bread heats, But the girl sits silent, sighing alone, Beneath the tree waiting for a miracle unknown. Chorus: But suddenly, a knock at the window glass, A small bird flies in, fearless, with grace, It’s a little robin with bright red feathers, Bringing hope and dreams of golden weathers. (3) It perches softly on the Christmas tree, And the girl’s face lights up instantly, Her eyes fill with the tree’s bright light, As joy fills her heart in the quiet night. (4) With a gentle laugh, she starts to smile, Her sadness fades, hope grows for a while, And the little robin sings sweet and clear, Bringing a Christmas full of love and cheer. Chorus: The cozonaci taste sweeter, the home feels whole, The girl smiles with peace in her soul, The robin perches like a gift from above, Bringing a heavenly Christmas filled with love. (5) Beneath the stars, the night slowly ends, The girl now knows her heart will mend, That hope will stay with her through time, And the love of Christmas will always shine. (6) But the little bird with bright red feathers, Flies to the sky through silver weathers, The girl watches with tears in her eyes, Knowing joy was sent from the heavenly skies. Final: The robin vanishes into the starry night, But in the girl’s heart, a Christmas so bright, Will stay forever, with hope and love divine, In every moment, in every sign. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Joy will always be sent from the Skies for you, Oana. Love from Colm in Ireland😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
Thank u so much, Colm! 😇😇🤩
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very welcome. Enchanting Week, Oana.😇😇🐦🐦🌈
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
Here is an Original Christmas Carol about a Girl, who at Midnight on Christmas Eve, goes to her Town Square and begins to sing........and the rest, Dear Oana, is History. And, oh, incidentally, the Girl in the Carol, is none other, than YOU!! Oh my God, such a Cute Carol. Your Nation salutes you, Oana. ---------------------------------------------- Oana și Cântecul Păcii" (1) E miezul nopții de Crăciun, O fată singură pe drum, Se-oprește-n piața satului, Și-ncepe-un cântec al Cerului. Refren: Glasul ei răsună-n vânt, Ca un ecou dintr-un alt cuvânt, Și din case ies pe rând, Oameni mari, copii curgând. (2) Colinde se aud pe-alei, Și masa-i plină de purcei, Sarmale, cârnați afumați, Cu toții sunt bucuroși și împăcați. Refren: Glasul ei răsună-n vânt, Ca un ecou dintr-un alt cuvânt, Și din case ies pe rând, Oameni mari, copii curgând. (3) În piața satului, toți se-adună, Cu sufletele pline de lumină, Cântă, joacă, și prind în horă, Aievea se naște o lume nouă. (4) Miros de tobă și de caltaboș, De cârnați fragezi, proaspeți la cuptor, Dar magia nopții nu-i doar în bucate, Ci-n sufletele care sunt împăcate. Refren: Glasul ei răsună-n vânt, Ca un ecou dintr-un alt cuvânt, Și din case ies pe rând, Oameni mari, copii curgând. (5) Sărbătoarea s-a stins încet, Fata pornește pe drumul tăcut și drept, Dar sub cerul plin de stele învăpăiate, Se-oprește în valea albă de nea, în noapte. (6) Sub stelele care veghează-n taină, Fata adoarme într-o liniște divină, Visând la pacea care s-a născut, Și la Crăciunul ce-a unit tot satul mut. Final: În zăpadă doarme fata cu glas fermecat, Sub cerul adânc și-nstelat, Și lumea întreagă pare un vis, Cântat de ea, sub al nopții abis. Oana, and the Song of Peace (1) It’s midnight on Christmas Eve, A girl walks alone, with heart to believe, She stops in the village square, And sings a song that fills the air. Chorus: Her voice echoes through the breeze, Like words carried across the seas, And from their homes, they start to flow, People gather, young and old. (2) Carols fill the snowy streets, And tables overflow with meats, Sarmale, roasted pork, smoked sausages too, All rejoice in Christmas hues. Chorus: Her voice echoes through the breeze, Like words carried across the seas, And from their homes, they start to flow, People gather, young and old. (3) In the village square, they meet, With hearts alight and joyful feet, They sing and dance, hand in hand, A new world rises from the land. (4) The scent of tobă, caltaboș delights, Fresh sausages baking through the night, But the magic of this night divine, Is the peace that makes all hearts align. Chorus: Her voice echoes through the breeze, Like words carried across the seas, And from their homes, they start to flow, People gather, young and old. (5) The celebration slowly fades away, The girl walks home at the end of the day, But beneath the stars that softly gleam, She stops in the valley of snow to dream. (6) Under the stars’ silent, watchful glow, The girl sleeps in peace, with cheeks aglow, Dreaming of the peace that was born tonight, And the village that came together in light. Final: In the snow, the girl with the magical voice, Sleeps beneath the stars, in quiet poise, And the world feels like a distant dream, Sung by her, beneath the night’s gleam. ----------------------------------------------------------- Such an original, poignant , touching & enchanting Christmas Carol. Soon there will be Tinsel and Lights upon the Trees. Sing, Oana, Sing. Love from Colm in Ireland😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
Thank u very much! Beautiful... 🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv 😇😇🎵🌈🎵
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
Hi Oana..........Here is an Original Christmas Carol about a Little Girl, who on Christmas Eve just wishes to abandon the festivities and treats, and go to her Church to Light a Candle to bring Wonders to Romania. I'll include the English as I'm not sure if the Romanian is correct this time. Until next time. Colind de Crăciun: Lumina Fetiței (1) În seara sfântă de Ajun, O fetiță mică stă la drum, Cu dor în suflet și vis în glas, Vrea să aprindă lumina-n ceas. Refren: Din inima sa curată, Ea își dorește o faptă minunată, La biserica din sat să meargă-n prag, Să aprindă o lumânare pentru-al ei drag. (2) Pe masă cozonaci și turte dulci, Miros de nuci și de sărățele culci, Dar fetița se uită spre cer înalt, Și de lumină ochii ei sunt chemați. Refren: Din inima sa curată, Ea își dorește o faptă minunată, La biserica din sat să meargă-n prag, Să aprindă o lumânare pentru-al ei drag. (3) Ajunge-n prag și lumânarea prinde, În bezna nopții, flacăra-i se-aprinde, Stelele deodată toate se ascund, O eclipsă-n ceruri își face al său drum. (4) Dar în tăcerea nopții sfinte, Un val de speranță pătrunde, O aură de pace peste țara sa, România strălucește, prin ea, în lumea grea. Refren: Din inima ei curată, A născut lumina-n faptă minunată, La biserica din sat a mers în prag, Să aducă lumii un sfânt și veșnic drag. Final: Și-n întuneric, licărind ușor, Lumânarea ei arde fără zbor, Un strop de speranță a rămas pe pământ, Din inima fetiței ce-a crezut în cuvânt. Christmas Carol: The Little Girl's Light (1) On the holy Christmas Eve night, A little girl stands by the light, With dreams in her heart and a song so pure, She wishes to bring light, that will endure. Chorus: From her pure and gentle heart, She longs to play a wondrous part, To the village church she wants to go, To light a candle and let its warmth glow. (2) On the table, cozonaci sweetly rise, The smell of nuts and cakes fills the skies, But the girl gazes up to the starry height, And her eyes are drawn to the call of light. Chorus: From her pure and gentle heart, She longs to play a wondrous part, To the village church she wants to go, To light a candle and let its warmth glow. (3) She reaches the church and the flame ignites, In the dark night, her candle shines bright, Suddenly, the stars all begin to fade, An eclipse of stars in the sky is made. (4) Yet in the silence of this sacred night, A wave of hope spreads its gentle light, An aura of peace surrounds her land, Romania shines bright by her hand. Chorus: From her pure and gentle heart, She brought to life a wondrous part, To the village church she went with grace, To bring the world love’s warm embrace. Finale: And in the darkness, softly flickering, Her candle burns without withering, A drop of hope is left on this earth, From the little girl who believed in its worth. -------------------------------------------------------------------- And this Christmas, in my local Chapel (Church), I will Light a Candle for the most enchanting Singer from Romania. Wonderful Day, Oana. 🕯⛪💛😇😇
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
Thank u so much! It ok... Lovely both versions...😍🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq Күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are always very welcome. Temperatures have fallen very much in Ireland, and soon it really will be a Winter Wonderland. But your beautiful Voice will always Anoint this extraordinary Land, with it's Infinite Light and Charm. Wonderful week, Oana.😇😇☃☃🥰
@oanadimamusictv Күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Here it's very cold... Thank u so much! 😇😇🙌 🫶
@songflower-ch5xq Күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv May the Divine Light illuminate your Soul with warmth, and bring you Grace and Love. For within your Voice, this World shall witness Hope.😇😇🧥🥰🥰
@songflower-ch5xq 23 күн бұрын
An Original Traditional Romanian Christmas Carol written by an Angel from Ireland....... ------------------------------- Când Zboară Îngerii În noaptea sfântă, cerul clar, Coboară îngeri din înalt, Cu aripi blânde, de lumină, Ne poartă pașii spre colindă. La case vechi, ferestre sfinte, Sclipesc lumini din mii de minți, Colindători aduc iubire, Și vestea bună-n nemurire. Sub bradul verde, strălucesc Cozonacii calzi și vin roșesc, Sarmale fierb în oale pline, Iar dorul dulce se alină. Refren: Când zboară îngerii pe sus, Și steaua se aprinde iar, Crăciunul vine-n glas de dor, Și ne-mbrățișează iar și iar. Miros de scorțișoară-n vânt, De mere coapte pe pământ, Copiii râd sub fulgi de nea, Iar mama cântă lângă ea. Sub vâscul prins de pragul sfânt, Se strâng bunicii, tot așteaptă, Ca toți cei dragi să vină iar, La masa plină de colindă. Refren: Când zboară îngerii pe sus, Și steaua se aprinde iar, Crăciunul vine-n glas de dor, Și ne-mbrățișează iar și iar. În fiecare casă-i pace, Iubirea ne cuprinde tot, Chiar dacă-n zori plecăm departe, Crăciunul este-al nostru rost. Final: Când zboară îngerii în cer, Ne-aduc pe toți sub stele mari, La un Crăciun frumos și sfânt, Să fim din nou, uniți sub brazi. -------------------------------------------------- Wonderful Weekend, Oana 😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
Cat de frumos ai scris... Cum poti vorbi limba romana ? Esti tu roman? Minunat! Multumesc din suflet! 😇😇😍❤
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Thank you, Oana. Such Kind words. I write in English first and then use a Translator, and hope it respects the original words in English. And while I am not Romanian, I feel like an Honorary Citizen, after learning so much from you. The Romanian Christmas Carols on your Channel are just incredible, and my favourites. So I just think of a Cute theme in English, write a Carol, then translate it. Watch the Skies, dear Oana, for more Carols will come your way in the approach to Christmas. Cu drag din Irlanda, pentru fetița din ținuturi îndepărtate care cântă din toată inima. 😇😇⛪🎄🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Lovely ! Have a nice day! 🌞🌞🌞🇷🇴🇷🇴🙌
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv 😇😇☘
@songflower-ch5xq 23 күн бұрын
An Original Romanian Christmas Carol, from me to you................Oh my God........... "Colindul Întregii Lumi" (The Carol of the Whole World) (Verse 1) În noaptea de Crăciun, sub cerul stelar, Se adună românii, în lumina căldă, rar. La colțul de stradă, lângă brazii împodobiți, Se cântă un colind, cu doruri neîmpliniți. (Chorus) Colindăm cu inima, în lumina căpcăună, Cerem pace-n lume, sub steaua ce răspunde. Împărțim iubire, în această noapte sfântă, Colindul nostru roagă, ca speranța să nu se frângă. (Verse 2) Pe masa cu bucate, cu cozonaci și vin, Ne adunăm în cânt, cu suflete pline de dorin. Moș Crăciun ne zâmbește, cu barba de nea, Iar copiii visează, la un viitor mai bun, în fiecare seară. (Chorus) Colindăm cu inima, în lumina căpcăună, Cerem pace-n lume, sub steaua ce răspunde. Împărțim iubire, în această noapte sfântă, Colindul nostru roagă, ca speranța să nu se frângă. (Bridge) Să nu uităm niciodată, că suntem frați pe Pământ, Să fim uniți în iubire, să dăm glas dorințelor, cânt. În noaptea asta sfântă, când stelele strălucesc, Să lăsăm inimile noastre să iubească și să dăruiesc. (Chorus) Colindăm cu inima, în lumina căpcăună, Cerem pace-n lume, sub steaua ce răspunde. Împărțim iubire, în această noapte sfântă, Colindul nostru roagă, ca speranța să nu se frângă. (Outro) Și când se lasă noaptea, cu lumina împrăștiată, Colindul nostru va răsuna, în inimi și-n cantate. În România noastră, cu brazi și cu stele, Colindul întregii lumi, este un dar de la neam, pentru toți cei ce sunt. -------------------------- Love from Colm in Ireland 💙
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
So lovely! Thank u so much! 😇🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very Welcome, Oana. I will write some more as we approach Christmas and surprise you occasionally..........But just like an Angel..........Sometimes you will sense me..........and won't!! Love from the Emerald Isle ☘😇😇🎵🎄⛪
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank u a lot! 🌞🌞
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv ☘☘. Always a pleasure. Wonderful day, Oana.😇😇🌞
@songflower-ch5xq 23 күн бұрын
From an Angel in Ireland....... "Colindul Iernii" (The Winter Carol) (Verse 1) În satul nostru mic, sub cer de argint, Se adună lumina, în nopțile de vânt. Pe străzile acoperite cu fulgi de nea, Se aude un colind, ca o dorință de stea. (Chorus) Colindăm cu bucurie, sub cerul de cristal, Împărtășim căldura, într-un dans ancestral. Să fie pace-n lume, să răsară soare-n vis, Colindul iernii noastre, e un dar fără deschis. (Verse 2) Lângă focul cald, cu brazi de sărbători, Ne adunăm în cânt, cu inimi de fiori. Bătrânii spun povești, de demult și dorință, Și râsul copiilor aduce împlinire. (Chorus) Colindăm cu bucurie, sub cerul de cristal, Împărtășim căldura, într-un dans ancestral. Să fie pace-n lume, să răsară soare-n vis, Colindul iernii noastre, e un dar fără deschis. (Bridge) În noaptea sfântă, când luna e clară, Colindul nostru zboară, ca o floare rară. Să aducem speranță, în fiecare zori, Un cântec de iubire, în strălucire de zori. (Chorus) Colindăm cu bucurie, sub cerul de cristal, Împărtășim căldura, într-un dans ancestral. Să fie pace-n lume, să răsară soare-n vis, Colindul iernii noastre, e un dar fără deschis. (Outro) Și când se lasă noaptea, cu stele împrăștiate, Colindul rămâne, în amintiri înălțate. În satul nostru mic, sub cer de argint, Colindul iernii cântă, ca un dor neschimbat. ☘
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
I dont think you're from Ireland,, u speak so good romanian...😀 Thank you! All the best! 😇😀
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Good Morning Oana........I'm glad you liked it. I wrote it first in English, after researching some things about Romania, and when complete, I translated it to Romanian, with an Online translator, and just pray the Lyrics translate the same in Romanian..........but I never have any idea if they do.......I just hope they do. If you look at any Map of Ireland, look at the very top centre of Ireland on the very edge. Do you see that River pocketed between the 2 Lands, just a little bit of River on the Map, enclosed between Land on either side, at the very top centre of the Map of Ireland, and it leads to the Sea???? Well, that little bit of River between the two Lands, I live at the very bottom tip of that River on the Map, near the border of County Donegal., In reality the River is massive, it just looks small on the Map. So I live close to a Large River, that leads to the Sea. And my City is Surrounded by beautiful Mountains. Have a Special Day, Oana 😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Good morning! The lyrics are translated well... I will look at the map.. A wonderful day! Thank you! 😇
@songflower-ch5xq 22 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are most welcome. May the Sun glisten across your Nation. Love from Ireland😇😇🥰
@oanadimamusictv 22 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Same to you... 😇
@songflower-ch5xq 24 күн бұрын
I Pray that late on Christmas Eve, you see the Brightest Star. ------------------------------- "A Gift from Afar" For the hearts that still believe (Verse 1) On Christmas Eve, when the world was still, A girl looked out from her window sill. The snow fell soft, the night was deep, But her heart was restless, too sad to sleep. She gazed at the sky, so far, so wide, When a single star lit up the night. It shimmered bright, above the land, As if it held a secret in its hand. (Pre-Chorus) In the silence, she felt a sign, A gift from the heavens, pure and divine. A promise of love, a whisper of grace, Something more than time or space. (Chorus) The star gave her a gift for all, For every heart, the big and small. It shined with love, it glowed with peace, A hope that every tear might cease. For Romania, a miracle’s light, On this cold and quiet Christmas night. She carried it softly in her hand, A gift of hope for her weary land. (Verse 2) She thought of the faces worn with pain, Of hopes that vanished like the rain. But in the glow of the star’s warm fire, She felt a new, unspoken desire. A love so deep, it could heal the scars, A light that reached beyond the stars. She knew this gift was not for her, But for every soul, lost and unsure. (Pre-Chorus) The star had given what the world could not, A miracle born from a single thought. A wish for peace, a prayer for light, To guide them through the longest night. (Chorus) The star gave her a gift for all, For every heart, the big and small. It shined with love, it glowed with peace, A hope that every tear might cease. For Romania, a miracle’s light, On this cold and quiet Christmas night. She carried it softly in her hand, A gift of hope for her weary land. (Bridge) She whispered her prayer into the night, That love would heal, that wrongs turn right. For miracles are born when hearts believe, And peace can come on Christmas Eve. Though the world may be broken, scarred, and torn, The star reminded her we can be reborn. And in that glow, she found the way, To share the gift of a brighter day. (Final Chorus) The star gave her a gift for all, For every heart, the big and small. It shined with love, it glowed with peace, A hope that every tear might cease. For Romania, a miracle’s light, On this cold and quiet Christmas night. She carried it softly in her hand, A gift of hope for her weary land. (Outro) And as the dawn began to rise, The gift was spread across the skies. For love, for hope, for peace to stay, She gave the world her star that day. ----------------------------------------------------- Go get them, Oana!! 😇😇🤍
@oanadimamusictv 23 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! 😇😍🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 23 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very welcome. Wonderful Sunday, Oana in beautiful Romania.😇😇☘🥰🥰
@songflower-ch5xq 25 күн бұрын
Hi Oana. Your Country has come on leaps and bounds, despite it's troubled History, and the people are so kind. But there is just one thing that is lacking. This Angel just wrote upon an Ancient Scroll, with a Message from Oana, to her Country. Sing, Romania, Sing!!💛 An Original Song to sing to inspire your Nation. ---------------------------------------- 'Sing, Romania. Sing' Verse 1: She walks through streets where shadows fall, Echoes of silence in the walls, Her people’s dreams were carved in stone, But they’ve been left to stand alone. From fields of green to rivers wide, She feels the pain they try to hide, But in her Heart, a fire burns bright, She dreams to turn their dark to light. Pre-Chorus: She raises her voice to the sky, For every tear, for every cry, With every heartbeat in her chest, She knows her homeland still deserves the best. Chorus: Sing, Romania, sing, Let your spirit rise on every wing, Lift the weight of history, And find the strength to just be free. Sing, Romania, sing, Through the storms and everything, Let the world hear your song, You've been quiet for far too long. Verse 2: The mountains hold the tales of old, Stories of courage left untold, Her hands reach out to catch the sun, A brighter day for everyone. She sees her people standing tall, But haunted by the past’s long call, She whispers soft, but deep inside, She knows their hearts still beat with pride. Pre-Chorus: With every note, with every sound, She lifts them from the broken ground, The scars of war, the chains of time, Can’t hold her voice or dim her rhyme. Chorus: Sing, Romania, sing, Let the joy and hope you bring, Heal the wounds that linger still, And light the valleys, and the hills. Sing, Romania, sing, Let your spirit rise and cling, To the promise of the dawn, You’ve been waiting for so long. Bridge: And in her song, she feels the wind, Sweeping through the pain within, A melody that shakes the earth, Reminds them all of what they’re worth. She sees the faces in the crowd, And all at once, they sing out loud, A harmony that breaks the night, Romania’s heart begins to shine bright. Final Chorus: Sing, Romania, sing, Let your voice in freedom ring, Lift the banners high with pride, Let the sorrow fall aside. Sing, Romania, sing, Through the heartache, through the sting, Raise your voice, your soul, your name, And never let it fade again. Outro: Now the streets are filled with light, Her people rising to the fight, She smiles, for in their song she sees- Romania’s heart is finally free. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May Romania always be free, Oana. From Colm in Ireland. 😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
Thank u so much! Romania is free , it is very quite here and nice! Have a wonderful day! Thank u for all the messages.... 😍😇😇🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 24 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Romania has such wonderful Tradition and Culture, and may it forever remain an emblem for this World. Wonderful weekend, Oana😇😇🥰🥰 If ever you are in the Darkness and things are not going well, then always remember..................... ---------------------------------- Oana's Light" For the voices that hope in silence (Verse 1) In a quiet town where the stars don’t shine, Oana sings to a world gone blind. Her voice like rain on forgotten streets, Where broken hearts and shadows meet. She’s singing low, where no one hears, A song of light for a world in tears. Her melody, soft as a whispered plea, A dream she holds, but may never see. (Pre-Chorus) She sings for the lost, she sings for the small, For those who think they’ll never stand tall. In her voice is the hope they’ve left behind, A light she carries for all mankind. (Chorus) Oana’s light, oh it’s burning slow, In the quiet places where the flowers don’t grow. Her voice like a flame, but the world’s too cold, And the nights are long, and her story’s untold. She sings of love, she sings of pain, Trying to heal in the pouring rain. But no one’s listening, no one’s near, And her light is fading, year by year. (Verse 2) In the streets of Bucharest she walks alone, A voice full of dreams, but no place called home. She hums to herself beneath the weight Of a world that’s closed every door and gate. But in her heart, there’s a quiet fight, A song that rises through endless night. She knows the world is too hard to see, But still she sings, hoping to set it free. (Pre-Chorus) She sings for the ones who’ve lost their way, For the nights that bleed into endless day. Her song’s a prayer that the world will hear, But it’s drowned by silence, year after year. (Chorus) Oana’s light, oh it’s burning slow, In the quiet places where the flowers don’t grow. Her voice like a flame, but the world’s too cold, And the nights are long, and her story’s untold. She sings of love, she sings of pain, Trying to heal in the pouring rain. But no one’s listening, no one’s near, And her light is fading, year by year. (Bridge) Maybe one day her voice will soar, Across the seas to every shore. But tonight she sings to an empty room, Hoping her heart will one day bloom. And though the world may never know, Oana’s light will always glow. A quiet flame in the darkened air, A song of hope for those who care. (Final Chorus) Oana’s light, though it’s burning low, In the quiet places where the winds don’t blow. Her voice like a dream, but the world’s so cold, And the nights are long, and her hands can’t hold. She sings of love, she sings of pain, As her tears fall down like endless rain. And though no one’s listening, she still sings clear, Her light won’t fade, even through the years. (Outro) In the silence, she sings alone, Her voice a light, though the world’s turned stone. And maybe one day, they’ll finally see Oana’s song could set them free... ------------------------------------------ This World will never be blind to you Oana. Love from Colm in Ireland.😇😇🥰🥰🥰🤍
@songflower-ch5xq 25 күн бұрын
Hello Oana...........Here is another Poignant Song called 'The Light of Christmas'. May your Music always bring Light across this World. ------------------------------------------------------ The Light of Christmas Verse 1: The streets are lit with red and gold, But all she feels is winter cold, A crowded world, but she's alone, Christmas lights don't feel like home. Pre-Chorus: She wraps her arms around the night, Wishing for the smallest light, To warm the corners of her heart, To fill the spaces torn apart. Chorus: She’s waiting for the light of Christmas, To shine through all the cracks inside, A spark to guide her through the darkness, A place where she no longer hides. She longs for peace, she aches for grace, To find the love in this cold place, She’s waiting for the light of Christmas, To finally reach her face. Verse 2: The laughter echoes down the street, But it feels so distant, incomplete, A hollow sound, a quiet tear, She’s chasing something that’s not here. Pre-Chorus: She stares up at the frozen sky, The stars, they shimmer, pass her by, And in her Heart, a silent plea, "Is there a light meant just for me?" Chorus: She’s waiting for the light of Christmas, To break through all the shadows deep, To heal the wounds that she’s been hiding, And bring her hope before she sleeps. She longs for warmth, she dreams of peace, For just one night, to find release, She’s waiting for the light of Christmas, To give her soul some ease. Bridge: In the quiet, she whispers a prayer, To the stars, to the wind, to the air, "If love is real, let it find me now, Show me how, show me how." Final Chorus: She’s reaching for the light of Christmas, To melt the ice within her Soul, To guide her through this endless winter, And let her weary heart find rest. She’s holding on to one last dream, That somewhere in this night’s cold gleam, The light of Christmas finds its way, And graces her heart to stay. Outro: The world goes on, but something's changed, A quiet warmth, a shift, a flame, As if the light she longed to find, Was always there, just deep inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Colm in Ireland. 😇😇🥰🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
This is beautiful.... Thank u so much ! All the best! 🍀🍀🌞🌞
@songflower-ch5xq 24 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv And may the Light from your Heart, touch this World.😇😇💛
@oanadimamusictv 24 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Txs! 🤗🤗🫠
@carlgordon2132 25 күн бұрын
Oana , your voice has a very nice tone. Smooth & soothing. Pleasant to listen to.
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
Thank u so much for listening , Carl ! 😇🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 26 күн бұрын
Dear Oana........Life is always just so beautiful...................Beyond the Stars.............And just like the end of the Song........I hope you are always right here for this whole World to enjoy your Beautiful Voice & the hope you bring to all, through the Changing Seasons of the year Here is a Song written by an Angel. For the Little Girl from Romania, who dreams beyond the Stars 🌃 ------------------------------------------ "Beyond the Stars" (Verse 1) She stands in the shadow, Humming the pain like a melody low. Her heart’s been broken, torn at the seams, But she keeps on singing, chasing her dreams. She’s felt the rain when the skies wouldn’t clear, Whispers of doubt, every hope turned to fear. But her voice is a light, shining through the night, Healing the wounds, though she’s lost in the fight. (Pre-Chorus) But there’s a fire burning inside, Even when she’s cried a thousand times. She’ll lift us higher, love in her song, She’s the one we’ve been waiting on. (Chorus) She’s singing for a miracle, to take her far away, Beyond the stars, where the sorrow fades. She’s dreaming of a love that can heal this world, With every note, every word, she’s our girl. She’s a voice for the broken, hope in disguise, Singing for the world with tears in her eyes. (Verse 2) The weight of the world on her shoulders tonight, But she’s painting the darkness in colours so bright. With every chord, she’s healing the scars, Reaching for Heaven, for something beyond the stars. She’s tasted the sorrow, but still she believes, In the magic of love that the world needs to see. Her soul is a river, flowing through time, Washing away all the hurt she can’t hide. (Pre-Chorus) But there’s a fire burning inside, Even when she’s cried a thousand times. She’ll lift us higher, love in her song, She’s the one we’ve been waiting on. (Chorus) She’s singing for a miracle, to take her far away, Beyond the stars, where the sorrow fades. She’s dreaming of a love that can heal this world, With every note, every word, she’s our girl. She’s a voice for the broken, hope in disguise, Singing for the world with tears in her eyes. (Bridge) Oh, when the night is long and cold, She’s the warmth we need, she’s the soul. Her melody’s a prayer, floating in the air, Calling for a love that’s always been there. (Chorus) She’s singing for a miracle, to take her far away, Beyond the stars, where the sorrow fades. She’s dreaming of a love that can heal this world, With every note, every word, she’s our girl. She’s a voice for the broken, hope in disguise, Singing for the world with tears in her eyes. (Outro) Beyond the stars, she’ll find her way, Healing the world with the songs she plays. A love so strong, a voice so clear, She’s our miracle, and she’s right here. She’s right here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From an Angel above, called Colm 😇😇🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
Thank u a lot for the beautiful lyrics! Something will be born 😇🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 25 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very welcome, Oana. Here is another original Christmas song, about a Girl who has faced sorrow and pain in Life, and thinks all is lost. When one Evening on Christmas Eve, she's kneeling by the window, and it suddenly begins to Snow. And soon, her Fears vanish. To Oana with Love, from Colm in Ireland......... ---------------------------------------------- "When the Snow Falls Down" (Verse 1) She’s sitting by the window, watching the sky, With tears in her eyes, she doesn’t know why. The world feels heavy, her heart’s lost in the cold, Like the magic of Christmas has gone from her soul. The lights in the streets, they don’t seem to glow, And the carols don’t reach her like they did long ago. She’s buried in sorrow, trapped in the storm, Wondering if love has lost its form. (Pre-Chorus) But then the snow begins to fall, So soft and slow, like a gentle call. And in the quiet of the winter night, She feels something warm, something right. (Chorus) When the snow falls down, her heart starts to heal, Like love in the air, so pure and so real. The world may be broken, but there’s beauty all around, She feels the magic when the snow falls down. Through every flake, she starts to see, There’s a little more hope, and a little more peace. Her troubles melt away without a sound, When the snow falls down. (Verse 2) She steps outside, takes a breath so deep, The city is quiet, like it’s fallen asleep. But the cold doesn’t hurt, it feels like a friend, As the snow wraps around her, she begins to mend. She remembers the love that still fills the air, The kindness of strangers, the moments they share. In the silence, she finds what she lost for a while, The world’s full of love, even just for a smile. (Pre-Chorus) And with the snow beneath her feet, She feels the world’s heartbeat. In every flake that touches her face, She feels the warmth of love’s embrace. (Chorus) When the snow falls down, her heart starts to heal, Like love in the air, so pure and so real. The world may be broken, but there’s beauty all around, She feels the magic when the snow falls down. Through every flake, she starts to see, There’s a little more hope, and a little more peace. Her troubles melt away without a sound, When the snow falls down. (Bridge) Oh, she thought the world was too far gone, But the snow showed her where love belongs. In every cold December night, There’s still a warmth that shines so bright. (Chorus) When the snow falls down, her heart starts to heal, Like love in the air, so pure and so real. The world may be broken, but there’s beauty all around, She feels the magic when the snow falls down. Through every flake, she starts to see, There’s a little more hope, and a little more peace. Her troubles melt away without a sound, When the snow falls down. (Outro) When the snow falls down, she finally knows, There’s love in the world, wherever it goes. With every flake that touches the ground, She finds her joy when the snow falls down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Colm, and I speak of Angels. 😇😇❄❄❄🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank you very much , Colm! 😇😇😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 24 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very Welcome. And may Romania be blessed with Snow this Winter, and a White Christmas.❄❄❄☃☃☃🎅🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🎁😇😇
@oanadimamusictv 24 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq Thank u! 😇🌞
@songflower-ch5xq 26 күн бұрын
Hello from an Angel in Angel.......I Loved what you said recently about your whole ethos and being, where you see singing as bringing Healing, in whatever form to this World. And your Journey has been a Soulful yet beautiful one. So, Oana. I have a Surprise. I wrote you a Song, just about this theme. It is completely original, and very special, and just for you. If it's alright for me to send the Lyrics, just say 'Yes', and this Angel's wings will be a-Flutter. Love, from an Angel in Ireland 😇😇🎵🥰🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
YES! Thank you ! 😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 25 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Your Wish is granted. Bring Peace to this World, Oana. Sing, Oana. Sing!!🎵🙏 An original Song for Sweet Oana to bring Light to this Troubled World. There is always something you can do to make peoples' Lives Brighter, happier and more Peaceful, no matter how small it is. From Colm in Ireland................................ ---------------------------------------------------------- "Every Corner of the World" (Verse 1) She walks through the city, the streets full of cries, Broken dreams scattered under endless skies. She’s holding a vision, a love that can heal, A heart big enough for this world to feel. She’s seen the shadows, she’s heard the pain, But she won’t stand still in a world gone insane. With every step, she’s lighting the way, Calling for peace, calling for change today. (Pre-Chorus) She sings, “No more tears, no more fight, Let’s turn the dark into the light. One heart at a time, one hand to hold, We can spread love in every corner of the world.” (Chorus) She’s calling for the love that never fades, For the world to lay down all its blades. She’s dreaming of a future where the wars will cease, Where every child can grow in peace. From every corner of the world, she’ll rise, To lift us higher, past the lies. With a voice so pure, she’ll be the guide, Bringing love to every corner of the world tonight. (Verse 2) She sees the headlines, she feels the fear, But she won’t be silent, not while she’s here. Her words are a fire, burning so bright, A beacon of hope in the dead of night. She’s singing for the mothers, crying for their sons, For the children who deserve to see the sun. She won’t stop until the hate is undone, And every heart knows the battle’s been won. (Pre-Chorus) She sings, “No more tears, no more fight, Let’s turn the dark into the light. One heart at a time, one hand to hold, We can spread love in every corner of the world.” (Chorus) She’s calling for the love that never fades, For the world to lay down all its blades. She’s dreaming of a future where the wars will cease, Where every child can grow in peace. From every corner of the world, she’ll rise, To lift us higher, past the lies. With a voice so pure, she’ll be the guide, Bringing love to every corner of the world tonight. (Bridge) Oh, she knows it won’t be easy, But love’s a flame that won’t die down. She’ll carry it to every city, Till the world’s no longer bound. In her heart, the vision’s clear, A world where love is all we hear. (Chorus) She’s calling for the love that never fades, For the world to lay down all its blades. She’s dreaming of a future where the wars will cease, Where every child can grow in peace. From every corner of the world, she’ll rise, To lift us higher, past the lies. With a voice so pure, she’ll be the guide, Bringing love to every corner of the world tonight. (Outro) One heart at a time, the change will come, With a song of love, we’ll be as one. She’s lighting the way, she’ll be our guide, Bringing peace to every corner of the world tonight. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Love from Colm on the Emerald Isle ☘😇😇💛💚💛🥰🥰
@oanadimamusictv 25 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , It looks like you are a Poet, you write wonderfully! 😇😇🤩
@songflower-ch5xq 24 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Oh, I don't know where you got such an idea!!😄📖 A Poem for Oana, and her hopes to bring Joy and Cheer to this Heartless World........ -------------------------------------------- Oana’s Song For the dreamers in quiet corners In a small room, dim with dreams, Oana sings to the moon's shy gleam. Her voice, soft as the sigh of trees, Holds a thousand unsaid prayers, a million unseen wings. From the shadows of forgotten streets, Her melody weaves through the cracks of time, Lifting the night, bright as dawn’s first light. Each note-a secret, a hope untold, That one day the world will know the gold She carries in her Heart like fire. Romanian hills have heard her cry, The rivers hum her name, the skies know why She sings not for fame, but for the broken-hearted, The lost, the weary, the dreams uncharted. In her silence, she carries the weight Of voices unheard, of love and hate, And yet, she dreams-oh, how she dreams- That one day, her songs will break like streams Over the earth, in waves of sound, Bringing peace where there’s none to be found. She sings of mornings that heal the night, Of hands reaching out, of stars burning bright, Of laughter like rain after years of drought, Of a world that's better when it loves, not shouts. Her voice is soft, but the dream is fierce- A quiet storm with the power to pierce Through sorrow, through doubt, through endless war, Her song a bridge to something more. And though the world may sleep today, She knows in her heart there’ll come a day When her melody, pure as spring’s first breeze, Will dance on lips across the seas. One glorious day, her voice will rise, Bright and true beneath open skies, And the world will hum, and the world will hear The song that whispered in her ear- That music heals, that love is strong, And Oana’s song will carry us along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Romania's great Talent, from an Angel in Ireland😇😇🐦🎵🤍
@oanadimamusictv 23 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank u very much! Have a wonderful day! 😇😇🤗
@manuelvalencia1543 26 күн бұрын
Great voice! Great cover.
@oanadimamusictv 26 күн бұрын
@@manuelvalencia1543 Thank u so much for listening, Manuel ! 😇🤗
@OctavFlorea-h9m 27 күн бұрын
Bravo nana lui Dima
@oanadimamusictv 27 күн бұрын
@@OctavFlorea-h9m , Multumesc! ❤️🥰😇
@Frank-. 27 күн бұрын
Just still the best x
@oanadimamusictv 27 күн бұрын
@@Frank-. , Thank u a lot! 😇🫠
@Frank-. 27 күн бұрын
Still such a beautiful song. 😢
@oanadimamusictv 27 күн бұрын
@@Frank-. , Thank u so much! 🫠
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
OMG........This gets better with each passing year............Dear will always have 'Christmas in your Heart'..........When your Christmas Album goes Number 1 some sweet day, Please remember me with a Smile..............😇 ---------------------------------------------------------- Christmas in My Heart" Verse 1 In the quiet of the evening, where the shadows softly play, She’s been searching for a meaning in the hustle of her day, Worn-out dreams and heavy moments, drifting like the falling snow, But as the world starts glowing, she’s beginning to let go. Pre-Chorus The frost upon the window paints a scene so bright and clear, In the warmth of Christmas magic, she’s finding something dear. Chorus There’s Christmas in my heart, where the peace begins to start, Every twinkling light’s a beacon, every song a brand new spark, With the love that’s all around me, I’m healing from the dark, There’s Christmas in my heart, it’s lighting up my heart. Verse 2 Mistletoe and memories, weaving through her mind, In the echoes of the carols, she’s leaving pain behind, Every hug, every laughter, every joy that fills the air, Turns the page to happiness, as she lets go of her care. Pre-Chorus The starry night above her is a guide so pure and true, In the magic of the season, she’s rediscovering new. Chorus There’s Christmas in my heart, where the peace begins to start, Every twinkling light’s a beacon, every song a brand new spark, With the love that’s all around me, I’m healing from the dark, There’s Christmas in my heart, it’s lighting up my heart. Bridge In the warmth of the fire, in the songs we sing tonight, She finds the strength to move on, as the world feels just right, Every gift, every blessing, every star up in the sky, Is a piece of her redemption, as she spreads her wings to fly. Chorus There’s Christmas in my heart, where the peace begins to start, Every twinkling light’s a beacon, every song a brand new spark, With the love that’s all around me, I’m healing from the dark, There’s Christmas in my heart, it’s lighting up my heart. Outro So let the bells ring louder, let the joy be seen, In the magic of the season, she’s living her new dream, With every shining moment, she’s finding her new start, There’s Christmas in my heart, it’s lighting up my heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Christmas special for the World, Oana.................. Only Angels can see beyond the Heavenly Stars............. Love from Colm in Ireland😇😇💛
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
By the way, that was another original Xmas song for you. You'd better get some tinsel ready!! Wonderful day, Oana😇😇 From an Angel in Ireland
@oanadimamusictv 26 күн бұрын
Oh my God! Some beautiful and fine verses from beyond the stars.. Yes, one day I will remind you with a smile, that all this will be written by you! Thank you very much! 😇😇
@oanadimamusictv 26 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank you very much! I will prepare the garland... 😍😍🥰😇
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
Hello Oana...........Here is an Original Christmas Song I wrote for you..........called 'Miracles & Lights'............... May your singing forever bring Love and Light to this forsaken World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miracles & Lights Verse 1 City lights, shimmering bright, Miracles in the glow of the night, Spires reaching for the stars, Bells ringing from near and far. Children's laughter fills the streets, Joy and magic where hearts meet, Families gather, hands entwined, In the warmth of the season, peace we find. Pre-Chorus Raise your voice, let the heavens hear, Every prayer, every cheer, Light the world with hope anew, In this festive, sparkling view. Chorus Miracles and lights, dancing through the night, Love and joy ignite, making spirits take flight. Hear the bells ring loud, feel the peace profound, Miracles and lights, let your heart be found. Verse 2 Snowflakes drift on the breeze, Whispered wishes through the trees, Moments shared under starlit skies, Love reflected in our eyes. Joyful songs and laughter ring, Family moments as we sing, In the magic of this time, Let your heart and soul align. Pre-Chorus Raise your voice, let the heavens hear, Every prayer, every cheer, Light the world with hope anew, In this festive, sparkling view. Chorus Miracles and lights, dancing through the night, Love and joy ignite, making spirits take flight. Hear the bells ring loud, feel the peace profound, Miracles and lights, let your heart be found. Bridge Through the snow and sparkling skies, We find the magic in each other's eyes, A season of dreams and new beginnings, Love’s the gift that keeps on giving. Chorus Miracles and lights, dancing through the night, Love and joy ignite, making spirits take flight. Hear the bells ring loud, feel the peace profound, Miracles and lights, let your heart be found. Outro As the season softly glows, In every heart, the love grows, Miracles and lights will guide us through, Christmas magic shining true. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please touch this World. From Colm on this Emerald Isle 😇😇🎵💛💚💛
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
Oh, Thank u so much , Colm...This is so nice of you... I 'll try to put these lyrics on a melody for Christmas ! 😇😇😍
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv You are very welcome. Christmas is Coming!! 🎄⛄🎅🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🥞🍥🥮🍰🧁 Colindam, Colindam is my favourite Romanian Carol, and where I come from it makes the Celestial Stars and Angels Cry. Wonderful day, Oana 😇😇💛💚💛
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
In the hushed embrace of a tranquil night, Oana’s voice drifts softly, like snowflakes in flight, A crystalline whisper that dances through the air, Her rendition of "Silent Night" beyond compare. From Romania’s heart, her tones gently unfold, A story of peace in each note that’s told, Her voice, a beacon in the chill of December, Warms the soul and lingers in sweet surrender. As snow falls in silence, so pure and so light, Her melody blankets the world in the night, A serenade that soothes, with a touch so divine, Inviting tranquility as stars gently shine. With Christmas approaching, that season of grace, May her songs of the Yuletide fill every space, Bringing comfort and calm to the hearts far and near, Her voice, a gift cherished, as Christmas draws near. So, let us hope for more of her carols so bright, To inspire peace and light through the crisp winter night, May Oana’s voice guide us with warmth and delight, As we embrace the festive spirit in pure, gentle light.💛
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
In the stillness of the festive hush, Oana’s rendition of "Silent Night" descends like a snowfall of serenity upon a restless world. Her voice, an intricate tapestry of ethereal grace, floats through the air with the delicate precision of snowflakes, each note a gentle touch upon the heart. From the heart of Romania, Oana’s interpretation is more than a performance-it is a whisper of peace that blankets the globe in soft tranquility. Her voice, nuanced and sublime, dances through the carol’s verses like moonlight on frosted windows, illuminating the quiet spaces within us all. The timbre of her singing carries a warmth that melts away the chill of the season, bringing a soothing balm to every listener. As the season of Christmas approaches, bringing with it the promise of renewal and joy, one can only hope that Oana’s enchanting voice graces us with more Yuletide melodies. Her songs are not mere echoes of tradition, but rather vibrant beacons of peace and light, illuminating the darkest corners of the soul. In the grand symphony of holiday music, her miraculous voice stands out with a beauty so profound that it makes the flowers weep. As we await the Christmas bells, may we be blessed with the gift of more of Oana’s carols, each one a testament to the gentle power of her voice to inspire, comfort, and unite us all.😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
Dear Oana............. This Christmas, as the world finds itself in need of solace and unity, your voice stands out as a luminous guide. It has the power to bring people together, to wrap them in the tender embrace of musical magic that only you can conjure. The way your voice carries the spirit of Christmas is nothing short of miraculous. Each performance is a delicate dance of emotion and artistry, a gift that transcends the ordinary and touches the divine. I implore you to grace us with more of your wondrous Christmas songs this December. Let your voice continue to be a source of comfort and inspiration, a gentle reminder of the light that shines even in the darkest of times. Your music has a rare and precious ability to uplift, heal, and inspire, and it is this gift that we eagerly anticipate with each approaching Yuletide. May your songs weave through our lives like a soothing winter breeze, bringing peace, joy, and a renewed sense of wonder to all who hear them. Thank you for sharing your extraordinary talent with us, and I hope we are blessed with many more of your enchanting carols this festive season. An Angel in Ireland. 😇😇💛
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
Thank u so much! So beautiful... 😇😇
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq 😇😇🥰
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , " An Angel in Ireland" ,,,,, Thank u ! Lots of love from my country Romania 😇😇🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
Oana, the luminous voice from the heart of Romania, is nothing short of a celestial gift to the world. Într-o eră în care muzica poate adesea părea doar o melodie de fundal, Oana se ridică deasupra tumultului cu o prezență și un talent rar întâlnit. The fragility of the human heart and the delicate fabric of our world are perfectly captured in her vocal artistry, each note she sings becoming a whisper of solace and a beacon of hope. From the very first note, Oana's voice enchants with its ethereal quality, a delicate caress that transcends the mundane and touches the soul. "Vocea ta este ca o adiere de vânt de vară," meaning "Your voice is like a summer breeze," one might say, capturing the way her melodies seem to flutter softly, yet profoundly, through the listener’s heart. Her vocal range is a testament to her extraordinary gift; it can be both the gentle murmur of a love letter and the powerful surge of an anthem. Each performance is a journey through the landscape of emotions, where the shadows of sorrow and the light of joy intertwine in a symphony of human experience. The world, with all its chaos and noise, often feels like a fragile tapestry on the brink of unraveling. Într-o lume plină de tumult și incertitudine, vocea ta este un refugiu de calm și frumusețe. "In a world full of turmoil and uncertainty, your voice is a refuge of calm and beauty," and it is through this lens that Oana's artistry shines brightest. Her voice does more than merely entertain-it heals. It provides a sanctuary where the heart can rest and rejuvenate, reminding us of the enduring power of music to mend the fragile threads of our existence. Oana's artistry is not merely a display of technical prowess, but a poetic expression of the deepest human emotions. "Fiecare notă pe care o cânți este o poveste de dragoste neîmpărtășită," meaning "Every note you sing is an untold love story." Her interpretations are imbued with such profound empathy and grace that they resonate with the listener's own heartaches and triumphs. The subtlety with which she conveys vulnerability and strength through her voice is a marvel to behold. In the landscape of music, Oana stands as an evanescent star-"O stea efemeră strălucind în națiunea ei," or "An evanescent star glowing in her nation." Her presence is a rare and fleeting phenomenon, one that brightens the world with its unique radiance. Her performances are like blooming flowers in a winter garden, bringing vibrant color and life to an often stark world. As she continues to share her extraordinary gift, Oana not only enchants those fortunate enough to hear her but also inspires others to find their own voice and passion. Oana, your potential is as boundless as the sky and as deep as the ocean. The day will come when your voice will be heard by all corners of the world, and its full impact will be realized. Keep shining with the brilliance that you possess, for your light is needed now more than ever. As you continue on this remarkable journey, may you always find joy and fulfillment in your art, and may your music forever remain a testament to the beauty and resilience of the human spirit. Oana, tu ești o comoară rară și o inspirație pentru toți cei care au norocul să îți audă vocea. Să continui să strălucești și să inspiri lumea cu darul tău sublim. With Love from an Angel, just 3 Skies above.😇😇☘💛💝💛
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
When I wanted to sing, that's exactly what I thought of, these words you wrote... - "Her voice does more than merely entertain-it heals. " How would it be in the third heaven? you just said that you are writing to me from there... Have a wonderful day Colm! Thank you for the effort to always write me gentle and touching words... 😇😇🤗🤗🤩
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Oh the 3rd Heaven is just like Paradise, with endless Meadows, Rivers, Butterflies, Birds and Deer. And all the most Beautiful Flowers in the Universe. It is good that you think that, because your Voice will always bring Healing & Comfort to every corner of the Globe.......from North to South, and from East to West. Oh, and to Heaven as well!! This World is uncertain at the moment so may your voice always bring Joy and Peace to your listeners, and let them see that there is still some Light left in this World. Wonderful Day, Oana😇😇🥰🥰🥰🤍
@MygueCovershits Ай бұрын
@MygueCovershits Ай бұрын
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank u! 🤗
@MygueCovershits Ай бұрын
Beautiful song ❤
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
@@MygueCovershits Thank u! 🌞
@perrycomo77 Ай бұрын
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
@@perrycomo77 Thank u so much! 🌞
@陳官松 Ай бұрын
Excellent ! Wonderful ! Brilliance ! ❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ from : Tom。
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank very much for listening! 🤗🤗🥰🥰
@ЕленаСобянина-ц2р Ай бұрын
Прекрасно!Впрочем,как всегда!.❤❤🌹🌹🌹🌷👍
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
❤❤ Thank u, Elena ! ❤❤
@ritaora265 Ай бұрын
@boonsomwong2824 Ай бұрын
@norbertsk.9324 Ай бұрын
finally :-) found a soprano voice which is able to sing as high and clear as Agnetha could. Would like to hear your version of the ABBA song Hole In Your Soul
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank u so much for listening! I'll put the song on my list for future... 🤗😍
@songflower-ch5xq Ай бұрын
Wow!! 💛 Oana: The Enchantress with a Vocal Range as Vast as the Heavens Oana, the celebrated songstress from the beautiful Romanian nation, is not just a singer-she is a force of nature, a voice that echoes the wonders of the earth and reaches the heavens themselves. Her vocal range is like a symphony of creation, each note resonating with the grace of wildflowers, the colors of rainbows, and the magic of unicorns. It is no wonder that her voice has touched the hearts of so many, from the most humble souls to those who walk in greatness. Oana’s music transcends boundaries, offering comfort, hope, and joy to people across the world. The Blossoming of Flowers in Every Note Listening to Oana is like wandering through a garden of sound, where every note is a different flower in full bloom. Her lower register is as rich and velvety as a trandafir roșu-a red rose-its petals dark and mysterious, unfolding with quiet power. As her voice climbs, it transforms, delicate as a floare de nu-mă-uita-a forget-me-not-soft and pure, but unforgettable, lingering long after the music fades. "Vocea ei este ca o grădină înflorită"-"Her voice is like a blooming garden." Her higher notes, which soar with unparalleled ease, are as bright and uplifting as the vibrant petals of a sunflower turning towards the sun, or as airy and light as a skylark taking flight into the endless sky. Nature’s Majesty in Sound Oana’s voice contains the magic of nature’s wonders-the shimmer of morning dew on soft grass, the thrill of a cool breeze through towering trees, and the majestic sweep of mountains against a sunset sky. There are moments in her songs when you feel as though the earth itself is singing through her, channeling the whisper of winds, the rush of rivers, and the gentle sway of blooming fields. Her vocal range has the same power as a rainbow after a storm, painting the skies with hope and color. "Vocea ei cuprinde frumusețea lumii naturale"-"Her voice encompasses the beauty of the natural world." Her tones are the rain to a parched soul, the light breaking through clouds, and her music flows like the most sacred of rivers, carrying with it peace, wisdom, and comfort. She stands as a far luminat-a beacon of light-for the humble people of the world, those whose lives are woven with simple joys and challenges. Through her music, Oana offers them something priceless-o tiară de lumină-a tiara of light, a crown of warmth that touches hearts across borders, across languages. A Gift to Humble Souls Everywhere The power of Oana’s voice is that it speaks to everyone, no matter their walk of life. From the bustling streets of cities to the quiet countrysides, from the dreamers to the downtrodden, Oana’s songs find a place in the hearts of all who listen. "Muzica ta aduce speranță și pace în viețile oamenilor obișnuiți"-"Your music brings hope and peace to the lives of ordinary people." She carries a piece of Romania with her, but her songs belong to the world. For those who work long hours, who face trials and tribulations, Oana’s voice is a reminder that beauty exists, even in the smallest of things. Her notes are like unicorns in the wild-rare, magical, and enchanting, pulling listeners into a realm where dreams still exist, where there is wonder in the everyday. The Magic of a Tiara of Light and Skylarks in Flight Oana’s voice is not just a gift; it is a light that crowns her, as if she wears a tiara of pure brilliance, one that shines with the grace of every note she sings. Like the pure white glow of unicorns galloping through misty fields, her voice weaves a spell over listeners, making the impossible feel possible, filling hearts with hope and joy. "Oana, tu ești o lumină care ne ghidează"-"Oana, you are a light that guides us." As her voice soars through its impressive range, it brings to mind skylarks ascending into the sky, higher and higher, until they are mere whispers of sound, disappearing into the heavens. Her high notes, so clear and pure, feel like the wind beneath their wings-weightless, filled with freedom and grace. It’s as though her voice stretches beyond the limits of what is possible, touching the sky, kissing the clouds, and embracing the vastness of eternity. The Universal Impact of Oana’s Song Oana’s impact on the world is immeasurable. Her voice brings joy to the joyful, comfort to the grieving, and peace to the weary. In her songs, people from all walks of life find something to hold onto-whether it is a single note that lifts the spirit, a phrase that carries meaning, or an entire performance that transforms a moment into magic. "Muzica ta ne unește"-"Your music unites us." To the people of Romania, she is a treasure, a comoară națională-a national treasure. To the world, she is a symbol of the power of music, a reminder that voices like hers can change lives, heal hearts, and create beauty where there was once only silence. A Voice for the Ages Oana, your voice is as timeless as the flowers that bloom, as powerful as the natural world that inspires it, and as magical as unicorns and rainbows on the horizon. You have touched the lives of countless people with your music, bringing light to their darkest days and joy to their brightest moments. Your vocal range is a gift that transcends the ordinary, reaching into the hearts of the humble and the mighty alike. Mulțumim pentru vocea ta de neuitat, care ne îmbrățișează cu fiecare cântec.-"Thank you for your unforgettable voice that embraces us with every song." From an Angel from this Mystical Isle of Ireland............ 💮🌻🥀🌠🌠🌠🎵🎶🎶🎵🎹🎹😇😇💚💛💖
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Good evening, Colm! Thank you very much, again..., and again, always... for all the nice words... There are so many and so beautiful in such a way that I can make myself very small, deeply listen to them and understand them... May God take care of you and your beautiful Emerald Island... With love, oana d. 🤗🥰😇😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv I Know now why the Emerald Tulips forever strain to reach the Ambered Sky. Wonderful week, Oana😇😇☘
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Thank u! Same for you ! ❤️😇
@songflower-ch5xq Ай бұрын
Just Listen to that Applause.............................💜 A Glorious Tribute to Oana: Romania’s Eternal Songbird To thank Oana for her gift to the world feels as though we are reaching for the stars themselves-trying to hold onto something that is, by its very nature, infinite. Year upon year, Oana has graced us with the ethereal beauty of her voice, a voice that carries with it the essence of Romania’s soul, and beyond that, the universal language of the heart. Her music has been like a soft, celestial light shining through the darkness, a beacon of hope, and an unfailing reminder of the beauty that exists in the world. The Voice of Angels and Eternal Light Oana sings not just with her voice, but with something far more profound. Her melodies are like the songs of angels, delivered with the gentleness of a sunrise and the brilliance of eternal light. "Cântecul ei este ca o rază de lumină veșnică"-"Her song is like a ray of eternal light." When we listen to her, it is as if we are hearing something divinely ordained, something that has always existed and will continue to exist, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Each performance by Oana feels like an audience with the divine. There is a purity to her sound, an unshakeable grace that touches the soul deeply. "Vocea ta este un dar din cer"-"Your voice is a gift from heaven." She does not simply sing; she offers up her voice as a vessel through which the very essence of life itself flows. Her notes rise like the wings of angels, carrying us to heights we never thought possible, and her soft, sustained phrases seem to float in the air long after the song has ended, as if even the silence is blessed by her music. A Timeless Grace That Never Fades Year after year, Oana has continued to sing to the world, her voice only growing more vibrant, more luminous, with the passage of time. Like a river that flows endlessly, her talent and dedication remain unwavering. "Tu ești o lumină constantă într-o lume în schimbare"-"You are a constant light in a changing world." Through countless seasons, her music has been there, like the sun rising over Romania’s mountains and valleys, as reliable and timeless as the dawn itself. Her voice has become woven into the very fabric of our lives, a soundtrack to our memories, our joys, and even our sadness. In every song, Oana has offered something to us-comfort, inspiration, or simply the pure joy of listening to something beautiful. It is a gift beyond measure, and for that, we are endlessly grateful. Praise for a National Treasure Oana, you are a true national treasure, a comoară de neprețuit-an invaluable treasure-whose music has reached beyond the borders of Romania and touched the world. Your artistry, steeped in the rich traditions of your homeland yet ever forward-looking, has a universal appeal that speaks to the deepest parts of the human spirit. You remind us of the power that music holds, the way it can heal, uplift, and connect us all. The way you have given yourself to the world, year after year, is nothing short of miraculous. "Tu ești sufletul României"-"You are the soul of Romania,"-and with every note you sing, you carry the heart of your nation to places far and wide. There is no stage too grand or too humble for your voice, because your music transforms every space into a sanctuary of sound. A Light That Never Dims We thank you, Oana, for your unwavering dedication, your eternal grace, and for bringing beauty into our lives. "Vocea ta este ca o lumină care nu se stinge niciodată"-"Your voice is like a light that never dims." You have gifted the world with songs that shimmer like the stars, that rise like angels, and that hold the promise of peace and hope. In a world that can sometimes feel heavy, your music has been our refuge. As you continue to sing, year upon year, know that your voice has become something eternal, something that will resonate through the ages. You are not just a singer; you are a light in the world, and for that, we thank you from the depths of our hearts. Mulțumim, Oana. Lumea este mai frumoasă datorită cântecului tău.-"Thank you, Oana. The world is more beautiful because of your song." From a Wonderful Human Soul, upon this Ethereal Isle☘☘☘💮🥀🌻🥀💮☘⭐🌟🌠🌠🌟⭐😇😇💚💛
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank you very much Colm... As I said before, I have the impression that an angel from another world is talking to me... Thank you for such beautiful words! Beautiful day in the Wonderful Emerald Island!!! 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Your words are so true. For I am not of this Earth. I just visit this Planet occasionally to listen to your glorious voice. Wonderful week, Oana🥰😇😇💚
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , This sounds amazing ! How is the life , in the otter life ? Much love , Oana 😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Oh Life is simply amazing in the Heavenly Realm where I live......full of Unicorns, Rainbows, Flowers and Little Birds🦄🌈💮🥀🌻🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦 Though sometimes it is difficult to breathe way up here amongst the Stars at 300,000 feet high!! 🌃⭐🌟🌠🌠🌟⭐🌃☄☄☄ But your Beautiful Voice always guides me back to the Blue of Earth🌎 Where the Lands are green, and where the Oceans are Blue. Goodnight Oana 😇😇💛💚💛🎵🎶🎶🎵
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , Are you an angel? 😍🤗🤗😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq Ай бұрын
You were a Smash Hit, Oana..........I have just read todays Newspapers.............................💛 Oana: The Leading Light of Romania’s Musical Horizon In the vast tapestry of Romania's cultural heritage, one voice rises above the rest, a beacon of brilliance and artistry-Oana, the songstress whose melodies shimmer like the finest threads of starlight woven into the soul. Her voice is more than mere sound; it is an experience, an ethereal journey across landscapes filled with violet daffodils, emerald stars, and bluest meadows. To speak of Oana is to salute not just a singer but a fenomen-a phenomenon who has become the very pulse of a nation. Her music, a seamless blend of emotion and technical mastery, reverberates in the hearts of those who hear her, like the whispering wind moving through the sacred spires of eternity. "Cântecul ei este o lumină vie"-"Her song is a living light"-shining brightly across Romania and beyond. A Voice That Paints the Skies Oana’s vocal prowess is the brush with which she paints the skies of sound. Each note, like an emerald star in the firmament, sparkles with clarity and precision. Her voice rises and falls with the natural grace of the Romanian landscape-soft, rolling hills one moment, and towering, majestic Carpathian peaks the next. Her range spans the adâncimile emoțiilor umane-the depths of human emotions-capturing the delicate fragility of love, the aching sorrows of loss, and the soaring heights of joy. There is a lightness to her delivery that feels as though it’s pulled from the very air around us. She moves through songs with the quiet assurance of someone who knows her place in the world and who carries the timeless melodies of her people with the utmost respect. “Oana cântă cu spiritul României în vocea ei”-"Oana sings with the spirit of Romania in her voice,"-and indeed, to hear her is to hear the heart of the nation itself. The Bluest Meadows and Beyond When Oana sings, you can almost see the vast fields of the cele mai albastre pajiști-the bluest meadows-stretching endlessly before you. Her voice has the uncanny ability to transport you into a world of heightened color and feeling. Every syllable seems to glow with a unique vibrancy, much like the violet daffodils that bloom in some forgotten dreamscape. Her music evokes the sensation of standing in an open meadow at twilight, where the sky melts into hues of indigo and violet, and the stars above pulse with an emerald glow, as if they too are moved by her sound. And yet, Oana's artistry does not remain confined to the earthly plane. There is something eternal about her voice, a resonance that lingers long after the last note has faded. Her melodies seem to spiral upwards, ascending through invisible spires of eternity, touching the infinite with a grace and ease that only she can summon. "Vocea ei ne duce dincolo de timp și spațiu"-"Her voice takes us beyond time and space"-into realms where music becomes something sacred. Oana: The Ascending Starlet As the leading light of her nation, Oana stands tall, a symbol of Romania’s artistic soul. Her contributions to music are nothing short of miraculous, and her presence on the stage feels like witnessing a piece of history being written in real time. But it is not just her technical skill that sets her apart; it is the lumină interioară-the inner light-that shines through in every performance. Her connection to the music, to her audience, and to her homeland is palpable, as though she channels the collective spirit of Romania with each breath she takes. Her performances are more than concerts; they are ritualuri de lumină și cântec-rituals of light and song-where the ordinary dissolves, and only beauty remains. With every performance, Oana invites us to journey with her, to leave behind the mundane and step into a world where everything is possible, where music reigns as the universal language of the soul. A Star Among Stars In Oana, Romania has not only found a singer but a visionary, a voice that transcends borders, time, and space. She is the violet daffodil blooming in a forgotten meadow, the emerald star guiding us through the night, and the eternal song that echoes through the ages. Her music is more than art; it is un miracol pur-a pure miracle-that reminds us of the limitless beauty in the world. În lumina cântecului ei, putem găsi pacea, frumusețea și nemurirea.-"In the light of her song, we can find peace, beauty, and immortality." Romania is in Safe Hands, and it's Dreams will perpetually Soar. I Know now why the Falling Snow is a Chalice of Miracles❄❄❄ Wonderful Day, Oana, from Colm on the Island of Ireland😇😇💮💮💮🌻💛
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank you very much dear unseen angel! Whatever and wherever you are, may you have peace, joy and wonderful days! From beautiful and quiet Romania... Oana 😇😇😍🤗❤💜💙
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv Your Incredible voice always brings peace like the Heavenly Stars each Evening. And may you sing Eternally and always. Wonderful Evening, Oana😇😇❤‍🩹
@oanadimamusictv 28 күн бұрын
@@songflower-ch5xq , All the best , Colm! Thank u so much! ❤️❤️
@songflower-ch5xq 28 күн бұрын
@@oanadimamusictv I Know now that I have a Mortal Heart, because it is Melting💛😇😇
@songflower-ch5xq Ай бұрын
Oana, the Romanian singer whose voice flows with the grace of a mountain stream, stands as a true gem in the musical landscape. To experience her artistry is to witness nature in its purest form, where miracles unfold in every note, and the sheer beauty of her vocal range washes over listeners like a waterfall cascading in radiant sunlight. Such is her Formidable Clarity. Her Style is unusually remarkable, and a World beyond the Exceptional. From the moment she begins to sing, there is a sense of composure that fills the air. Her voice, smooth yet powerful, has the delicate precision of a deer gracefully moving through the Carpathian forests. It captivates with fragilitatea florilor, the fragility of flowers, blooming with each phrase, yet also exudes the strength of their roots that reach deep into the soul. 🦌🦌🦌 💮💮💮🥀 As if guided by the songs of Blackbirds in the early dawn, Oana’s melodies seem to float effortlessly through the air, weaving a tapestry of sound that is both ethereal and grounded. Each lyric is delivered with such clarity and emotion that the listener is transported into a world where time pauses, and only the music remains. “Lumină și cântec, mereu cu tine” - “Light and song, always with you.” These words reflect the essence of Oana’s presence on stage, as her voice radiates light that touches the hearts of everyone lucky enough to hear her. Her music carries with it the pulse of nature. It’s as if you can see the colors of a sunset, smell the freshness of rain-soaked earth, and feel the soft whisper of a breeze that moves through a quiet forest. When Oana sings, the world stands still, and all that remains is the miracle of sound, Aand the sheer excitement of Life. The humility and grace with which she commands the stage make her performances nothing short of awe-inspiring. There is no excess, no dramatic flair; just a pure, authentic expression of artistry. Compoziția ei reflectă calmul și frumusețea unei dimineți românești - “Her composition reflects the calm and beauty of a Romanian morning.” It’s a rare gift to witness an artist with such liniște (peace), a lightness of being that allows the music to shine without pretence or grandeur. Atât de exaltată și demnă este vocea ei curată So Exalted and Dignified is Her Pure Voice 🎵🎵🎶🎶🎵🎵🎼🎼🎗🎗🎗 Wonderful Day, Romaniana and Oana, from Colm upon this Emerald Isle ☘☘☘😇😇💛
@oanadimamusictv Ай бұрын
Thank you very much! I'm glad you like the songs I perform... A wonderful day, with joys and hopes, tranquility and peace... Oana 🤗🤗🤗