Curious 2023
8 ай бұрын
The quest to cure Parkinson’s
Decarbonising aviation
8 ай бұрын
The future of the seabed
8 ай бұрын
Digging up our Norse past
8 ай бұрын
Barley: more than just a crop?
Returning the wildcat to Scotland
@nl4006 2 сағат бұрын
For the love of all that is holy, RSE - hire an engineer to optimise the audio of your videos, 90% of them are completely illegible without noise-canceling headphones or jailbreak-soundboosters! It is downright embarrassing for a prestigious institute to upload things in this state when GenZ videoessayists working from their parents' basements have better audio mastering on their content.
@bhartley868 Күн бұрын
Loch Ness is so many problems . OK, there is probably nothing there. However the sonar scan years ago did not include the shoreline or shallow areas . That is around fifth miles of shoreline by my rough calculations . All those boats with sonar going may have driven something to shallow areas just to get out of the way ... The dna tests show 20 % UNKNOWN results ... That is not insignificant ... Adrian Shine is a wonderful man who gave his utmost with what he had to work with. Today we have drones, aerial balloons , that can stay aloft and hover over anything interesting . night vision , Maybe get a overhead shot ... However it is probably not there at Loch Ness. The life form people claim to see was very successful and nature has a way to reward success . No dinosaurs, just a evolving copy type because it was so good at adapting ... At any rate I would not be going diving at Loch Ness... Survival has a way of voting...
@bhartley868 2 күн бұрын
Gee it sounds like nothing is there .
@firststeps2freedom998 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing these details, with your great work it has a chance now❤
@davidwright8432 7 күн бұрын
Thanks, everyone participating! An inviting oasis in a deepening spiritual desert. 'All' is not lost - just some of us are! Anyone interested in a quick (17 minute) summary of John Coltrane's spirituality, and (related) philosophy of music, might try this: . I learned a lot from both Cornel West's presentation, and the video linked in this comment.
@siriuslyspeaking9720 8 күн бұрын
For someone who appreciates to the point of praising, the art of improvisation, Dr. West's talks always sound the same to me. Dyson has cornered the art of 'performative Blackness', while West has done so with 'romanticizing Blackness'.
@AudioPervert1 9 күн бұрын
In spite of the deepening divide, what appears common and unspoken between the two opposing sides, made of liberalism and fascism, is their shared devotion to the capitalist world order. To an empire, but not ruled by a singular tyrant, instead by many many intelligent guardians of our ‘sacred democracy’. While one side prefers the velvet glove of hegemonic consensual rule, the other readily goes for the iron fist of repression and violence. But both sides are naturalized by unquestionable foundations and false identity, in hindsight framed by the Intelligentsia, for decades now, also serving the objectives of the global ruling class. Like an eternally self-consuming serpent, it is continuous as a ‘forever show’. Cornell West and his Jazz Soaked Balderdash is part of that show!
@a1travel692 10 күн бұрын
He could be..... But it would be very difficult for him to be.
@davidwright8432 7 күн бұрын
Ever meet a prophet who found it easy??!!!
@AminEL7 12 күн бұрын
Jazz is a label that Duke Ellington refused to use in identifying his compositions. As a musician, I’ve well studied the history of this word and it annoys me to keep hearing references to it in your campaign. This country is in need of serious and real adherence to the goals and promises made for a better today and tomorrow for all people. It is my wish that we all become more accountable and responsible in our actions and not pretentious and fanciful in our thinking. “Trying To Make It Real, Compared To What?”
@npguru 13 күн бұрын
Precisely why he can never be President of the United States.
@siriuslyspeaking9720 16 күн бұрын
The last question raises the question of the problem of this particular occurrence of genocide everyone is focused on, but also the causes of it. If it is truly genocide, what should be the consequences of those responsible for it? Humanity has putt itself in a very tough situation. We set standards, but how do/can we enforce compliance to them? It raises questions about the concept of "tough love".
@daveedwards7833 17 күн бұрын
Cornel West is a prophet not a politician. We need a prophet now which is why I support West.
@roselotusmystic 17 күн бұрын
🙏 Dr. West 😻 Blessings & Gratitude from Dallas, TexAss 😹
@antonellamR2D2 23 күн бұрын
Thank for this video, as a human being and an undergraduate geographer it's very interesting
@vgrof2315 29 күн бұрын
It's premature to suggest that their are any unanswerable questions. Religion, however, will not come up with the answers.
@johnnyboyo33 Ай бұрын
Happy 40th Birthday Darren-hope you had a great time 🎉Bestest Wishes 🌹
@saturn1returns Ай бұрын
You can see and hear when McGarveys noradrenaline kicks in and he gets access to his memory vaults of experience and his anxiety diminishes.
@saturn1returns Ай бұрын
On fire! Thank you so much Darren. A leader of this generation; young people need you.
@user-fl7oc5vv6g Ай бұрын
❤ Where is your nobility? Where is the honor? Where is the support? Where is the scientific interest and curiosity? BIG ERROR in measuring the Universe, black holes, dark energy,... Let me judge all this by the result of a direct experiment, gentlemen of physics Let's do the Michelson-Morley experiment on a school bus and determine the speed in a straight line - this is exactly the experiment Einstein dreamed of. Perhaps we will see the postulates: “Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and Dominant gravitational fields control the speed of light in a vacuum.” There is a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, two coils with optical fiber, where the light in each arm travels 18,000 meters, without exceeding the parameters of 0.4/0.4/0.4 meters and mass - 4,4 kg.
@tudormiller887 Ай бұрын
This video is so relatable As an adult. I can't get an assessment for Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia & Auditory Processing Disorder. I'm ADHD
@nimblefingers2324 Ай бұрын
One of my favourite lecturers. Approachable, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic. His classes were great
@kathyweewee1 2 ай бұрын
weird thing to point out but 'we are 7' is by William Wordsworth, AA Milne wrote 'now we are 6'. 25:20
@moodyyuhoody 2 ай бұрын
Open your eyes silly
@hanifnahian 2 ай бұрын
But England doesn’t have a constitution
@hanifnahian 2 ай бұрын
But England doesn’t have a constitution
@kaytee1127 2 ай бұрын
Academia carrying water for Empire.
@Insolation1 3 ай бұрын
Attitudes to migration: is Scotland really different? different to England? No, who wants Govanhilll? naebody
@ryanbrown7613 2 ай бұрын
Waht i've noticed is the people who are pro this agenda, are those people who pretened to be white or scottish but are actually from the hook nosed variety. Trying to destroy us and our nations from within thru politics and hate speech laws to stop the truth from been spoken in any context. Only want patriotism seen or framed as were a bunch of extreme fanaticals or somethin, riduculous times😂😂😂😂
@jackieeckert7084 3 ай бұрын
Ty for this info session. I have suffered from endo and adenosis since I was a child. Wasn't diagnosed until 25. Hysterectomy at 31. Was infertile until laproscopy at 25. Multiple surgeries and passed around from doc to doc. Mental instability out the wazoo and gaslighting from everyone in my life including my trusted doctors.
@daviddack1595 3 ай бұрын
The Scottish People Don't Need there Permission( Not Know" The Torrie's Broke the Law to " Get Brexit done" What a Con. Scotland will be part of the EU.
@JohnnyinMN 3 ай бұрын
It still fascinates me how out-of-touch British society is with understanding what the EU completely entails. First, you have to stop using the term, ‘ex-pat,’ though.
@xrains7134 3 ай бұрын
Its a good conversation but the audio mixing is horrific
@user-iz3dq5sz3h 4 ай бұрын
I expect now, in 2023 this must look very embarrassing to those that made this video. Europe is in recession and looks politically irrelevant on the world stage. The UK has created AUKUS and over 70 free trade deals as well as membership of the trans pacific trade pact. The NHS is getting even more than the figure on the side of the bus, please google NHS annual budget. There covid vaccine response was embarrassing and unlawful as well as their Ukraine response. We are now the only genuine fully democratic sovereign country in the whole of Western Europe. Oh yes, I nearly forgot , we are selling more things to the eu than before the referendum.
@user-iz3dq5sz3h 4 ай бұрын
What the EU empire lost. The list below is just some of the things the eu is desperately going to miss- This is what the EU empire loses- Privileged access to the 6th largest economy in the world The worlds number one financial centre EU’s number one trading partner One half of The EU’s two UN big five seats EU’s most capable armed forces, by far. One of the EU’s two nuclear armed powers. The world’s number one soft power. EU’s most creative and inventive member. World leading film industry, 23% global box office take. EU’s largest diplomatic network. EU’s largest tech hub. The world’s no,1 city for fintec investment EU,s only member of the five “eyes”. EU’s most capable intelligence services. EU’s largest job creating economy 4 of the global top 10 universities. EU has none. EU,s second largest net contributor, £15 billion annually. The world’s third largest food exporter EU’s largest maker of satellites. Our guaranteed IMF, world trade, G7, 8 or 20 agreement. The EU’s second largest foreign aid budget. Any last remaining, minute amount of credible democratic legitimacy. Lots and lots of free fish Number of noble prize winners Uk 2nd in Olympic medal chart. And much ,much more besides. Instead the eu fantasy of becoming an empire of global clout it leaves just a worn out husk of a barren organisation. At least one European country should be a genuine democracy, thank goodness it will once again Britain.
@xrains7134 3 ай бұрын
The British psyche cannot contend with the fact its no longer an empire the idea a medium sized economy could isolate itself on the geopolitical stage and expect growth let alone its neighbors and other nations submitting to its stipulations. Why should you be the one to benefit? i hope you realize if your a brexiter the decline of British influence was your choice and your children and children's children well face the consequences of your hubris
@JohnnyinMN 3 ай бұрын
And your point is? Once again, sentiment about past history does not prepare you for today’s reality.
@epincion 3 ай бұрын
All a delusion. Perhaps listen to one of the many talks on YT to UK based think tanks by Peter Foster Editor of the FT (a conservative sober paper) talking about his book ‘Brexit What Went Wrong’. The UK has from long ago not been a great power, in fact the empire started ending post WW1 and definitely post WW2 and now as a lone middling power with a shrinking economy (4% reduction in GDP by 4 yrs according to the OBR) and it has continued shrinking. You display a fatal misunderstanding of the UK’s place in the world. World trade is and always has been a jungle where the big gorillas make the rules. Today the big gorillas are the US and China and the EU. The UK is now a rule taker if it wants to trade.
@LarsPallesen Ай бұрын
And that's a win for ... whom?
@xxxvvv9172 8 күн бұрын
England impotiert 25% seiner Lebensmittel aus der EU - haben sie das nicht gehört im Video..?!
@user-iz3dq5sz3h 4 ай бұрын
Since the end of the communism the secret agenda of france, Germany and the eu has been to bring Russia into some kind of special relationship with the eu. This would provide the eu with the two things it lacks, energy security and military clout. The blueprint for doing this was to be the coal and steal agreement that saw the birth of today’s eu. Instead of coal and steel, read oil and gas. Create a physical network of pipelines that builds mutual reliance upon each other that therefore leads to slowly building further, firmer ties. In order to facilitate this move and reassure the Russians the eu states have to disconnect from NATO, Hense the move to an eu defence force minus the US, UK and Canada. Germany , France and the commission made a serious strategic mistake as putin is not playing their game. The whole plan now blown apart by Russian aggression. Initially france and Germany hoped it would be over quickly. Germany first response was 5000 helmets, macron just wanted to talk to putin. They have had to be dragged into abandoning their former plan and made to get on side. The eu, Germany and France have humiliated themselves now the eastern member states have sussed them out. The moral authority has shifted away from France and Germany. The eu, France and Germany have nowhere to go.
@dripdrop9787 4 ай бұрын
There is absolutely so much more people could and should spend their time fighting for… how about fight for the living and the future I not wrongfully convicted 🧙 😂
@dripdrop9787 4 ай бұрын
@KizzieWiz 4 ай бұрын
Things have changed in 8 months!
@KizzieWiz 4 ай бұрын
The people in Scotland are sovereign.
@paulaustinmurphy 4 ай бұрын
Is literally *everything* that's critical - or simply questioning - about vaccines and vaccine policy "disinformation" or "misinformation"? Until Mariana Spring clears that up, then she'll be the target of the criticism she calls "trolling" and "misogyny". Indeed, the one-sidedness of her stance makes her seem like a spokesperson for the state - if via the BBC. So I don't believe she targeted because she's a woman. I believe that she's targeted because she herself has targeted literally millions of people as "conspiracy theorists". Sure, some men have targeted because she's a woman - and I've see such things myself. However, this group is a tiny minority of the critics of Mariana Spring. Still, it pays political dividends - and advances her career - to claim that all Spring's critics are misogynists and conspiracy theorists.
@Rico-Suave_ 4 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you very much , note to self(nts) watched all of it 1:15:03
@robertjsmith 5 ай бұрын
Everything is changing
@gb4375 5 ай бұрын
Glad to have stumbled on this talk. I work for a Med tech in Canada that could be an amazing collaborator to with the NHS for you chronicle diabetic care needs.
@verttikoo2052 5 ай бұрын
Catalonia votes out from Spain then Catalonia will never be part of the EU. Last time they lost 3000 biggest businesses including two of the biggest banks La Caixa and Banco Sabadell. They left because they didn’t want to end up outside of the EU. Catalonians massively damaged their economy. Now Catalonia is not a place to invest.
@nettcologne9186 3 ай бұрын
I thought Catalonia was better off economically than the rest of Spain !?
@verttikoo2052 3 ай бұрын
They were but they have screwed the economy themselves and shooting their own foot with the Ruzzian sponsored independence 💩 they damaged the economy even more.
@verttikoo2052 3 ай бұрын
Catalonians screwed their own economy
@tuw7 5 ай бұрын
People with living experience also deserve dignity.
This has been so informative especially since I am doing my extended project qualification on the witch trials with a detailed look on scotland.
@anthonymichaelwilson8401 6 ай бұрын
This the gentleman we need leading this world full of curiosity opening your mind to this wonderful world 🌍
@gb4375 6 ай бұрын
Pleased to stumble upon this important conversation.
@theresajaramillo1875 6 ай бұрын
I'm from America. When I was about 8 or 9 years old I had a dream of a woman sitting in front of me at church. She had demons flying around her head. In the dream her head turned around without moving her body. She looked at me like she was moving through her soul and said, "YOUR NEXT !" I was terrified. I told my mother and pastor. They both loved on me and the lady I dreamt about. A few months down the road we found out that she was reading church members future from Tarot cards and trying to break up the church. Next incident came from one of my best friends. He was a native American Indian. He was open to many religious activities including witchcraft and tarot reading. He knew my past and being uncomfortable around the cards. He didn't respect my feelings but I gave him may opportunities and chances not to have them around my children. I again had a dream that his boyfriend went to prison but I was trying to prove to an angel that he doesn't deserve to go to hell. A couple of years later his fiance went to prison for pedophilia against his students as the speach and debate club coach. A couple of years after that, I was the last person's hand my best friend held before he passed away from liver failure. He was in his 30's. He denied to speak with the priest that came in, as I was there, to pray for his soul. Next on the list is my boyfriend of going on 7 years. My 9 year old daughter is having dreams of large needles going into bodies. What she doesn't understand is my boyfriend's sister- in- law sells voodoo dolls on e- bay. God is good, Jesus loves you, and not one Christian is the boogeyman out to get you. GOD Bless you in Jesus name I pray AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN
@zuzauramek9850 6 ай бұрын
Brexiters were lied to about Brexit and they were so arrogant that they believed in the lie. Not many have stopped and thought wait a minute it is too wonderful and too easy. Something is fishy. They wanted to have all the benefits as they were still in the EU and they didn't want to pay for those benefits and obey EU laws. Many still blame the EU for Brexit that the EU should treat the UK like a special snowflake. Some UK citizens still are arrogant thinking they can walk into the EU like nothing happened. Like Brexit never happened. They think they can walk off and in just like that..They make another referendum and if more say we want back to EU. EU will say yeah come in ... no hard feelings. Also, no one talks about how many foreigners were killed in the time of Brexit propaganda and after Brexit in the UK.
@kevinhemmings5447 6 ай бұрын
I've always said that it would take a least 10 years for the EU to except the UK democratic vote to leave!
@lacdirk 6 ай бұрын
The EU accepted it long before the British government did. And many in the UK still don't seem to accept that the UK has left, and pretend that brexit isn't done yet.
@marleneMS 6 ай бұрын
And the EU managed to accept it in a couple of months.
@MrOliver1444 5 ай бұрын
A vote from people who didnt understand the EU and the complexity of the world! And some fall for the lies of the leave campaign. Making your own laws (how did that go?), better trade deals (and this?), fewer immigrants (oh, and this?), Fishermen and farmers are better off (this?), more money for the NHS (this?), more housing (men, I am tired of writing, this!?)