This flag doesn't represent all same sex attracted people - I abjure it, and I repudiate and condemn the queer supremacy chevron variant. These flags are POLITICAL, the queer one is homophobic and parasitic of LGB identity, and they don't belong in ANY school.
@miss.charlene8 күн бұрын
Will this is it!!! "Don't confuse me with logic. I want my money!" 😂😂
@kelpeyehelp9 күн бұрын
Also your video image is somewhere in the UK, makes sense from a Toronto radio station ;)
@kelpeyehelp9 күн бұрын
Your title left me hanging
@igotron5010 күн бұрын
Distracting me from the fact that I can't find a family doctor in this province by telling me tall tales of how bike lanes make me late for work. Sure, it's those damn cyclists, not the fact that we have added 1 MILLION CARS to the roads since 2019.
@mierne817412 күн бұрын
Jim Cuddy interview starts around 20:55
@shabashabadoo389919 күн бұрын
chow and her team aren’t the sharpest spoons in the drawer but, obviously, she had no attention of attending.
@philanthropest007519 күн бұрын
If a hurricane can be created... Then a hurricane can be destroyed! (just watch - wink wink)
@no1be4me227 күн бұрын
Canada such a sad country we're taxed into the poor house
@no1be4me227 күн бұрын
Perhaps it's time to find a country it's easier to live in
@geeesejeeeze605525 күн бұрын
Leave lol u traitor
@no1be4me227 күн бұрын
Raise the minimum wage so the crooked politicians can get rich and the hard work and people can get poorer pretty sad when you got to pay half your money in taxes
@rebelsnappingturtle509727 күн бұрын
Good alternative to Trudeau but not a great alternative.
@brownmut5518Ай бұрын
My god!!! The Premier basically told people to take responsibility for themselves. Outrageous!!!
@no1be4me2Ай бұрын
Ford has millions of dollars it's easy for him to look down on everyone else but yet pretend he's sympathetic
@no1be4me2Ай бұрын
Get a job so you can get hurt at work and make more money
@no1be4me2Ай бұрын
Work like a dog to give half your money in taxes
@nicoletravis8702Ай бұрын
I met this guy at a Comic Con Convention he was really nice
@ArgentPureАй бұрын
This move does nothing to help small Artisan producers!
nobody cares!
@waynehodgson4613Ай бұрын
Love it jerry!
@richardbeling18352 ай бұрын
My favorite part was (just a taste he says opium yam yam)
@SG-tv5gc2 ай бұрын
What a wonderful movie. Incredible story. Thanks for your part in getting it out Chris.
@Nookdashiddole2 ай бұрын
@IncogNito-gg6uh2 ай бұрын
His commercial for The Travel Channel is one of my all time favorites.
@MrMan-yt3yd2 ай бұрын
Just when I forgot about that story when the Rogers Centre (formerly SkyDome) opened Jerry brings it up. Appreciate it man 😄
@rrb792 ай бұрын
What a likeable, class act Mr Hurley is! Why indeed?!😂
@shugadri2 ай бұрын
god pierre is so hottttt
@ryanmiller79802 ай бұрын
U r the man Chris love ya brother 🎉
@Kuumba2 ай бұрын
I defitently agree with pierre said in response to the question at 1:14 . Im glad our poiticians here and Canada can actually be seen faced to faced without tons of security unlike the USA.
@Blazefireert2 ай бұрын
got that am radio quality mic
@wwemasta2 ай бұрын
STOP GIVING THIS CREEP MORE TV TIMe. therers ovbiously that something happend between chris jericho and kylie rae. if u notice, jericho doesnt really rant ont witter anymore and goes ond runken rants. ever since those allegeations he is acting like it never exitsed
@maitreyas.49022 ай бұрын
I guess.
@EMP-Music2 ай бұрын
Jericho on tv every week ruining his legacy in real time
@edlinke23682 ай бұрын
i dont think he has 2 worry every1 loves this man
@cowman8593 ай бұрын
Trudeau has created this Canada. Not the one I know anymore. He has created risk and is complicit in many deaths and other acts of violence. Jerry for PM!!!
@GB-yx7go3 ай бұрын
SEE… Jordan Peterson with Pierre interview. He is a man with a plan 🍎🍎🍎
@kpopmember12333 ай бұрын
Hi Pierre ::)
@mblack90873 ай бұрын
This is man who mocks people in parliament, who runs a hate campaign, has a problem with the LGBTQ+ community, people of colour, unions, the police, women, etc. You get it. Canada is fine. But sure, go ahead, let this guy remove free health care and for you to pay health insurance premiums monthly. Am sure the right would love to pay more fees.
@JA-mq9ti3 ай бұрын
Why would anyone threaten him, this guy is trying to improve the shitty state Canada is in...
@rometimed13823 ай бұрын
"I'm not going to judge my success on a policy based on how expensive I can be on it. ... Trudeau cancelled F35s, then years later changed his mind and spent billions extra. That gets you closer to 2% of GDP but not any safer!" Brilliant.
@chomorrump-d9f3 ай бұрын
PP can never escape the shadow of harper. ford is a conservative and look at toronto..PP knows many people hate him.
@koppy823 ай бұрын
Such a breathe of fresh air holy shit lol
@garyhaggquist7403 ай бұрын
Who's being fooled by Poilievre? Benjamin Perrin, a conservative and former legal council to Stephen Harper has studied the drug crisis and is openly critical of Poilievre's drug policies. Criminalizing substance use disorder doesn't work! It makes people less likely to seek help with their addiction. Poilievre doesn't support safe supply and that would leave addicts no choice but to use toxic contaminated street drugs. Safe regulated supply stabilizes addicts, keeps them alive and away from criminal justice involvement, and increases their chances of getting into treatment. Poilievre's carbon tax allergies are totally irrational & irresponsible. The largest ever study on carbon pricing proves that it works at lowering fossil fuel CO2 emissions growth rates. Economists agree that it's the cheapest way to reduce emissions with the least amount of harm to the economy. Poilievre refuses to say how he would reduce emissions at a lower cost - because he can't - and has no intention of doing so in the first place. The bank of Canada has stated that the carbon tax is responsible for just .15% of inflation, a fraction of 1% - that's minuscule. Meanwhile, evidence shows that rising oil & gas costs are responsible for 33% of inflation. The fossil fuel industry is feasting on record windfall profits while it gouges struggling Canadians at the pumps. Crickets from Poilievre on that of course. When Conservatives left office military spending was 1% of GDP. Canada now spends 1.33% of GDP making us the 7th largest spender in NATO and the 14 largest in the world. Canadian veterans declared war on Poilievre & his Conservative colleagues after they shut down nine Veterans Affairs offices to save $3.78 million while spending $4 million to buy playoff hockey ads.Conservatives spent $750,000 in legal fees fighting to claw back millions of dollars annually from more than 4,000 disabled veterans and their families. When a vet spoke out against this, Conservatives smeared his reputation and released his medical records. Totally immoral, unethical, and un-Canadian. Don't be fooled by "axe the facts" Poilievre!
@mindsoundmeditation79623 ай бұрын
Not voting Trudeau.. Never voting for mini Harper aka Poilievre! Do better political parties!
@cre8ivjay3 ай бұрын
This guy is so schmarmy. Literally do a search on the crap he spews out. You find out pretty quickly it's not true. Don't take my word for it.
@bobabooey45373 ай бұрын
Id never trust a guy who thinks he had to change his look for votes. A year ago this guy was a nerdy looking man. He wore glasses and had neatly parted hair. He seemed to change his look to a more relaxed, easy going guy. Id never trust him for that. Its phony. Canada is in trouble, just like America. We have no solid leadership in this country. This guy is not the answer. All he does is mock Trudeau, which is easy to do, but thats all he does anytime I hear him. No talk of fixing Canada.
@GB-yx7go3 ай бұрын
Educate yourself. No wonder Canada is being destroyed. To many ignorants
@somedude66833 ай бұрын
Why can't *_Turdeau_* do interviews?
@Seaward12243 ай бұрын
I only wish we didn’t need to wait any longer to make this political change. Canada needs and wants change. Why wait if the majority of Canada has lost confidence in both Liberals and NDP?
@MsTrixiebaby3 ай бұрын
Pure excellent :)
@ChetManly20473 ай бұрын
@freeguy37513 ай бұрын
As a man sober 8 years now, I can truly agree with Pierre that abstinence and treatment is wayy better than harm reduction