Now's the Time to Describe Your Hand
4 сағат бұрын
Relay Bid in Response to 2 Club Opener
Double to show you would have Bid that Suit
Too Strong to Open at the 1 Level
19 сағат бұрын
These Hands are Hard to Bid
Күн бұрын
Slam Not on With No Diamond Controls
A Control Bid to Show Slam Interest
Stick at Game or Go For a Slam ?
On the Fence about a Pre-emptive Bid
What to Open With 15 Points
21 күн бұрын
A Real Tricky Hand to Bid
28 күн бұрын
Looking for a Grand Slam
Ай бұрын
@paulmaier6305 5 сағат бұрын
so you would overcall 1S on AJxxx, xxx, Kx, Kxx and get to a hopeless 4S. those who NEVER overcall a 4 card suit like this are simply limiting their results.
@Robtmmartine77 Күн бұрын
Great advice.
@KimiiiRaikkonen 3 күн бұрын
You could bid 3Clubs after 2spades which is forcing aswell. It does tell some information to our opponents, but the benefit is if you both don't have Diamond stoppers, or Heart stoppers, you could escape to 5-2 fit 4spade. 5 card diamond and Heart hands does not get to open without enough points, nor overcall 1nt without more length to pre-empt. so it is a real scenario, we are afraid of the 5 running tricks in the opening to beat us one down. The bad thing about 3 clubs, is that it tells our opponent about our shape, and leads to perfect play for our opponents. Give or take, I know the elders hate giving away information to opponents, rather lie to not reveal anything. In 3NT contract. I think when we hold AKxx in clubs, we will rarely get that lead, they are also rarely leading spades since we transfered them to. Often I believe we will get the heart lead or sometimes the Diamond lead regardless of the information we revealed in 3clubs. Which gives benefit to our partner to take that Decision between 3NT or 4Spades with a bad fit based on his hand. In this hand it does not matter anyway as our partner has 4+ spades, and bids a superfit. nice and easy 4spades done, no decision to be made.
@learnmodernbridge101 Күн бұрын
Hiya Kimii, Yes, bidding 3C after transferring to spades (if partner hadn't super accepted) is a reasonable idea. This gives our partner more info in order to let them judge between 3NT or 4S. I do, however, have to agree that the downside to 3C is that it tells the opponents how to defend, and this is probably too expensive of a downside. I generally prefer an approach of 'bid more of your major or bid NTs' when you are interested in game after a transfer sequence. It is unlikely that a 5-2 spade fit will be a better contract than 3NT as this would have to be a very strange layout of our partner's points in order to make 3NT not safe. Something like a very strong doubleton in spades with one of the red suits completely wide open for NTs, and even in that case, it would probably need a 3-3 spade break in order for 4S to stand any chance. It's also worth mentioning that a club lead is not exactly unlikely against an eventual 3NT contract. Just because we have AKxx in our hand (which will be the dummy) does not mean that an opponent won't lead them. In NTs defenders tend to lead long suits, so whilst a red suit lead is certainly more likely than a club, I wouldn't go as far to say a club lead against 3NT is unlikely. Could easily be the case that the defender on lead's longest suit is clubs. Thanks as always for your thought provoking comment! Dom
@cecilygreenaway9687 7 күн бұрын
@paulmaier6305 7 күн бұрын
i am wrong as if they return a heart, now you risk a heart ruff when entering dummy after winning the H ace and leading a heat to the K after pulling 2nd rd of trumps and cashing AK of spades.
@paulmaier6305 7 күн бұрын
looks like playing a d at trick 2 is best and THEN continue with your line. then you can enter hand with a D ruff to pull trumps and not risk having LHO with one heart and 3 trumps.
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Hiya Paul, Thanks for your comment. Whilst I understand your thought process behind voiding diamonds in hand at trick 2, this doesn't actually save us from a 6-1 heart break (the hand with the singleton heart also having 3 trumps) because the defence can win the diamond and then switch to hearts. This is bad for us because we have to either: Win the heart in hand with the Ace, cash 2 trumps and 2 spades and then attempt to cross to dummy with the KH (and we then suffer a ruff) Or: Win the heart on the table with the King and in doing so, get rid of the vital entry we need in order to play spades towards hand later. As such, I think the best play is to cash two top trumps and two top spades at tricks 2-5 (as I did in the video). You could then make the argument that voiding diamonds in hand is a good idea now, but then of course the hand that wins the diamond could play a third trump, killing the contract when spades are not 3-3. Therefore, we cannot really afford to lose a diamond at any stage and we simply have to hope that hearts are not 6-1, with the hand with the singleton heart also having 3 trumps. Hope this helps, Dom
@paulmaier6305 7 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 thanks. i already commented on that(i was wrong). most of the bridgemaster level 4 and 5 hands are quite good.
@MikeGranby 7 күн бұрын
Love these videos, but pip headshot adds nothing and distracts from hand.
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Hiya Mike, Sorry to hear that you think the PIP distracts from the hand. We thought it added to the overall experience as you can see me talk about the hand at the same time. We will monitor thoughts on this closely and revert back to no PIP in the corner if we get more negative feedback on this feature. Glad to hear you love the videos though! Cheers, Dom
@MikeGranby 6 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 Thanks for talking the time to reply. And yeah, the videos are excellent. I played years ago and they’ve really reignited my interest.
@KimiiiRaikkonen 9 күн бұрын
Why did we not trump at 29:18 ? Thought we were going to trump the spade to get an additional entry, run the Diamond finesse, then cross over in clubs and run the Heart finesse
@KimiiiRaikkonen 9 күн бұрын
at 30:50 I believe you should not cover with the queen, I'd prefer declarer to win the jack of diamonds, then having to run A K in diamond to empty out dummy's trump. ending in Declares hand with no way to cross over to the heart
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
@@KimiiiRaikkonen Hi Kimii, Yes, both reasonable ideas you have commented there! Trumping the QS (which is a winner) is a good idea to create an extra entry which allows us to finesse in diamonds immediately and therefore we can try the heart finesse later by maintaining the AC as an entry to do this. As for covering the JD lead from the table: it will usually be correct to cover an honour lead from dummy like this because it could establish a trick in the shape of the 9D or 10D with your partner, but as we can see in this instance it is futile whatever we do. Not covering here does limit declarer with regards to entries, but this is acting with the knowledge that covering the JD did not yield any extra tricks for the defence. As it happens on this hand, it doesn't matter what we do as the diamonds are positioned badly for the defence, but the hearts are sat well, so it all results in the same number of tricks - cover or not. I appreciate your point though, and always a good idea to think about these things rather than just do them because 'that's what you do'. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Dom
@KimiiiRaikkonen 5 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 I'm very happy for your answers. Makes it fun to comment and interact. Thank you
@cecilygreenaway9687 10 күн бұрын
I. think you are great. i really enjoyed the hands where 1nt was doubled and exit transfer was used. So much to learn and such good teaching
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it - exit transfers are one of my favourite conventions too! Dom
@kegginstructure 10 күн бұрын
Hardly any question. In the absence of some really strange convention, open 1 spade. Remember the old rule that from strength, you can bid. Having 17 HCP and a distributional hand, you are good to head for the races even if you have to find partner's 2nd suit.
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Hiya, This is not an opening bid but an overcall. If you watch the video again you will see that an opponent had just opened 1D in front of this hand. Hope that helps, Dom
@cryptochurch3310 11 күн бұрын
You talk too fast.
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
I'll try to slow down in future vids! Dom
@williamthurl2607 11 күн бұрын
The 19-point hand might well go for a small slam opposite an opening bid . Would not be the worst slam but doesn't make as Hearts are not 3-3 and there is no miracle Spade position. One player overbids by not downgrading his Singleton Queen and the other underbids with a very decent 19-count , so you end up in the right contract . Much more logical if the 12-pont hand doesn't open.Downgrading for singleton honours or QJ Doubleton is as important as upgrading for a 5-card suit or holding 2 or 3 '10s'....!
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Hi William, As I commented below when you suggested not opening this 12 count with a singleton Q a few months ago - I just don't like it. If you have 12 points, you should be opening in my opinion. I can see your argument that the Q 'isn't worth it's full weight' but I believe this kind of tinkering overcomplicates the idea of when to open and gives too much flexibility to 'how you feel' about a hand. You have to stick to basic rules and structure when bidding as it is a language, and you cannot afford to step too far away from your agreed language with your partner, otherwise you will not communicate well and will end up the wrong contract too often. I also don't think the 19 point hand (North) has underbid. They could not find a fit so the only real possibility of a slam was in NTs, and without a long suit 'running' between the two hands, you will usually need in and around 33 points for 6NT (as you will have heard me say in the video). Given that the opener has limited their hand in the auction, and no fit has been found, I think North's approach to take the safe game is a perfectly reasonable one. Yes, 6NT could make but without a fit and without 33 points, it won't often. Hope this helps, Dom
@anthonycordery2494 12 күн бұрын
Playing Acol South would respond 1 Spade - then 1 NT by West would show 5/5 in the Minors ?
@learnmodernbridge101 7 күн бұрын
Hi Anthony, You can indeed play this 1NT artificial overcall (known as a Sandwich NT) but it is usually shorter in the minors, so in this case it would be 4/4 or 5/4. I think given West's 5/5 shape, it makes sense to jump to the unusual 2NT as it is more pre-emptive and describes their hand more accurately. Cheers, Dom
@loretomurraylm 15 күн бұрын
Background noise is unbearable
@learnmodernbridge101 15 күн бұрын
Hiya, This was one of our first ever videos so apologies for the background noise. I hope you watch another, more recent, video of ours and you will see that the production quality is much much better. We keep this video uploaded just because we think that the more bridge we have on here, the better! Cheers, Dom
@loretomurraylm 15 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 Thank you so much for your videos, it is very helpful.
@learnmodernbridge101 14 күн бұрын
@@loretomurraylm Glad you like em! Dom
@williamthurl2607 15 күн бұрын
Borderline 3S opener. Dont like it with 4 cards in the other Major.
@learnmodernbridge101 15 күн бұрын
Hi William, Thanks for your comment. Whilst I understand the theory behind not pre-empting with a 4 card major outside, this is not something I subscribe to. The idea, of course, is that you might miss a fit in your 4 card major, but I have found that in practice this is not often the case, and even when it is, playing in your 7 card suit can still be the correct spot. I am quite an aggressive player, so I like to pre-empt whenever I can! Hope this helps, Dom
@dofiah 19 күн бұрын
This was very helpful, showing how to work out which way to finnesse. Thank-you! 😊
@learnmodernbridge101 15 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! Dom
@andrewwebb9426 19 күн бұрын
Wow! They get shorter and shorter!
@learnmodernbridge101 15 күн бұрын
Lots of half an hour long videos being uploaded still! Dom
@andrewwebb9426 15 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 Yes, I know. I love the longer ones. Just pulling your leg!
@learnmodernbridge101 14 күн бұрын
@@andrewwebb9426 Haha you got me good! Dom
@studgerbil9081 21 күн бұрын
nicely done.
@amateurphi 23 күн бұрын
Hi Dom, When drawing the trumps, would it be bad defence in general if East ducked the spade? After the ace of spade was played, East should know his king of spade is always a trick. Thanks, Toto
@learnmodernbridge101 21 күн бұрын
Hi Toto, Thanks for your comment. It wouldn't necessarily work out badly on this hand to duck the KS, but it would leave East with just 1 trump left so declarer could now just ignore trumps and play on side suits instead, based on the 'rule of 1' ( ) . In this hand, this wouldn't actually matter as declarer is doomed to fail (unless East helps them by leading a club from their hand), but generally speaking it is not normally good defensive play to leave yourself with only 1 trump which is the master trump because declarer can now leave you with that master trump, forcing you to ruff in with it instead. Hope this helps, Dom
@andrewwebb9426 24 күн бұрын
Beautifully explained, as always! I particularly appreciated your explanation about responder bidding game quickly to discourage opener from any slam ambitions.
@ReneGrothmann 26 күн бұрын
This was posted a long time ago, but I enjoyed your explanations. Such videos are worth recommending. By the way, the contract could have beaten 🙂
@learnmodernbridge101 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your kind words, glad you enjoyed it. Yes, you are right the contract could be beaten but it would require incredibly psychic defence to do so. It first needs South to lead a diamond (and not the suit that their partner had bid on their own at the 5 level!) and then when North wins the AH they would then need to UNDERLEAD their AKQ of clubs over to South's Jack of clubs for South to then lead another diamond for North to ruff. This defence is so psychic that I would be convinced my opponents were cheating if they came up with it! Cheers, Dom
@ReneGrothmann 20 күн бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 Yes, indeed. That's why I added the smiley.
@littleglimmer2325 28 күн бұрын
@learnmodernbridge101 26 күн бұрын
Hiya, I would play 3H as a 'Michaels Cue Bid' here which would show 5/5 in spades and a minor. Not quite the hand shown, but not far off! The problem with leaping to an unusual 4NT as in the video is that it is possible your side could have made 3NT, but it is hard to know that. The beauty of the opponent's weak 2 opening being seen here. Cheers, Dom
@ulrichdaullary3886 Ай бұрын
Trump lead makes sense, Dummy having surely 6+ trumps
@andrewwebb9426 Ай бұрын
I have to say your earlier videos were much better! The only snag I found was that my poor old eyes couldn’t always see dummy’s cards very well but otherwise you had a unique and excellent way of explaining things!
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hi Andrew, Thanks for your comment. I assume you mean the videos where I was playing bridge as all 4 players? We are still recording those, with more to be uploaded very soon. The online videos are just another version of content that we are uploading as it is easier to make and gives us more bridge to show on the channel. Hope this helps and thanks for your kind words :) Dom
@andrewwebb9426 Ай бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 Thanks Dom. I follow your videos avidly. Always something to learn in bridge! And you are an excellent teacher. I don’t always totally agree, mind. The first time I drew the attention of my own bridge group to one of your videos was as an example where everybody lost but it was just a question of by how much. I understand about competitive bridge but the bridge I encourage in my own little group is old-fashioned ‘social bridge’ where we actually enjoy playing. I’ve referred to many of your videos since then in a more positive way, however! I do sometimes wonder if you can retain your partners for very long, though?
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
I suppose it depends what you are playing the game for. My idea for this channel is pursuit of improvement so there will always be some air of 'competitiveness' to that end. However, I think the game of bridge is a brilliant social game, and not one that needs to be taken seriously at all! Just like all games or sports, I suppose. When I play, I like to think my partners are having as much fun as me! Cheers, Dom
@drewscoggins8435 Ай бұрын
Hey Dom! What software are you playing these games on?
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hiya, These games are played on BBO. Cheers, Dom
@magicmerl7749 Ай бұрын
I would have passed with E's hand, that QD isn't really worth two points. So if both pairs are playing a strong NT, I think the bidding would go 1D, 1H, 2D (cue bid 10 points and 3 hearts), 4H Regarding your D lead, I would lead 6D, as top of nothing. For me hi-low is showing an even number of cards, whereas 5-6 would be telling partner that I have exactly 1 more diamond in my hand.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hiya, Yes, not unreasonable to not count the QD and therefore not open the hand. It would indeed lead to the sequence you are suggesting with an overcall in hearts from West and then an Unassuming Cue Bid from East. This leads to East-West getting to the same game of 4H. As for the lead: I do not like 'top of nothing' leads as this can be misleading as to whether you have two, three or four (or more!) cards in the suit led. I play that you only lead top of a doubleton, so with more than 2 cards in the suit and no honour (as the case here) you have to lead the second card down and then follow on the next trick in that suit with the highest card. Of course, this is just partnership agreement and most things are reasonably effective as long as you agree with one another. This is just my preferred method based on experience of what has worked best for me. Hope this helps, Dom
@andrewwebb9426 Ай бұрын
You don’t seem to be bothered about low reverses? Like the responding hand with five hearts and four spades. Is a low reverse meaningless nowadays, please? (In an opening hand it would still be forcing your partner up a level to show preference for your first suit.)
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hi Andrew, In this particular circumstance, West does not need to worry about their partner's rebid (reverse or not) as their hand is strong enough to force game. Irrespective of East's rebid, West knows that they can always bid spades to show their 5:4 shape as they are strong enough to do so. If you lack points, that is when you need to be worried about overbidding and where reverses come into it. As it happens, it is not always necessarily the best system to play reverses as you lose the ability to show your 5:4 shapes and lose the fact that a rebid of a suit is always 6+ cards. As with most things in this game, it is trade-off! Hope this helps, Dom
@irenefoley1383 Ай бұрын
Lovely .thank you
@TheRealMVK Ай бұрын
Amazing as always!
@andrewwebb9426 Ай бұрын
Bit late to comment, I know! But I’d have led a diamond as west in that last decision. Force declarer to play the spades? He’s going to win the diamond queen anyway.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hi Andrew, If you re-watch the video you might hear me say why I was avoiding a diamond lead, you might have missed it! It is because the declarer has a feature in diamonds (we know that from the bidding) so leading away from the KD is risky and will only work if you find your partner with a diamond honour which is quite unlikely on their auction. Dom
@andrewwebb9426 Ай бұрын
@@learnmodernbridge101 whoops, sorry!
@VincentOram Ай бұрын
Simplistic means over simple. It is nice and simple
@annoyingbstard9407 Ай бұрын
16 points and a fit just bid game. Shut out the opponents and a good chance it makes.
@vasantkulkarni2191 Ай бұрын
Contract they could not complete, West and East Team. Your partner first declared Pass and then agreed for 2 Spades. 3 Diamonds,if you would have declared instead of Spades? That I did not understand. Why not diamonds, Because diamonds fetch less marks?isn't it?Any way, West and East both lost the game, 9 tricks to be completed, could not complete it. 🙏👆
@janemcmurray1520 2 ай бұрын
Your lesson is wonderful. I enjoyed your explanation and am sharing it with the girls I play bridge with! We were struggling with "what to do with the 2 club open" and you cleared it all up for us! Thanks.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Great to hear it, glad it was helpful! Dom
@Alexander-co9js 2 ай бұрын
2 spades in the 2nd seat red vs. white with this cards is just terrible! 🤮
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Not my choice of bid, I agree! Even though I do like bidding as much as possible haha. Dom
@williamthurl2607 2 ай бұрын
If they're playing Lebrnsohl then 3H shows some positive values ( 8+ ?) , then 3NT is not so brave,just reasonable . For me his first bid should have been 2NT with a strong hand , a Spade stop and no support for Hearts.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Wholeheartedly agree with your comments. I don't think this partnership were playing Lebensohl so it was more of a lucky punt to 3NT! Dom
@richardnewell8478 2 ай бұрын
"Unfortunately for west"? I think it is fortunate that my opponents are trying to bid my suit, it increases the chances the hand will go well for us. Pass, of course.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Haha fair comment. I think I meant it is unfortunate that they can no longer bid - I like bidding! Dom
@richardnewell8478 2 ай бұрын
there is NO WAY you want to respond two of a suit with that anemic 8-loser hand. My advice is to dump ACOL and start playing 5-card majors. And bid 1NT for the moment.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
There are ups and downs to playing ACOL, I agree, however, responding at the 2 level with an 8-loser hand is completely normal and safe. Make it a 9-loser and now a 2 level response is a stretch. Hope this helps, Dom
@mercutio24 2 ай бұрын
What system are you using here? ACOL?
@learnmodernbridge101 2 ай бұрын
Yes, it's always ACOL, unless otherwise stated.
@andrewwebb9426 2 ай бұрын
Late to comment, I know, but I love these thoughtful analyses of bidding and play/defence. I do, however, wonder if he keeps his partners for very long! That unusual 4NT bid was so over-bearing.
@vasantkulkarni2191 2 ай бұрын
East supported west with 19 points 19+ 11 points = 30 points. South with 9 points in hand did not have a chance. Both did not give a chance to South and North.
@andrewwebb9426 2 ай бұрын
I’ve found your site rather late! I’d like to say I like the way you explain your thinking on both bidding and play so well, though. Thank you.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Thanks Andrew. Glad to hear you are enjoying the videos :) Dom
@TheEricthefruitbat 2 ай бұрын
Interested to see what would have happened after a 1❤ opening. Could partner have participated in the auction? A ♠️ at trick two really looked good.
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hi Eric, Thanks for your comment. Interestingly, I think that West would have probably bid the same 2S bid as a weak jump overcall, and unless N-S were playing 5 card majors, I dont think North has a clear bid. So the end contract would probably be the same! Cheers, Dom
@jimbeglinger 2 ай бұрын
Instead of 4 clubs, why not a double?
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Hi Jim, Thanks for your comment. A double would not show a spade fit and instead would show the other unbid major, in this case hearts. This would be called a 'negative double' and would not represent our stong spade fitting hand here. Cheers, Dom
@vasantkulkarni2191 2 ай бұрын
Contract done by West.
@richardfarrer5616 2 ай бұрын
If declarer has AQ then it doesn't matter which spade we lead. Declarer probably doesn't have Qx or Qxx (though the latter is possible). So the most likely scenario where it make a difference is when declarer has A without Q. In that case, leading the K wins against a singleton Q in dummy or partner's hand (unless declarer has 4 spades). It loses if either has a singleton A.
@allanwebber2606 2 ай бұрын
Really enjoying the thought process from both sides of the table. Interesting and really helpful thx
@learnmodernbridge101 Ай бұрын
Glad you liked it Allan! Dom
@studgerbil9081 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Your partner has a good idea how your hand is shaped.
@SohagMondal-d6w 2 ай бұрын
Love from Bangladesh💙1st view