A writer's walk...
Q: What is "Walk with Me Project"?
A: "Walk with Me Project" is an independent art project creating artsy contents & short documentaries.
Q: What does determine your content?
A: I only share the stories that inspire me in the hope that they will be inspiration for you too.
Q: Why to walk?
A: First of all, it is healthy : ) Second of all, I do agree with Friedrich Nietzsche:
“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.”
Q: Who are you? :)
A: Please see my instagram account below.
Besides me, we are a bunch of artists trying to bring meaning into this nonsense world.
Q: Where are you located?
A: I have been trying to be everywhere, here and there : )
But If I need to be more precise, I was born in Istanbul, Türkiye. And I live in Warsaw, Poland atm.
For inquiries:
[email protected]